The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, August 03, 1916, Image 7

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Portland— Wheat— Bluestem $ 1.03A
per bushel; forty fold, 94c, club, 93c;
red fife, 93c; red Russian, 92c.
Millfeed Spot prices: Bran, $26(<U
Conferws Are Willing if Secretary of 26.50 per ton; shorts, $29<R29.60; rol­ Brush fires Sweep Over large Area Sixteen Cities of State Have
Twenty-lhree Infants in Chicago Alone
led barley, $81.50ftj,32.60.
Over $1,000,000 Deposits Each
Corn— Whole, $38 per ton; cracked,
Navy Daniels Assents.
is Q a ta r» District.
Succumb to Strain.
Salem— Banks in 16 cities have 73.5
per cent o f the banking capital and 79
Hay — Timothy, Eastern Oregon,
$21.600422.50 per ton; timothy, val­
per cent o f the bank depoeits o f the
ley. $180419; alfalfa, $18.600414.60;
state, according to figures compiled
wheat hay, $ 13.600414.60.
Wednesday by 8. G. Sargent, state
Butter — Cubes, extras, no bid;
o f banks.
prime firsts, 24Ac.
Jobbing prices:
Prints, extras, 270429c; but ter fat, No.
alone has 48 per cent o f the capital
Lane Amendment to Appropriation 1, 26c; No. 2, 24c, Portland.
Isolated Settlers Driven to Refuge in and 66 per cent of the depoeits o f Ore­ Many Central Western States Report
Egg* — Oregon ranch,
Bill for Torpedo Boat and Sub­
Rivers and Lakes— 50 Dead in
Thermometers Above 100— An­
price, current receipts, 24c per dozen.
Records o f Superintendent Sargent
marine Base is Admitted.
One Village— Relief Sent.
imais in Wake of Wave.
also show 16 towns with total bank
died, 26c; selects, 260427c.
Poultry — Hens, 14Ac per pound;
deposits of $1,900,000 or more. These
broilers, 160418c; turkeys, live, 2004
towns, in which are located 41 state
Washington, I). C. — The
Lane 22c; ducks, Il04 l4e; geese, 8049c.
Toronto, Ont. — Reports received
Chicago— Deaths o f eight persons
and 33 national banks, with deposits
amendment to the naval bill, appro­
from Northern Ontario say that the
Veal— Fancy, 11 Ac per pound.
due to the intense heat were reported
priating 1500,000 to establish a sub­
Pork— Fancy, 11 Ac per pound.
towns o f Cochrane, Matheson, Nuahka totaling $102,418,026.64, are: Port­ to the police Wednesday. There were
marine and torpedo boat base on the
Vegetables— Artichokes, 60c04$l per Station and Timmons have been wiped land, Salem, Pendleton, Astoria, Baker, also 14 prostrations, three of which
Columbia river, will be accepted by dozen; tomatoes, 70c04$1.26 per crate; out by disastrous bush fires which Eugene, Albany, Medford, The Dalles, w ill probably result fatally.
the house conferees If Secretary Dan­ cabbage, $1.75 per hundred; garlic, started Saturday. Porcupine Junction
Oregon City, Roseburg, La Grande,
iels will inform them that he favors 10c per pound; peppers, 90410c; eg g ­ and Iroquois Falls and reported burn­
were five drownings, three of which
Marshfield, McMinnville, Corvallis and can be attributed to the heat.
the appropriation at this time.
This plant, 12Jc; lettuce, $1 per crate; cu­ ing.
Klamath Falls.
was learned by Representatives Haw­ cumbers, $1041.26 per box; peas, 404
A t least 150 persons have perished.
Miss Marjorie Weston, a co-ed at
ley, Hinnott and McArthur Saturday. 6c per pound; beans, 4047c; celery, $1
Fifty-seven bodies
A ll other towns in Oregon, in which Northwestern University and a capa­
They immediately arranged a confer­ per doten; corn, 600460c.
found at Nuahka Station and 34 at are located 136 state and 61 national ble swimmer, was among the drowned.
ence with Secretary Daniels and later
Matheson. Many are injured.
Potatoes —New, 1A042 c per pound.
W illard Lindenthal, aged 8, fe ll off a
in the day presented to him the reas­
A ll wires are down north of Engle- banka, have deposits totaling but $26,- pier; A lfred Lindborg dived into the
Onions— California red and yellow,
ons why, In their judgment, this base $2 per sack; Walla Walla, $2.26.
hart and only meager Reports have so 946,493.75.
lake while his body was hot and died
should be authorised without further
Green Fruits— Apples, new, $1.2604 far been received from refugees.
Deposits in Portland aggregate $72.- in a few minutes.
J. W. O ’Connell,
1.76 per box; cherries, 60410c per
A relief train with doctors has left 160,549.67.
These are distributed o f Milwaukee, swam out too far at the
Before calling on Secretary Daniels pound; cantaloupes, $1.10042.75 per North Bay for the scene and Cobalt among 18 state and eight national Racine municipal pier and perished,
the house members conferred with crate; pearhee,
360476c per box; has sent coffins.
banks. Salem is next to Portland, its and the nude body o f an unidentified
L'aptain J. S. McKean, aide for mater­ watermelons, $ I A<H 1 l r per pound; flgs,
Several small towns have been wiped { two state and two national institutions man was taken from the Illinois drain­
ial and chief adviser o f the secretary $1041.60 per box; plums, 75c04$1.60; out by the flames that have been rag­ having total deposits o f $4,639,846.32. age canal.
on matters o f this character.
(warn, $2; apricots, $1041.26; grapes, ing for 48 houra. Reporta thus far re­ Bank deposits in other Oregon cities
Up to 6 o’clock the coroner’ s office
Captain McKean heartily approved $1.76; blackberries, $1.50041.76; rasp­ ceived show that 67 perished at Nush- where the total is above $1,000,000 announced that the deaths of 23 babies
Pendleton, $3,546,- under 1 year old, reported during the
the Lane amendment and said the berries, 90 c 04$1.25; black raps, $1.60. ka, a French Canadian settlement, are as follow s:
Navy department was in favor o f es­
Hops— 1916 crop, 80411c per pound; and 34 at Matheson. Cochrane has 18 339.02; Astoria, $3,418,433.98; Bak­ day, were directly due to the continued
killed and 34 injured, Iroquois Falls 16 er, $2,835,045.07; Eugene, $2,800,- heat. Physicians say the m ortaitiy
tablishing two submarine bases on the 1916 contracts, llO tllA c .
Pacific Coast at this time, one on the
Wool— Eastern Oregon, fine, 23 04 dead and many injured and Ramore 16 036.76; Albany, $1,799,199.32; Med­ rate among infants w ill mount higher
Columbia and the other at San Diego. 26c; coarse, 300432c; valley, 300433c. dead.
ford, $1.626,802.83; The Dalles, $1,- every day now until the heat wave is
The death list w ill be materially in­ 325,708.07; Oregon City, $1,284,715.- broken, as the little ones are breaking
Cascara Bark— Old and new, 4c per
Captain McKean then went with the
creased, it is feared, by victims in out- 74;
Oregon members to call on Secretary pound.
La down under the strain.
Cattle — Steers, choice, $7.60048; ■ lying districts. There are apparently Grande,
A majority o f the death certificates
The three representatives urged Sec­ good, $6.60047.60; cows, choice, $6.25 well authenticated reports that many $1,180,757.80; McMinnville, $1,174,- to both infants and adults were issued
good, $5.500(.6.25; heifers, $4 prospectors have been trapped « t Tash- 767.64;
$1,150,401.36; to the congested foreign quarters.
retary Daniels to write Chairman Pad­
Klamath Falls, $1,125,204.77.
gett, o f the house naval committee, 01,6.50; bulls, $3044.75; stags, $4.60 ota and Kowash.
The deadly heat wave is spread over
One farmer and his ten children are
a wide area.
Dispatches indicating
recommending concurrence
o f the 046.
these temperatures:
Central and
H o g s — Prime light, $8.60049.10; known to have been burned, while the
house in the senate amendment.
St. Paul Firm Gets W. L Pulliam. Southern Illinois, 100-103; Iowa, 102-
retary Daniels said he would talk with good to prime, $7.76048.10; rough man's w ife was vainly seeking aid to
Mr. Padgett about the amendment. heavy, $7.60047.76; pigs and skips, check the onrushing flames.
Marshfield — W. L. Pulliam, a log­ 108; Indiana, 100; Nebraska, 101;
Nushka, a hamlet consisting o f a ging contractor who has been operat­ Missouri, 103; Oklahoma and Kansas,
The Oregon members tried to exact $6.60047 10.
Sheep— Yearlings,
$6.75 6 t 6.25; score o f fram e buildings and stores,
104; Lower Wisconsin, 95; Michigan
from him a promise that he would
ing on the Columbia river for several and Eastern Canada, 92-96.
“ talk fa vora b ly," but he would not wethers, $4.76046; ewes, $2.60045.50; suffered worst. It had been threatened
for several days but the residents lin­ seasons, soon w ill open a camp on
lambs, $6048.25.
There were picked up, killed by
commit himself.
gered in the hope they might save South Cooa river on the Merchant tract heat, 46 horses, 72 dogs and 11 cats.
their homes.
They waited too long, of 800 acres, and the operations w ill The day before 68 carcasses were col­
Early High Prices Paid for
however, and walls o f fire cut off es­
lected, and the day before this 189.
Injunction Order Against longshore­
be under the supervision o f the Thos.
Prunes Not Repeated Now cape.
The heaviest day in July last year was
men Strikers Reasonably Modified Portland—The prune crop outlook in A nearby lake in which they found Irvine company, o f St. Paul, which re­ only 31 carcasses.
the Northwest is enitrely satisfactory refuge saved many o f Cochrane. Only cently bought timber in this county
continued to
and a record crop now seems assured. two streets in the town were saved.
claim numerous victims, chiefly in the
Portland— A t the conclusion o f a One o f the leading packers estimates
Thirty-four bodies are lying on the million dollars. The camp w ill be lo­ East, although deaths are becoming
two-day preliminary hearing on the the yield at 40,000,000 pounds. The
platform o f the railroad station at cated 20 miles from Marshfield and more numerous in Western states.
merits o f the temporary restraining largest crop heretofore was about 30,-
Matheson. The station and two houses two miles from South Coos river,
order issued July 19 against striking 000,000 pounds, produced eight or nine
are the only two buildings standing. 1 where logs w ill be dumped in tide­
longshoremen, on petition of the San years ago. Since that time many new
Ramore, a small settlement was wiped water. The operations are intended Automobile Machinist is Held as
Francisco & Portland Steamship com­ orchards have come in. Because o f
solely for delivery of logs to mills on
pany, Federal Judge Wolverton Satur­ the increase in acreage, even i f the
Sai franosa) Bomb Suspect
A ll that remains o f Iroquois Falls Coos Bay and the company has no in­
day ordered that the injunction be con­ crop were on a parity with last year’s,
are the ruins o f the great paper mill tention o f operating any mills at pres­
tinued pending further the final hear­ ¡ the above estimate, it is believed,
and one store. Refugees without food ent.
San Francisco— The first “ import­
ing to determine whether it shall be would be realized.
or clothing are pouring into the larger
ant” arrest in the hunt fo r the plot­
made (»ermanent.
The market at the present tim e is towns south o f the burned district..
ters who exploded a bomb during the
In granting the preliminary injunc­ weak and the future for values is not,
Indian Lands to Be Sold.
Hundreds o f square miles o f bush
San Francisco preparedness parade
tion, however, he modified considera­ so bright.
There was considerable and farm land have been burned over.
Klamath Falls— Sixty allotments, on last Saturday, killing eight and injur­
bly the terms o f the previous tempor­ early contracting, packers (laying the
Isolated settlers took refuge in lakes
ing 40 persons, was made Thursday
ary restraining order.
growers 6A to 7 cents for 30-35s, with and rivers, leaving all their belongings the Klamath Indian reservation, north when Chief of Police W hite and a squad
In general terms, this order re­ a quarter-cent drop for each count of
o f here, belonging to estates o f de­ o f detectives arrested W. K. Billings,
strained the men from interfering un­ 6s. These were the highest prices
Rain was fallin g Sunday night at ceased Indians, are soon to be adver­ an automobile machinist, and held him
lawfully with the business or property paid for many years, and between 26
Matheson and several other points, tised and sold to the highest bidders, incommunicado.
arrest was
o f the company, or with non-union and 30 per cent o f the crop was signed
but a long continued downpour w ill be
free clinic
men employed by the company.
up, but the quotations are not obtain­ necessary to extinguish the fires and according to Engineer H. W. Hir.cks, maintained by Stanford U niversity in
Judge Wolverton said he would per­ able now. In fact the leading packers
prevent them from sweeping farther o f the Indian reclamation service. the Lane Hospital, where the suspect
mit picketing on condition that it be are out o f the market as buyers for
Much o f the land is tillable and parts was receiving treatment “ not fo r a
carried on peacefully.
He defined the reason that they are unable to get
o f it can be irrigated, Engineer Hincks wound,” the police said. Immediately
“ (»carefully” to be without threats, orders from the East. Jobbers in the
W illiam B. after the arrest the police announced
violence, vile language or any form of Eastern states bought only limited General Carranza to Retire as
Freer, o f the Klamath reservation, has they had made an important capture
intimidation against strikebreakers.” quantities, owing to the high prices,
surveys to be made o f all the which they expected would lead to fu r­
First Chief at Early Date ordered
60 allotments. Mr. Hincks said that ther arrests o f persons connected with
but they declare they have enough
already this season 665 acres o f Indian the bomb outrage, but further than
prunes engaged for the predent, and
Explosion Wrecks Grants Pass
Laredo, Tex. Venustiano Carranza lands on the Fort Creek project on the that no details were forthcoming.
are satisfied there are more prunes to
be had later on the Coast than are re­ is to retire as first chief o f the de reservation, have been reclaimed to
Irrigation Plant— Plot Suspected quired
for United States consumption. facto government o f Mexico at an water by the Indians.
British Take last of Pozieres.
Furthermore, they assert there w ill be early date, and w ill be succeeded by
Grants Pass, Or.— What is believed no export business done in the article General Pablo Gonzales, according to
Gun to Warn Fishermen.
to have been an attempt to blow up this year.
information given out by Mexican offi­
London— The capture of the last of
Astoria — Beginning with last Sun­ Pozieres, reported by General H aig
the pumping plant which supplies the
The high prices prevailing early in cial circles in Neuvo Laredo Monday.
South Side and Fruitdale ditches with the season were ascribed to the uncer­
General Carranza w ill enter the field day, Colonel Ludlow, commanding offi­ early Thursday, though it involves the
irrigation water at the dam o f the tainty as to the Northwestern tonnage, | as a Presidential candidate at the cer at the fortifications about the clearing of only a few acres o f ground,
Rogue River Public Service corpora­ and the fact that the California mar­ forthcoming election, it was said, ap­
has rejoiced all Britain and greatly
mouth o f the river, w ill have a gun
tion, three miles east of this city, was ket was then ruling high.
encouraged the belief that the allied
This en­ parently confirming recent advices
made at the pumping station early Sat­ abled Northwestern packers to do a from Mexico City, which intimated fired at Fort Stevens and one at Fort offensive w ill win through.
urday morning.
In addition to the ground actually
fair amount o f business at a very good that the first chief would seek eleva­ Columbia at 6 o ’ clock Saturday and
The night watchman at the pump­ figure.
tion to the Presidency at the hands of Sunday nights, as a notice to the fish­ won, the success means the first break-
ing station had just stefjped behind
the voters.
; ing o f the German third line since the
some heavy timbers when a1 terrific ex­
Oregon Juice in Demand.
The conference o f Mexican generals
This w ill be done in accordance with fiasco of La Bassee, nearly 18 months
plosion occurred.
Eugene — The output o f loganberry with Carranza, soon to be held in Mex­ a request from the State Fisheries de­ ago; success against the German vet­
The turbines were damaged and tim ­ juice by the Eugene Fruit Growers’ ico City, according to these advices, partment and is intended to prevent erans at a time when it seemed evident
bers ripped off the dam. The damage association cannery this season has w ill arrange for the call fo r general anyone inadvertently violating the they had put forth all their strength,
to the plant will amount to approxi­ amounted to almost % 16,000 gallons, elections and for the retirement o f the Sunday closing law. As another pre­ and at a place they had resolved to
mately $.1000 although the most ser­ several times the production o f any first chief. This conference was said caution, Deputy Fish W’ arden Larson hold at any cost; and, finally, the cap­
ious aspect at the present time is the previous season. Manager J. 0. Holt to have been summoned to prevent pos­ has made arrangements to have a flag ture o f heights which are the key to
loss of the irrigation water to several reports the demand for his Oregon sible friction in m ilitary circles over raised at those hours on Desdemona \ both the powerfully-fortified Albert
hundreds o f acres o f BUgar beets.
the proposed transfer of power.
product constantly increasing.
• '
The cannery is now engaged in can­
Check Order Rescinded.
Garment W orkers Accept Agreement.
Couple Wed in Esperanto.
ning string beans, an unusually large
Big Ti mber Body Offered.
Washington, D. C. — Postmaster acreage having been planted in the
N ew Y ork— A t a spirited meeting,
Annapolis— Esperanto was used for
Hood R iver— T. H. Sherrard. state
General Burleson has suspended until vicinity of Eugene.
the first time in a wedding ceremony forest supervisor, has advertised for which lasted until after midnight, the
further notice his recent orders au­
Miss Isabelle A. McCoffrey, bids on 7020 acres containing 330,000,- general committee o f the Garment
First 1916 Wheat is Moved,
thorizing postmasters to collect checks
Washington, secretary-treasurer o f the 000 feet o f Douglas fir. Western hem­ Workers' union decided Thursday by a
I^ewiston, Idaho— The first wheat of Esperanto association of North Am er­ lock, Amabilie fir, Noble fir. Western close vote to accept the three years’
on banks in small communities where
there are no members o f the Federal the 1916 crop was shipped from this ica, was married at the State Capitol red cedar and white pine timber in the agreement signed by officials o f the un­
Reserve system. The suspension was region Thursday by the M. H. Houser here Sunday to John S. Horn, o f San Cascade National forest. Under the ion and representatives o f the manu­
ordered at the suggestion o f the Fed­ company to Chicago. The wheat was Jose, Cal. The cremony took place in terms o f the sale a mill on the West facturers, thus ending the lockout, and
eral Reserve board.
Members o f the fortyfold and was raised on the W. J. the old chamber where Washington re­ Fork of flood R iver with sufficient strike which for three months has par­
board said the recommendation was Houser ranch west of Clarkston. Buy­ signed his commission as commander- cutting capacity to handle the timber alyzed the women’s clothing industry
made because more time is necessary ers are now offering 85 cents for blue- in-chief of the Continental army, and in the next 10 or 12 years, w ill be re­ of this city. The'vote was 43 in favor
stem or fortyfold.
in the settlement to 40 against it.
to perfect the check collection plan.
was entirely in Esperanto.