WÀR MUNITIONS BLOW U P « » HUNDREDS Of CHIEDREN DIE IN MONTREAL FROM INTENSE HEAT $25,000.000 loss In New York Brief Resume of General News Chicago—The present heat wave, Explosion and ñre. which envelope all of the country ex­ From All Around (lie Earth. DEMANDED Charles E. Hughes’ Acceptance Speech Sets Forth Campaign Issues and Asserts American Rights. cepting the Pacific Coast, is proving especially severe in Eastern Canada, where the people are unused to torrid- ity. Dispatches say that more than 250 children periahed in Montreal the M U S A I HAPPENINGS IN A IWTSHQ1 past week from heat. The tempera­ ture there Tuesday was 93—the high­ Charles E. Hughes outlined in his Mr. Hughes said it waa plain that est point reported in five years. In speech of acceptance in New York. we must have protection, up-buildlng Three Dead and Many Injured By Quebec 23 children have been killed by Uve News Items of All Nations and Other measures, too, should the heat since Sunday. Toronto also Monday night, the issues upon which E lides. applied, aaid, notably the up­ Pacific Northwest Condensed reports um sual heat, which has con­ Shock That Shakes Five States he will conduct his campaign for the building of a he merchant marine. tinued for nearly a week, resulting in presidency. for Our Busy Readers. To make peace lasting effective — Washington Gets Tip of deaths and prostrations. Mr. Hughes assailed the administra­ when the present war shall and end, Conditions, in Montreal especially, tion for the course it has pursued with Hughee advocated the formation of Mr. an Impending Danger. are most unusual. Ordinarily that city reference to Mexico, maintenance of international tribunal to dispoee is positively cold when the States are i During July 28 and 29. the Russians American rights during the European controvereiee of a justiciable sort, of baking and sweltering, and hay fever 32,000 Germans. war, preparedness and other great backed by the co-operation of the na- sufferers have hailed Montreal as the captured questions of the day. He declared for tiona to prevent war before peaceful The supreme lodge of Knights of a new policy New York—Property loss estimated one spot they could count on for relief. Pythias of “ firmness and consist­ methods of adjustment end. is in session at Portland. at 125. OOO, OOO was caused early Sun­ Now conditions are almost reversed, as ency” toward Mexico, for “ the un­ Mr. Hughes also declared for the Montreal is seven degrees hotter than One hundred and eighty-four persons flinching maintenance of all American “ conservation of the just interests of day by a series of terrific explosions of Chicago. lose their lives in the forest fire in On­ righta on land and seas,” and for ade­ labor," for conservation of natural re­ ammunition awaiting shipment to the tario. quate National defense; adequate pro­ sources for a national budget. entente allies and stored on Black Tom Oregon Dry law Seriously Hurt tection on both our Western and East­ “ Our and German aircraft make a raid on the ern opponents promised economy, Island, a small strip of land jutting in­ coasts. English coast, dropping bombs st sev­ but they have shown extrav­ to New York Bay off Jersey City. by Grcnit Court Decision eral points. “ We denounce all plots and conspir­ agance. It ia time we a reckless had fiscal re­ acies in the interest of any foreign The loss of life cannot be deter­ form.” Churchill, former first lord nation,” said Mr. Hughes. “ Utterly Mr. Hughes closed with an irtdorae- mined definitely until there has been Portland — Restrictions as to the of Winaton the British declares Eng-1 intolerable is the use of our soil for ment of the Republican platform opportunity to check up the workmen amount of liquor which persons in Ore- land was saved admiralty, by her navy. intrigues. Every American must adopted by the national convention and boats *f°n m*y rec*'Te from outside the state The German submarine Deutschland, alien employed on the island and unreservedly condemn them and sup- a formal acceptance of the nomination. every four weeks are in danger of be­ preparing to leave American waters, port every effort moored nearby. for their suppres­ Senator Harding, in his notification ing swept aside. Three are known to be dead and at Sections of the Oregon dry law reg­ fears an “ accident” in Chesapeake sion." said; least five more are missing. Scores The nominee assailed the adminis­ speech the importation of liquor and bay. “ Mr. Hughes: The committee here of persons were injured, some of them ulating for its “ direction of diplomatic assembled, alcohol into the state are nullified, in Francis Joseph, emperor of Austria, tration representing all of the probably mortally. inteivourse” from the beginning, de­ opinion of District Attorney contracted a severe cold while in­ claring that where there should have United States and territories, chosen The detonations, which were felt in the if the decision of Circuit Judge troops and Is confined to his been conspicuous strength and expert- by the Republican National conven­ five states, began with a continuous Evans, Morrow Tuesday in overruling the de­ specting bed. tion, which met in Chicago on last rapid fire of small shells, the blowing murrer nesa there had beea weakness ar>4 in- June the complaint of Wadhams Mrs. Sarah Barr, one of the oldest ex 7, is directed by that convention up of great quantities of dynamite, & Co., to against pert ness. He cited Santo Domingo San Francisco & white women in California died Tues­ as an instance where appointments had formally to notify you of its action in trinitrotoluene and other high explo­ Portland Steamship the company selecting you as its nominee for the sives, followed by the bursting of in force or is upheld by higher remains gone to “ deserving Democrats” and to day at Monrovia, near Los Angeles, courts aged 102. Presidency of the Republic. thousands of shrapnel shells, which on an appeal. the failure to continue Ambaaaador literally showered the surrounding “Two thirds of the Prohibition law The heat wave that has enveloped Herrick at his poet in Paris after the “ Speaking for the committee, it is country and waters for many miles is wiped out by this decision, “ said Chicago and the Middle West, was war had started as “ a lamentable sac­ my pleasure to say directly what was conveyed to you by telegraph, while around. of international repute.” Evans. “The state is not a party broken Monday by a stiff breeze from rifice convention was yet is session— Fire started soon after the first to Mr. the “ I indorse the declaration in the the suit and any appeal from the the North. that you are unanimous choice of the great crash, which spread death and ruling must platform in favor of woman suffrage, ’’ desolation in its wake, destroyed 13 of company.” be made by the steamship England positively refuses to permit Mr. Hughes declared, and he added: Republican National convention for the huge warehouses of the National Judge Morrow’s decision holds that medicines for American Red Cross so­ “ Opposition may delay, but in my the party standard-bearer. Storage company on Black Tom Island the provision of the dry law limiting cieties to pass the allies’ lines into judgment cannot defeat, thia move­ “ That convention uttered the prin­ and six other warehouses in which the ment. I favor the vote for women." ciples of a confident, determinted re­ right of importing large quantities Germany or Austria. were stored merchandise valued at be­ of alcohol One-fourth of the speech was devot­ united and enthuaiastic Republican to wholesale druggists is in The committee on industrial pre­ tween $12,000,000 and $15,000,000. direct violation of the interstate com­ paredness of the naval consulting ed to Mexico. Step after step taken party, which turns to you, in highest The flames, shooting into the clouds, merce clause of the United States con­ board has completed a survey of the by the administration with reference respect and trust, as a nominee best were reflected against New York’s to Mexico was assailed, from the days typifying the party’s purposes and.the Any manufacturer, genu­ resources in case of war. “ skyline” of towering office buildings, stitution. of Huerta to the note sent the de facto people’s desires. inely in need of alcohol in wholesale which only a few minutes before were The U. S. court at Norfolk, Va., has government by the State department “ Inasmuch as the unusual circum­ may import as much alco­ rendered shaken to their foundations as by an quantities, decision which gives back June 20 last, part of which waa quoted stance inspired an informal notice at hol as he desires for manufacturing to English a owners earthquake. Miles of streets in Man­ purposes, the prize ship Ap- in the speech. The seizure of Vera the time of the convention's action and maintains the juri.* hattan alone were strewn with broken Possession pam. captured by the Germans. Cruz, the nominee said, was "war, of you then made an informal acceptance of alcohol by the manu­ glass and shattered signs. course." of the call to patriotic duty, which The failure of the Pope's appeals to not being unconstitutional, it The cause of the disaster has not facturer "Later we retired from Vera Cruz," won the plaudits of our people, 1 shall the warring nations for peace was ad­ is unconstitutional to prohibit him been determined. Officials of the Na­ continued, “ giving up thia noble not refer in detail to the actions of importing it ruled Judge Morrow. mitted by the Pontiff in addressing a he tional Storage company and the Lehigh from warfare. Recently the naked truth the convention or the declared princi­ delegation of the youth of Rome. “That being the case, it follows that Valley railroad, which also suffered the possession of intoxicants is *v»t was admitted by a Cabinet officer. We ples to which the Republican party is During a quarrel between two em­ are heavily through loss of property, de­ as now informed that we did not go committed. But it is fitting that I unlawful for the individual, no matter clared. however, that reports to them what the quantity, the restriction of ployes of the Union Meat company at to Vera Cruz to force Huerta to salute should speak the congratulations of showed a fire started shortly after 1 the amount received by him to two Portland, one man was knocked into a the flag. We are told that we went this committee on your most extraor­ o’clock Sunday morning on a barge quarts of whiskey and 24 quarts of vat of boiling water and cooked alive. there to ‘show Mexico that we were in dinary nomination. belonging to an independent towing beer a month must be unconstitutional Striking employes of the three large earnest in our demand that Huerta “ It has no parallel in the history of company that had been moored along­ go.’ ’’ the Republican party. As the whole packing houses in East St. Louis have must side a dock used by the railroad com­ also,” said the attorney. “ America,” Mr. Hughes continued, people have approvingly witnessed, voted to accept the concessions made pany to transfer ammunition ship­ has no policy of aggression toward you have been chosen for leadership by by the employers and to return to “ Mexico, ments from trains to vessels in the no desire for any part of her a convention which comprised the best Ten Die in Oeveiand Tunnel. work Tuesday. About 4500 men are harbor. territory, but wishes her to have thought, the highest intention and involved. The barge, it was said was there Cleveland—Federal officials investi­ stability and prosperity. deepest consecration of a great and Henry Edward Duke, a barister and peace, without authority of either the rail­ gating “ The conduct of the administration historic party, when you were not only the waterworks disaster which road or the storage company. The cost 22 lives late Tuesday ordered all Unionist member of Parliament for has created difficulties we shall have to an aspirant, but discouraged all en­ Exeter, was appointed to be the new officials refused to disclose the '.ame attempts to reach the bodies of 12 men surmount,” he said. “ We demand deavors in your behalf. of the independent towing company, imprisoned in the tunnel abandoned chief secretary of Ireland in succession from Mexico the protection of the “ Notwithstanding your holding aloof to Augustine Birrell. The new chief saying they were investigating “ to until Wednesday. lives and property of our citizens and from all conferences and participation, ascertain whether the barge purposely This action was taken because tests secretary will have a seat in the Brit­ the security of our border from depre­ that unfailing understanding which di­ ish cabinet. had been set on fire as the result of a of the gas through which the rescuers dations. ’’ rects popular sentiment to highest vic­ plot.’’ _____ Nineteen days with the thermometer Safeguarding American rights abroad tory called you to the service of the had to pass showed that it was highly averaging 93 degrees was the record had not been accomplished by the ad­ party and the nation. Your record of explosive and the officials feared a sec­ of the hot spell Advance Tip Given. The high­ ministration, he said. There had been public service, your well known and ond explosion. An attempt will be Washington, D. C.—The government made to pump out the gas so that the est temperature in was Chicago. 102; the lowest “ brave words in a series of notes,” courageous views on public questions Secret Service was notified three days work of recovering the bodies may pro­ 61. A total of 325 deaths occurred, but “ what does it avail to use some of when in executive fiosition, your abid­ ago that several enemies of England gress. the words known to diplo­ ing devotion to Republicanism, your including 176 babies; 2600 prostra­ had been employed by German agents All hope that any of the 12 men tions were reported, and 890 horses macy strongest if ambassadors can receive the possession of a confidence which has to preciptate just such an explosion trapped in the tunnel are alive has dropped dead in the streets. impression that the words are not to united all believers in Republican jxdi- of ammunition as took place in New been abandoned. Ten bodies, those of be taken seriously." under our party banner, your un­ York harbor. The informant said that members of the two rescue parties An aviator at San Diego, Cal., sends The nominee reiterated hia declara­ cies alterable and abiding Americanism, the men were Irishmen, probably which tried to reach the doomed men wireless messages at ten-minute inter­ tion that had this government left no your high personal character and well- vals during a flight. members of the Sinn Fein. i doubt that it meant to hold Germany known capacity—all these have fixed but themselves succumbed to the dead­ What steps were taken to guard ly gas, are in the morgue. ; “ to strict accountability,” there would Mathematicians at Aberdeen, Wash., you in the American mind as the best against the catastrophe is not known. have been no loss of life on the Lusi- have figured out that by shaving your­ exponent of Republican principle» and In any event, they were futile. The taina. self three times a week for 50 years, the wisest leader to restore America!) Secret Service now is running down its Students Will Be Released. providing you take the money saved Discussing preparedenss Mr. Hughes prestige and efficient government. clews in the hope that it will enable barbers and place it at compound Raid it was apparent that the United “ We bring you now the commisaion the apprehension of the criminals if it Washington, D. C.—All National from a fortune of $11,100 will States was “ shockingly unprepared.” to that leadership. We bring it in should turn out the treagedy was Guard organizations composed of eol- interest, have been accumulated. “ The administration has failed to full confidence that the people will caused by human agency. ; lege students will be mustered out of its responsibilities,” Mr. gladly acclaim the Republican restora­ The information came from a source the Federal service in time for them B. F. Finn, 93 years old, of the Mc­ discharge Hughes continued. Apparently it is tion under your trusted leadership. which in the past has prsved absolute­ to proceed with their school work at Kenzie River region. Lane county, now seeking to meet “ political We bring it in the highest apprecia­ ly reliable. It faiied to disclose the the Fall term. Oregon, claiming to have been the cies by its naval program. But exigen­ it has tion that peace of right and justice names of the men in the plot and it is It was announced at the War depart- original of Mark Twain’s character. imposed upon the country An incompe­ which of your unwavering Amercnnism not certain they can be obtained. ment Wednesday that the policy of the Huckleberry” Finn, has lost his tent naval administration. will hold secure than endanger. However, it is understood the source government would be to disband organ­ case in court for the cancellation of a “ We demand adequate protection on We bring it in rather the strong belief that is to be “ tipped” again, in the hope izations completely as units of the Na­ deed conveying the old Finn place. our Western and Eastern coasts. American material good fortune, under that some further details may be se­ tional Guard and to seek the reorgani­ The severity of the fighting since both We demand and efficiency Republican industrial preparedness, cured which will aid in the arrest of zation of the college men into branches the beginning of the present offensive in both arms thoroughness of the service. It seems will be the glad reflex of our own the men involved. of the officers’ reserve corps. to be plain that our regular is peace and the world’s peace and be on the Western front is indicated by too small. We are too great a army coun­ held permanent under Republican pro­ the list of casualties among officers, Petrograd Fire Reported. Poles Thank Americans. try to require of our citizens who are tection. We bring it in firm convic­ issued by the London war office, show Berl in — Reports of a* great confla­ The Hague, via London—The Polish ing for the first three weeks of July engaged in peaceful vocations the sort tion that you, will hold that plat­ gration at Petrograd, in which a bureau Wednesday informed the Asso­ 1108 killed, 2834 wounded and 491 of military service to which they are form promises sir, constitute a sacred bridge across the river Neva, 12 large ciated Press that the Polish delegates missing. ! now called.” party covenant and the expressed will steamers, including several trans- to the Congress of Nationalities at Of the present prosperity, Mr. of the people at the polla must find Atlantic liners, and the Putiloff gun Lausanne, Switzerland, have sent a Nearly $700,000,000 for national de­ Hughes said: response in capable and efficient ad­ works and other establishments were cablegram to President Wilson, thank­ fense in the fiscal year 1917 is the ag­ “ We are living In a fool’s paradise. ministration. destroyed, are printed in the Lokal An- ing the American Nation for the ac­ gregate of proposed appropriations in “ It ia,” he said, "a prosperity “ Aye, sir, we bring it believing you zeiger. The newspaper adds: “ The tion begun to succor the economic mis­ the senate with passage of the army brought about by the abnormal condi­ will add to our self-respect, confidence police suspect that the conflagration ery in Poland. Hope is expressed that appropriation bill carrying in round tions of war. For the protection of and good fortune at home and to that was the work of anarchists, who the “sacred watchword of liberty and numbers $314,000,000. This grand the industries and workingmen of the respect and good opinion abroad which planned to bum all public buildings independence for Poland will find a total for preparedness still is subject United States against the competition meets our higher American aspira­ being used for military purposes.” ready echo in America.’’ to revision, however. of “ an energized Europe.” tion!. " WAREHOUSES BURN