The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, August 03, 1916, Image 4

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    C r ii? J F i m ' ì i t ( è r m i *
H x p ro H H
Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, Oregon.
W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher.
E n tered as second-class m a tte r .lan. 12, 1916, at the poetotflce a t F o rest tìro v e,
O regon, under the A ct o f March 3, 1S79
i. — —
----- —
T H U R SD A Y . AUG 8. 191«
A N I) C O M M E N T S
While the cab is waiting
Betty hooks up mother,
Polly hooks up Betty
Till she’s in a smother.
Father hooks up Polly,
Cunny little elf.
Then he takes a half hitch
Hooking up himself.
page in the Saturday Evening
Post, costing several thousand
dollars, to advertise its products,
but the Pheasant Fruit Juice
company, of Salem Ore. has done
that very thing to advertise “ Phez
Loganberry Juice.” The ad ap-
peared in last week’s Post and
cost more for one issue than some
so-called merchants spend in a
life-time f o r advertising. And
the ad should be a boo*t for the
loganberry juice industry of the
entire state, for if people can be
induced to drink Phez juice they
niay be easily switched to drink
any other loganberry juice
merit, including that put up
Forest Grove.
C&C7V C¿btñi*ui
°lon Céotáing Co.
16« - ITO T H i a O
BT , C/
April of this year suggested a As a matter of fact in most states
Washington County Transfers
possible recurrence of those al>- a teacher can not secure a certifi­ The following real estate trans­
normal meteorological conditions, cate to teach unless they have fers were recorded with the regis­
for the March temperature was had normal training. This ex­ ter of deeds at Hillsboro during
more than five degrees below the cellent rule does not hold good in the past Week:
normal, and that of April about Oregon. Of the 6055 teachers in A. 8. Sholes e t ux e t a! to It. I,. A l­
one degree below,
the public schools of Oregon last lison, lot 8, Idk I, 1‘leasuntview Add to
But May gave a more reassur- year, only 7‘J l were Normal school CorneliuH,
The war department has or-
ing aspect to the outlook, for it graduates. This means that 87 R. I,. Allison e t ux to Manley It.
Hoard, lota 8, 9, 111, Idk 1, IMeasant-
dered that all guardsmen on the
brought a temperature about one | ht cent of Oregon’s public school view Add to Cornelius, $1,000.
border who desire to attend high
degree above the normal.
teachers had not secured Normal A. 8 . Sholes e l ux to Manley If.
As there was no weather bureau training. We have approximately Hoard e t at, tra c ts 64 to «8, 86 to 94,
school or college may be mu>tered
100 years ago, nor any other sys­ a thousand vacancies in the public inc, G roveland acre», $2,ooo.
out on Sept. 1 by making appli-
tematic record of meterological schools each year and our Normal t). C. Johnson e l ux to S. G. H ughes
cation and showing evidence of
e t at, 9 1-2 acres, F orest Grove, $10.
changes, full details of the vagar­ school at Monmouth is able to t'a rl W ienecku e t uls to William and
good faith.
ious weather of 1816 are wanting ¡supply less than 15 per cent of G eorge W nineckc, undivided I-« int,
Captain Markee, commandant
hut by p u tu ..j together isolated;of these positions with its grad* 18 80 scree In aae 18« l s 2, 81,200.
of the Oregon soldiers’ home,
| observations we are able to frame uates. Only five states in the C larissa M cN utt 0» W. L. M cN utt,
brands as false the rumor circu SUFFERING NEBRASKA
block 4, W alk er's Add to
an approximately accurate con- union have less Normal equip- p F a o rt rest o f G rove,
lated to the effect that he had
We are pained to «tate that af- ception of the unusuil conditions ment than Oregon Forty of our I.. M. Sm ith t<> A lvira Sm ith, tra c t«
refused admission t o a n o ld .
. .
. to which our for fathers were sub-¡states have two or more Normal
ter three years of democratic rule
in sec 2. 2 N 4, $1.
\\ l cox. The
, of . Nebraska
V t .
, are suffer-
schools. Idaho, wi t h h a l f of H e rb e rt K. Kapiad a t ux to W illiam
, named
the people
man named has hever applied for to , some of the coa*.queiH*,. In
In a work entitled “Cold Waves Oregon’s population, spends twice knp|M*l, e t ux, 18.09 acres in Henj. II.
admission, the commandant says ^
, han flftren months just and Frost in the United States,” , as much in training her teachers C atching D I. C, I N 4. $1.
Michael W elter et ux to W. H. W a r­
During the past week the writer Pussed the deposits in Nebraska compiled by Edward B. Garriott, as does Oregon. At the coming ren, 0.K29 acres in S. G. S to tt claim 48,
heard two ministers bewailing the banks have increased thirty-eight professor of meteorology, is the election the voters will have an sec 16, 1 S 1, $12,000.
j opportunity to decide whether W, li. W arren e t ux to Michael
fact that the Christian people of million dollars, a record-breaking following paragraph:
e r e t u x , KH.6 .............. sec I I, 2 S 2,
they care to establish a Normal
America were wasting a lot of
money and energy in maintaining state—and this in spite of the the most remarkable depression of school in Eastern Oregon. At
Kivt* carloads of Yelohan, the
so many more churches than were fact that everybody has bought temperature in the summer months present scores of students from
necessary. True, but who shall either an automobile or a Ford— known to all history of thermo­ Eastern Oregon are going to oth< r condensed article made from milk
say which denominations shall go "'hich kept that much of the metric measurements occurred, tales to secure their Normal in­ of contented, clover-fed cows, or
out of business?
1 money out of the banks. Seventy and the years of 1812 and 1816 struction. The leading educator approximately 4,500 cases, are to
thousand new depositors have were the coldest; 1812 and 1816 of the slate are all in favor of ad­ he shipiHfl from the McMinn­
Captain Winn, the recruiting their names enrolled on the books were memorable a s ‘cold summers' ditional Normal facilities and it is ville factory next week to the
officer who was in Forest Grove of Nebraska banks, making the for all over the United States
to be hoped Oregon will move up Atlantic seaboard. Three thou-
last week, informed the writer total number of depositors more
the foot of the class, where and cases of Yeloban milk will be
“ From M.»y to September, 1812.
that Oregon was 800 men short of than four hundred thousand or each month was from 3 6 to 7.2 she now is, along the lines of consigned the forepart of next
the number of guard men the ajmost half the population of the below the average. The most un­ ! Normal instruction.”
month to the Hawaian Islands.—
president asked of her. Wonder sta te. This is a tremendous show­ precedented refrigeration is re­
McMinnville News-Reporter.
M a k i n g P a a t a l Color«.
how many of the fellows who ing for the state to make when corded for each of the months T h o Inck o f iw ru rjr o f p n x tfl
Louis L. Sharp, chief of the
marched in Portland’s prepared­ the democrats are in the saddle— of June and July in 1816, which p ic tu re « 1« lariit'ly du e. ( c r u n llu ii to
W rite H a rris o n , to th e b a d q u a lity o f field division of the general land
ness parade have enlisted ?
especially when one’s memory flits were 5 to 5 8 below.
th e m a te ria l* em p lo y ed . U n sc ru p u lo u s
office, has a force of men at work
m a n u fa c tu r e r« d ip «tick« o f w h ite c h a lk
Over in Klickitat c o u n t y ,
the Oregon-California
In to liq u id b a th « o f b rillia n t but ••ptn-in-
Wash., they observe every Fri- delightful and luxurious Roose- and frosts occurred in every ern l dye», a n d p ictu re» p ro d u ce d w ith grant lands in southern Oregon.
day as ‘‘chuck-hole day,” and the ve^ prosperity wh‘*n the Nebraska month of both summers. Indian th e s e soon fa d e W ritin g In A rt an d The start will be made at the
P ro g re a s, Mr. H a rris o n s a y s artist:«
result is good roads, the best in citizen could go t > his banker and corn did not ripen; fruits and sh
o u ld m a k e th e ir ow u p astel« , u p ro c­ i California line and the classifiers
the northwest. Automobile driv­ draw as much as ten dollars of his «rains of every so t were generally e ss th a t Is v ery easy .
will work northward. Thest lands
ers and other travellers are re­ own money if the emergency reduced in quantity or wholly cut " T h e m a te r ia ls u se d .M he sny«. "are will probably be thrown open for
p re c ip ita te d «-bulk m ix e d w ith th e beat
quested to inform the county seemed to warrant the banker in off.”—Boston Globe
d ry p o w d e re d co lo rs in th e p ro p o rtio n s entry and settlement before the
commissioners and r o a d over­ letting it get away. So, we say A pAK| p
n e c e s sa ry to p ro d u c e th e v a rio u s tin ts beginning of l ‘J17.
d e sire d
T h is Im p alp ab le (siw d e r Is
seers of any places on the roads we are “pained to state,” because
m o iste n e d to th e cu n sln te u e y o f a th ic k
Free Methodist Church
needing attention and all such the republican spell-hinder can’t Leopard why he roared in the p a s te by th e a d d itio n of a n e x tre m e ly
school 10 a. m., preach­
d ilu te so lu tio n of g u m tr a g a e a u th a n d
places are repaired on Fridays.
ing 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., prayer
If this will work in Washington, interest an audience this fa!l—and
“ Doing business o p e n l y and k n e a d e d a n d finally p re sse d or ro lled meeting on Wednesday evening at
that is hard on democrats. There’s
why not in Oregon.
Into s tic k s o f th e d e sire d size.*
no conte-t and nothing to argue with plenty of advertising,” the
8 p. m. All are welcomed.
Attorney L. M. Graham of this about this year—which means Liop said ‘‘is what has made my
J. N. W ood , Pastor.
Job printing -phone 821.
city, who has been commissioned that democrats are to be handi­ reputation. I got my character­
by the county court to prepare capped, because a democrat is at ization as King of the Beasts by
an exhibit for the state fair, is al­ his best only when there is a fight blowing my horn. Always let the
other fellows know you are around
ready on the job and is doing ex­ on.—Aurora (Neb.) Sun.
and they will respect you and
cellent work, sorting, bundling
fear you ”
and packing in boxes samples of A HUNDRED YEARS AGO
grasses and grains in the sheaf.
This year is the centennial an­
spend it in Forest Grove, and you have a very good chance
He would apprecia e it if the en­ niversary of one of the most ex­ in a clump of pampas grass, over­
of seeing it again ; you may even handle it again. Even if
you never see it again, some of your neighbors will get it
terprising farmers and gardeners traordinary summers from the heard this conversation, and all
and use it to build up Forest Grove and Washington county.
of Washington county would as­ meteorological point of view in
No m atter whether you need groceries, clothing, shoes,
sist by bringing him samples of the history of the United States, it. He decided it was better to
grain and vegetables. Give him
The year 1816 is traditionally have the other animals fear him
a lift, farmers, and show the vis- known by various appellations of than to live himself in constant
itors at the fair what Washington like significance—in this country terror. So the Rabbit filled his
county can do____
as “the summer less season,” or the lungs with a great breath and
tried to roar like a Lion.
Hillsboro papers announce that ^ ac^ year> and in the greater
this advice is worth considering, for many a town has been
A Coyote, learning of the Rab­
promoted to the city class by the patriotism of its citizens in
business men of that town are Part
Europe as the famine
bit's whereabouts by his roar,
refusing to send away for things they could get at home.
organizing an association to hold year.
onto the Rabbit and ate
a county fair annually» Since
him up.
Washington county already has United States and throughout
Moral —If you haven’t got the
such an organization, it appears eastern Europe, there was prac­ goods, there is no use to adver­
plant is fully equipped for all classes of job printing, printers
to the editor of the Express that tically no summer at all. Snow
of taste and judgement are employed and you can get almost
the people of Hillsboro could best
any kind of stationery the most exacting fancy might crave.
More Normal Schools
serve the county by joining hands to time in midsummer, with al­
Come and see.
Fred Lockley, a Portland news­
with the officers of the Washing­ ternations of destructive hail
Or, if you think you have some reason for not patron­
ton County Fair Association. Any storms and brief spells of excessive paper man, was in Fr"-''st Grove
izing the Express, take your work to the other local office.
Either will do more for Forest Grove than some printing
Saturday looking up material for
other course will smack of selfish heat.
outside the city or county.
articles and ascertaining the senti­
rivalry and the men at the head
of the business affairs of Hillsboro was Pr°tracted drouth, so that, ment as to the proposed Eastern
ought to be above such tactics.
between cold and want of mois- Oregon Normal school at Pendle­
ture, the crops generally failed, ton. In speaking of the matter,
It isn’t often that a concern and disease and distress stalked Mr. Lockley said: “To paraphrase'
W«* h 1 of th o N ow I. O . O . F . ISIock
operating in a city of less than grimly over the land.
an old saying ‘He who teaches
Phone S 2 I
Foreiit Grove* Oregon
20,000 population uses an entire
The weather in March and ano her should first be taught.’
Keep Your Money
Job Printing