Wanted — Loganberry pickers. J. Nichols. 27-tf Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Bates of Gaston were in the city yesterday. f t M. S. Allen a n d daughter, Martha, were Portland visitors Friday. Archie Bryant leaves today for IX) you know that d u rin g the past sixty clays all a business trip to the Tillamook You do not need to leave your beaches. kinds o f A m m u n ition s have advan ced in price from pass-book (your only receipt for E. P. Fruit yesterday took a 10 to 20 per cen t? It’s a fa ct and, unless the wars deposits) with this bank and wait The President i party of friends up Gales Creek a day or more at the last of every end soon, prices will g o still higher. B ecause we g j for an outing. “r* taf W»»f month in order to find out how out m m J .j Bttm bou gh t heavily b e fo r e the ad van ce, w e can sell at James Hams and Kenneth Iv< s tuna Ú mt tf tht your account stands. ha motti ita tal , left Monday for Garibaldi for a Instead, a neatly-printed, mach­ last yea r’ s prices month's outing. ine-figured statement of your checks and deposits, and the bal­ Mrs. Edna Large and daughter, ance of your account is ready for Lucile, of Portland are visiting you each month. here this week. Shot Gun Shells, per box - 75c This improved service is made Dr. Charles Hints and family 22 short rifle shells, smokeless - 15c g ossible by the Burroughs Book- motored out to Gales City Thurs­ 30-30 shells, smokeless - - 80c eeping Machine which is used ia day to visit friends. The Bookkeeper our accounting department. Other sizes ut proportionate prices. Miss Franoelia Drumm returned 'C otât a u f! S t The machine keeps every depos­ home last week from an extended meri katanànf fa it Above prices are for spot cash, subject to stock on hand. itor’s account figured right up to ferii. / MS to # j visit on the sound. # t* r ? si«««* * ■/ » date all the time. If you ever ^ ite ¿U UH ÙMé. " See the Gun Bargains in our window. They will be Chas. Hatfield of Portland, a want a statement in a hurry, we former resident of this city, was withdrawn a week from today. You’d better hurry. can give it to you inside of five minutes. Moreover it is absolutely accurate, as the in town a few hours Tuesday. machine never makes a mistake in fig­ Dr. and 'Mrs. Long and little B* uring. ¡daughter of Portland, visited at We are sure that you will find this Monthly Statement System less burden­ the Hines home in this city Sun­ some, more accurate, and far more «at is- day. Phone 6 8 3 Forest Grove, Ore factory than the method of balancing The Depositor pass-books. Mrs. R. W. Reder today took 2 " S w . ' This state* Mr. Creel and daughter, June, munì hanJeJ ms m et a mtr.th vsixh for a spin up the Columbia high­ WtJ u m i l i t i ih teki way. S tilt me ju st h ru my Good light team, sound, for Suspected of Murder m e t t u n t sta n j u If you have a book entirely or sale cheap. Hancock & Wiles. This is Real Bank William H a d l e y , aometlmea Forest Grove, Oregon Sendee— Last he fats partially filled with S. & H. Attorney L. M . Graham re­ known as "Soldier Bill,” urrested fe»i heat a mia.** Green stamps, take it to A. G. turned Tuesday from a business at Astoria Monday to answer to a Hoffman &. Co., anil it will be re trip into Northern California. charge of wife desertion in Port­ i deemed. 27 Berry pickers are so scarce up land. is suspected by many of Private L. A. Fernsworth, Into in Wuihington that ionic of the knowing something of the murder publisher of the Banks Hi raid, growers complain that others have of Mrs. Helen Gore Jennings and Mi s Ethel Joy of this city CONDLNSED NEWS NOTES was visiting friends in this city stolen their help. j Fred Rist man, near Tualatin, on s >ent Sunday in Portland. Saturday. He has leased his paper the night of May 15th. last. De­ R. L. Via of Dallas, well known Job printing—phone 821. Chester Buel of Watts was in t Chas. Hillebrandt and is now tectives Thatcher and Davis, who in this city, has moved to Port­ tjwn Thursd y to visit. Mrs. Z Large is spending the .ocated at Camp Withycombe. land where he will practice the have given considerable time to Victor and Cecil Evans of Dil­ w_*ek in Portland. The Women’s Foreign Mission­ druggist profession. the murder mystery, appear to be ley were in town Saturday. Thos. Nelson of Lafayette visit­ ary society and the Young Peo­ of the opinion that Hadley is the M. R. Johnson, the new vice John Wall and family of Hill - ple’s Missionary s> ciety will hold ed friends here Tuesday. murderer, i n s t e a d of Bennett boro were Grove visitors Tuesday. a picnic meeting at the home of pr sident of the First National Thompson, held in the Hillsboro H. Beck of near Dilley was in Bank, returned Tuesday from a The Kilgore family of Cornelius Mrs. Mills at 8 o ’clock tomorrow town on business Monday. trip to Newport and Harrisburg. jail for trial. It is p ro b a b le that were visitors at the Ritchey home evening. The Walker orchestra will give the Washington c o u n t y grand Miss M. E. McIntyre and her Sunday. E. C. Brown and family ar­ 5c dances at the new I. O. (). F. jury will "q u iz" Hadley when mother spent Sunday in Portland. Otto Wilson came over from rived Tuesday from Santa Ana, hall on Monday, Tuesday, Wed­ that body convenes tomorrow. The people of Hillsboro are T ilamook Tuesday for a visit Calif., to take up their residence nesday and Thursday nights o f ' Some Works of Art pleased to learn that after Oct. with relatives. in the house in which Mr. Brown next week. 1st they will h a v e f r e e mail Mrs. Leona H. Marrifield, aged was reared, just south of the In the east window of the Book Mr and Mrs. Brady Chowning Store are being shown some framed delivery. 24. who died at Hoquiam, Wash., Copeland & McCready lumlier !and Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie pictures that are works o f art, on July 5th, was burie 1 in Forest Mrs. B. F. White and daughter, yard. They lived in Hillsboro Susan, and Dorothy Seymour View cemetery, this city, Satur­ until four years ago, when they went up near Gaston Tuesday both in the painting anil framing and gathered in a nice lot of wild The prices are so reasonable that have returned home from a short day, by the Patterson Under­ went to California. blackberries. taking company of Hillsboro. these pictures will not remain long trip to the coast. Miss Thelma Via, who has been in the window. W a n t o n e ? visiting in this city, went to Bux­ Com a sad see 27-tf ton Monday to visit her uncle, be­ George Webb, aged 68, was fore returning to her home in found dead in his home at Hills­ and every woman is entitled to an Oil Stove. Come in and see the Portland. boro Sunday afternoon, with in­ Tomorrow evening the Chris­ dications that he had been dead tian Endeavor of the Congrega-1 several days. Mrs Webb was at tonal church will give a public Baker City visiting friends and Presents Heats quicker than any other make; clean and odorless. 1 ¡wn party at the home of I)r. the iKxly was embalmed and sent America’s Foremost Actor, Bishop. You are invited. to that place for burial. Deceased T H E NEW S H A R P L E S Mesdames O. H. Holmes. C. V. was a singing evangelist ami had B. Russell and W EL Hoskint done much evangelistic work on were hostesses to thirty of their the Pacific coast. Is a machine we are not afraid to recommend to our best friends. friends at a silver tea at the Con­ Mrs. Will Schultz and baby are gregational parsonage Tuesday AUTO SEATS, visiting friendsat Garibaldi beach. , aft- moon. Camp Stoves, Tents and Ice Cream Freezers. The Turks on the sewer job are observing a fast period and eat nothing from sunup to sundown, which is sure some penance these Phone 663 FO R EST G R OVE, ORE. long Hays, especially for people * THE PURE FOOD STORE * engaged in heavy labor. A very enjoyable time was had noi announces new price on 3 C ZIO EID C HOE HO ÔJG at Soda Springs Sunday, when the Royal Club families of Chas Hines, Harry IYanut Butter GofT, Ives Hoar, F. J. Burlingham and John Thornburgh enjoyed a In No. 5 Pails - - 65c picnic dinner at that place. (Pails are redeemed a t 5c in a Great Itacing Drama Accompanied by Miss Bernard, | when em pty). o f the South, the nurse, I / e Covert Monday took Mrs. Covert to the Good 10 Bars Laundry Soap 25c. Samaritan hospital, Portland, for A. & H. Soda 5c per pound. an appendicitis operation, which Tru Blu Big Lunch Cookies will probably be performed to­ 15c per pound. NEXT WEEK morrow. Mrs. J. S. Buxton, the 2 tins Ripe Olives H. & G. patii nt’s mother, went up to see her daughter yesterday. Brand 25c. NEXT WEEK DILLEY NEWS NOTES Apricots for canning will ar­ Frances Orr Bronsen o f Portland is rive next week, Leave orders | THIS WEEK O visiting with her friend, Mra. Walter now— price guaranteed. Boiled Ham, Minced Ham, Yon Don't Have to Wait for Your Pass-Book 1 1 * i ii Say, You Hunters! I I I Until July 22d E GOFF BROS. First National Bank The Warm Days Are Now Here Bon-Ami Short-Burner Oil Stove The ^ Star THEATER Tubular Suction- Feed Cream Separator GORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. Thos. A. Wise The PACIFIC MARKET Fresh and Cured ‘BLUE GRASS’ Wed. and Thurs MEATS i D For Picnic Dinners Veal Loaf, Friday and Sat. Wm. S. Hart ‘Between Men’ Chipped Dried Beef, Sweet and Sour Pickles, Picnic Plates, 10c per package o f 25 m All Kinds o f Fruits Cherries, Currants and Vegetables, Bananas, Oranges W aterm elons, Canta- Strawberries and loupes, Cucumbers Raspberries Phone 0301 HOE T . C. LORD, Jr., Prop | C = 3 0 d > líC HOE JCHE1Z'MARKET D O Wolf, for a few daya. Mra. Thomaa ia viaiting frienda in the Grove this week. THIS WEEK Mra. Rene Cropp is reported on the sick list. Grandma DeBord is in Hillsboro vis­ iting with her daughter. — IN— John Raz is helping Rene Cropp with his hay. Next Friday Riverside Grange will have a cold canning demonstration at the afternoon session. Everybody wel­ Keystone Comedy. come. Remember the date, July 14th. Dizzy Heights and Daring Hearts Some musical selection will round out ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ the program. Mra. C. A. Broderaen was hostess to the G. L. R. club today. Prices, 5c and 10c You will be pleased to know High Flight and Best Ever Flour is “ Ever Best.” Special inducement on Fruit Jars and Sugar for canning season— See our window display for prices and samples. We now have 4 telephones under the one number. Phone 061 “ BETTER SERVICE” *