TRENCHES FOR DRAINS Ditching Plows Will Prove of M a­ terial Assistance. Complete House for Only $75 Kor « lu.inaaUad. m a h U ami mn.inlairi aum- mar rwauru. th»re la nothin« tt>a( will la-ai «nir i r. «.ni Itunaaluw Tlila tutu** la matta al • ' " I quality rrtaal (Ir luttiUr. Uia houaa hamr toalU faat In alai, illvlttad Intu twt» rtaama lo aulì ti.a reputremanla wt U.a purehaaar Ima * d.«.ra, 6,wa. furali 4.4 ami «alvarilual alta»! nhlmnay A I.animar, wranrli. and arraw drivar la all that la naadatl lo arar! (tur ni 11 pnoa dlrael tram t o rla r y ut you la only |7ft. Millmade Construction Co., 504 H ood Strani. PORTI.AND. OREGON The Mathews Welding & Cutting Co., Wll E ra ra il Bt . Naar Ninth. I'ortland. Ore. Portable Electric and Oiy-Acetylene Plant. Itoftrfy «1 all Time«. O i y A e n lr U iM W a M in f and ( u ttln f. W t ld in i hy T K a r w II, E ie ctrtc ity , O a jr-A c e ty le n e . W elding oI Sheet M t««l. C u l Iron, Aluminum fclc. Ho.Ur and M arin « W ork a Spatially, A ! HO AfJICNTH T h « Hand^raon W lllU W eldH if and < ut'Uif( ( o . hi la u if, IJ H. A. Federal lira «« W ork«, 3 l«t Hi A K « l / k A v « „ Chieitfo. Apparatus for Digging Ditches for Tlla Dralnsge Systems May Bs Ob­ tained at Prices Ranging From $18 to $«,00p. (From the United Htntt-a Department of Aartcultura.) Home form of trenching muchlnery will prove a profitable Investment, ac­ cording to engineers In the United Siiiies department of agriculture. If the landowner tins more than 100 rods of tile drain to lay In soil that will re- quire picking hut which Is free from rock. I moiling plows that can he pur­ chased for $18 to $20 will prove of material assistance In such work. If us much as 1,000 rods o f tile drain are lo he luld the landowner will be Jus­ tified In purchasing a hprso-drnwn plow at $2G0 to $300. provided tlie soli Is free from rock and large roots. The Installation of r,.00. provided the machine can subsequent­ ly he sold for one-half Its original cost. The various types of trenching ma­ chines are divided. In Farmers' Bul- THE NEW PERKINS HOTEL Special Summer Rates Court Room, Single, 7Sc; Double, $1. Outside Room, Single, $1; Double, $1.50 < Hath prtvtlrg« inriurird) Room* with Private Bath, Single, 51.50, Double, $2.00. iW licn you Itc fU ir r Aak the orta- Sure. Teacher— If a farmer sold five tons of potatoes at sixpence a pound, what would he get? Boy— A motorcar.— London Answers Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs & Farm Produce To IS* Olii Rollatila Evanllmr houaa with a record a t 46 rears o f Square I)«a lin e , and be as. u red o f Top Market Prices. F. M. CRONKHITE, 4547 Front St, PORTLAND. ORE Sow good seed and reap good crops, s e e The seed drill soon pays for Itself, s e a Regularity of feeding and work make long-lived horses. a a a In swine breeding we must consider the slinpe of hog the nearest market demands. a a e Prevent waste and mnko every pound of feed bring the best results possible. • • • The cow Is a living machine ; kindly treatment entails less labor and In­ sures more milk. • P. N. U. No. 32, 1910 IV B F .N writlns to adrar.tiers, please " Uoa (hie paper. ____ ___________ • • Protect the birds. Give them houses and shrubbery and they will work for you nnd give you entertainment. Place a pan o f water where they can drink and bathe. of Eureka Stumping Powder and now I want to sell a lot of other powder that I have,” writes Rudolph Stadcli, Silverton, Ore. “The other powder makes me terriblv sick when I try to use it, but Eureka does not give me the least headache.’ Eureka Stumping Powder is one of the two S T U M P IN G — A G R I C U L T U R A L . Eureka goes farthest and costs least in blasting stumps in dry ground. Giant Stumping Powder saves work and money in blasting in wet soils. Both of these Giant Farm Powders are made especially to meet Western farm conditions. They are made by a Pacific Coast company, with 50 years’ experience — the company that originated all “giant powders.” Your dealer can supply you; if he does not, write us and we will see that you get the genuine, which has the Giant brand on every box. Save Money on Stump Blasting Our valuable illustrated book, “ Better Stump Removing,” shows you how to do it. Send us your address on a post card and wc will mail you this hook and any of four others on Orchard Tillage, Boulder Blasting, Subsoil Blasting and Ditch Blasting, that you care to have. Write for them now. THE GIANT POWDER CO.f Con., San Francuco "E ntrything fo r B lo ttin g " BRANCH OFFICES: SaattL. Spokaaa. Portland. Salt L ak . City. Daarar FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT. 5, 1 9 1 6 tion or storage. The hinges nre so arranged that the ends fold down on the bottom, and the top and sides fold antler the bottom.— Wisconsin Agricul­ turist. Not Likely. Beatrice Amelia, the maid o f all work attached to the domicile of 1111- I kina, decided to link her fate with a member of the opposite sex. A fter the tying up ceremony she ap- | proaehed her late mistress with all j her worldly wealth and requested that It should be kept In to r custody until I («lie d for. “ I'll keep It for you." said the lady Ditching Plow. In astonishment, "but won't you be needing the money to spend on your Another method of securing the serv­ honeymoon?” ices o f a power machine Is for several Amelia eyed her mistress with scorn as she displayed her superior knowl­ landowners to combine In purchasing and using It. edge of the world. Three things nre required of a good “ What, mum!” she exclaimed. “ D’ye (1) It think I'd trust myself with a strange trenching machine, namely: man and all that money on me?"— must operute efficiently through vari­ London Ideas. ous kinds o f soil; (2) It must be cap­ able o f cutting true to grade; (3) It One remedy with many use»— Han­ must work for long periods without ford's Balsam of Myrrh. Adv. hreuklng or otherwise getting out of order. ITobnbly none of the plows or Poor Reward. scoops cuts accurately to grade, and “ Virtue Is Its own reward,” ohserv some hnnd work Is necessary to mnke ed the alleged philosopher. “ Yes." replied the other fellow, "but the trench smooth for laying the tile However, their low cost the reward Is seldom more than 30 properly. makes It profitable to employ them bob a week.”— London Answers. on work that would not Justify the Got All He Wanted. use of more expensive mnchlnery. The cost of trenching hy machinery O'Brien— Did yez convince Cassidy thot he was In the wrong? must Include, besides the expense for Mulligan—Ol dlnnaw If I convinced operation and repairs. Interest on the him; but Ol mod him own up to It.— Boston Transcript. “I bought five boxes Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, Letterwriting, Arithmetic, Commercial Law, and all commercial subjects taught by ex­ perienced teachers. Civil Service training a specialty. The demand for our Graduates exceeds the supply. W rite Today for Free Illustrated Catalogue. LINK’S BUSINESS COLLEGE Phone Main 5083 A. T. LINK. Principal. Tilford Bid’,, Tenth and Morrison Sts., Portland, Or. F E E D IN G A L F A L F A TO H O R SE S Trouble Is Not So Much With Hay as With Method— Too Much Makes the Animals Soft. An Underbidder. K ill A ll F lie s ! “ Y e’ll excuse me, captain,” said O’Harrity, addressing the commander j of the battleship, "but is ut thrue that | The trouble of feeding alfalfa hay to it costs sivin hundred dollars to fire | wan o’ thlm big guns?” horses Is not so mucb with the bay as Daisy Fly Killer "Yes, O’Harrity,” said the captain.; with the method of feeding. Filling the “ Why do you ask?” *0*1 or « aoot by «xprMi, pro^u. tl.LO. mangers morning, noon, and night and “ 01 t’ought Oi might save yez some HAftOLO S O M E R S , IS O O e lU lS A v e ., Creo 1:1 y e , N . T . allowing the horses to eat all they will money, sorr,” said O’Harrity. "Sure makes them soft and windy and causes and ¿ i ’ll fire ’em for yez for tin.”— excessive urination. It Is so palatable New York Times. Granulated Eyelids« __________________ Eyes inflamed by expo- that they overeat. If fed In connection cure to Sao, Dost and Mini with English hay and not over 12 To quickly cool burns and take the \ quickly relieved by Marina pounds weight, the horsec w ill thrive fire out use Hanford’s Balsam. Adv. | EjeUemedy. No Smarting, amazingly. just Eye Comfort. A t Not Complaining. Your Druggist’ s 50c per Bottle. Marine Eya > "So you have to wear your boy Salve in Tubes 2 5c. ForBaokeliheEyeFreeask WATER NECESSARY FOR DUCK Josh’s old clotnes." Druggists or Marine Eye Remedy Co., “ Yep," replied Farmer Corntossel. Young Fowls Chould Not Be Allowed "W e can’t afford to waste ’em. And to Swim— Arrange Dishes for there’s something to be thankful for Celebrate Modestly. when I think of what mother would Drinking Only. One way to celebrate Shakespeare’s be like if Josh had been a daughter In­ tercentenary is to read him. But this stead of a son."— Washington Star. way won’t get your name into the Little ducks should not be allowed papers.— London Opinion. water to swim In. but must have plenty Real Onea. of water to drink and must have it Kindly Explained. “ Has Jenks any grounds for predict­ In dishes deep enough so that they ing a real estate boom in his neighbor­ He— Here Jones and I started in can get their heads Into It up to their business together, and he has retired eyes. They must not, however, be al hood?" "Oh, yes. His own that he wants while I am still in the harness. lowed to get their feet or bodies Into I t to sell.”— Baltimore American. She— But then Jones isn’t a mule. Sore Good pastures, good tnllk checks, good prospects for good prices— save all you can this year. a • a Safety first—a cow and some pigs and chickens when getting a home established on a farm a a a Sweet clover, when grown on run­ down soils, is very beneficial In pre­ venting erosion and washing. a a a Give the dairy cows the usual feed­ ing o f hny nnd grain night nnd morn­ ing until the pastures nre luxuriant, a • a The millets make good catch crops, but the seed should not be allowed to get too ripe If the hny Is to be fed to horses or colts. a • • The production o f milk-producing feed on the farm at the least cost Is an Important factor In years o f great­ est profit from dairying. a a a Concrete foundations extending two and a half feet below the ground and two feet above, will make build­ ings rat proof. HOT WATER AND “ANURIC” BEFORE MEALS—AND HEALTH A ll people In America and especially ! instructed us that In case of sickness. those who are past middle age are resort to Dr. Pierce's dependable prone to eat too much meat and in con­ household prescriptions. These med­ sequence deposit lime-salts in their icines as put up for sale by druggists have never b«en recommended as arteries, veins and joints. They often j "cure-alls.” but only as superior rem­ suffer from twinges of rheumatism or edies for certain common and easily- lumbago, sometimes from gout, swol­ recognized diseaset,. Had these medi­ len hands or feet. Such people are cines been adapted to all classes and not always able to exercise sufficient­ forms of chronic diseases there would ly in the outdoor air or drink enough have been no necessity for organizing pure water in order to sweat freely a competent staff of expert physicians and excrete impurities thru the skin. and surgeons, to act In the treatment Dr. Pierce has conducted experiments of difficult, obscure and comDltcated and thoroughly tested a uric acid sol­ cases of chronic diseases, as Dr. Plerca vent at his Invalids' Hotel and Surgi­ maintains in his Invalids' Hotel and cal Institute which he is convinced is Surgical Institute. Of his home rem­ many times more potent than lithta— edies the most widely known are his this he named "Anurlc.” It can be had | "Favorite Prescription” for womanly at almost all drug stores by simply troubles and run-down conditions pe­ asking for Dr. Pierce’s Anurlc for kid­ culiar to the womanly sex; his “ Golden neys or backache. It will overcome Medical Discovery.” the greatest o f such conditions as rheumatism, drop­ all herbal system tonics and vltallzers. sical swellings, cold extremities, scald­ for stomach, liver and blood disorders, ing and burning urine and sleepless­ as well as his "Pleasant Pellets,” the ness due to constant need of getting tiny, tonic laxatives, overcoming con­ out of bed at night. stipation and cleansing the system o f Our grandmothers have told our poisons and accumulations In th* mothers and our mothers have In turn bowels.