(Tit? Ifumit (Sntuc Itxpmiu Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W. C. Benfer, Editor und Publisher. Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916. at the poetoffice at Forest Grove. Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1S79 ---- - ------- - --- ----- ------ ---------- THURSDAY, JULY 27. 1916 NOTES A N D C O M M E N T S 3 S H STAMPS O V EN 3 S H STAMPS GIVEN STRONG 4 P 4 VALUES H‘ C&t&rui M O R R ISO N «12 C' I X S U IT S OVERCOATS R A IN C O A T S <&faon C& tfong Co. V »' ST • C / 1 6 0 - ITO T M I S O PORTLAND, OREGON our town, but silently glared at 1 him when he held some of our A social center help» to make a Curious Rtqutit. broken sidewalks and moss-grown , awake in the morning it is to the A doctor In tin* country received otto community. The fact that a number fences up to ridicule. alarm of a Connecticut clock. day n letter from an old uomini uh UI iik of |ieople live In the name neighborhood You paid to hear Mr. Sias and, You get up and button on Chi- for n bottle of rough mixture for her doe* not neeeaaarily form a community. judging from the applause you cago suspenders to your Detroit husband. endlm: with Hie po*tacr!|>t: 1 Wc »ay thi» becauac these same fieople “ Pice»«», »Ir. don't make II U h » »trou»:, The Chautauqua was a mighty gave, you believed what he said overalls. You go out and wash n» the poor man Im» only got one lee.'' may have, and often do have, no nice thing—educational, inspiring much jealouay, bit tome»» and down- If you act on his suggestions, you your face with Cincinnati soap in —London Tit-Ulta i right hatred h » to make true cotimtun- and entertaining, but it does not have made an investment ; other- an Indianapolis wash basin. You ! ity feeling and action impoaiiihlo. Re­ compare with a county fair as a Different From Her Mi. i wise you might better have kept sit down to your breakfast and member that Uie »ocial center in where He— Why 1» It that there» never a community booster. Let’s make your money. eat from a table made in Grand mutch In thin bouse? She (curtlyi—I people get together for relaxation and the 1916 county fair a feast of He — That’s amusement und for co-operation. It in m i . i t u ic M- xu ». 4 x- •» Rapids and you eat Chicago m eat.1 cant niak# match'« boosting for Washington county. could— Hustuu the nutural meeting place for club», " i ! ? L ™ S " AK 1 * } . And your bread is made of Ten- Trail script. Yt,ur That this war in Europe has ,, , , ... , for the farmer«’ union, the (¡range und , . , * . \ nessee flour, cooked on a St. Louis In 1907, during the Roosevelt other like organization« that are mak­ gone too far to be of pecuniary That’» 8o. stove. You go out and put a administration, the banks of the ing country life more attractive. benefit to any belligerent is a fact! tinnite »olimi» In my m w , 1 hear New York bridle on a Kentucky country couldn’t cash the checks doctor." that ought to be considered, The mule, *'i'* fed on Iowa corn and i -------- plow, of depositors. In 1916, under the PUBLIC SALE h ive *v ' " “ ............... "Well, where would you cx | hvi to present war would never *" your farm all day, which is COV- hoar them T” Boston Transcript. Wilson administration, the banks Having rented my farm, locat­ come about if it had not t*rcd with a Massachusetts nmrt- ... .... , not only have plenty of money to v\c will insure your auto against ed six miles south of Cornelius, I that Europe has, in recent years, gage. And at night when y u tin*, theft and collision. Hancock will hold a public auction sale on cash checks, but they have money seen wars that paid. It paid get home you read a bible printed & Wilts. to loan. L’ nder the circumstances, 9-tf the above-mentioned premises on Prussia to fight a few weeks for in Boston and you say a prayer people who vote in November for SATU RDAY, JULY 29th FARM NOTES Scheswig-Holstein. It paid her beginning at 10 a. m. that was written in Jerusalem. a change in conditions may get all (Western Farmer) to fight a few days to whip Aus­ for the disposal of the following And you crawl under a blanket the change they want— and then | It pays to take time to bathe fre- tria. It paid her, in territory, in described articles: ! manufactured in New Jersey, some. You know Teddy has en­ j quently— every day if possible— and francs and in political unity to Five high grade Jersey cow«, frr«h be kept awake all night by a you will feel fresh and ready for work. dorsed Candidate Hughes, so their fight France, who paid “ through d ----- -d dog— the only home pro- Wash the horse off frequently, too. Sept. 1. policies are not greatly at variance. One two-year-old heifer, fre»h Sept. 1. the nose” for the privilege of be­ duct you have on the farm.” Fortunate the man with a creek near Three Jersey heifer«, yearling« pu»t. ------- -- # I by or a good water ayatam in the noun* With $1,468.42 of state money ing th: ashed and gave up Alsace- Three Jersey heifer«, coming one Fire W ardens Appointed ami barn«. and more than $500 donated by- Lorraine besides. All these wars year old. The following-named persons Weed out cowa that are getting in Forest Grove business men for were highly profitable for the vie One «pan matched Fere heron mare«, to act as fire dL et,t Babcock * ‘ 'ut *>' No dairyman with special prizes, there is no reason tor. The i ue present present war war cannot ta n n o i be ue. have been appointed ee the test. can 10 years okl, weight 1300. It has gone too long and cost ti»o wardens in Washington county, why the 1916 Washington County- afford to go too long without having his (,i»« marc. 6 year» old, weight Fair should not be the best ever much. No indemnity that could under the supervision of District cows tested for butterfat ami pro- *400. duction. Dne 3-year-old gray mare, weight held. The officers and commit­ be paid to any nation by any Warden Allan Rice: Why not get a home-ennning outfit 13**0. E Dethlefs, Gaston. Route 1; tees are working hard to make i t 1 other nation could make it profit­ and preserve some of the good things Two registered Jersey brood sows, John Friday, Banks; Fred Hamel, such and it is the duty of the able to the recipient of that in­ growing in garden and orchard? Y'ou farrow in September, farmers to co-operate with them. demnity to have engaged in the| Hillsboro, Route 4; H. Robinson, can’t have green beans, tomatoes, etc., One Duroc-Jersey boar, one barrow, Beaverton, Route 1; J. S. West, next winter unless you can them this Sixty-five Angora nannies. It is not prizes alone that make fight. The total resources of the Grant I summer. 1 Dnr heavy wagon, one light wagon. Grove, Route 1; a county fair; the farmers and central banks of all the bellige-! Forest The horse, friends, works with his! One two-sea ted hark, stock-raisers must bring in pro­ rents would be but a trifle beside! Mann, Cornelius; Abbo Peters, shoulders. Keep them well. Take a One Empire Cream Separator, 8S0 ducts to compete for he prizes. what the war has cost either Sherwood. Route 5: Alfred Pieren, ^ ^ ^ time, durinK th I lb..; on. Jumbo .tump puller, with win England, Germany, France or Hillsboro, Route 1; J. SchmeTzer, day and above ail keep the collar and cable; two seta heavy work harness. All Indiana and a big portion Russia. In other words there is Sherwood, Route 3 ;( has. O Neill, | the shoulders dean, and never let a One hrenking plow, one 11-inch plow. of the population of the United nothing in this war that ought One 12-inch disc. to Dilley, (volunteer). horse work a minute in an ill-fitting States will mourn for James Whit­ make any nation glad when the There are four re gular patrol-. collar. One drag harrow, one grindstone. Cross-cut saws. comb Riley, the “ Hoosier Poet,” profit and losr is figured up, and | men. who patrol certain districts. J ^ ^ ^ e m b e r then » n One potato planter, potato forks. who died at his home in Indian­ whon it is over they ought all to VS m. J. \S ler, of Banks, patrols ^ n„ Hha(1()W8 where the sunshine is. All kinds of Ntnall furm tools too apolis. Saturday. W h i 1 e Mr be willing to quit war forever and the “ Pumpkin Ridge country j,0ng faces, constant sighing, chronic numerous to mention. Riley has never figured as a finan­ turn to the paths of peace and 1 and the railroad lands in that j groans and looking for trouble shut out FREE LUNCH A T NOON cier or captain of industry, he will harmony. But right here strikes part of the county; Fay M eade,of lot» of sunshine and make many, many Terms—All sums under $10, be more missed in America than a discordant note. It comes from Banks, patrols East Dairy Creek off„ the Babcock test! It cash; on all sums over t h a t the men who built railroads, Prince Von Buelow who, in his down to Mountain Dale; W. R. I(0jntJ, out to the dairy farmer his un- iamount four months time will be established libraries or bribed leg new book on “ German Policies,” Hayden, of Banks, patrols upptr profitable cows. It has placed cream- given, with 6 per cent interest and ¡approved security. islatures. The people l o v e d bold ly announces: “ We must Gales Creek and D. C. Zenor is cries on a profitable basis and has COOPER ANDERSON, Riley for his sympathetic writ­ make ourselves stronger and hard- what is called a “ lookout man, solved many economic problems in profitable dairying. Every farmer with J- V\ . H L G H E S , Owner, ings and utterances. er to be attacked on our borders and is stationed permanently on dairy cows should have one. i Auctioneer. Eastern and central states are and coasts than we were at the the summit at the head of Clear more prosperous than they have beginning of this war. Our en­ Creek. His postoffice is Gales been for years, due, the republican emies, too, will strengthen arma­ Creek. Persons desiring burning per­ politicians say, to the war in ments on land and water and we, Europe. But the politicians have on our part, must meet this con­ mit- should apply to the warden of their respective districts. so faithfully taught the American dition.” voting kings that “ good times” If this means that any peace D o g s In M o c c a s in s . should be spent at Tillamook. and “ bad times;” as well as good that might be concluded at this1 After the firat severe freeze at the You will find the weather cool, beginning of winter a bund of pros­ and poor crops, depend on the time would be only a breathing pector» working in northern Canada for it comes miles and miles whim and caprice of the political space, in which the contestants found themselves on the wrong side «if from off the Pacific. You can party in power, that it is going to can regain strength to again spring a ,ake ovt-,r a buudred mil« » wide, on • , .. the other side of which wus the win- find much to do at the Tilla­ require lots of writing and talking at each other s throats, it were ter heuibpinrters. to induce the busy wage-workers better to have the war continue They were without any means of mook County Beaches. Bath­ and prosperous farmers of the east until the nations are forced to trnn»[>ortatIon otb families are on sale daily from all sections to Tillamook what the Express has often told “ I remember that upon one oc- wbo hate ¿ne ariotller ijkf. p„,Hon ln County Beaches. These include M ay o c e a n its readers— that dollars sent to casion a certain Farmers’ Union true classic Greek fashion. The pena- Neah-Kah-Nie, Manzanita and the Garahald! mail order houses are bricks from lecturer was telling the farmers of arits> the hn,,k drivers and rhe fisher- Beaches. men talk radical politics all day long, the foundation of the home town. Texas of the mistake they were but when election day comes they vote Coos Bay Railroad Celebration, And did you notice how the mer­ making. He said: ‘ T h e great for a member of one of these big nrls- Marshfield and North Bend, August 24,25 and 26. rocrutic— namely, "best” In the Gr**ek chants applauded when the speak­ mistake with the Texas farmer is Low Round Trip Fares. sense— families A republic for Greece er scolded the "proletariat” for that he doesn’t live at home, he would mean anarchy, chaos.— World’s Ask agent for booklet and other information patronizing mail order houses? depends on selling cotton too Work. JOHN M. SCOTT, But the shoe was on the other much. You are continually buy­ Gen. Faanenger Agent, Portland If you have a book entirely or pedal extremity when Sias roasted ing something and you don’t ever partially filled with S. & H. the merchants for setting the ex­ sell anything. To illustrate what Green stamps, take it to A. G. ample. We called him a gentle­ I mean, I need but call your at­ Hoffman & Co., and it will be re­ man and scholar when he praised tention to the fact that when you deemed. 27 Judging from the umber of Loganberry juice plants in the state, this berry is one of the most important of the fruit crops of Oregon. Your VACATION TRIP Daily Trains from Portland Low Round Trip Fares SOUTHERN PACIFIC Ü a