The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, August 10, 1916, Image 5

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The l^ fiilit o r
He doesn’ t rare if they raise the fare;
He'll be happy, anyway,
Money to loan Valley Realty
they'll just increase his milcaKe
Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf
Which the people pay.
Henry CarMtentt of ChriHty Sta­
tion wan trading in town Satur­
Brick ice cream at Shearer’s —
2.r)C and 50c.
Keeps two hours
We will insure your auto against without ice
fire, theft and collision. Hancock
Prof. Bates preuched at the M.
& Wiles.
F. church Sunday morning and
L. N. Penfield of Portland visit­ evening.
ed over Sunday here with his
We will insure your auto against
fire, theft and collision. Hancock
Currants at 4c per pound if | & Wiles.
you pick yourself. Miss Frances
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McEI-
downey returned Thurday from
Mrs. Wm. Weitzel returned their trip to 'Frisco.
Monday from a week's visit in
A daughter was born Sunday
to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vanouden-
4 IS w
Double S. & H. Stamps Given
166— ITO T M l i t o S T . V
daughter, Martha, and Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Benfer and son, Ken­
neth, went in the Kelsey car, go­
on anything in the line of
ing via Yamhill and Newburg.
Besides the Forest Grove bunch,
those in attendance were L. M.
Ladies’ and Gents’ Underwear
Bitney and family, Fred Yergen
at half price ; Children’s regular
Chas. F. Miller of Portland, a haegen, residing on Route 2.
25c hose, 2 pair for 25c.
... ..
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Yoder, Mr.
former Groveite, visited friends in
Mr. and M r.. Ra legh Walker |,n(] Mr„ H. Bunting. J. Bunting
this city Sunday.
Comer Third St. and Pacific Ave
and hule daughter. Helen, vented am| fami|y , M „ j w Bumi„g,
Phone 41 x
Mrs. Karle Buxton returned last at the Harrington home in Hills­
and Frank Jackson. M>s. David
Thursday from her visit with her boro Sunday.
Sparks was also in attendance,
mother, at Tillamook.
On your vacation trip, load having gone over a few days pre­ to restrain, but only to regulate,
Court o f the state of
Miss Nathelle Higby of lender, your camera with “ Speedex” films viously to visit relatives. She re­ and was therefore not in conflict
Oregon for Washington county.
with the state law, was disposed Richard A. Nale, Plaintiff,
W yo., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. and you will get results. Littler’s turned home Monday, by rail.
by Judge Belt summarily, he
Dorothy Seymour, and family.
It was noon before all themem-
bjdda Lee Nale, Defendant.
pro­ To Edda Lee Nale, Defendant:
The Kxpress is prepared to meet
Mrs. Strickland and family re-' hers had arrived and the first holding that the
uie r
tfs u,auyji Pru
the prices of traveling calendar turned last week from a trip thru ! thing on the program was a big V,d^d waa a" unrea-^naljle and
and IN THE nameof THE STATE OF
void 1 one, and
and one
one not
not necessary
necessary OREGON. You are hereby required to
salesmen in lots of 100 or more.
C alifornia. 1 hey were gone from (chicken dinner, served on the big
appear arid answer the complaint filed
! outdoor tables After the excel- 10
Pn~(*rvat,°n 01 tr>e Pu m ,c against you in the above entitled cause
Chas. Littler and family are home about two months.
and court on or before September 15,
M ltte. Ada and M a r * ^ Tay-| lent dinner the „ember. of the
“ 1916, .......................
moving this week onto the Buell
and if you fail so to appear and
di­ answer, for want thereof plaintiff will
property, on Third Avenue South. lor went Monday afternoon to party put in several hours visit-
vests the city of its power to reg- apply to the Court for a decree dissolv­
the marriage contract now existing
L. M. Graham had several days Astoria, where they will visit a ing, telling stories and at various ulate theaters, Other than the irn- ing
between the plaintiff and defendant
elr 1
of battling with lumbago lust few days with Miss Hazel Davies.
other decree as may be
position of a reasonable license and for 8Uch othe
The election of officers resulted
proper in the premises.
week, but got to work again Mon­
A son was born Friday morn­
fe e ”
i This summons is served upon you by
ing to Mr. and .Mrs. Carl HofT- in the re-e ection of L. M. Bitney |
publication in the Forest Grove Ex­
and J. Bunting as
Washington County Transfers
press, pursuant to an order o f the
Rev. C). H. Holmes preached at man and Carl says he’ll soon have as president
Honorable George R. Bagley, Judge o f
The following real estate trans- . the
union services at the Hillsboro a boy big enough to sell tickets at ^cretary, for a term of five years
above named court, made, dated
The next reunion will be held at fers were recorded with the regís- and filed August 2, 1916, which order
Christian church l a s t Sunday the theater,
! the sume place on the first Sun­ ter of deeds at Hillsboro during directs that this summons be published
Quite a number of Forest Grove
for six consecutive weeks, beginning
day in August, 1917.
the past week:
with the issue dated August 3, 1916,
E. U. Cate is walking with a hunters are getting their rifles in
The Forest Grove party left
Etta Durham, et vir., to F. S. White- and ending with the issue dated Sep-
crutch as a consequence of falling , shape for a deer hunt. The sea-l
p. , p tember 14, 1916, and requires you to
this city at 7 a. m. and returned house et ux, tract T G Naylor u " u appear and answer on or before Sep­
off a ladder one day Iwt week, ■»» opens next Tuesday andre-
No. 43, S 36, 1 N 4, *105.
tember 15, 1916.
spraining his left ankle.
j mains open until sundown of Oct. ■ a very pleasant
. .
L H Britton et ux to Victor Doman,
day with old
Attorney for Plaintiff.
15 acres in H Buxton Jr. and wife D L
The Dan Pierce and J a m e s 31- A hunting license costs a dol-
First publication August 3, 1916.
C, 1 N 4.
lar and
Churchill families spent Sunday !,ar
and entitles
ent,tles the
the holder
holder to
to three,
thrw?l Mrs Kelsey drove her car the
Last publication September 14, 1916.
Victor Doman to M B Britton, 1 acre
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolfard, ( deer, if he can get them, but it is entire trip (91 miles) without kill­ in T G Naylor D L C No. 37, $2,000.
Theresa Roper et vir to Victor Bailey OREGON ELECTRIC TIME CARD
at the foot of Green Mountain.
| unlawful to kill deer without ing, maiming or frightening any­
Dated July IS. 191«
horns and game wardens are as
et ux. 5 acres, S 21, 1 N 4, $250.
Misses Dee Darling, Margaret
body, passing more cars on the
A i t . Pt. L». Pt.
Arr. P. G.
Chester Wright etux to Forest Grove L». P. G.
numerous as fiddlers in Missouri.
Brown and Lorraine Giguere and |
trip than are owner! in Forest National Bank, 1 acre in E Walker D L 6:20 a m 7:40 6:50 a m 8:07
Mrs. H. T. Buxton left Monday 1 J. T. Fletcher, who used to Grove. (This may be a surprise C, 1 N 4, and lots 224, 225, 226, 227, 7:05 a m 8:30 8:15 a m 9:32
for an outing at Rockaway beach., teach school up in Polk county to some of the people who have Johnson Add to Beaverton, $100.
a m 11:40
8:15 a m 9:35 10 ¿5
when most of us were barefooted recently read that she is an “ inex­
U. F. Heineck et ux to Harry Hugill, 9:45 a m 11:00 1:15 p m 2:25
Mesdames Dixon, Littlehales
j 12:30 p m
1:45 3:30 p m 4:40
130 acres in S 13, 2 N 4, $10.
j kids, last Thurskay met on the perienced” driver).
3:45 p m 5:00 5:30 P m 6:45
and Watson and Miss McIntyre, l
Jacob H. Shearer et ux to L E Keck, 5:05
streets one of his Polk county
p m 6:25 6:15 p m 7:30
representing the local millinery 1
4 acres in E Walker D L C, 1 N 3, $10. 7:40 p m
9:05 7:20 p m 8:40
9:45 p m 11:00 11:15 p m 12:35
houses, attended a big exhibit o f 1
Joe> Linville, but he is now Joseph
Taken Up
wholesale millinery at Portland
Linville, a traveling salesman, who
four miles northwest
L». P. G.
Arr P. G.
Arr. PL L». PL
once a;
Mr. and M r. A A Underhill, makes ■ this
in » ca
y about
aoour unce
The to||owing telegram from of Forest Grove, Ore., one light 6:35 a m 7:50 t7:15 a m 8:35
yellow Jersey cow, about five
Mr. Fletcher had not
the last-named a »¡.ter to C. A. " “ "'t1 Mr’ J
rr 8ad no1 Dallas Polk county, appeared in years old, wearing small bell, j t7:20 a m 8:45 t9:05 a m 10:22
Littler, came down from Salem
Joey. slnce 18
80 they *n‘ Sunday’s Oregonian, and will be Ow ner may recover animal by t9:41 a m 11:10 11:00 a m 12:15
the paying feed and advertising bill. 12:35 p m 1:50 2:15 p vn 3:30
Saturday and .pent Sunday pic-|,oyed a n m long vls,t when they of interest in this city, wl
112:00 p m 3:20 t3:30 p m
city council has closed
R. O. Stevenson.
nicking at Roderick Falls with |met'
3:50 p m 5:05 5:40 p m
While J o h n Templeton and theatres by ordinance:
Mr. and Mrs. Littler.
; 14:34 p m
5:55 8:00 P m 7:35
Warranty deed and mortgage
family were at the fire prevention
“ Holding that the local ordi­
t6:22 p m 7:45 t il :15 p m 12:35
Miss Anna Taylor entertained
I lecture at the Star Thursday even­ nance closing theatres on Sunday blanks for sale at the Express 9:35 p m 10:50 sslrOO p m 2:20
Monday in honor of her mother,
ing, someone swiped their Ford is in violation of section 2135, office.
t—Thru s—Sat ss -Sat & Sunday
Mrs. Olive M. Taylor’s eightieth
and the next time they saw it was Lord’s Oregon Laws, commonly
A number o f lady
Free Methodist Church
the following day, when it was known as the Sunday-closing law,
The Express prints butter wrap-
friends were present and the after­
Sabbath school 10 a. m., preach- pers w-ith non-poisonous ink.
found in front of the residence of Judge H. H. Belt, of the Circuit
noon was much enjoyed.
W H. Greer, who says he heard a Court today lifted the Sunday lid ing 11 a. m. and 8 p. m . prayer
George Danser is engaged in , machine stop in fron* of his house
from the moving-picture business, meeting on Wednesday evening at i N . HOFFMAN
modernizing the Hoffman cottage, during the early morning hours.
“ The Dallas city charter gives ^ P- m* All are welcomed,
on south Main street. When hejipj^ spe€tiometer showed the ma-
Attorney At Law
J. N. WOOD, Pastor.
the city the right to regulate the-
and the paperhangers and paint- cbine had traveled 42 miles since ■ atres and the ordinance in ques­
Hancock & Wiles carry Life, Patent Office Business Solicited
ers get through with their work, > it
, f was borrowed.
Barring the tion was passed by the Council
Accident & Fire Insurance.
1-tf ForestGrove,
the cottage will be for rent.
loss of gas and oil, no damage ap­ supposedly in pursuance with the
L. P. Rockwood, assistant to peared to have been done.
charter provision. O. C. Smith
Cecil Cre< 1 at the local entomo-
was arrested for opening his the­
logical bureau, left Saturday for
atre on Sunday night.
San Diego, California., to attend j
.. . , .
. D
“ Police Judge Charles Gregory
a meeting of the American Society
held the ordinance was not in
f r the Advancement of Science.
The famj|jes Df a dozen former conflict with the state law, fining
Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Hodson residents of the Black Hills of Smith. The case was then taken
came down from McMinnville in South Dakota met at Butteville, to the Circuit Court on a writ of
their car Saturday night for a vis- Marion county, last Sunday for review.
it with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Ber­ their annual picnic and reunion.
“ In keeping with a decision of
nard, who took their guests to The attendance was not up to the the Supreme Court in passing on
Soda Springs and the Burpee & average for past years, owing to a matter coming up from Eugene,
Elliott chicken ranch Sunday.
the fact that many of those for- Judge Belt held that the operation
M . R . Johnson, vice president merly attending w e r e on the of a theater on Sunday was not
Do you need anything? READ THE HOME PAPER
of the First National bank, re -1 coast, enjoying a vacation and considered wrong in itself, and
It will tell you where to buy in town.
turned Monday from his home at others were too busy with their was not a profanation of the Sab­
It will tell you where to selL
Harrisburg, where he was called crops to lose the day.
bath He held that the state law
by the illness of a six-year-old! Mr. and Mrs. C. L.VanKough- permitted theatres to run on Sun­
daughter. Mr. Johnson last week net and daughter, Alma, and Mr. day, and for that reason the city
The Home Paper Boosts Home Trade
purchased the Fuqua residence, VanKoughnet’s sister, Miss Mary, could not restrict the rights grant-1
on South First street, and expects and David Sparks went over in ed under the state law.
“ The city*« contention that the
to have his family occupying that the VanKoughnet car, while Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Kelsey and ordinance in question did not seek
property by another week.
We’ll Save You Money
Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions
Closing Out
Circuit Jlldge AllOWS
Sunday Picture Shows
form er Black Hillei*S
Hold AlHllMl KeUMOIl
A Friend In Need
Is a Friend Indeed