■'Ready present —hie!” ’ which even n o« «.is not wholly si | Tlie answering volley broke like a lent, though both men, lost for a brief crack o f thunder ou the stillness, and spin-«- lu re«-ol loot loll, had regained when tho smoke cleared a dozen their lo-l-l upon (lie present. Farquhar snddlea In the foremost ranks o f the r«>m- slowly to Ills fis-t, "K eep Colon*! enemy were empty Taken utterly by Destlnn under guunl," he said. " W l i f f f surprise, the troop swung round In ills Is Captain A rim lid?" Tw o men advanced and placed them order and burnt Into a abort, headlong selves «in either side of lln-lr f«irmer retreat. But they did not answer But It wns the pnnlc of a moment. leader. Fanatic, splendid, they swept on Into Destlnn frowned thoughtfully at the the teeth o f a withering death which night gathering eastward. Kor a hum-stMul. SSSsMa ami mmintain i « m "Ben Azar lies thirty kilometers left no trace. They raced one another •ter l’usori» llx>n> la nuthliw tl-al «III l-ral •*ur l-M iin liijMssI—w, TMa ho-i»«* la muti«- i»f for the gates o f paradise; they bore from here.” he said. "Even with a *•»•1 'in alo» ettaal (Ir luiiila,». Ih- houaa twin» By L A. R. WYLIE '.'««In f--vt In al»-, -tlvl'l—l Ini» l » . i nanna In down upon an enemy lighting only lame f*M>t Arnaud Is a wonderful sud ths rseuliuaeiMa -f D m nsrshssar; ima There Is a squadron of Instinctively for a life that was al­ marcher. - »l-a-ra, fi «aimjtm-a. |a-r- li meone touche«! him. He Destlnn slirugg«-«! his shoulder«, l ” » returned to him. Sow er fo r c e » Knr- quhar to resign hla commission. G ab rielle dren awakened from Intolerable night­ turned. It was Destlnn. They took smiling. •a\ea F arqu h ar fram aulrlde. T o »h leld mare. They called their allegiance to aim together like men engaged In Farquhar lurchqU forward. He Arnaud. S y lv ia 's fiance. F arqu h ar p ro­ him In a dozen half forgotten tongues, New stai Hveotvl hand mimic warfare. Goetz draggisl him­ »t-«»«I for a moment within arm's fesses to have stolen w ar plans. A» Richard N am eless he Joins the F oreig n they gripped his hands and kissed the self up alongside. He was smiling length, s«-aylug on Ids heels. When Legion. F arq u h ar m eets S y lv ia and G a ­ hem of bts tattered coat In fantastic plt-asuntly with a cartridge between he s|M>ke It was III un iiudt-rtono and brielle. Arnaud b ecom e» a drunkard and opium smoker. S y lv ia becomes frien d ly worship. Ids t«H*fh. In Eugllsh. w ith C olonel Destlnn. Arnaud becomes "W e'll follow you, Fngllshman; do "1 like dying In goo«! company,” he Jealous o f F arq u h ar and Is shot down by “ We ure fellow coantrymen. Colonel Hurt«{! «itti Tw in*. him. Arnaud goes to a dancing g irl who with us as you like— we trust you.” shouted, as the Impediment wns >«*stlun.” In- sulil. "W hatever else loves him fo r com fort. G ab rielle m eets There were burning tears of grati­ Jntnme«] luto the smoking bree«'h of Teli Viuiv i1r«!«»r fini I-owe. fo r whom she had sacrificed p osi­ has hiippem-d or may happen, we have *•»»« u ISKI tion and reputation, and tells him she Is tude. o f a deeply stirred pity, on his Ills rifle. “ That's the new prophet— fought together shoulder to shoulder M \ S ' H g ì Al l I V fre e from him. S y lv ia meets Destlnn be­ cheeks. He turned gravely to the two N M »N |w ." ih. lu « . All-Mahome«!—lu the front there. If ask a favor o f you. Make It | > < > e hind the mosque. Arnaud becom es 111 but ft»r S ervir«. we could bring him «town It might slide for me to ki-t-p iny promise to S y lvia w ill not help him. nor In te rfe re fo r officers. I (ave him w r it« our Farquhar. G abrielle, aiding Farquhar. "You are my prisoner. Colonel De­ br«»nk their backbone." ite>«r«'«t hmiMY these poor fellows." who Is under punishment. Is m istaken by stlnn; Captain Arnaud, I must ask you WINKLKMAN HA«. A ML H LAI* (O , The Arabs were now within four him min his delirium fo r Sylvia. Farqu har "Is that In my power?” wns the d eliverin g a m essage to I'lestlnn at for your sword. Have I your word of hundrad yards. ITI F N f t t «tes Their pace bad not quiet return. night finds S y lv ia w ith him H e learns honor that neither o f you will attempt Tartina Wash, P o rti*!*!. O r»*«*». slackene«! for an Instant. Farquhar that It was G ab rielle w ho aided him. G a ­ O lii Mit unti l.iir tfr a t t W iiit il h k m l I l a * "You cannot s h o ot a hundred men b rielle leaves S y lv ia and goes to Farqu - escape?" Itoaim r* in i h * N u r ih w e a l. sprang to bis feeL You cannot send the Inst remnant of har's m other, w ho has com e to A lg ie rs Arnaud bowed. Destlnn was smil­ "t.’eaae tiring— flx bayonets!” In an effo rt to save her son. W h ile on a your regiment to the jx-nal battalion». ing. m arch F arq u h ar saves D estln n '» life He raced out alone to meet the en­ The men were silent. A strange, emy. The rain o f bullets bad Imen a You nets! a ringleader and one exero- f I am the ring pitiable figure had crept out from the spur to their fanatic daring—the sud­ plary punishment. The nearness of death has lender— ” shadow o f the rocks. It was Goetz— den silence checked them. They wa­ brought close together In the " It matters very little to me," he Special Summer Goetz, scarcely recognizable save for vered. suspe«'tlng a trap In this strange Rates fellowship- of misery two men the livid scar across his cheek. He lull, seeing lu the lonely figure the one said. "I consent to your rondlttona. Court Room, Single, 75c; Double, $1, who are sworn enemies. That Is It la for you to manage your men as staggered blludly. and his cracked and thing they feare«!- the *ii|>ernntural. Outside Room, Single, $1, Double, $1.50 one of the tricks of death— to U-st you can." bloodless lips could make d o sound. the unknown. Not a shot was tlre«l. (Hath privllrgu lnrluii«Nt) “ O f thut you ne«*d have no fear." m ak{ men see that the general But he pointed westward. A low line For an Infinitesimal s « h - oiu I of lnd«*cl- Rooms with Private Hath, Single, o f dust whirled against the scarlet "You s|>eak with authority. Wbat run of quarrels and bickerings slon both aides watt«-«]. Goetz, with $1.50; Double, $2.00. horizon and came uearer. In the dying are all foolishness, a waste of his rifle against his cheek, bis Auger on ragiiNnid gang did you lead In White- (W hen yuu K«*iriat*r A*k the Clerk fur light flashes o f silver broke through chai>el. my countryman?” time. Will these two see it and the trigger, kept tip a soft flow of Summer Hat**« j the rapidly moving cloud. They could Again the faint. Irrepressible note of become friends? gixxl-humore«! expletive. Auto |l«a Meet« Train* almost hear the thud o f galloping un»sislo«-«s quivered heueulli the Irony. “ Mad— mad as Englishmen, but oh. i hoofs. AH C ir » from Union I ' a m Our (Vnjrv, gods of my fathers, what sublime Farqiiher laughed. "Arabs!” C H APTE R XVI—Continued. "The flneet gang o f dnre«1evlls in the method!" The word passed like a sigh from world, my colonel," he snbl. Then he For. Washington A Fifth Hla . IH KTI.AV ■> (IR K Farquhar had covon-d fifty ynnls The peace was absolute. Golden mouth to mouth. before the enemy hud grnsjwsl his pur­ motioned to the two men ou Ifc-stiuu'a clouds sank lazily through the quiet “ Colonel Destlnn has pose. Then with a sort o f delirious either I ibim I. air. and beyond the haze a single fiery An Accountant. CH APTER XVII. given me tils wi>rd." he said briefly. triumph their leader burst through the star blazed down from a dome of em­ ’’ Why do you call BII kk I us an expert "Y’ou have nothing more to fear. Biv­ ranks o f his followers and thundered accountant ?" erald. He lifted himself painfully on Promises. ouac as tx-st you can. W e ahall re- "Because of hla assumptions of ex­ his elbow. This was not death, nor With the frenzied energy o f mad­ down upon the doomed mao with the uinlu here till the morning.” traordinary wisdom Tli- rc Inn l anv the world he had le ft Where there men, they cleared the ammanltlon superb arrogance of his race, disdain­ He tiirm-d from th«-m and passed the phenomenon In the universe that he had been hills there were now plains, wagons from the deep drifts of sand. ing a peril that se«-me«l contemptible huudml d I lu figures o f nieu leaning doesn't assume to be able to account and the gullies had become mountains. The bodies o f comrades, stiffened al­ Those watching for the end saw the weary and motionless on their rlflea. I for.” — Washington Star. Where there had been men there were ready in the agonized attitudes o f their flash o f a bayonet—heard the Jnrrlng They did not look nt him or seem to rasp o f sti-el against steel, and then now nothing but smooth layers o f un­ death, were flung ruthlessly aside; He saw Goetz standing. I)r. Pierce’ s Pleasant Pellets are the troubled sand. Something moved and rifles were torn from cold, tenacious AIl-Mnbotned'g horse swept on rider­ notice him. a slender, delicate figure, outllue«! original little liver pills put up 40 years touched Farquhar. He started and hands; friends with whom they had less. Simultaneously flame burst from unearthly background of ; *K°- They regulate liver and bowels. Destlnn led the ngnlnst an looked down at the man whose head marched and suffered were trampled a hundred rifles. silvery hills. The German was smok still rested against his arm. Their eyes under fo o t There were seven hun­ charge, and behind him raced a hun­ True View. Ing placidly. almost Insolently. m et In the red twilight they recog­ dred dead and a hundred living, and dred cheering men who an hour be­ The late James J. Hill, the railroad He nized each other—and their eyes shift­ the seven hundred were forgotten. Fa­ fore had clamored for bis life. king, was a man of buoyant optimism. ed instantly in shy horror of that which tigue, hunger and thirst were wiped . ran like a boy. waving a smoking, use­ "Failu re," he once said In an ad­ A fter thla, will Colonel Dee- less rifle, shouting madly, while Goetz dress to railway inen, "failures are al­ the other had become. Arnaud dragged o a t tinn have the nerve to order It was two ways pessimists. Huccesses. on the himself up upon his elbow and They crouched, silent and motion- j thundered at his side. Richard executed for leading a other hand, are optimists. Which Is coughed the sand from his lungs. less. In the sand, with the sullen pa­ to one, exhausted Infantry against mutiny ? right?" "M y horse bolted and threw me,” he tience of wolves, hunter] to their lair. cavalry In full course. But the mir­ He paused, then added: jerked out gratingly. “ I must have They did not look at Fnrquhar. but acle had been performed. The Incal­ "It's easier to slip down hill than to «T O U K C O N T IN U E D .) been half stunned. I did not know they heard him. He could feel with culable element In all battle, the su­ climb up. hut the view, remember, Is that it was—you.” There was a brief a thrill o f power how their nerves and perstition of men's hearts, had fallen at the top.” New War Antiseptic. The whirlwind died silence. They measured each other. muscles stiffened at his command. It I d the scale. One of the most effectual remedies Within a few feet o f their Sometimes Apply It Lightly, Then Arnaud stretched out his band. was good to command again. He gave down. fallen leader the heroic Arab host fal for wounds Is found In a powder made " I ’m sorry— I wish to God I did not For cuts, burns, scalds, sores and by Dr. Felix Mendel of Essen. Ger­ open wounds always apply Hanford's lered. broke and fle«l. hate you, Farquhar.” They picked up Farquhar from be­ many. It constats of a mixture of ten Balsam lightly, but be sure that It They went on. Behind a great rock neath the dead body o f hla opponent, parts bicarbonate of soda, nine parte j covers and geta to the bottom of the which towered out of the storm-driven A few light applications are and as bis eyes opene