The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, July 20, 1916, Image 2

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New Orleans A statem ent and call
W ashington, D. C.—President Wil­
“ the patriotic men and women of
son signed Monday the rural credits
| A m erica," to hold a new National eon-
bill passed recently by congress. He
I vention of the Progressive party in
used two pens, afterw ard giving one
to Senator Fletcher, of Florida, who
{Chicago on August S and nominate
candidates for President and Vice Pres­
will present it to the Southern Com­
ident and continue the p arty ’s ex ist­
mercial Congress.
Several members
ence as a distinct political organisa­
of the house and senate were present,
tion, was issued Monday by John M.
among them David Lubin, one of the
Parker, Vice Presidential nominee of
originators of the National grange,
the Progressive convention held in Chl-
the F ram ers’ Educational and Cooper­
I cago last June. He urges the Progres­
ative congress and the National Coun­
sives “ eternally to bury” the "bull
cil of F arm ers’ cooperative associa­
Northern France Along Somme Is
Live News Items of All Nations and address.
Scene of Fighting— Victory On
and to adopt in its place the American
ways and Telegraph Lines De­ eagle
Pacific Northwest Condensed
French National Fete Day.
ceremony of signing this bill without
Mr. Parker does not mention Col­
moralized — Five Perish.
expressing the feeling th at I have in
onel Roosevelt or any other Progres­
for Our Busy Readers.
signing i t , ” he said. " I t is a feeling
sive leaders or any candidates by
not only of profound satifsaction, but
name. He declares, however, th at the
London — Fierce counter
attack s
A tlanta, Ga.—Serious Hoods in North Progressives had supposed its leaders
The allies continue to make big of real gratitude th at we have com­
Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia to be “ red-blooded Americans, who
g ain s against the central powers on all pleted this piece of legislation, which
I hope will be immensely beneficial to Sunday caused five known deaths, rend­
ered hundreds homeless and damages!
t>y the B ritish in S aturday's drive
the farm ers of the country.
Represents Carranza.
The senate naval program includes
“ The farm ers, it seems to me, have property and crops to the ex ten t of
were completely crush«*! by the Brit-
16 capital battleships w ithin three occupied hitherto a singular |H>sition #10,000,000, according to early esti­
i ish fire, according to the official s ta te ­
of disadvantage. They have not had mate, and demoralized railway, tele­
ment issuetl by the w ar office. The
Wilson postpones date of notification the same freedom to get credit on { graph and telephone communication.
! tex t follows;
cerem onies until a fte r congress ad-i th e ir real estate th a t others have had Following the hurricane th at struck
who were in m anufacturing and com- th® South A tlantic coast Thursday, un-
“ It is now possible to give fuller de­
m ercial enterprises, and while they precedent«*! rains have fallen, driving |
tails of the action begun at daybreak.
Columbia riv er basin realty men have sustained our life, they did not in rivers and sm aller stream s from their
Having driven the enemy back step by
bold a m eet at Portland and declare | the same degree w ith some others banks and im perilling many lives.
to his second system of defense,
against the “ sh ark .”
| share in the benefits of th a t life.
| The French Broad river has broken
the period from July 11 to Ju ly 12 was
“ Therefore, this bill, along w ith the
' Three persons in an auto on th eir
mainly spent by our troops in bom­
way to a circus in Iowa, run through a very liberal provisions of the Federal | >"K factories and homes in the lower
barding formidable enemy |xjeltiona
reserve act, put them upon an equality P*r t ° f the city. At Biltmore three
bridge railing and are drowned.
and in m aking other necessary p rep ar­
w ith all others who have genuine persons — C aptain G. C. Lipe, Miss
ations for fu rth er advance.
The B ritish governm ent publishes a assets and makes credit of the country Nellie Lipe and Mrs. I,eo Mulholland— 1
“ Saturday morning, a fte r an intense
lis t of from 70 to 80 firms in the U nit­
were drowned when the Lipe house
available to them.
the assault was launch­
ed S tates w ith whom residents of the
The Vanderbilt estate
“ I look forward to the benefits of was flood«*!.
ed at 3:26 a. m. The enemy was d riv­
U nited Kingdom are forbidden to
this bill, not w ith extravagant expec­ at Biltm ore was not damaged.
en from his trenches on the whole
Two persons were drown«*! at Ashe­
tations, w ith confident expectations
front of attack and many prisoners fell
Four persons were killed by the in­ th at it will be of very wide-reaching ville while try in g to get food to flood
int«> our hands.
tense heat which sm othered Chicago benefit, and, incidentally, it will be of refugees in the second story of the
“ Fierce fighting continued all day,
Tu«?sday, another was killed by light- advantage to the investing community, Glenn Rock hotel.
a result of which we have steadily
Throughout W estern Carolina the
ning, and three, seeking relief in the for I can im agine no more satisfac-
our gains and now are in
lake, were drowned.
I tory and solid investm ent than this situation is reported serious.
of the enem y’s second posi­
In Volhynia, in the region of Lutsk, !
will afford those who have dams a t Hendersonville collapsed, re­
tit to I,ongue-
leasing g reat volumes of water, and
ami in the
w here the troops of the Teutonic allies mon®^ 10 U9e~______________
fears are felt for the big dam at Lake
have been forced to give ground before
“ In the Tronea wood we released a
The Southern Railway bridge over
patty of the Royal W est Kent re g i­
the Catawba riv er at Belmont, N. C.,
ment, which, separated
from our
sians continue to press th eir foes and
has been washed away, carrying 10 or
troops in the recent fighting am! sur­
a re tak in g additional prisoners.
12 workmen into the river.
W hether
round«*! by Germans, had held out in
General Cipriano Castro, ex-presi- j W ashington, D. C. — The order of they were drowned has not been
the northern end of the w < km ! for 4H
d e n t of Venezuela, and his wife, who t jje In te rsta te Commerce commission
arriv ed in New York Saturday from ¡n ^j,e A storia ra te case prom ulgated
“ Two determ ined counter attack s on
C harlotte, N. C.—Eighteen men, 14
P ort of Spain, Trinidad, pn the steam - February 19, will become operative on of whom are construction officials and
our new (aositions were crush«*) by our
ship V auban, have been ordered de- or before Septem ber 15, the commia- employes of the Southern Railway, and
fire. Later in the day, a fte r a fierce
ported from the L nited S tates by a gjon Tuesday having deneid the motion
attack, the Germans succeeded
special board of inquiry at the Ellis of the ra iiroad 8 for a rehearing.
in capturing the village of Haxentin-
Telegraph company, were m issing Sun­
Island Im m igration station.
As originally drawn the A storia rate day night and are believed to t»e eith er
le-Petit, but were a t once driven out
The new H arahan bridge spanning decision was to have gone into effect drowned or marooned in trees on the
again by our infantry. The whole vil­
th e M ississippi riv er at Memphis, said May 1, but its operation was suspend Catawba riv er about 12 miles from
lage is once more in our hands.”
Eliseo Arrodondo, am bassador desig-1
to t>e the longest structure on the ed when the carriers no March 19 filed C harlotte. The river is rising rapidly.
nate from General C arranza's Mexican
river, was opened to traffic this week. a motion for rehearing. When th at
London—A ppropriately, on the day
government to the United S tates, is of the French national fete, when ev­
I t cost #5,000,000.
Including ap­ motion was filed the commission tem-
very busy rig h t now in the negotia- ery Londoner wore in his buttonhole a
proaches the bridge is three miles porarily suspended its order until it ik
long the bridge proper being 2600 feet, could investigate the grounds upon
tri-color ribt>on in honor of his allies,
C onstruction was started in June, 1913. which rehearing was asked.
came the stirrin g news of the success­
T hat investigation has singe been
— ■ —
the border trouble.
This snapshot ful B ritish attack on the German sec­
The epidemic of infantile paralysis made, and the order of the commission
Tacoma, W a sh .-R an g v al Leinann, shows him on one of his rare v isits to ond line, which opened before dawn
in New York has been checked, in the is indication th a t it finds the grounds
was shot and kill«*] l ^e secretary of state,
and carried a num ber of new positions.
opinion of H ealth Commissioner Em er­ insufficient to ju stify a modification of
— ~~ j
On a front of four miles the B ritish
son, who issued a statem ent in which its original order. In denying the pe­ and Sam Jones, a union longhsoreman,
he said the dim inution in the number tition for rehearing the commission sustained a probably fatal gunshot promised w ith th eir ‘life blood’ to stay have advanced to a depth of a mile am!
o f new cases and deaths indicated th at does not state the grounds of its action ! wound in a pitched b attle Sunday, with the party had been deserted by a have held all positions gained in spite
th e health authorities are teaching the and makes no statem ent of the caie when union men attacked an automo­ large p art of its officers, who could n o t 1 of violent counter-attacks.
bile carrying nonunion workers to the stand the acid test. He charges th at
The strateg ic im portance of the
cases earlier and are finding a way to whatever, merely entering its order.
Milwaukee docks.
the leaders, for "ste a m roller reasons, B ritish successes is marked by the
control them.
Four men were in the automobile re­ have elected to be steam rolled,” and straig h ten in g of th eir line in conform­
W illiam Bothwell, form er Seattle
turning from the city to the docks th a t the tim e has come when every ity with th at of the French, who had
C ity Controller, and recently a special
when they were ambushed near the party working for human w elfare and hitherto advance«] at a much g reater
officer on the w aterfront, was killed,
E leventh-street bridge by about 15 the fu tu re of Am erica should unite spee«] than th eir allies. The brevity of
and W. W. M orris and C. V. Harvey, 1
The latter tvegan hurling against both dom inant parties.
In the prelim inary bombardment, roupled
m em bers of the prohibition enforce­
bricks a t the occupants of the auto-1 connection with the Republican party with the statem ents of press corre­
m ent squad of the S eattle police force,
mobile and when the drivers put on 1 the statem ent indirectly refers to spondents at the front, th at the B rit­
w ere seriously wounded in a pistol enough high-powered an ti-aircraft guns more speed a shot rang out.
Charles E. Hughes, Republican candi- j ish losses were com paratively small,
fight which resulted from a raid on the
Leinann, who had a revolver but date for President, as “ a splendid; lend support to unofficial statem ents
Ferguson Bar, in the Ferguson Hotel, j cruisers of the navy has been com­ who had not been able to use it, ac-
pleted, it was announced Tuesday by !
t‘he o tte rs in th e car, fell m an” selected by the Republicans “ s h j th a t the German secom] line was much
the man behind which they hope again less strongly fortified than th eir first
Secretary Daniels. The new weapons
One of th e other occu- 1 to secure control of state and n atio n .” j defenses.
The captain of the German subma­ is believed by navy experts to be the over dead.
rine freig h te r says German freig h t­ longest range guns of th a t type in the | pants, which one the police have not !
been able to learn, picked up the dead
ca rry in g Zeppelins will soon visit world.
m an’s gun and returned the fire, i
A m erica.
The new gun is a three-inch, 50 cali- j
wounding James.
W ar’s increase of food prices in Eu­ ber weapon th at will throw a shell 27,-
The automobile turned and sped for
rope, as shown by the bureau of labor 000 feet in air at an angle of 90 de­
V’’* the central police station w ith the body
On each ship one will
statistics, has touched neutrals almost grees.
W ashington, D. C.— Increases rang­
e of the strikebreaker, while the s trik ­
Charleston, S. C. -— The big naval
mounted forw ard and one aft, with an
as heavily as it has the belligerents.
ers, who had a car standing near the ing from 1 to 8 cents a hundred pounds collier Hector, carrying 60 m arines, in
I all-round fire so th a t the pair can
A corporation will be organized by a i
scene of the shooting, rushed Jam es to on lumber from the Pacific N orthw est addition to her crew of 70 men and 12
sweep the skies in any direction.
to New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas officers, sank off Charleston late F ri­
a hospital.
group of Am erican bankers, headed by
were disapprove«! by the In tersta te day, according to a report from Cap­
J . P. Morgan & Co., and Brown Broth­
Guns T hunder on V ardar,
Seattle, W ash.—Two men were shot, Commerce commission Monday on the tain Hunt, of the tug Vigilant, which
e rs & Co., to lend #100,000,000 to the
P aris—The war office has given out but not dangerously wounded, and a ground th a t they were not justified on tried to go to the H ector’s assistance.
French government.
the following statem ent covering the third was severely beaten, during a he ground of uniform ity. The in­
Officials at the navy yard here an­
W illiam Zimmer, aged 12 years, was operations of the arm y of the O rient fight between 16 non-union longshore­ creased rates held unreasonable are
th a t the crew had been taken
arrested in New Orleans, charged with from July 1 to July J5 :
men and strike sym pathizers at the those file«l to become effective January off in boats. A w ireless m essage has
killing his m other. The boy, accord­
“ E ast of tjie V ardar artillery ac­ Pike Place Public M arket Saturday 5, 1916, and suspended by the commis­ been sent out asking all vessels to be
in g to the police, said he shot his tions, often intense, have occurred night.
Several other men received sion.
on the lookout for the boats.
m other because she threatened to beat daily on the front. Advance post en­ less serious injuries.
The commission also cites the con­
him when he returned home a fte r an gagem ents of little im portance took
F. A. Webb, a b u tte r and egg deal­ tention of shippers th a t were these in­
Charleston, S. C.— All the 142 men
unsuccessful search for work.
place July 7 north of Kalinoko, 10 kil­ er, in the market, was struck in the leg creases to become operative C alifornia who abandoned the large naval collier
om eters south of Lake Doiran. “ West by a stray bullet.
W illiam Clarke, a lumber and particularly California Hector when she grounded Friday
The engagem ent is announced of
of the V ardar our patrols and light de­ unoin longshoreman, was sh o t in the shingles woul<! be able largely to ab­ night are) safe aboard the tug W il­
M rs. Joseph Chamberlain, widow of
tachm ents have had frequent skirm ­ leg. O. W. B ridgefarm er, a special sorb the New Mexico, Oklahoma and m ington and the lighthouse tender Cy­
th e late B ritish statesm an, and the
ishes w ith the enemy, who always was policeman employed as a guard at Pier Texas m arkets to the exclusion of lum­ press, the Charleston navy yard an­
Rev. W illiam H artley Carnegie, rector obliged to re tre a t.”
6, was seriously beaten and kicked.
ber products from the N orthw est.
nounced early Saturday.
o f St. M argaret, and canon of W est­
m inster. Before her m arriage, Mrs.
B ootleggers to Be Shot.
Flames T hreaten Athens.
Berlin Beer-D rinking Hit.
Wool to Bring Seventy-five Million.
C ham berlain was Miss Mary Endicott,
via London—A protest
W ashington, D. C.— Am erican sheep
o f M assachusetts.
employed by the Chesapeake & Ohio summer residence of K ing Constantine against the consumption of barley for raisers will receive about #76,000,000
The Socialist newspaper, Tribune, railroad in W est V irginia have been of Greece, situated at Tatoi, on the the m aking of beer is made in a letter for th is y e a r’s wool crop, the d e p a rt­
o f Am sterdam , asserts th a t 55,000 ordered to carry rifles as well as revol­ outskirts of Athens, is still raging in to Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg, m ent of A griculture announced S atu r­
workm en employed in the m unition vers to re sist efforts of bootleggers and the forest in which tho royal chateau signed by 80,000 members of Good day. Average prices during June were
factories and electrical works in Ber­ th eir agents to bring liquors into this stood. A Havas dispatch from Athens Tem plar Lodges in Germany.
28.7 cents a pound, higher than for
lin and in an aerodrome at Johanisthal state.
says it is feared the flames will reach
The letter points out the “ gigantic many years. The average w eight of
have gone on strik e as a protest
These officers have also been instruc­ the city. Among those who lost th eir waste of bread m ateria l,” in the use a fleece of wool is 6.92 pounds, and the
ag a in st the prison sentence imposed on ted to work in squads of four or singly lives in the fire were Colonel de la of large q u an tities of barley for the country annually produces about 37,-
Dr. K arl Liebknecht, Socialist leader, or in pairs. The orders resulted from P arta, of the engineers; M. Chryssoa- production of beer. It urges th a t here­ 000,000 fleeces. The w eight of fleeces
fo r participation in the May Day dem­ the increased numbers of attem pts to pathis, the head of the royal secret a fte r beer be only supplied on bread has been increasing year by year, ac­
o n stratio n a t Berlin.
violate the state prohibition laws.
service and 20 soldiers.
cording to departm ent figures.
Brief Resume of General News
from All Around the Earth.
Hundreds Homeless and Many Persons
B elim i Drowned.
forces Advance One Mile On Front of
four Miles, Holding All Gains.
tittttu fS Z fZ r S Z
Commission Denies Rehearing
In Astoria Rate Decision
O Slain, One Wounded in Tacoma
Strike Battle; Two Shot in Seattle
American Navy Has Longest Range
Anti-Air Craft Guns in World
ncreased Northwest lumber Rates
Big U. S. Collier With 142
Refused by Commerce Commission
Aboard Sinks— All Are Saved