The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, July 27, 1916, Image 7

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About Oregon
O f General Interest
Fairies to Be Allowed on Some 160-
Acre Tracts This fall.
London Premier Asquith Monday
asked the house of commons for a vote
o f credit o f <2,260,000,000 and the
total since the beginning o f the war
! to approximately <14,160,000,000.
The premier said the recent ex|>end-
Iture was approximately <26,000,000
A ll
the ex[>enditure from
April 1 to last Saturday was <2,795,-
000,000. Mr. Asquith said that the
navy, army and munitions cost <1,*
896,000,000; the loans to Great Bri­
tain's allies, <786,000,000, and food,
supplies, railways, etc., <116,000,000.
The average daily ex|>enditure on the
war, he said, was <24,760,000.
The July total, continued the pre­
mier, probably would be higher than
that of November and it was expected
that the present level would be main­
tained for the near future. The muni­
tion expenditure had increased steadily
and continuously up to May and in the
month and during June and July it was
fairly constant.
A fter a s|>eech by Winston Spencer
Churchill, criticising Premier Asquith
for not review ing the war situation,
David Lloyd George, secretary for
war, replied, saying that it would be
premature to survey a m ilitary situa­
tion and the prospects in the middle of
the battle.
‘ 'The prospects are good,' ’ the war
secretary said.
"O ur generals are
more than satisfied with and proud o f
the valor o f our men they are leading.
Great as the British infantry was in
Wellington's and Napoleon’s day, they
never have been greater than now.
Arguments in Favor of Three
New Legislative Acts Are Filed
Salem— Arguments in behalf of the
proposed tax limitation amendment,
rural credits
amendment and the
amendment to repeal Oregon’s Sunday
closing law were filed with Secretary
o f State Olcott this week for inclusion
in the official election pamphlet.
The tax limitation argument was
submitted by Robert E. Smith, secre­
All Lands Classified as Agricultural
tary o f the Oregon Taxpayers’ league,
to Be Opened— Work of Cruis­
the rural credits argument by the com­
mittee in charge o f the Oregon R efer­
ing Will Begin at Once.
endum league, and the argument for
the repeal o f the Sunday closing law
by Dan Kellaher and Ben A. Bellamy,
o f the Independent Retailers’ associa­
Portland Juat a« faat a* it can be
tion o f Portland.
classified, agricultural land in the Ore­
The arguments fo r the three pro­
gon & California land grant in thia
posed amendments in part are as fol­
atate ia to be o|>ened to entry by actual
" A r e taxes in Oregon high enough?
Thia official information waa brought
Shall we lim it their further increase
from Waahington Saturday by Ix>uia
to 6 per cent a year?
These are the
1.. Sharp, chief of the field diviaion of
questions in considering the State-
thu general land office, following hia
Wide Tax Lim itation Amendemnt.
return to Portland from a three weeks’
"O re g o n ’s per capita tax is higher
conference in Waahington with Com-
than that o f any other state in the
miaaioner Clay Tallman relative to de-
Union. During the past ten years
taila o f the classification and opening
taxes have increased 37 per cent a
to entry.
year. Taxes have increased five times
Uy the latter end o f next week Mr.
faster than population.
Sharp expecta to be on hia way with a
" A s a result, Oregon has been going
crew of men, including expert timber
backward in population and wealth for
cruiacra, to begin the immenae taak of
the past three years. Last year seven
claaa^ying the ianda, a preliminary
fam ilies le ft the state to each new
neceaaary before they can be o|*ened to
fam ily coming into it. In the face of
these discouraging conditions there are
lie w ill atart thia work in Southern
those who have plans which will result
Oregon, in either Jackaon or Joaephine
countiea, which contain a greater pro-
New York — Agents and collectors in still greater increases in our taxes.
l«>rtion o f the grant Ianda than any employed by the Prudential Insurance j Unless a lim it is provided the legisla­
other countiea.
company were called out on strike j ture and our public officials will con­
The Oregon & California land grant Monday by a union recently organized tinue to increase our taxes as rapidly
in thia atate compriaea a total o f 2,- among them and known as the In te r- j as they have in the past.
"T h e amendment lim its the increase
300.000 acrca. Only thoae Ianda that national Insurance A gents’ Protective
are claaaifled aa agricultural w ill be association, with a membership of in taxation to an annual increase not
opened to entry.
6000. Although assertions o f the com­ to exceed six j>er cent unless a greater
Juat what proportion of the grant ia pany and the union were conflicting, it increase is authorized by the people.
claaaiflable aa agricultural land nobody apiwared Monday night that at least j , “ Th,e f » rl" del|t o f Oregon, secured
known at thia time.
The beat eati- 500 men In the district have responded ^ _ ref. *7^
servatively estimated at <30,000,000,
mate can be no more than a gueaa. to the strike call thus far.
And it wan an a guenn only, though one
The men demanded more pay, recog­ On this debt the farmers are paying
baaed on all the information at hand, nition of the union and "m ore reason­ an average rate o f about eight and
that Mr. Sharp exprenaed the opinion a b le" working hours. Telegrams from one-fourth per cent interest. Added
that probably one-half the land will branches o f the union in different to this the costs o f renewal and com­
full under the claaaification o f agricul­ states in the territory east of Chicago, missions, the rate paid is probably
leaders here declared, indicate that un­ little under nine and one-fourth per
Deducting to begin with from the less the demands of the men are met cent.
"T h e rural credits amendment pro­
2.300.000 acren of the grant aome 300,- all the 6000 w ill follow the lead of
000 acren that are included in foreat those already out.
13,000 poses to take the burden out o f the
reaervea, leaven approximately 2,000,- agents and collectors are employed by farm mortgage at interest o f five per
cent. The cost o f title searching and
000 acrea to be clannified. I f the eati- the company.
w ill be from <10 to <50, ac­
mated ratio o f one-half ia maintained,
Lack o f sufficient collectors to see
1.000. 000 acres of this 2, will that premiums are turned in at the cording to the amount o f the loan. The
eventually be clannified an agricultural proper time, the strikers assert, will farmer must pay off one per cent of
and opened to entry.
result in the cancellation o f thousands the original sum borrowed each year.
Mr. Sharp said, however, that the o f policies. The company announced That is, the payment of six per cent
public w ill not be kept waiting for the that none o f the men who walked out on l ^e m°rtga ge w ill pay interest, cost
of operation and wipe out the debt en­
entire classification to be completed. would be reinstated.
tirely in a period o f 36 years.
Juat as quickly as enough o f the land
"T h is system would mean to Oregon
can be classified to make it worth
an annual saving in interest and mort­
while, he explained, it will be thrown
gage costs o f <750,000. It would mean
o|>en to entry. Thia process w ill be
Cleveland— Imprisoned in a new wa- 1 an end to the perpetual worry and ex­
continued until all the agricultural
ter works tunnel under Lake Erie as a pense of mortgage renewing; practi­
land is opened to entry.
“ I do not wish to bo understood aa result of a terrific explosion o f gas in cally an end to foreclosures, lost homes
making any definite promise,” said the tube, 16 men are believed to be and blighted hopes; better equipped
farms and greater rural prosperity.
Mr. Sharp, "bu t we hope to open the dead.
"T h e continuation o f the old blue
The blast occurrred shortly before
first batch of land by early fall.
land will be in Southern Oregon, in midnight Monday and lifesavers and law, which w ill be enforced i f not re­
either Jackaon or Joaephine counties, the crews o f the fireboats rushed to pealed, simply means putting the peo­
the outer crib five miles from shore ple o f Oregon in a straight-jacket on
for we shall l>egin work there first.’ ’
with lung motors, prepared to enter Sundays. I f not repealed this anti­
the tunnel and rescue the victims alive. quated law w ill be enforced strictly,
That any survived the gas explosion as it is now being done in Washington,
Lane, Linn, and other counties in Ore­
is considered hopeless.
A t 2:30 a. m., G. 0. Van Duzen, gon, where now you cannot purchase a
Washington, D. C.— President W il­ with eight members of a rescue party, newspaper, a cigar, refreshments, gas-
son and his cabinet determined Fri- ; were overcome by gas in the tunnel oline or anything else on Sunday.
day to insist that England remove trying to rescue the 14 men trapped in
" I f enforced it means that all mov-
American firms from her "b la ck list.” the water works tunnel.
Tw o others | ing picture theaters must close on Sun­
The entire subject was considered at in the party were saved. It is report­ days; it means that no baseball games
the cabinet session held Friday.
The ed that the rescuers were near death can be played on Sundays; it means
conclusion was reached that action from the gas.
that all pool and billiard parlors, and
should be taken to terminate this
bowling alleys or other innocent exer­
method o f interference with American
cising sports and recreations operated
trade. In accordance with this decis­
for pay or profit must not operate on
| Sundays; it means that Sunday news­
ion Mr. Polk Bent instructions to Am ­
Washington, D. C.— Contributions to papers cannot be printed, sold or deliv-
bassador Page in London directing him
to make emphatic representations to the treasury’s "conscience fund, ” for | ered on Sundays; it means that all
the British foreign office, not only the fiscal year ending June 30 amount­ pleasure resorts and recreation delights
against the blacklisting o f the firms ed to <4,923.15, making a total of o f all kinds, including picnics, must
whose names have been made public, <498,763.64 returned by persons whose cease on Sundays, i f entrance fees or
but against the continuance o f a prac­ consciences were uneasy over frauds charges are made.
tice described as in violation o f inter­ against the government.
" Ic e cream, confections, foods of all
Returns were much larger during kinds, and regular business o f any
national law.
There is reason to believe that Eng­ the past year than ever before, chiefly kind except medicines, and medicines
land expected aome such action by the because o f two unusual contributions, only, at drug stores cannot be sold
Washington government.
The firms one for <30,000 and one for <10,000.
delivered on Sundays. It means that
It was in 1811 when the first <5 was you cannot get a shoe-shine, that you
blacklisted were selected from a long
list in the iwmsession o f the British au­ sent in. It is an unwritten law o f the cannot buy a cigar, or candies, or flow­
thorities. Against those placed under department that no effort shall be ers, on Sundays, unless you can prove
the ban it is asserted the evidence is made to learn the identity o f the con­ them necessities or charities.”
conclusive and when made public w ill tributors, and even in cases where the
convince the American government of w riter has confessed to theft no effort
School Terms Increased.
is made to prosecute.
the propriety o f the measure adpoted.
The school directors of Clatsop coun­
Boni Has New Evidence.
Rotarlans Pick Atlanta.
ty have increased the length o f their
Rome--On behalf o f Count Boni de terms of school until the short term o f
Cincinnati— Atlanta, Ga., was selec­
ted a the convention city in 1917 of the Castellsne his attorney in the suit be­ six or seven months during the year
International Association o f Rotary fore the Holy See for the annulment has been almost entirely eliminated.
Clubs here late Saturday by the new of his marriage with Anna Gould has The annual report o f County Superin­
and retiring officers, who are empow­ presented to the l ’ope new evidence tendent Byland, which has just been
ered to make the selection.
Kansas which, according to the attorney, will filed with Superintendent o f Public In­
C ity and Salt Lake were also in the prove that Miss Gould married Count struction J. A. Churchill, shows that
field for the next convention.
C. R. de Castellane with the intention o f di­ last year there were but two districts
Perry, o f Chicago, was re-elected sec­ vorcing him i f later she became dis­ in the county having six months of
retary. This concluded the work of satisfied with the marriage bond. This school, while more than three-fourths
the International convention, which is sufficient to annul a Catholic mar­ o f the remaining districts had terms o f
nine months.
had been in session since last Monday. riage, the attorney says.
Prudential Insurance Company
Agents Called Out on Strike
Sixteen in lube Thought Dead.
United States to Ask British
to Remove Blacklist Edict
“ Conscience Fund” Gets Record Sums.
Portland Wheat— Bluestem, < 1.024
per bushel; fortyfold, 93c; club, 93c; j
red Fife, 92c; red Russian, 90c.
Millfeed -Spot prices: Bran, <266(
26.60 per ton; shorts, <296429.50; rol­
led barley, <31.6004 32.60.
Corn— Whole, <38 per ton; cracked 1
Vegetables— Artichokes, 76 c 64<1 per
dozen; tomatoes, 90c6(<1.25 per crate;
cabbage, <2 per hundred; garlic, 10c
per pound; peppers, 124 c; eggplant,
16c; lettuce, <1 per crate; cucumbers,
<1(1(1.26 per box; peas, 3644c per
pound; beans, 4(!(6c; celery, <1 per
dozen; corn, 606460c.
Force, Threats or Violence Must Not
Potatoes- New, 146(2c per pound.
Onions — California red and yellow,
Be Used Against Strikebreaker
<2.75 per sack; Walla Walla, <2.75
per sack.
or His Home or Family.
Green Fruits— Apples, new, <1.656(
1.90 per box; cherries, 4<g8c per!
pound; cantaloupes, <1.10(143.60 per
Portland.— On the application of the
crate; peaches, 60c<K31 per box; wa­ San Francisco & Portland Steamship
termelons, 14 <Kl|c per pound; figs, <1 company, operating the steamers Rose
(■«,1.50 per box; plums, <1.256(1.60; City and Beaver, Federal Judge Wol-
prunes, <1.26(1(1.50; pears, 26(2.25; ! verton has issued a temporary lnjunc-
apricots, <1.26(1(1.60; grapes, <2.35 tion restraining officers of the Pacific
per box; loganberries, 75c6(<l; rasp­ Coast district, International Long­
berries, <1(1(1.25; blackcaps, <1.50@ shoremen’s association, and of the
two local longshoremen’s unions, Indi­
vidually and as representatives of all
Eggs — Oregon ranch,
exchange members o f the association, who are
price, current receipts, 234c per dozen. on strike along the entire Pacific
Jobbing price: Oregon ranch, candled, coast for higher wages and new work-
26c; selects, 26c per dozen.
ing conditions, from interfering In any
Poultry— Hens, 146(144c; broilers, manner with the business or premises
166(18c per pound; turkeys, live, 20@ of the company, or with Its employes
22c; ducks, 12@14c; geese, 9 @ llc .
| and members of their families.
Butter — Cubes, extras, no bid;
Under the terms of the injunction
prime firsts, 244c.
Jobbing prices: the strikers are forbidden to hinder,
delay or otherwise interfere with the
Prints, extras, 27@29c; butterfat, No. business o f the company, or to enter
1, 26c; No. 2, 24c, Portland.
its grounds or premises.
Veal— Fancy, 12c; prime firsts, 24@
They may not picket on or near the
244c per pound.
property o f the company. The order
restrains them from congregating on
Pork— Fancy, 10 4 @ llc per pourd.
Cattle — Steers, choice, <7.606(8; the property of the plaintiff for the
good, $6.766(7.25; cows, choice, <6.25 purpose o f picketing or patrollng or
6(7; good, <5.50646.25; heifers, <4@ guarding the streets or gates to the
6.50; bulls, <36(5; stags, <4.50646.
They are forbidden to use force,
Hogs — Prim e light, <8.506(9.05; threats, violence or other intimidation
good to prime, <7.756(8.10; rough to induce employes to refuse to work,
heavy, <7.506(7.75; pigs and skips, or to quit the service of the company.
Likewise, the strikers must not use
Sheep — Yearlings,
<5.75 6 j 6.25; these methods to keep other persons
wethers, $4.75 @ 6 ;
ewes, <2.50 @ from accepting employment of the
5.50; lambs, <66(8.25.
They are further restrained from
the men now employed by
Seattle— Wheat — Bluestem, <1.02;
the company as strikebreakers to or
Turkey red, <1.01; fortyfold, 934c; from their work, or from going singly
club, 934c; fife, 94c; red Russian, or collectively to the houses of the
924c. Barley, <28 per ton.
employes to intimidate them by threat
; or force or violence from going to
Tacoma — Wheat — Bluestem, 98c; work,
fortyfold, 94c; club and red fife, 92c.
Lastly, the temporary order re-
strains the strikers from intimidating
... . . .
. -
the wives and families of the men em-
Wasnmgton S l y i b ApplB urop
ployed as strikebreakers.
federal Court Issues Temporary Order
Restraining Union Activity.
Estimated at 16,000 Carloads
Senate Refuses to Strike Out
$11,000,000 Armor Plant Item
Spokane, Wash----- Sixteen thousand
cars is the estimated apple crop in the
state o f Washington this year. This j
is 3000 cars in excess o f the yield o f
Washington, D. C.— An attack by
1915. The peach yield is placed at Senator La Follette on the general
1063 cars, pears 1239 cars, and plums preparedness program as the product
of the agitation by moneyed interests,
and prunes 395 cars.
R. G. Page, president o f the Arcadia aided by the metropolitan press, pre­
Valley Fruit Growers’ association, an­ vented a final vote in the senate on
nounces that plans are being drawn for the naval bill. The Wisconsin senator
had not completed his speech when
a storage warehouse to be built near
an. u -ij-
tlie 8enate adjourned, and he did not
Deer Park this season
The building indicate how long he planned to con-
w ill be 100x100 feet, o f reinforced tinue. The general belief, however,
concrete construction.
1 was that a vote would be reached at
Announcement is made by J. M. Bal­ once.
Most of the day was taken up with
four that the Balfour-Greely Grain
company w ill establish a plant here to an unsuccessful fight by Senators
store, clean and grade Montana wheat. O liver and Penrose on the section of
the bill providing for a <11,000,000 gov­
The first unit w ill cost <16,000. The
ernment armor plant. By a vote of
company’s plan is to bring wheat to 51 to 17 the senate defeated a motion
the Spokane plant from all the ra i‘‘ to strike out the section and then
roads reaching into and through Mon­ ■ voted down, 49 to 16, the Oliver
tana, and to supply cleaned and graded amendment to refer the armor con­
wheat to the mills o f the Inland Em­ troversy to the federal trade commis­
pire and to the Coast fo r export and to sion for settlement.
Senator La Follette contended that
the East. The Montana crop amount­
neither conditions confronting the na-
ed to 40,000,000 bushels last year.
: tion nor the testimony given before
the congressional naval committees
warranted the proposed navy Increase.
Parable of the Sugar Bowl.
“ A total of <844,000,000 is the load
I f there is just so much available that goes on the bended backs o f the
fe rtility in an acre o f soil and you use American people,’’ he declared. “ Why
part o f it in making a corn crop, part is this to be done? If it is necessary
in an oat crop, part in wheat, and an­ now, why was it not necessary four
other part in grass, and then begin the years ago? You knew then the naval
and m ilitary strength of all the for-
rotation #ver again and keep selling
| eign countries. But then the interests
off the larger part o f it all the time, I had not been appealed to. Bethlehem
you are like the housewife who has a | Steel at 40 was not Bethlehem Steel
bucket o f sugar and dips out one day at 840. The Interests behind this pre-
with a teacup to make a cake; another j paredness plan do not fear Germany
tim e fills the sugar bowl and another | or England. The plan merely fits into
time dips out with a spoon to sweeten their imperialistic schemes.
The senator charged that men had
lemonade or make cookies, without the
bucket being refilled. — Green’s Fruit been forced into preparedness parades
under threats of having their wages
reduced. Workingmen in Washington,
Montana Wool High
Billings, Mont.— The largest clip o f
wool in Eastern Montai.a has been sold
to a Boston firm at the highest price
on record, 344 cents a pound being
reached in this transaction.
Herd, o f this city, has Bold his clip, es­
timated at between 240,000 and 250,-
000 pounds, to Claude Ketchum, repre­
senting a Boston house.
The Herd clip is particularly at­
tractive because o f its long staple and
uniform character.
University Loses Four Million.
N ew York.— Columbia
loses a bequest of <4,000,000 under a
verdict by a jury setting aside the will
of the late Amos F. Eno. This amount
represented Eno’s residuary estate,
which his relatives assert he willed to
the Institution while of unsound mind.
he said, had told him they marched
in the demonstration there for that
! reason The larger newspapers of the
country, he declared, were influenced
by the advantage o f the “ interests"
behind the preparedness propaganda,
to devote most space to the testimony
of witnesses before the congressional
committees who favored preparedness.
Frisco Railroad is Sold.
S t Louis.— The S t Louis & San
Francisco Railroad (Frisco System)
was sold to representatives of the
roads’ bondholders here Thursday for
<45,700,200, $200,000 more than the
minimum price fixed March 31 by
United States Judge Sanborn.
The sale ends the receivership, and
the road w ill be returned to the stock­
holders under a plan recently approv­
ed by the Missouri public service com­
mission. There was no contesting bid.