The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, July 20, 1916, Image 7

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— The capture of the whole
YEAR 6 BILLIONS of I.ondon
the Germ ans’ first system of defense About
Of General Interest]
Export Trade Twice That of Imports
During Same Period.
Munitions of War for Twelve Months
Factor — Steel
and Iron Take Big Jump.
on a front of 14,000 yards (nearly
eight miles) after 10 days and nights
of continuous fighting, was announced
Wednesday in the official report from
British headquarters In France. The
number of prisoners taken exceeds
"A fte r 10 days and nights of contin­
uous fighting our troopa have complet­
ed methodical capture of the whole of
the enem y’s first system of defense on
a front of 14,000 yards,” says ihe re­
port. "T he system of defense consist­
ed of numerous and continuous lines of
fire trenches, support trenches and re­
serve trenches, extending for various
depths from 2000 to 4000 yards. It
included five strongly fortified villages,
numerous heavily wired and entrench­
ed wood* ami a large number of im­
mensely strong redoubts.
"T he capture of each of these
trenches represented an operation of
some inqiortance, and the whole of
them are now in our hands.
"T he German auccea in the recap­
ture of Trones Wood, after costly cas­
ualties, was of short duration. Tues­
day we recaptured nearly the whole
of this wood. All but the northern­
most end is again in our hands.
"A p art from the number of guns
hidden in houses and buried in the de­
bris, etc., we have in the course of
these operations brought in 26 field
guns, one naval gun, one anti-aircraft
gun, and one heavy howitzer, while
the number of German prisoners cap­
tured exceeds 7600."
Washington, D. C.—The country's
foreign trail«- during the fiscal year
ending with last month reached a tot«'
of $0,625,000,000, exceeding by many
million» all previous records, according
to preliminary figures announced
Thursday by the Commerce depart­
ment. Exports were valued at $4,-
346,000,000 and imports at |2 , 180,-
000 000
The figures are based on complete
returns for the first 11 months of the
year and estim ates for June.
The war munitions trade was the
predominating factor in estabishing
the new exports record. Iron and
steel exports jumped from $220,000,000
in the previous fiscal! year to $618,-
( 100 , 000 , ami explosives from $ 4 1 , 000 ,-
000 to $473.000,000. In 1014 the ex­
plosives exports amounted to only $6,-
000 , 000 .
Kaw cotton exported during the fis­
cal year was valued at $.370,000,000, Railroad Company Takes Land
compared to $370,000,000 the year
Grant Issue Into Courts
previous; wheat and flour, $314,000,-
000, compared to $428,000,000; meats, W ashington, D.’ C.—The Oregon &
$270,000,000, compared to $206,000,- California Railway company Wednes­
000; copper m anufactures, $170,000,- day
served notice on the legislative
000 compared to $109,000,000; m iner­ and executive
branches of the govern­
al oils, $166,000,000, compared to ment that it intends
to go into court
$134,000,000; brass and manufac­ and question the constitutionality
tures, $126,000,000, compared to $21,- the land-grant law recently passed by
000,000; automobiles and parts, $123,- congress.
000,000, compared to $68,000,000; Incidentally, the railroad company
chemicals, $123,000,000, compared to asserst that the law, proposing to re­
$46,000,000; cotton m anufactures,
title to grant land« in the govern­
$112,000,000, com|>ared to $72,000,- vest
ment, is unconstitutional.
000 .
under that law
Principal imports were: Sugar, If the government
to pay back taxes to the
$206,000,000, compared to $174,000,- undertakes
counties the railroad serves
000 in the fiscal year 1916; rubber ami i Oregon
notice that it must do so at its own
its substitutes, $169,000,000, compared risk
to $87,000,000; hides and skins, $167,- ions. and subject to future court decis­
000,000, compared to $104,000,000; How the railroad company is going
raw wool, $146,000,000, compared to to proceed in the courts to test the
$68,000,000; raw silk. $122,000,000,
of the law is not
compared to $81,000,000; coffee, constitutionality
attorneys here.
$117.000,000, compared to $107.000.-
merely had instructions to serve
000, and chemicals and drugs, $108,- They
the company’s notice on the President,
000,000 compared to $84,000,000.
on congress. Secretaries Lane and
Houston, the attorney general and
InfanEile Paralysis Germ May Be
isolated, Medical Men Declare German U-liner To Be Classed
As Peaceful Merchant Ship
New York—While Health Commis­
sioner Emerson declined Thursday to
discuss the report that a New York W ashington, D. C.—Final decision
physician has succeeded in isolating by the State departm ent th at the Ger­
the germ of infantile paralysis, great man submarine Deutschland is a
im|>ortance was attached by medical merchant ship entitled to all privileges
men to the m eeting of physicians to be accorded under International law to a
held at once, which will be devoted to belligerent-owned freighter was fore­
a discuussion of the disease which has cast Wednesday night on receipt of
cost more than 250 lives in this city preliminary reports on an inspection of
since the epidemic began.
the underwater liner at Baltimore by
Among the s|>eakers will l>e Dr. naval officers and treasury officials.
Simon Flexner, of Rockefeller Found­ Collector Ryan, of Baltimore tele­
ation, who is devoting his energies to graphed the Treasury departm ent that
a study of infantile paralysis. It was h thorough exam ination of the boat by
semi-officially adm itted that scientists himself and Captain C. F. Hughes, ap­
have progressed so far that they are pointed by the Navy deparm tent to as­
testing a culture in which they believe sist, he adhered to his previous opinion
they will find traces of tho germ and that the vessel is an unarmed m erchant­
ultim ately isolate it.
man, incapable of conversion for war­
There was a feeling of optimism in like purposes, “ without extensive
the health departm ent, not only be­ {structural changes."
cause there were fewer cases reported,
but because all agencies combating the
Impeachment Proceedings Tabled.
epidemic are in complete co-operation.
W ashington, D. C.— Impeachment
against H. Snowden Mar­
Goethals Allowed to Go.
shall, United States attorney at New
W ashington, D. C.—President Wil­ York, were tabled Wednesday by the
son Thursday agreed to accept the res­ house judiciary committee, which by a
ignation t f Major General Goethals as divided vote adpoted a resolution rec­
governor of the Panama canal at an ommending to the house th at no fur­
early date, to be fixed by the general. ther proceedings be taken against him.
General Goethals called at the White The action of the com m ittee in such
House and again urged his desire to cases usually is sustianed by the house,
resign the governorship and retire and the vote, therefore is expected to
from the active list of the army, now close the whole proceeding, which or­
th at his work of building the canal had iginated with Representative Buchan­
been finished. Colonel Chester Hard­ an, of Illinois, who was indicted in
ing, now engineer of maintenance in connection with an investigation of
the canal rone, probably will be ap­ Labor’s Peace Council at New York at
the instance of Mr. Marshall.
pointed governor.
Two Colonels Dropped.
Germ ans Hold Canadians.
Ottawa, *Ont.—Canadian prisoners Camp Whitman, Green Haven, N. Y.
in Germany were sentenced to a year —Colonel Louis D. Conley and Lieu­
in jail by the Germans for refusing to tenant Colonel John D. Phelan, of the
make war munitions, according to a 69th New York regim ent, were order­
letter received here from Corporal ed mustered out of the Federal service
Daniel A. Simmons, formerly a prison­ Wednesday just as the regim ent was
er in Germany and now transferred to entraining here for Texas. The order
the internm ent camp in Switzerland. came from Major General Leonard
Corporal Simmons writes th at Wood. The cause was given as "phys­
Corporal Harry Hogarth is one of ical disability.” The news caused con­
those who refused to make munitions sternation in camp. A report was prev­
alent th at the regim ent would mutiny.
•of war.
Portland — W heat — Bluestem, 79c A R T IC L E R E A L L Y 18 N O T P R O P E R -
per bushel; fortyfold, 97c; club, 86c;
L Y A P P R E C IA T E D .
red Fife, 86c; red Russian, 86c.
Hay—Eastern Oregon timothy, $23
Buyers’ Week Dates Are
<¡424 per ton; valley timothy, $196(22; H ealth y and Economical Food Should
August 7 to 12 Inclusive alfalfa, $146(15.
Millfeed—Spot price«: Bran, $2S@ Be F ar Mors W id ely Used T h an It
The fourth annual Buyers’ Week to 26.60 per ton; shorts, $296(29.60;
Is— Some
W ays
be held in Portland has been fixed^for rolled barley, $31.506(32.50.
Employ IL
August 7 to 12, for the convenience of $38. Corn— Whole, $37 per ton,; cracked
Honey Is cne of the healthiest and
Northwest merchants. Invitations are Vegetables— Artichokes, 75c6($l per most
foods, and It is not
ready to be sent to all the merchandis­ dozen; tomatoes, $1.506(1.66 per crate; only economical
delicious, but has Invaluable
ing trade territory, where Portland cabbage, $26(2.26 per hundred; garlic, medicinal qualities. It cannot, of
jobl>ers and m anufacturers m aintain le p e r pound; peppers, 26c; eggplant, course, take the place of sugar, as
lc; horseradish, 8Jc; lettuce, $16(1.25 sugar Is more convenient, for one
cucumbers, $16(1.25 per thing, but It la better adapted to cer­
Plans for the event are being worked box; crate;
rhubarb, li@ 2c per pound; peas, tain cooking than sugar and Its flavor
out by the arrangem ents committee of 36(4c; cauliflower, $1.25 per crate; Is an aid In securing that variety
that city and it is intended to mix bus­ beans, 5@7fc per pound; celery, $1.10 which all cooks are seeking.
6(1.25 per dozen; corn, 56(6c per For Instance, cream cheese and
iness and pleasure in most alluring dozen.
either liquid or In the comb,
Potatoes—Old, $1.506(1.65 per sack; honey,
Following the outline of the highly new,
delicious and healthful combi­
26(2Ac per pound.
successful Buyers’ Week of 1916, the Onions—California
red and yellow, Two ounces of honey and six ounces
work of preparing for the 1916 Buy­ $36(3.25 per sack.
ers’ Week visitors will be in the hands Green Fruits—Apples, new, $1.756( ! of strawberries, with three ounces of
of the trade and commerce bureau of 2 per
cheese, two ounces, of bread
box; cherries, 46(7c per pound; cottage
the Chamber of Commerce, of which cantaloupes,
2.75 6( 3.75 [>er crate; and two-thirds of an ounce of butter,
Nathan Strauss is chairman.
the latter either spread on the bread
peaches, 76c6($l per box; waterm el­ or
It is believed that the forthcoming ons,
with the cheese, makes a
Buyers’ Week will attract a much per box; raspberries, $16(1.25 per very mixed
larger attendance than any of its three crate; plums, $1.156(1.50 per box; As a filling for sandwiches,
prunes, $1.256(1.60; loganberries. 50c may be used with chopped nuts, or the
The number of buyers has grown @$1
per crate; blackcaps, $1.506(1.75; nuts may be added to cheese and
each year, and the territory they rep­ currants,
$16(1.25; pears, $2.756(3 per honey for the same purpose.
resents has spread, so th at the annual box.
can be used Instead of sirup
Buyers’ Week has become one of the Eggs — Oregon ranch, Exchange or Honey
Jam with cereals and pancakes, and
fixed institutions of the city. Portland price,
receipts, 23Jc per dozen. If a little hot water Is added to it It
jobbers and m anufacturers get to­ Jobbing current
Oregon ranch, can- will be easier to pour. It Is more con­
gether with their retail friends from died, 25c; prices:
venient than sugar for sweetening
upstate, dewnstate, across the river Poultry—Hens, 14@15c
lemonade or other fruit drinks, as It
and east of the Cascades for a week of broilers, 17@18c; turkeys, per live, pound;
20@ does not have to be dissolved. With
profitable conferences.
ducks, 126(15c; geese, 96(llc.
changed water It has less of a ten-
N either the out-of-town m erchant or 22c;
extras, no bid; prime ! dency to expel the gas. Solid honey
the representatives of the big m er-; firsts, 24c. Jobbing
prices: Prints, makes a delicious filling for cake.
chandising establishm ents of the city , extras, 276(29c; butterfat.
No. 1, 26c; It may be substituted for molasses
would perm it Buyers' Week to be No. 2, 24c; Portland.
> In all forms of bread and cake cook­
thrown overboard.
Veal—Fancy, 126(12ic per pound. ery, and gives a more delicate flavor.
Pork—Fancy, 10@10ic per pound. It contains less acid than molasses,
County Courts Decide to Push
Hops— 1915 crop, 8@ llc per pound; and so requires less soda in recipes
contracts, nominal.
which form when poured Into cold
Work on Dixie Mountain Road 1916
Wool—Eastern Oregon, fine, 23@26c water.
the white of the egg until
Baker—M eeting at the dividing line per pound; coarse, 30@32c; valley, 30 stiff, and Beat
the sirup has cooled
of Grant and Baker counties at Austin, @33c.
egg. beating the
Cascara Bark—Old and new, 4c per m ixture constantly the until
It will hold
57 miles west of here, Tuesday after­ pound.
noon, members of the County courts of Cattle— Steers, choice, $7.506(8.30; Its shape. This frosting is suitable
use between layers of cakes, but
the two counties decided to push the good, $6.756(7.25; cows, choice, $6.25 | Is for rather
too soft for the top.
work on the Dixie Mountain that will @6.50; good, $5.506(6.25; heifers, $4 Cakes made
with honey will keep
give a thoroughfare connecting the Hogs — Prim e light, $8.20 @ 8.80; fresh much longer than when sugar
counties. The road on the Grant good to prime, $7.75@8.10; rough Is used. Indeed, if butter Is omitted
county side was found in worse shape heavy, $7.50@7.75; pigs and skips, they will keep for mouths, and even
Improve In flavor.
than th at on this side of the line, but $6.60@7.10.
$6@6.50; weth­ Honey can be used in a variety of
this the Grant County court consented ers, Sheep—Yearlings,
$5.S0@6.50; ewes, $4.75@ 5.25; ways for preserving. A good Jelly may
to remedy at once, with the ultim ate
be made by combining a cupful of
idea of building a road along the John lambs, $6@8.25.
Juice with a cupful of honey and
Day river from Susanville, touching at
proceeding aa In ordinary jelly mak­
the Dixie Meadows mine, which will Northwest Wheat Crop Estimated
ing. Other combinations of the sort
make a much safer grade than that on
at 55,000,000 Bushels could probably be worked ouL
the road now in use.
In regard to the state highway, fol­ The wheat crop of the Pacific North­ Cranberries cooked In honey and
water are delicious. Take equal
lowing the John Day river and con­ west
is estim ated by grainmen at from weights of each of the ingredients,
necting Baker, G rant and Malheur
counties, the Grant county commis­ 54,000,000 to 56,000,000 bushels. The and after pricking each berry several
sioners announced that they will push rem arkable improvement made in the times to prevent bursting and perm it
preliminary survey. It was ascer­ past few weeks justifies them in rais­ . the sirup to penetrate to the interior,
cook them slowly until they are soft
tained that the United States Forestry ing
their estim ates to these figures. and
boll down the sirup until It Just
departm ent would pay the greater part
of the survey in Baker county. No At the present tim e the weather could covers them. Pour into glasses and
arrangem ents were made as to how the not be better for filling out, and glow­ cover like Jelly. A good method is to
balance of the expense could be met. ing reports are coming in from all place all the Ingredients in a double
boiler and heat them very slowly. If
As to the future prices, the situa­ this method is followed the boiling
Mills To Pay Families.
tion is as uncertain as it ever was, down of the sirup Is even more neces­
Oregon City — Fam ilies of guards­ but one thing seems sure th at is that sary than when the berries are cooked
men who were employed in the local the m arket will be on the basis of Chi­ more rapidly. Honey is good to use
mills of the Crown-W illamette Paper cago. The tendency now is to get on with sugar for candies, because it
company will be cared for by the mill a parity w ith the East. The late Chi­ causes it to remain sofL
as long as the Oregon soldiers are cago bulge put th at m arket up about 7
away from home. Mill officials have cents, whereas prices here have ad­
Johnny Cake.
found 11 fam ilies which were left by vanced only about 3 cents. The coast
guardsmen employed in the local plant. m arket is not yet on the Chicago par­ To one cupful of butterm ilk and one
The money will be paid to the wives of ity, but it is not far from it.
of sweet milk add one tablespoonful
the men, the mill giving 26 days’ pay
soda, one of salt and a tablespoonful
a month, less $L5 paid by the govern­
Ship 12 Cars Fruit Daily.
of melted butter. Stir in enough white
ment to the Boldiers. The Crown-Wil- Puyallup, W ash.—W ith more than cornmeal to make a very thick batter.
lam ette mills and the Hawley Pulp & 8000 berry pickers in the valley and { Spread about half an inch thick in a
Paper company are holding jobs open
buttered baking tin and bake In a mod­
the berries ripening very fast. Presi­ erately
for men now at the border.
hot oven until It has a crisp
dent W. H. Paulhamus, of the Fruit brown crust. Brushing the top with
Growers’ association, said that the melted butter improves the crust.
Bond Issue Carries.
will ship a dozen cars of Serve hot.
Medford—By a vote of nearly 3 tol association
the coming week.
— 1009 for and 366 against—the people About 2000 for
still be used
Apple Sauce.
of Medford Monday approved the con­ in the valley, Mr. can
or pork should
tract with Mr. Bullis for the construc­ mates. Ranchers in the vicinity of have apple sauce. duck
pare, core and
tion of a railroad to the Blue Ledge Puyallup are in greater need of pick­ i quarter a pound of apples.
Boil them
mine, just over the California line, ers than are Sumner ranchers, because { till soft In a saucepan, with
half a
about 36 miles from Medford. The most of the Puyallup berries are Ant- { cupful of water. Add an ounce
Blue Ledge boosters celebrated th eir werps and Marlboros, and ripen much sugar and half an ounce of butter and
victory by a parade of automobiles faster than the Cuthberts.
! beat them up.
with tooting horns through the streets,
bright with red lights, led by the Med-
Hay Harvest S tarts on Coast.
L ig h t and F lu ffy Potatoes.
for band. Leaders of the movement Marshfield,
Or. — Haying season, After the potatoes have been
were serenaded and speeches were which comes later
on the Coast than mashed and the milk added, add a
made on the street by enthusiastic cit­ elsewhere in Oregon,
is in full swing pinch of baking powder and beat it
and the crop is abundant. The ranch­ with an egg-beater. You will find that
ers on Coos river have been busy with this will m ake them light and fluffy.
Forces To Be Combined.
their mowing machines for the past
Asparagus on Toast.
Bandon—Roderick L. Macleay, man­ week, and the Coquille valley farm ers
ager of the Wedderbum Trading com­ are also harvesting their hay. Many W ash asparagus, cut off the bottom
pany, which a few months ago pur­ Coos county stockraisers depend upon of stalks. Then cut off the rest of the
chased the Fisherm en’s Co-operative corn ensilage rather than hay and that hard part and put these to boll la
Cannery, on the Lower Coquille river, crop will be gathered later in the year. salted water and boil till tender. Then
put In tops and boll till done. Toaat
announces th at forces of the local plant
Roseburg Shipping Sheep.
bread, butter, and heat milk, put as­
at Wedderbum. on Rogue River are to
be combined. This is made possible Roseburg, Or. — More than 1000 paragus on toasL pour the milk over,
by the fact th at the Balmon do not sheep were brought here Sunday by add pepper and salt to taste.
commence to run here until after the George Kohlhagen, preparatory to be­
T o Keep Broome.
ing shipped to the San Francisco mar­
season is over on the Rogue.
Improvements and additions to the kets. As many more were shipped to Soaking a broom In hot water be­
local plant are being made in prepara­ California Saturday by Pelton & Selec- fore using for the first time will make
the bristles stronger and add many
mann, local livestock buyers.
tion for the fall season.
months to their life.