The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, August 10, 1916, Image 8

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    in t u ì
s. s. s. s.
The above four S ’ s are the
four corner stones upon
which our bank stands, and
they stand for
And SA F E T Y is the watch­
word under which all our
loans are made.
- The—
First National Bank
Forest Grove, Ore.
Member Federal Reserve Bank.
Mrs J. C. Latta visited friends
Jim Benoit visited friends at
Hillsboro Friday.
Salem Sunday.
Roma LaHaie Tuesday moved
Mrs. H. J. Walrath and son
his family to Ostrander, Wash.
are visiting friends in Portland.
J. G. Boos of Gaston, former
Arthur Dougan and wife have mayor of this city, was in town
gone to West 'lim ber to reside.
: yesterday,
The E. F. Burlingham family |
Clark and daughter, Betty,
entertained friends irom Portland are visiting the Camp Fire girls
over Sunday.
at their camp on the Salmon-
Brick ice cream at Shearer’s— berry.
Mrs. Dodds of Seattle, who is
25c and 50c. Keeps two hours
visiting at the Pratt home, enter­
without ice.y
Harold Sappington has returned tained company from Portland
rom the beach, where he has been Tuesday.
Halbert Holmes, Donald Mc-
spending his vacation.
Feeters and Watson Dodds left
Mrs. W. J . McCready has Tuesday for the Wilson River for
issued invitations to a sewing
a two weeks’ outing.
party tomorrow afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. 0 . Roe went
Misses Kathryn a n d Louise to Newport Friday, Charley for a
Carlin of Portland spent the week­ ten-day visit and Mrs. Roe for a
end with Mrs. R. W. Reder.
month or six weeks.
Margaret McFeeters has gone
Miss Bernice Via, who has been
visiting friends in this city, has to a wholesale millinery house in
returned to her home at Buxton. | Portland to look up the fall styles.
She will be there two weeks
Ruth Frost of Watts district
was the guest of Forest Grove ■ Carl Stribich has begun work
friends for a few days last week. on a five-room cottage on his lot
; north of the Hoffman Evaporator.
Gertrude Allen spent a few, j j e gays be ¡s tjre(j 0f paying rent,
days with her friend, Alene John-
_. , _ ,
, _ .
. , ,
son, at Springhill farm last week.
Dick Rode of Gales Creek had
la valuable dog so badly injured in
1 he Lion C lothing company, a mowing machine a few days ago
Portland, makes an important that the animal was killed to end
trading stamp announcement in :ts «nffprina«
its ad, on page five.
V u t fi^ n boy scouts under
When you go on your vacation, the leadership of Oliver Buxton
have the Express follow you. No took a hike to "Rippling Water”
extra charge to regular subscrib- and spent Saturday night and
ers, inside the United States.
i Sunday in the woods
Mrs. Harry Underhill, residing’ The recruits t o the Oregon
north of town, who has been very National Guard who have been
ill with ptomaine poisoning, is r e - gathering at Clackamas s i n c e
ported considerably improved.
J u n e 30th, departed Tuesday
Mrs. Mary Fuqua
k w >» is
:*■ moving
eveni ng for the border,
Last Friday, while Mr. and
into the house on First Avenue
North, owm d by Mr Nauffts and Mrs. Oscar Ahlstrom were away
formerly occupied by A. Kirk- from home somebody entered
their residence and carried away
wook and wife.
Ahlstrom’s coat.
Mrs L. M . Graham and son ,!
Going After
The season opens next T u esday, Aug. 15^
and we can sell you the rig h t kind of Riflg
and Ammunition, as w ell as guns and am­
munition fo r all kinds o f gam e. And we’re
still selling ammunition a little below Port,
land prices.
If you need a hunting or fishing licence, we
can accommodate you.
And don’t forget that we are headquarters
E Q U IP M E N T .
Phone 683
F orest Grove, Ore
pickers, not less. Do not ask
Where anyone signs up forf
pickers and they do not all
: their shed will be rejected
we have plenty. We do not
you to sign up with us unless
are sure of coming. Pickers
be paid $1.00 per hundred,
move pickers from Forest Gro
only this year.
Very Truly Yours,
J. W. Seavey,
Per Ralph C. Oglesby,
Grandma DeBord had the misfortune
to fall and break her hip while picnick-
Job printing— phone 821.
ing with a party o f friends out on Gales
Creek. She is now in the hospital at
Get your violin strings at the
Book Store— the best.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoar were guests
Frank Emerson was in Port­
at the Alva LaMont home on Sunday.
land Tuesday on business. •
Thelma Raz gave a party to a num­
Miss Manche Langley had legal
ber o f her little friends Sunday, the
business in Portland Tuesday.
occasion being her eighth birthday,
Those present were: Alice Nelson, Ivy
We will insure your auto against
Nelson; Margaret Jack, Emil Jack and
fire, theft and collision. Hancock
Erwin Raz.
& Wiles.
Riverside Grange meets next Friday,
Brick ice cream at Shearer’s—
but in the evening, owing to so many
25c and 50c. Keeps two hours
R. Schultz arrived yesterday members being busy in the harvest.
Laddie, left Tuesday for a visit
without ice.
Mrs. J. W. Hughes and daughter,
with their daughter and sister, from Albany and, after visiting
Mrs. Stevenson o f Oswego Mrs. Coila West, and family, in over night with his son, W. F., Grace, are rusticating at the beach.
In the " ,unty Court of the State
county, N. Y ., is visiting her ths Hillside district.
Mrs. Jennie VanMeter was a Grove
and family, departed this morn­
Oreg . 1 , fo r Washington county.
sister, Mrs. Dr. Coon, in this c it y ., . .
visitor on Saturday.
the m atter o f the es­
Margaret Morgan, Fay Schroe-
tate o f Charles H . Pratt, NOTICE
Mrs. Zoe Hartrampf has re-I dcr, Vera Campbell. Verm Schiffer, a visit
. . . with
. . . the two other sons
Millinery Bargains
turned from her visit to Carona, Jessie Go dman and Evelyn Me- jnear Muchell.
N otice is hereby given that M.
Calif., and is again on duty at the Feeters were out for a hike to
The members of the Oregon
prices during the remaining days Fenenga, executor of the last Will
Roderick Falls and other places
State Editorial association, in
o f Charles H. Pratt, f
of August, to make room for the Testament
ed, having filed in the County Court
Miss Nell Hughes of Los An- on Sunday.
session at Medford last week,
new fall and winter goods.* All Washington county, Oregon, his
geles, Calif., arrived Tuesday to
O. L. Purcell, late of Cornelius, re-elected E. E. Brody of Oregon
account o f his administration of
felt hats at reduced prices.
visit with her aunt, Mrs. John has purchased the Markham tail- City as president A. E. Voorhies
estate, the hearing of the same
oring and cleaning c s ta M is h n v nt v k t president, Phil S. Bates sec-
been fixed by the Court fori
the fifth day o f September, 1916, at
E. E. Quick has returned to his and has taken possession. Mr retary and treasurer,
hour o f ten o ’clock in the forenoon,
Elva Miliintry Shop.
home at St Helens, after a visit Markham expects to enter a busi-
Last Thursday while Miss On i
the County Court Room, in the
with the family of his brother, 0 . ness college this fall. Em onsof Beaverton was driving
House at Hillsboro, Washington
Notice to Hop Pickers
E., in this citv.
Prof, and Mrs. Henry Price, an auto across the S. P. track, she
All persons wishing to pick hops
All persons interested in said
Will McEldowney and family who have been visiting the Ras- “ killed” her engine on the crossing
are notified then and there to
returned last week from their mussen family here, went to Port- an(l a train came along and bump- at the J. W. Seavey hop yard, and
show cause, if any they have,
farm in Ontario, Ore., where they land Monday, where they will ed the auto off the track. Miss will please sign up as soon as the said account should not be
spent most of the summer.
make their home. Prof. Price Emons is in a hospital with a possible as we are getting our and allowed.
Dated this tenth day of Augusts
S. G. Morgan, wife and daugh­ wi,l ■ teach in the St. John’s High broken shoulder, her brother, Vic­ pickers from Portland now and
ter, Marvaret, motored to Port­ School.
tor. who was teaching her to drive, will continue to get them there
Executor of the Last Will
land Tuesday to hear Billy Sun­
M rs. S. G. Morgan, Mrs. Rey­ was -lightly bruised and the auto until we have a full crew. Sheds
Testament of Charles H.
day lecture on prohibition.
nolds. Margaret Morgan. Jessie was badly ‘ 'mussed.”
will be reserved for four or more
Mrs. Ed Ahlgren, Miss Eva
Ahlgren, Miss Bertha Kapple and
Herbert Kapple of Davids Hill
spent Sunday at Rockaway beach.
The high school boys are arrang­
ing to place a seventy-five-foot
flag pole on the campus before
school re-opens and will float Old
Glory to the breezes.
Miss Hazel Hundley, who has
been assisting Mrs. Dixon in the
millinery store for several years,
is in Portland, working in a whole­
sale millinery establishment.
Miss Gwendolyn Hughes left
Monday, after having visited a
few days with friends in Forest
Grove. She will go to join her
sister, Sally, in September a t
Grinnell, Iowa, where they will
both attend school.
Reynolds and Carol Phillips mo­
tored to North Plains Saturday
Miss Reynolds remained for a
few days with her brother, Arthur
Reynolds, and family.
T h e members o f Rosewood
Camp. No. 8835 R N . A., will
give their annual picnic at Stokes’
wood, near the Roswurm residence
tomorrow (Friday), Aug. 11th.
All Royal Neighbors and their
famili«* are invited. Bring well-
filled baskets.
D r. Brookbank. who took his
wife and sister. Miss Stoecker, of
Seattle, to Newport in his car last
Wednesday, returned
evening, leaving the ladies to con­
tinue their outing until Sept 1st.
The doctor went by way of Dal
las and King’s valley and found
the roads excellent.
Are a boon to W o­
men ami we have
tw o we would like to
•how you the Peerless W ater Motor Waaher and • fine Electric Machine
Washing Machines
Bon-Ami Short-Burner Oil Stove
Heats quicker than any other make; clean and odorless.
Tubular Suction-Feed Cream S e p a ra to r
la a machine we are not afraid to recommend to our best friends
( amp Stove», Tents and Ice Cream Freezer»
Phone 663
= = = = =
H ollis & G raham ,
Attorneys for Executor.
B ig
Catholic Harvest
- - Fete - -
r ^ e n l / S ssr
fashioned Dinner, from 5 30 to 7 00 ¡¡¡¡¡f nWlth ?
in the line o f
Prime Shoulder Pot Roast»
Beef, the pound ..._...... ——
j f j j d j r t Gara*e (known
L ow er Prices on Quality
Rib and Brisket
Boiling Meat, the pound - —
Aug. 29,30 and 31 and
September 1 and 2
in the stone
bl? ’ old‘
< 0° ’ and an entertainment
Dramas, Comedies and Vaudeville
Everyone is Welcome.
Those holding Dinner T i c k ^ vvin'T aiVnn.^ daytime free,
evening for which’ tickets are sold
Free in the
eluding children, 10c. Watch for fn * i !r U8SIOn to others in*
(The extra hooth, «tin
. further announcements.
ness places o f Forest Grove.’ "r e n t flil ™A s m a U ^ by-bHsi*
on sales made is all that will h » „„I , I ’ J r STna11 commission
apply to CATHOL C H AR VESTIrPTF r f f i j S S S F sPace
11. Forest Grove. Only one f i r m in £ COMMITTEE. Box
will be given space. \ chart of f W ^n lne ? f business
lars. will be ready on Monday. AuguJt llt h ? ’ ^
Fancy Cross Rib Roast
the pound........................ .
Sirloin, Tenderloin and Ra®^ jjj
Steaks, the pound-------------
PURITY Home-rendered Lari
the No. 5 pail....— .....-—
The No. 10 pail---------------"
(Our pails are redeemed^
empth at 5c and 10c *** ^
extra saving to yoo)-
The Meat Market
Grocery Store De W
Phone 061