Slip ^iim it (Brmtp Sx^trPHH Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher. Entered as second-class matter .Ian. 12, 1916, at the poatofllctf ixi at Forest Grove, Oregon, under the Act o f March S, 1S79 T H U R SD A Y NOTES AND AUG 10 1916 SUITS OVERCOATS RAINCOATS C&tifcng Co. STRONG VALUES W C&JTV C&tiufW Co. CO M M K N T S What are you going to do, mis­ ter, to help make the Washington County Fair a success? Each of us can do something. 3 S H STAMPS GIVEN 3 & H STAMPS GIVEN M O R N IS O N » » HXS t ' t e e - i T o T H i a o « r . C/ ir PORTLAND, OREGON merchants 'those w i v e s a n d daughters go to Portland to do their shopping, claiming they can­ not get what they want in Forest Grove. We common people see what is going on and we follow suit. Then the city council has set an example along the same line by going to Hillsboro, which never does anything for Forest Grove, to hire a city attorney.” Think this over, you business men of Forest Grove, and see if you cannot help to remedy these conditions. TALKS CONCERNING FIRES matches in the bands of children 1 it may mean your life. in the last six months Many The local Commercial Club de­ fires are caused by cigar and cig- frayed the expenses of the Icctuu*, The writer can understand how urette stubs. He has seen as which was certainly a worthy a man who is broke and hungry many as ten people burned to cause. Every property owner or will steal to fet'd himself and fam death by fires thus started since householder who attended the lec­ (('ontinueil from page Ont*) ily, but when a man who pleads ture should be glad he gained he has !>een in the department. guilty to horse-stealing is able to After a brief talk by Mr. Wells People are too careless. Av- such instruction. Local firemen pay a fine of $2,500, the case is outlining the purpose of the lec- erage person does not think about in uniform acted as ushers. The past understanding. ture— to teach greater care in the fire. lecture was free. N o matter how much we may prevention of fires, a series of The safest way to prevent fires disagree with Emperor W illiam ’s moving pictures were shown illus- is care. An e s t e e m e d contemporary policies, or deplore the awful car- trating the way recklessness and Care is worth more than all the nage of wholesale murder going pure carelessness cause nearly all standard requirements o f t h e prints the following suggestion to business men: on in Europe, the great majority fires. In this series of pic ures underwriters, Democrats do not have to de­ "W hen the business men of a of Americans are wishing Captain were shown the rubbish dumped Many fires are caused by elee- pend upon their own numl>er for Koenig and his crew of brave sub­ in corners o f cellars, beneath trie irons, fireless cookers and by town learn that their real com­ approval of the president's M ex­ seamen a safe journey to the home docks, in alleys, woodsheds and having gasoline in the house for petitor is not the mun across the ican policy. For Senator La Fol- street or around the corner, but harbor. Every true American I kitchens that are literally fire- cleaning cloth(‘s, etc. le tte o f Wisconsin, a republican. admires bravery. traps; and burning factories, ho- You shouldn’t keep gasoline in is the big mail order houses of the ---- has joined with scores of other tels and dwellings in many dif- the house! Keep it in a non-ex- large centers, and that these big Uncle Sam’s proposal to pur- leaders of the g. o. p. in commend- j ferent cities thruout the United , plosive can outside, if you must ins; itutions, with their system­ chasefrom Denmark the islands ing it— and the march goes stead- atized method of advertising and | States. The pictures also showed have gasoline around. of St. Croix. St. Thomas and St. ily on ! i how a burning match ca elessly A great number of fires are letting rural communities know John, near Porto Rico, as a naval It is up to republicans now to thrown away, a cigar or cigarette caused by moss on roofs. Moral: what they have to sell and at base for the protection of the prove that their own leaders are r, , • , • . . , . , .. , stub, an electric iron or fireless Clean off the moss: it may save , what price, that will eventually Panama canal, is being opposed wrong in indorsing that policy, , . . # • . , . , get them if they don’t throw off , c . , . • , , ' cooker and defective e wiring had you vour home. by a few senators because the oc- before they can even make a start . „ . - , pictures were a c * l . d u t , ,• j ¡started started fires. The I he pictuies Many fires caused by dumping the yoke of selfishnciws and pull cupation of the Philippines has at criticizing the policy proper. , , , ' .. . . , . . . K pre­ ashes into a wooden barrel or box. together for community upbuild­ lesson in themselves in fire pre- proven expensive. But the Dan- And the task, we opine, will prove vention that made a profound im -' Don’t do it. You can’t trust ing. they are in a fair way to suc­ ish Isles are much nearer our to be “ some chore” before they cess in business. The next move “ cold” ashes. shores. finish with it. prV', lon’ , * t , ... i M r. Stevens Was then intro- You can’t trust a fire less cooker is to profit by these same mail The people of Forest Grove arp *** ‘ ew wee* cs ago the republican order concerns and go after, bus- are duced by Mr. Wells. The Fire for long, nor an electric iron ness in the same way they do: either mighty lucky or they are leaders c l e n c h e d their fists, Marshal of Portland is a surpris­ Gasoline is the most freakish Advertise, advertise R IG H T , and adepts at dodging danger. If their consciences and swat- ingly young man, straight and thing of all to fool with. keep everlastingly at it ” this were not the case, many of f*** boldly at the democratic Mex- well proportioned, and looks like Don’ t give the children matches them would be crippled by the 'can P°bc> as the most absurd, a typical athelete. One s t i l l Loganberry Juice Plant ( losed| to play with, or leave them with­ miserable sidewalks the city dads ; untenable, outrageous policy they wonders how he could have at­ Hoffman & Nichols last Satur­ in the reach of the children. ever saw promulgated b y a n permit in many sections of the tained his position so early in life Never use the common match, day morning finished bottling and Today city. Some of these days the American administration when the Marshal is lecturing, the kind that will strike on any canning the last of 7,000 gallons city will have a damage case that those same leaders find them­ for he seems to have no end of thing; use the “ strike-on-the-box” of loganberry juice and put in the selves battling with their own will cost more than sidewalks knowledge, gained from personal ! kind— they are the safest, hence, a^ ernoon cleaning up the machin- ranks over this question— and in- . . ., ., ery and plant. They used 84,000 , j r • 7, • 1 experience, besides a wide range the only kind to use. A New York woman on her stead of using their ammunition Careless electric wiring is dan­ pounds of berries for which they wedding day told the husband wholly on the democratic enemy o f imformation covering every I paid 3c per pound—a half cent , . . , phase of the origin and preven- gerous. that by making her his wife he they find a stubborn determmed .. , c „ , ' , . He has traveled Don’ t hang an electric wire, more than was paid at Cornelius. had taken her out of hell and ■ republican rank and file inter- ! tion of fires. If they find the demand for juice placed her in heaven. She is now cepting their march to victory thruout the east, visiting New even tho insulated, on anything continues strong, they will more York, Washington, Chicago and metallic. asking the court to take her out upon this issue If caught in a burning building ^ ,an double their output next other large cities, where he in­ of “ heaven” and award her at­ 'Tis no wonder i f Justice torneys’ fees and $20 per month Hughes sits uneasily in his chair spected the fire departments and filled with smoke, remember that yia r ’ ^ ^u‘ Express learns that JO,000 alimony. You can’t suit some and notis the trend of public their methods of fire prevention. the fresh air is dow’n near the instructive floor; get down on the floor where 8 aH°ns were extracted at Laurel- His lecture w ’as most people— not even in “ heaven.” opinion. ’Tis no wonder his issues you can breathe—and find your w°°d and five times that amount as well as full of interest. He and interview’s which he stamps Reading of the number of men told of some very pathetic cases way out by crawling along the at Cornelius. his foot and says the party “ must” The Hoffman plant will be run killed daily in Europe ought to where needless fires had burned floor get together. The approval of kill a lot of Enlarged Egos among children. The latter part of his If you stop at a hotel, first lo- 88 an evaP °ra,or fa l­ the president’s course is so gen­ those of us who imagine the world lecture was illustrated by m oT cate the ways of escape. Be sure Hancock & Wiles have $25,000 uine and so widespread from the would have a hard time wiggling p etures. Among these were pic­ you have the fire escape located; to loan on farms. 1 -tf republican rank and file, and in­ thru its orbit without our Master tures showing the 1700 students cludes so many of the leaders, too, Minds to direct it. The British of the Jefferson High School of that additions to the ranks may lost their Kitchener, but their so’- Portland in a fire drill, fire pre­ be expected daily. diers kept up the battle; Het y vention appliances for manufac­ It would be out of the question Green richest woman in the world, turing plants, patent fire extin­ — ’ twould disturb h is judicial AT H O M E passed away and another Shylock guishers for the home or factory, poise, don’t y o u know— but takes her place. Kill off all the and the work of arsonites. The spend it in Forest Grove, and you have a very good chance wouldn't it be splendid if Justice o f seeing it iigain ; you may even handle it again. Even if swell-heads in Forest Grove and picture of the member of a Port­ Hughes himself would now ap­ you never see it again, some o f your neighbors w ill get it the adjoining county will not feel land arson gang who had bungled prove the policy, too? If he and use it to build up Forest Grove and Washington county. the blow. What excuse have any a job amused the crowd. He had No matter whether you need groceries, clothing, shoes, would, it would simplify matters of us for strutting? been blown by the explosion of automobiles or immensely, for then there would the gasoline fumes, out of a door A number of Nebraska papers not be a single valid issue between into a cherry tree. The pictures are discussing whether o r not him and .his opponent, and the him after the doctor had weekly newspapers should carry people would have the oppor- showed . , .... , , , , an editorial page. T o the Ex­ tunity of choosing a president banda* ed b » hands feet and face in cotton batting. After the lec­ this advice is worth considering, for many a town has been press editor it appeare there is no without a multitude of distres­ promoted to the city class by the patriotism o f its citizens in ture another interesting series of ground for a discussion. Even singly complex questions to con­ refusing to send aw ay for things*they could get at home. moving pictures w e r e shown. the towns too small for daily fuse them while about the task. Some of the pertinent facts of the papers have their short-comings — Omaha World-Herald. lecture follow: and papers that deserve the name For tjie State Fair Sixteen persons were burned to can do much to improve con­ plant is fully equipped for all classes o f job printing, printers L . M . Graham who is prepar- death in Portland the ten months ditions. Nothing would please o f taste and judgement are employed and you can get almost ing a Washington county exhibit before the fire prevention cam­ the grafters more than to have any kind o f stationery the most exacting fancy might crave. for the state fair, wants some paign was begun. In the eight Come and see. all newspapers (daily and weekly) I extra fine grains and vegetables months since the campaign was Or, if you think you have some reason for not patron­ abolish their editorial pages. to add to ffis collection. If farm- launched there were only four izing the Express, take your work to the other local office. “ You might as well quit asking ;*rs the exhibits to Mr deaths by fire. Fires have re- Either will do more for Forest Grove than some printing ., , 7 .. , Graham s office, he will sort, pack , , . 3 concern outside the city or county. the people to patronize the home and ship them He must have duced from 2,000 per year to less PULLING TOGETHER THE MEXICAN POLICY r»™ An/|,L„ I. .. • ,7 m j Keep Your Money Job Printing THE EXPRESS merchants,” said a working man to the Express editor the other day, “ until the merchants learn that it is a poor rule that won’t work both ways.” A s k e d to specify, this man replied, “ I know J these exhibits not later than Sept, than 800. Last year Portland’s 10th and as much earlier as pos- fire loss was nearly $1,700,000; s i b l e . ______________ to date this year it is $500,000 Special sale on toilet paper for only. In the past sixty days six a week at Littler's Pharmacy; 4 fires were caused by electric irons, large 10c rolls for 25c Twenty fires were started by W E’RE IN THE HOFFMAN BUILDING West «I tin* New I. O. ö . F. Hindi P hone S 2 I Forest (¡rove, Oregon