The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, August 10, 1916, Image 6

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    The Red^Mirage
A Story of the French Legion
in Algiers
B y L A. R. W Y L I E
<Ali itohu
Munii La.1
Destlnn looked up Into the keen stg
ulflcaut eyes.
"You are very persistent. Mr. l-ows,
he said.
Stephen Low e leaned forward: his
frail body emanated a sudden power
and the knowledge of power.
“ I do not know. My offer Is not the
old offer. Colonel Destlnn.
It's not
As a French officer and
naturalized Frenchman, you never can
offer your Invention to another na
"There la n man who will Inherit II
— my son."
"Tomorrow you may have no son.”
I'estlnn uinde a single geaturo— the
Instinctive, upward movement of
man seeking to protect the face from
a sudden blow.
“ My son la In England; hs Is with
his regiment.”
" I f you had accepted my levuid offer
you would know that he resigned his
commission over a year ago. lie did
so at Sower’s request to save your
honor." He waltisl a moment, study
Ing the ttvld Immobile features with
a pitying Interest. The Iron mask was
down. It was a curious, terrible thing
Fate Decides.
Destiny hud decreed Unit Desire Ar-
uiiltd should die. He was III Ida room
now. dying quietly and unostentatious
ly, “ from the brain d o w n ward," as the
doctor had explained to Madams Ar­
naud with extreme gentleness, and had
been deeply moved by the manner of
Its reception. She had not cried nr
She had looked at him with
her warm brown eyes, and hnd given
him her hand with a quiet dignity.
“ It Is the will o f Hod. doctor."
He had admired her Immensely, and
■he had admired herself. "The will of
Hod!” It was beautiful ami slmpls.
and It was wonderful to And that lu
spite of untderu skepticism all things
work out for ths Ix-st for those who
surrender themselves to ths unseen
R O S E N T H A L 'S
1S1-ISJ P osi si., San ITanclaoo, Cal.
And now tills woman was here -this
woman In the pale gray dress, with
ths brown hair and small dend-whlts
face, out of which the eyss burned
with a fierce consuming energy and
Make us fo u r r f i I shl|imsnt of ('r * iin
Mrs. Farquhar lies stricken with
guarant»*# slHw.lul.vly c o r r e c t t r s i a
Im m *
»lists» returns Right treatm ent. |M) IT NOW
total paralysis.” (iabrielle Smith said.
She cannot speak to me. but I can
read her eye a. She Is asking for her
son. Mndniue Arnaud. you have Influ­
ence with Colonel Destlnn. You can
set Richard Farquhar free.
Incredible, Si «ill SI jas in i Nriit far rich Mi u »put tan
ridiculous. It was tsctlesa. Above ell.
THI M. F. N oston C o . ferflMi Ora. faaffa. sa
It brought storm Into her peace. Yet
she remained gentle— very calm.
"You ask me to Intervene at a
strange moment fur a strange cause. l o «m i f rum all polnU «»n htniuholtl k u n U, pian*»«,
Miss Smith," she said. “ My husband and fuiUxnobél*#. Information c h M ffn llf *lv tn
shall die ns one. You will he shot—
unbound—at daybreak— by your com
— 18 —
S y lv ls O m n »f, her lovsr. R ichard F sr- rsdes."
quliar. finds. has fallen In le v « w tlh c » p -
“ I thank you. Colonel I'estlnn."
fuln Arnaud o f the F oreign le g io n . F a r-
The major looked up iihyly. Through
yuhar fo r r e t Sower to huv* P resto n 's 1 O
" • » returned to him. Sow er fo r c e « F a r ­ out he bad tven conscious of something
quhar to resign h i» com mission. G ab rlslla
saves F arqu h sr from lu lo h )«. T o «h l«M uti seen passing between these two
Arnaud, S y lv iu s flan.-«, F arqu h ar p ro­ men; he saw uow that they gated at
fesses to have stolen w ar plans.
R ich ard N am eless he Joins ths F oreign each other unflinchingly with that In­
le g io n . Farqu har m eet» S y lv ia amt G a ­ tensity which seeks below the surface
brielis. Arnaud becom es a drunkard and
for the Inexplicable.
opium sm oker
S y lv ia becomes frien d ly
w ith Colonel IVatlnn.
Arnaud becomes
The sergeant came forward and
Jealous o f Farqu har and Is shot down t y
him. Arnaud goes to a dancing g irl w h o touched the condemned man on the
lo v e « him for com fort. G a b rie li« m eets shoulder.
He turned at once with a
lx*we. fo r whom she had sacrificed p osi­
whimsical shrug o f apology,
tion and reputation, and tells him she Is little
fre e from him
S v lv la meets I'estln n be­ bowed ceremoniously to the whole
hind the mosque Arnaud becomes 111 but
S y lv ia w ill not help him. nor In te rfe re fo r court, and to his owu horror the major
Farqu har
G a b rie le , aiding Karquhar. realised that he had returned the sa­
w ho Is under punishment. Is m istaken by lute.
He glanced auxlously around
him In his delirium fo r Sylvia. F arqu h ar
d eliverin g a
m essage to
IV s tln n
at him. and recognised on the face« of bis
night finds S y lv ia w ith him
H e learns companions the same uncertainty and
that It was G ab rlelle who aided htm. Oa-
I'estlnn looked at no
brlelle leaves S y lv ia and goes to F ar- bewilderment.
quhar's m other, who has com e tv' A lg ie rs one.
In an effo rt to save her son. W h ile on a
Menard Nameless was led out Into
march F arqu h ar saves I'e s tln n '» life A r ­
naud brings re lie f to the column attacked the sunshine.
With his pnsalng the
by Arab s
Farqu har Is tried fo r mutiny.
spirit o f tension passed also: there re­
turned the old torpor, touched w ith the
petulant irritation o f exhausted uerve*
Suppose that you had saved
that have been too highly strung
the life of another and that hs
Colonel Destlnn picked up his kepi
realized his obligation, and sup­
and. without greeting, strode out of
pose that he was given the op­
the courthouse. The rest followed. Rut
portunity of saving your life
as they reached the door they hesi­
and refused to do so— could you
tated. Someone had laughed. It was
u dying.”
die serenely, with faith In the
no usual sound: In the heavy stillness
“ And the man who aaved him?"
justice and goodness of God?
It rang shrill and unnatural. They
Sylvia glanced toward the curtained
turned and saw that Desire Arnaud
doorway and laid her Huger gently to
had not moved. He sat at the table
her lips.
CHAPTER XIX—Continued.
with his bands spread out before him
“ Hush, you must not talk so loud.
I and laughed.
My husband Is sleeping. And then—
Legionary, you are charged on your
major shrugged h!a shoulders.
I am sorry— I can do nothing. Should
own confession.
Do you still Insist
“ I have seen It coming.” he said re­
I be Justified lu trying? Your— feeling
that you were the sole Instigator and gretfully. “ I have seen It coming a
blinds you. Miss Smith. I cannot, even
leader o f the mutiny?”
long time. Ah. this terrible country—
for the memory o f a girlhood's friend­
“ _ Yes, . my colonel."
, this terrible, beautiful country! It Is
ship. take up arms— risk perhaps hu­
t0 m3ke- 00 I plttabla— nd his poor w ife! Well. I
miliation and misunderstanding for a
explanation to offer?’
shall give our friend, the doctor, a hint
man who »old hla country for a
“ None.”
He will know better— ”
Colonel Destlnn leaned forward on
He too went out. but the langhter “ Tomorrow You May Have No Son."
“ Mr. Preston 1» In Rldl-bol-Abbea,"
his elbow. And suddenly It seemed followed him. It drifted out on to the
wna the answer. “ Mr. Preston knows
to the man beside him that he bad courtyard, and rose with the stifling to see this man, who bad brazened
that Richard chose the ap;>earance of
ceased to Interrogate— that he was waves of heat to the windows of the out death and every law o f humanity,
dishonor to save your huahaud—your
pleading with a smothered passionate whitewashed room where Colonel Des- reel with the shaking foundations of
happiness. Madame Arnaud.”
tinn sat with his forehead pressed his secret temple. “ You gave your son
Sylvia recoiled the atep she had
“ Captain Arnaud. yon were with me. against bis clenched hands, listening his life,” Lowe went on quietly. “ You
taken. Her bunda were pressed to her
You were the sole survivor o f my utaff. _____
It stopped
at _____________
last abruptly, _______
tragically. have ruined It. In a few hours It tnay face.
Have you anything to say for this an(j {»estlnn lifted his bead as though Anally be taken from blm. It lie* In
“ I f that were true—” Rut she did
m an'*’
released from a hypnotic trance. A your power to give him hack that life not ask a question. She knew thnt It
There was a brief silence. It seemed , little group o f men in white drill unl- and the conditions which make It was true. It was pitiable— terrible—
as though Arnaud had not heard n e forms were crossing the courtyard, worth the llvlug. Have you not— as I
lienutlful. Her whole soul seemed to
was still staring in front of him, and a Thev were carrving something between have— some sense o f atouement?*'
»•\puml beneath Its beauty. There had
full minute passed before he lifted them—something that
fought and
"Atonement— you?”
been no "other woman” In his life—
his eyes slowly, reluctantly to Des- struggled.
Lowe bowed bis head In grave depre­
only the oue— Sylvia Arnaud. for whom
t' nn ® / aCC' . .
Colonel Destlnn’* eyes were fixed cation.
he hnd sacrificed tils honor, his name,
“ I am a blackmailing scoundrel, end
And t^en suddenly he half on
broad red line which ran from
his place. And now It was for her to
arose, his hands gripping the edge of nortt, to south, past carefully marked quite ruthless— as you have been and act and to use her power nobly— to re
the table. " I — I—h.-i ve
But 1 understand atonement
He stopped. towns and villages, through white are.
guln the ground lost on that fatal eve­
space* o f open plain, skirting broad Moreover, you know that I am not ning—to win hark the holy place In tils
waterways and low-ridged mountains, lying—and that what I promise to do life. Suddenly she held out tier hands
to the immense yellow bank where It I will do.”
"flnhrlelle. forgive me!” she snld
Colonel Destlnn turned and crossed
ended abruptly, like some proud
gently, and there were tears gathering
the room. Lowe watted composedly,
thought that had come to nothing.
" I muat have
without triumph. He saw Destlnu take on brr long laslie*.
! Colonel I'estlnn !>ent lower, his brows
a key from the Inner pocket o f his dol­ seemed hard— wicked. I did not un
contracted In Impatient bitterness
man and Insert It In the lock of the deratand. I had not your lore— or the
With a red pencil be struck off an Inch
small Iron saf«- let Into the wall. H e ! faith that love gives. I saw only dls
of the great line and marked It with a
came hack a moment later with a sheaf honor—and sometimes we who stand
cross. The place o f the seven hundred
of transparent paper In his band. He outalde tiie stress o f life Judge very
swayed slightly.
The door opened again. He did not
“ Hut you knew him.” was the stern
“ These are— the plana.”
hear It. His knuckles were pressed
Lowe made a little movement o f as reproach.
against his forehead, ns though crush­ surance.
“ I whr a child. Oahrlelle. Can’t yon
ing back an Intolerable recollection,
Will you, too. Judge
“ Consider! A friendly power—”
j Only as he was addressed by name he
Destlnn laughed under his breath. handily?"
started and glanced bock over bis
Very deliberately he tore the delicate
y ,
paper aero*» and across. "N ot that.” I
“ I must apologize. Colonel Destlnn. he said under his breath, "not that. My
But will Sylvia plead for the
i I ventured to come in unannounced. sod — would not dealre tbaL”
life of Richard If she learna
The sentry appears to regard me as
that Colonel Deatinn will ex-
There was n silence. Stephen Lowe j
' one o f the fam ily with the right to
pect her to sacrifice her honor
glanced curiously and a little bitterly
I come and go as I please.”
to him for the sake of the con­
a♦ the white shred* fluttering through
“ You have earned the privilege. the sunlight, and then for the last time
demned man?
I’ray be seated.”
at the peaceful face o f the man beside
The visitor came slowly, haltingly blm.
across the room. He came to the table,
but did not accept the proffered chair.
I He stood I d an attitude o f listless ex­ Q U ICK W IT S A V E D B U R G L A R tie, ho Invited the constable to have
a glass of wine. He ill the dining room
haustion. bis hands clasped on the
gas and produced a bottle of port. A f­
heavy walking-stick, hi* face with Its
One Can Imagine Police Officer's Feal- ter they had drunk each other s health
almost unearthly transparency half
Ing* When He Realized How He
he let the constable out and bolted the
turned to the inpouring sunshine.
Had Been Fooled.
door after him.
“ I wa* In the Arab quarter last
The man lost no time In getting the
night. Colonel Destlnn. All-Mahomed's
brother heads a fresh rising. There
The up-to-date burglar la a quick­ "sw ag'' together, and left the house
will be an attack from the north. The witted criminal, arid nothing delights by another exit.
"You W ill Be Shot, Unbound, at Day­ Arabs in the town are arming stealth­ him more than to he “too many” for
Seek Perfection.
ily, but they w ill only move If there the constable, nay* the Ixindon Mall.
break, by Your Comrades-"
has been success outside.”
The greatest ambition that any man
To accomplish this he sometimes ex­
Colonel Destlnn nodded.
HU blank gaze bad passed on. It rest­
hibits a good deal of wit and daring. can have Is that of bringing himself
as close to the Mtandard of perfection
“Th at Is interesting. I f your Infor­ Here Is a case In point
ed on the prisoner’s gaunt untroubled
features and lit up with a flame of mation Is correct, we shall have further
A constable, golhg the rounds of hla as Is possible— perfection of body,
awakened recollection. He relapsed. cause to be grateful to you. Mr. Lowe.” heat a few nights ago. noticed a light mind and soul. This was Intended
“ It Is probably one o f the last serv­ In a house from which the family and to Ire the one great work o f avsry
“ No, I have nothing to say,” he said
slowly and distinctly.
ice* I shall be able to render. Colonel servants had gone to the country. A f­ life; and. If properly takon hold of,
I am retiring from the— ter pulling the hell several times a and used, the best means for accom­
It seemed that the heat became Destlnn.
denser, more stifling. There was no service.”
man put bis head out of the bedroom plishing this purposo are thrown In
"France w ill be the loser."
hound but the soft maddening buzz of
window Ur say that be would Ire down one’s way.
Stephen L ow e did not speak for a In a few minutes. He carne down In
the flies In the circle o f sunshine.
Colonel Destlnn drew himself up stiffly. moment. He was gazing fixedly and a dressing i,own and carrying a candle
Two of a Kind.
“ Then I have no option but to pass apparently indifferently nt the great In his hand.
Mars, the planet, has no rain or
the highest sentence on you. Le­ map spread out on the table before
The constable explained his suspt clouds, making a close analogy be­
gionary.” he said. “There Is only one him.
cion, whereupon the msn stated that tween It and the earthly Mars, ths
mitigation which He* in my power. I
“ I wish to retire a rich man, Colonel he had Just run up to town to see that symbol, which also stands for soma
know that you lire a brave man—you Destlnn.”
all was right After chatting for a 11V of the great bights uf discomfort.
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Teacher— W illie, what la a quadru
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