CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Plans Are Maturing prints butter wrap- for Catholic Fair perH The with Express non-poisonou.s ink. Job printing —phone 821. Hancock & Wile« carry Life, Accident & Fire Insurance. 1-tf Currants at 4c per pound if you pick yourself. Mias Frances M yers. 27 We will insure your auto against fire, theft and collision. Hancock & Wiles. 9-tf Mr. and Mr«. Harry Underhill and children were Portland visitors Saturday. Miss Tibbets of Eugene spent last week here visiting 1'rof. and Mrs. Inlow and other friends. Miss Marcella Richards visited her brother, Percy, and his family Sunday and Monday in Portland. Mrs. H. A. Williams, who has been ailing for the past ten days, is slowly coming back to health. Dean Farnhamhad the pleasure of taking the Columbia highway trip Saturday with her friend, Mrs. Agert of Portland. Miss Margaret Curtis returned Monday from Portland, where she has spent ten days attending the holiness camp meetings. John Garrison left Monday, af­ ter having spent a week vLiting friends in Forest Grove and at­ tending to some business matters. The Verboort baseball team went to McMinnville Sunday and was trimmed by a score of 13 to 0. Took in too much territory, as it were. Father Buck and sister, Mrs. E. A. Sharp of NVilliston, N. D., took the Columbia highway trip Monday and were delighted with both the roadbed and the scenery. Lester and Stanley Forsgren re­ turned to their home in Portland Sunday, after having spent a month visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Langley and baby of Portland attended the Chautauqua Friday and Sat­ urday and visited Mr. Langley’s mother and sister over Sunday. Mrs. S. J. Bowen and grand­ daughter, Miss Alice Bowen, who have been visiting the former’s granddaughters, Misses Edith and Ethel Mocroft, in this city, left today for Wyoming where they will visit awhile before going to their home at Kewanee. Illinois. We’ll Save You Money on anything in the line of A most unique idea in the way Miss Mary Cor I visited her of a Harvest Fete or Church Fair ¡ h being worked out by the Cath­ parents in Corvallis over Sunday. Indies’ and Gents’ Underwear Money to loan Valley Realty olics of Forest Grove, and will at half price ; Children's regular take place the week of August I Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf 25c hose, 2 pair for 25c. We will insure your auto against 28th. Kither a tent or a large store building will he us«*d for the 1 fire, theft and collision. Hancock Corner Third St. and Pacific Ave 9-tf Phone 41 x purixMte. Advertising wi l l be & Wiles. along new lines and in a special Mrs. Esther Matthews is visit­ way over the entire portion of ing her son, W W. Matthews, and for several more streets. Pacific Power Warranty deed and mortgage & Light company to be given new Washington County, for the pur­ family at Oaston. blanks for sale at the Express franchise. pose is to attract from every place. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schultz re­ Astoria—Iron works to be re-estab­ office. Everyone knows what the old- turned Sunday from a fortnight's lished if people furnish two-thirds cap­ fashioned fair was. This will be outing at Newport. ital. S. P. Company advances 3000 common OREGON ELECTRIC TIME CARD something of the order of the Uncle John Caples has pur- bm U d J u ly l i , l t l « laborers on Pacific division from $1.75 Harvest Fete, and in order to give chased from M S. Allen & Co , a L». F. A i t . Pt. L». Pt. AIT. . F. G. to $2.00 per day. in>[s*tus, arrangements will he new Saxon runabout. Astoria reports record breaking sal­ 6:20 a m 7:40 6:50 a m 8:07 made with some of the merchants mon run. May be heaviest in river’s 7:05 a m 8:30 8:15 a m 9:32 The Express is prepared to meet of Forest drove—Forest drove 8:15 a m 9:35 10:25 a m 11:40 history. Corvallis—Fischer Flour Mills sells 9:45 a m 11:00 1:15 p m 2:25 merchants only—to take and oc­ , the prices of traveling calendar p m 1:45 3:30 p m 4:40 2,000 barrels flour over long distance 12:30 cupy whatever extra booths may salesmen in lots of 100 or more. 3:45 p m 5:00 5:30 p m 6:45 phone to Milford, Tennessee. Miss Emma Penfield returned 5:05 p m 6:25 6:15 p m 7:30 be left after the attractions are Development work ¿rider way on 7:40 p m 9:05 7:20 p m 8:40 Thursday from her vacation of placed. Necessarily the number nitrate properties in Lake and Harney 9:45 p m 11:00 11:15 p m 12:.’»5 will be limited and it is desired several weeks, spent at Rockaway counties. P. E. he E. ELECTRIC TIME CARD MrMinnville — Company formed to that those booths represent as beach. Arr. Pt. L t . PL j L*. F. G. Arr . F. G. prospect oil field near here. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson many different houses of business a 6:35 m 7:50 t7:15 a m 8:35 Grants Pass—Queer, of Bronze mine or industries as ¡»ossible. Kach and Mff and Mrs. John McNamer t7:20 a m 8:45 t9:05 a m 10:22 increasing output. booth will I k ? decorated and a t­ made the Columbia highway trip North Bend—1,500,000 feet of cedar t9:41 a m 11:10 11:00 a m 12:15 12:35 p m 1:50 2:15 p m 3:30 tended by the firm represented. I Sunday. ties shipped last 60 days. j t2:00 p m 3:20 t3;30 p m 4:50 Crane—At this terminus 1800 people No charge whatever will be made Mrs Lulu Ingersoll returned 3:50 p m 5:05 5:10 p m 7:00 celebrated coming of railroad. for advertising, floor space, etc., Thursday evening from a two p m 7:35 m 5:55 t6:15 t4:34 p Roseburg shipping carload of copper 8:00 p m 9:20 but a small |>ereentage of the weeks’ visit at Oregon City and t6:22 p m 7:45 tll:15 p m 12:35 ore for test in Tacoma smelters. sales made at the Fair will I k » Gladstone. Wasco, Grant and Wheeler counties 9:35 p m 10:50 ssl:00 p m 2:20 asked. For particulars applica­ plan new highway to Idaho line. Dr. and Mrs. Coon, Mr. and t—Thru s—Sat ss—Sat & Sunday Nearly 40,000 pounds of wool have tion may be made to “The Cath­ Mrs. Will Emerick and Mrs. Joe been pooled by th e L a n e county olic Harvest-Fete Committee,” Wiles spent Saturday and Sunday farmers. Box 11, Forest drove, Oregon. at Barview. Union Pacific buying 2,500,000 feet Besides the usual attractions at fir lumber for car equipment. Miss Constance Geiger returned such fairs, there will be games and Monday from Salem, where she New road proposed from Eugene to Klamath via Crater lake. all kinds of amusements during had been attending the Epworth Lumber packet “ City of Portland” the day, and each evening a big, I League institute. on her initial trip to Australia with old-fashioner! d i n n e r wi l l be 2.000. 000 feet of lumber. Archie Olson Monday paid served and a special stage enter­ Independence—Valley & Siletz rail­ Judge Beach $10 and costs for tainment will be given. Every road being rushed and will tap rich FOREST GROVE operating an automobile without timber belt by fall. holder of a dinner ticket will be TO having taken out a license. Willamina has loganberry juice plant. a d m i t t e d to the evening's I SAN FRANCISCO Portland Chamber of Commerce en­ entertainment free. All others, i Dr. Holmes Tue-day took Miss dorses amendment whereby Eastern including children, will be charger! Helen Reeher, his son, Halbert, ROUND TRIP Oregon is to receive $200,000 for ex­ and George Seymour to the Ree the nominal sum of ten cents. perimental well drilling. Good for 30 Days Salem—State engineer issues per­ The money raised at this fair her place, on Wilson river, for an Ninety-day Ticket $35 mits last quarter to irrigate 7,616 acres. will bo used as a sinking-fund for outing. Meals and berth included on the St. Johns—About 400 men put to the building of a new church. Al l ; Mr and Mrs. M. J. Abbott, Twin Palaces S.S. Northern work at the plants of the Peninsula and Great Northern—only 26 Pacific hours live merchants pay out a con-: Mrs. Eva Abbott and Mr. and Lumber company and the new shipyard at sea. Most delightful trip on the Mrs Art Caples w e n t up the siderable sum for advertising every ' connected therewith. West Coast. Bandon—The Bandon Beach cream­ year, and wise merchants know Columbia highway Sunday in the ery under new management and doing OREGON ELECTRIC it must be judicious if they are to Abbott car. rushing business. NORTH BANK ROAD Mrs. Lewis, daughter of Mr. benefit thereby. Therefore we Coquille— Coquille Valley Creamery feel sure business men will see at and Mrs. John Frisby, who has S.S. NORTHERN P A M company rebuilding. Work under way a glance the benefits to be derived ' been visiting here several weeks, on Court House annex. and Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail­ from this Catholic Fair, and i t , left Saturday for her home in S.S. GREAT NORTHERN road lets contract for 1100 box cars will I k » not through the paying1 Southern Nebraska. requiring 5,000 feet of Douglas fir at Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday T h a W o rm T u rn e d . out of money, but simply be co­ Chas. Odell and sister, Mrs. cost of over $1,000,000. “You haven’t done very well thla operation. Emily Showers, departed l a s t month.’’ Oregon City—Work started on new Low Fares for Round Tjl A Q r p «aid the boss. "Your orders 5.000. 000 gallon reservoir. Friday for a visit at their old were few and far between.” Trips to all cities of the J. Some New Publications home, Vinton, Iowa, where Mr. "I’m sorry," said the traveling sales­ Eugene Chamber of Commerce is Direct via the Most Scenic Routes Recent additions to the Rogers j man, "but”— sending out samples of Lane county of America, or via California. Odell’s wife is buried. “I dou’t want excuses. 1 want or­ flax to linen users of Europe for the library from the state library are | ders.” CLATSOP BEACH FOR VACATIONS the reports of the Dental Exam- i Mrs. John Baxter, Mrs LeRoy Just then the door oi>ened, and the purposes of comparison with the Vankirk, Mrs. Dollie Byerly, the European product. iners for 1916, Public Service secretary entered and passed lu a card. J. E. FARMER, A gent Oregon City—Paving under way on Commission for 1915, Highway Misses Jessie Greer, Jeanie Bax­ "Humph," said the boss. “James Henry, salesman for the General Prod­ Milwaukie-Sellwood road. ter and Margaret Curtis, who Forest Grove, Ore. Commission for 1915, Forestry! ucts company! Doesn't he know 1 Commission and Banking depart- , have been in Portland ten days uever see traveling men ut this hour?" Free Methodist Church ment, Weights a n d Measures| attending campmeeting, came "He says he Is in a hurry to leave Sabbath school 10 a. m., preach- N . HOFFMAN town and would like to explain his Quarterly, Stallion Register for | home Monday. proposition to you lie will be brief.” jing 1 1 a .m . and 8 p. m . prayer Attorney A t Law During the auto races at Port­ "I enu’t see him now I’m busy. Tell 1915, Statutes a n d Rules on meeting on Wednesday evening at him to w ait” land Sunday Ulysses Aubry of Patent Office Business Solicited Banking, Chiropractic, Standard “When shall 1 tell him to call again?” 8 p. m. All are welcomed. Normals, State Superintendents Tacoma and his mechanician, "Tell him to wait there and I'll see Forest Grove, - Oregon J. N. W OOD, Pastor. Frank Lake, were so seriously in­ him In about an hour. Now, then, and the Official Directory. young man. why la It that you fell The Standard Dictionary of jured that they both died within I down this month?” Facts has also just been purchased an hour of the accident. While “Because all the business men 1 Brok«! going at terrific speed their auto called on Insisted on treating your for the library. salesman the way you treat theirs."— flew the track. Exchange. Prof. H. L. Bates and MLs Mrs. Baer arrived Saturday ! Maude English walked to Strassel from her home in Los Angeles for Saturday, leaving here at 1 p. m., a visit with her daughter, Mrs. and arriving at their destination Ed. Bates, who resides on the about 8. This was a twenty-mile Greenville road Mrs. Baer lived Salem, Ore., July 24 -Oregon Flax Fibre company making tests on cost of hike, but was made with ease, as for many years in Forest Grove, production. . State prison force of 100 both are good walkers. Miss Eng­ and has many friends among the camped in fields pulling flax. lish climbed Mt. Hood July 3rd old residents. McMinnville has let contract for 5 miles of paving, concrete base with with the Mazamas. Prof. Bates F. F. Johnson and A J . Bark- bitulithic top. is spending this week at Strassel Mt. Hood loop highway promised Do you need anything? READ THE HONE PAPER. with Mr. Fenenga and family, ham, late of Portland, who have $200,000 from Forestry department this purchased the Cresent Flouring but Miss English returned by It will tell you where to buy in town. Mills, at Carnation, are busily en­ year. train Sunday. S. P. company will spend $300,000 It will tell you where to selL gaged in remodeling and improv­ rebuilding track between Sutherlin and Littler’s Pharmacy has been ing their property, which they Divide. giving some of the best bargains expect to operate by the time the Baker and Grant unite to build inter­ in stationery to be had any place, 1916 grain crop is ready for grind­ county highway over Dixie mountain. The Home Paper Boosts Home Trade Ontario— State officials have inspected and they will continue these big ing. Both gentlemen have moved drainage plans to reclaim 50,000 acres BOOST THE BOOSTER cut-prices for another week. It their families to this city from of Malheur Lake. will pay you to investigate. Portland. Astoria—Council votes hard surface $ SIGNS OF PROSPERITY Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions Closing O ut F. A. MOORE — SUMMER TOURS tV k A Friend In Need Is a Friend Indeed