>]| c u o e =51 Brick ice cream at Shearer’s— 25c and 50c. Keeps two hours without ice. The next meeting of Gale Grange will be held on the first Saturday in September. •Miss Pearl Smith returned Sun |GET Y O U R | day from Mabel. Ore., where she has been visiting for some time. Mrs. James B. Kerr and daugh­ C am p S tov e, T en t a n d C o o k in g ters of Portland visited Mrs. U ten sils b e fo r e th e y raise. Livingston and daughter, Lois, Sunday. “ T h e F lo r e n c e ” B lue F la m e Mrs. W. E. Sanders and daugh­ ter, Dorothy, of Spokane, spent Coal Oil S to v e is a p e r fe c t B ea u ty . the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fancy SWEET WATERMELONS ON ICE C. W. Creel. Boiled Ham, Minced Ham, “ T h e N e w P r o c e s s ” G asolin e It is announced that Judge Veal Loaf, Chipped Dried Beef, Hughes, republican presidential R a n g e w ill m a k e y o u sm ile. N o i candidate, will be in Portland Sweet and Sour Pickles, Aug. 16th. sm ok e, n o d irt on y o u r e o o k in g Picnic Plates, 10c per package o f 25 Mrs. Mary Barkis of McMinn­ utensils, n o o d o rs, a p e r fe c t sto v e . ville was a visitor at the home of All Kinds o f Fruits Bananas, Oranges, her son, W. F. Hardison, in this and Vegetables, Raspberries city Sunday. Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Cucumbers Elbert Taylor left the first of and New Potatoes the week for Sundale, Washing­ ton, where he will work in the T. C. LORD, Jr., Prop Phone 6 8 3 Phone 0301 Forest Grove, Ore harvest field. — ------- 51| c = zioi = z 51| c .......- z iq i " ----- The McFarlane family returned the first of the week from Man­ Mrs. Ed. Ward is on the sick ning, where they have been spend­ IF CONDENSED NEWS NOTES DILLEY NEWS NOTES If you were busy being kind. list this week. ing their vacation. Mr». C. A. Brodersen and son, Job printing— phone 821. Before you knew it you woukl And Mrs. Raliegh Walker was a Miss Eunice Bernard left Tues­ You’d Hoon forget to think 'tw io true Harry, were in Portland Saturday. Hancock & Wiles have $25,000 Portland visitor Tuesday. day for McMinnville, where she That someone waa unkind to you. Mrs. Tressie Taylor and grand­ to loan on farms. 1-tf Brick ice cream at Shearer’s — \ joined a camping jKirty bound for If you were busy being glad mother Mrs. Hecox, wert to Sher­ John Baldwin, who has been 25c and 50c. Keep« two hours the Tillamook district, And cheering people who are sad, idan Monday for a short visit. ill, is now slowly improving. without ice. Will Crossley a n d Clinton Altho your heart might ache a hit. You'd noon forget to notice it. A bouncing boy was bom to Mae Ringle, who has been visit­ Mrs H W\ Miller and daugh- Crowning of this city left Friday Mr. and Mrs. James Pollock Sun­ ing in Hillsboro, returned last ter. Bernice, were Beaverton visit- for Eastern Oregon, where they If you were busy being good And doing the very beat you could, day. will secure employment. wee^* ors Tuesday. You’d not have time to blame the man Mrs. J W. Hughes attended Brick ice cream at Shearer’s— Jack*Buell of California is pay- Who’« doing juat the beat he can. Beth Emerson, who has been the sale south of (Cornelius Satur­ 25c and 50c. Keeps two hours visiting at Beaverton the past ing his brother, D. V and family If you were buay Wing true day, that being the community in ^tMi k,M,w y°u uuKht to do, without ice a visit and is well p!e ased with ^"0 week, returned home Saturday You’d be to buay you'd forget which she spent her childhood. Thelma Via of Portland is visit­ Elizabeth and Jewell White- • this part of Oregon. The blunders of the folks you've met. D. D. Sage entertained the hay- ing her grandparents, M r. and house left Monday for the Tilla­ George Christenson, who has i If you were busy being right. balers last week. Mrs. Hugh Smith. mook beaches for a month’s visit. b e e n working on a Columbia You’d And yourself too busy, quite. To criticize your neighbor long Arthur Goodrich is carrying an Opal Dixon returned last week James Twgardwi and family of I rivf r ^ «a s home for a short Because he’s busy doing wrong. arm in a sling as the result of fall­ from Amity where she has been Yamhill visited at the Harry ;vislt tn d a >- and Sl*lurda>'- — Southern Churchman. ing out of a hay loft recently. visiting at the home of her uncle. Xauffts home in this city Sunday. When you go on your vacation, A S t r a n g s R o c k D w e lle r . Prof. W. T . Fletcher, principal Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Littler are Mrs. E. W. Haines and daugh- have the Express follow you. No One o f the strangest creatures known of St. John’s high school, was in extra charge to regular subscrib­ visit from Mr. Littler’s en joying a Mr. Lit tiers ter Ruth> went Saturday to Port- to science Is the ptiolns. or liortng data. When still very minute the ani­ town Tuesday for a visit with his mother, Mrs. W D. Littler of ja ,^ where they are spending ers, inside the United States. mal bofes Into the sandstone ledges at parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Salem. Joe Ramsey of this city, who extreme low water, by means or Its several days visiting friends. has been working in Portland, sharp shell, which Is replaced t>y se­ Fletcher. When Prof. Fletcher Prof. Bates of Pacific University Miss Beulah Ireland returned left for Chicago last week, where cretions as It 1» worn away It i**ne- returned to Portland, his mother will preach at the M. E. church trates the r o c k to a depth of six or and Myrtle Roswurm accompan­ Monday from Rockaway beach, he will secure employment. for both the morning and evening eight Inches anJ hollows out Its bur­ where she has been a week as a services next Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Kauffman rows as It Increases In size. Shupcd ied him for a week’s visit. guest of Miss Goldie Peterson. and daughter, Clara, and Harriet roughly like a top. It could not leave Applications for space at the Mrs. Margaret Mallory and Its rock dwelling even If It wished to J. Murphy and daughter of and Janet Straub motored to do so For food It de|*ends on the ani­ Catholic Harvest Festival will I k * daughter, Mona, returned Satur­ Minooka, III., who have been malcules that float In sea water, which received by the Catholic Harvest- Portland Monday afternoon. day from Dundee, where they visiting the family of S. E. Curtis It seizes by Its long siphon, or tongue. have spent two weeks. Mr. and Mrs J. B. Littler and , The pbol„ u ln Kreilt demand nt llic Fete Committee, Box 11, Forest for a week, left Tuesday for their Dan Pierce and family visited home. Son of Salem visited at the C . A . senslde reports along the Paclflc count. i Grove, Oregon. No charge for Littler home over Sunday, the for •»» n»eat •* »**7 lender and makes rental of space, and only business the Paul Lilly family in Portland Misses Edith Stalley, R u t h excellent soup. The dam » ure dls- places of Forest Grove will have Messrs. Littler being brothers. Sunday and went forty-six miles lodged in great numbers from the Frost, Bertha Kirkwood Heloise up the Columbia highway. Mrs. J. C Wegner, who has ledges by the use of dyuamlte. al­ the opportunity to secure said Phillips, and Mr. Chadwick New- Apply at once. Mrs. William Livingston, who house arrived home Fridey, after been in a Portland hospital under­ though It Is possible to obtain them space with a pick or crowbar.—Exchange. has been visiting Mrs. J. W’ . having completed t h e summer going an operation for pleurisy, Livingston cf “ Nob Hill” re­ course at Oregon Normal School. came home the first of the week. Mexloe City Is Aged. Mexico City U traditionally nearly turned to her home in Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roswurm, 000 years old. It wan founded when Scoutmaster E. J. Shotwell and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Whited and the Aztecs settled on an Island near thirteen members of Beaver and J " THE PURE FOOD STO RE” Mrs. Harriet Cheade, Miss Owl patrols spent two days and daughter and Miss Berger took Cuke Tezcoco. Cortez practically do- trip Sun- the city In 1S21. From this Ada Taylor and Margaret Taylor two nights camping east of Gaston the Columbia highway time on- there was hardly a break tn ANNOUNCES went Tuesday morning to Port­ last week, returning Friday even­ day. j the ordinary events until l*Krj. when Prof. Bates returned Monday ! there was a revolt against Mpaiilsh land, and in the afternoon took ing. Lower Prices on Quality from a nine days’ visit with the ! rule. latter It waa the scene of ninny the Columbia highway trip. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hoffman, Fenengas, at Strassel, making the revolutions and much bloody lighting until the Iron rule o f Porflrio Diaz Billy Sunday will speak at the Mr. and Mrs. M . S. Allen and trip afoot, with the exception of made revolutions for thirty years some­ ice hippodrome, Portland, next Mrs. Reba Secor and little son what unprofitable ventures. lu the Rib and Brisket in . one mile. war between the United States and Tuesday to open the campaign visited the Patton home, in Che- Boiling Meat, the pound IIJL Those who attended Pomona Mexico the principal movement of the against the proposal to manufac- halem valley, Sunday and brought American troops was directed against Prime Shoulder Pot Koasta 101 ture beer in Oregon. He is on home Miss Aileen Hoffman, who Grange at Cedar Mills July 26th Mexico City. After capturing the hill Beef, the pound \L '^J his way to British Columbia for a has been spending her vacation from Forest Grove were H. T. of Chapultepec by assault tJenerol Buxton and wife and Mrs. A. T Scott occupied the city Hqpt 14, 1S47. Fancy Cross Rib Roast IT . series of prohibition meetings. with the Pattons. the pound I JC Buxton and son, Oliver The Word Tramway. Tramway Is the term upplled In All members of Forest council, Sirloin, Tenderloin and Round i r _ Knights and Ladies of Security, Britain to ail kinds of street Steak», the pound . I jv H o p in g f o r and E x p e c tin g H ot The PACIFIC MARKET Going Camping? Fresh and Cured M EATS For Picnic Dinners GOFF BROS. MILTZ MARKET < MEATS \ , W e a th e r in A u g u s t, we want you to inspect Bon-Ami Short-Burner Oil Stove Heats quicker than any other make; clean and odorless. THE NEW SHARPLES Tubular Suction-Feed C rea m S e p a ra to r Is a machine we are not afraid to recommend to our best friends. AUTO SEATS, Camp Stoves, Tents and Ice Cream Freezers. GORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. Phone 663 FOREST GROVE, ORE. . . . , are urgently requested to atlend the next regular meeting, on Aug. 8th. Business of importance to discuss. Rev. Ross Putnam of Stayton, who has accepted a call to the Forest Grove Christian church, is expected to arrive in this city in time to preach next Sunday morn­ ing and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Creel are enjoying a visit from Mrs. Creel’s mother and sister, Mrs. W. J. Stevens and daughter, Alice, of Salt f^ike City, Utah, who will remain for a month or more. railroads, whether using horses, en- Klnes. a cable or electricity. The word trnrn originally meant a log or stump. The evolution o f the wort into modern English use Is given ns: End—fragment —stump—log—pole— bur—beam- rail. In the earliest forms of railroads tho tracks consisted <>f trams of wood or flnt stones, nt u Inter period o f wooden stringers covered with strap Iron and lastly of Iron rails Sightseeing. On a visit to Ids grandmother flarry examined her hnndHotne furniture with Interest and then asked. "Grandma, where la the miserable tnble that patm aays you always keep?" The reputation that la built on clev­ erness Is temporary; that built on char­ acter Is permanent PURITY Home-rendered Lard "7C« the No. t pail / jL 11.50 The No. 10 pail (Our pails are redeemed when empth at 5c and 10c each an extra saving to you). The Meat Market and Grocery Store De Lux Phone 061