The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, July 13, 1916, Image 3

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    The Spinologint
Most Important Precaution in
Control of Potato Scab.
Olslnfsctlon Treatment Is an Added
Foreelflht— Neither Will Be Ef­
fective If Boll la Already
Full of Disease.
(fro m
th e
U n
N tu tr a
I » e p a rt m s n t
The treatment of seed potatoes with
formaldehyde or with corrosive sub­
limate has been recommeudrtl for
many years as a preventive of scab
and other diseases carried on the tu­
Much treatment Is, on the whole,
profitable, but has several limitations
which should be clearly recognized
to prevent disappointment, according
to the specialists of the department.
The object of disinfecting seed pota­
toes Is to destroy the germs of scab
If you arc Sick your Spine in out and other surface parasites which
of alignment. After a thorough spinal might otherwise be planted with the
examination I am able to tell you all of seed and Infect the new crop. Only
your physical trouble«, without you surface Infections are reached by this
telling me, and with my Spccifkal method. It Is only partially effective
Spinal Adjustments anti your aid as per against deep pits of common scab.
Formaldehyde Is less effective than
my instructions, I will invigorate your
corrosive sublimate against the black
aystem with renewed energy. No med­
■clerotla or resting bodies of rhlzoc
icine, vibrators, electricity, massages. tonla, or russet scab, and against pow
Only Spinal Adjustments. 5000 in and dery scab. Neither chemical, as or­
about Portland I have relieved and dinarily used, will destroy sliver scurf.
cured. All Female Troubles and chil­ Either one will kill surface Infections
dren's ailments reached by my system of blackleg, but neither fusarfura wilt
regardless of age. I will tell you which nor late blight Infection In potato tu­
Kye or Far, whether Catarrh of the bers can be reached by any seed treat-
Nose, lironrhitis or Asthma. Whether ; ment, nor can any of the noriparasltlc
you have had Fever or Lung Trouble, diseases of potatoes, such as mosaic
Liver or Stomach, Kidney or Bladder leaf roll, and curly dwarf, be prevent­
weakness. Piles (blind or Itching), Con­ ed. Hoe Fanners' Bulletin £«44 for
stipation, Lumbago, Rheumatism of description of these troubles.
Clearly, therefore, the most Impor­
Arms or Legs, Dropsy and Varicose
Most all Skeletal Deformity tant precaution against these diseases
Is to select clean, disease-free seed
A 'In* yean In Portland. The only potatoes from healthy, vigorous plants,
aystem to bring nerve life to all para­ as determined by field Inspection dur­
ing the growing season and at harvest.
lyzed organs.
Heed treatment should then be applied
as an additional precaution.
or poorly drained soils. Blackleg,
on the other hand. Is carried by Infect­
ed seed. No potatoes showing s deep
brown discoloration at the stem end
should bo planted.
Hulphur tends to prevent common
scab. It Is not a substitute for cor
roslve sublimate or formaldehyde, hut
Is a good drier for cut seed. Applied
to scab Infected soils at the rate of
500 pounds per acre It reduces the
scab, but such heavy applications can­
not he generally recommended as
profitable. Preliminary experimental
trials are advised.
How to Disinfect Seed.
The formaldehyde treatment con
slats of soaking the potatoes, before
cutting, for two hours In a solution
made by adding one pint of formal-
One? Human Spine
In 1000 Is Perfect.
Soil Conditions and Potato Diseases.
Soil conditions have an Important re­
lation to potato tuber diseases, and
many of these are widely spread
throughout the country, perhaps ns
Clatt ‘07. Palmer School of Chiropractic, haven
port, Iowa.
Res., East 2454; Office, Main 860S.
Royal Building, Broadway and Morrison
Office hours; 10 to 12 a, m .; 2 to 6 p. m.
Sundays and Other hours by appoint­
Portland, Oregon.
Oregon Hernia Institute
r; rooma
H lgh w t ta a tiin o a U li. R a-
•ulta g u a ra n trnxl. ('a ll o r w rit«.
411-412 Aliaky Building. Portland. O r«| o n
Granolaled Eyelids,
Eyes ?
Eye* inflamed by eapo-
sure to San, Bast and a lad
luickly relieved by Marina
EyeHemedy. No Smarting,
just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist*« 50c per Bottle. Msriae Cya
Salv«inTul>e»25c. ForBaokaltbeCyefreeaik
Druggists or Msrlaa Cye Remedy ts., Chicago
Potato Affected With Ruaset Scab,
Showing Ruaaetlng and Cracking As­
sociated With Rhlzoctonia of West­
ern Potato.
live to some soils. Common scab Is
favored by a neutral or slightly al­
kaline soil, and seldom gives trouble In
acid soils. It Is therefore Increased
by liming and by fresh stable manure,
wood ashes, and alkaline fertilizers,
such as nitrate of soda and ground
bone, while add phosphate and sul­
phate of ammonia tend to diminish
Rhlzoctonia occurs to some extent
in nearly all soils, but appears to at­
tack potatoes most when the condi­
tions are unfavorable to the best de­
velopment of the potato plant. Bring
the land to an Ideal state of tilth to
minimize loss from rhlzoctonia
Powdery scab is worst on cold. wet.
What They'll Get.
"I see they've been tapping tele­
phone wires down In New York."
"Well, If they ever tap ours during
the morning they'll get a lot of fine
salad recipes and the latest news of
all the afternoon card clubs."—Detroit
Free Press.
Veal, Pork,
Beef, Poultry,
Butter, Eggs &
Farm Produce
Top Market Prices.
P a r t* over GO maken and model«, a t h a lf th e reir-
u la r p rice. Huy your uned auto p art« from an
Jd-eatablinhcd and reputable d ealer, who ha« a
rep u tation to p ro te c t and cond uct* th e (argent
p a rt* «tore and carrie« th e U n rest com plete a *-
¿»rtm ent o f uned auto p a rt* o f any com pany th l*
ide o f Chicago. O u r p rice* a re le««. and for th i*
reason we ou t*ell all o th e r*. All p a rt* a re guur-
antood to be In firnt-clan* condition.
Incorp orated.
M m
1 e*
Potato Affected With Common 8cab
dchyde to 30 gallons of water. The
solution can be used repeatedly. The
gas treatment Is no longer recom­
Corrosive sublimate ts used at the
rate of 1-1,000 for one and one-half to
two hours. Dissolve two ounces of the
salt In hot water add dilute to 15 gal­
lons. This Is a deadly poison. .Use
with great care. It must also be kept
In wood, porcelain, or glass vessels,
as It attacks metal. It Is more effec
live than formaldehyde, particularly
against rhlzoctonia and powdery scab
Do not use the same solution more
than three times, as the strength
diminishes with each lot of potatoes
To treat large quantities, set sev­
eral barrels on a slightly elevated plat­
form. Fit a plug In a hole In the bot­
tom of each barrel, fill with potatoes,
cover with solution, let stand two
hours, draw off solution, and pour Into
another barrel. Increase the number
of barrels In proportion to the quan
tlty to be treated. Another method
Is to use a large wooden vat or trough.
Into which the potatoes In sacks are
lowered by a rope and pulley and later
hauled out. drained, and dried on slat­
ted racks.
Seed potatoes may be treated sev­
eral weeks before planting, provided
they are not reinfected by storing In
old containers or storage bins.
Sprouted potatoes are Injured by
treatment, but will throw out new
sprouts. In general, however, pota­
toes will not be Injured by following
the above directions. Many growers
believe germination ts improved by
Convenient Way Is to Use Sharp
Hoe to Slice Off Large Plants
of Edible Size.
No. 28. 1910
Avoid Navel Disease.
w r it in g (• •drartUsss.
th is papar.
always save them money, time and work. They save money
because they lift and heave as well as shatter, and go further than
high explosives that merely split the stumps. T h ey save time
and work because they get out the stumps— big or little, green or
dead— in a condition easy to handle, ‘‘ I get better results from
Giant Powders than from any other powder I have used,” saya
A . E. Adkins, Woodbum, Ore.
There are two Giant Farm Powden, both made especially for Pacific
Coast farmers. Eureka Stumping Powder is most economical for dry
work and Giant Powder saves money in stump blasting in wet
•oiL Try there two. Compare them with the powder you have been
using, and you will always use Giant in future. Write ua and we will
have our nearest distributor supply a trial caae at the lowest market price.
Five Blasting Books FREE
Better ways of removing stumps and boulders, making
ditches, planting trees, and breaking up the subsoil are
described in our five illustrated books. They were written
for western farmers, to meet the conditions that yen have.
Write us for the book on the subject you are interested in.
THE G IA N T POWDER CO., Con., SSSSk san Francisco
"Everything for Blasting ’’
B r a n c h O ff ¡ c m : S w a b . S p o k a n e . P o r tla n d . S a l t L a k e C ity , D o n v a r
K ill A ll F lie s !
T hey Sp rand*d nr. vwb«re,0*4ny F'y KllUr attr». _t* and kill* -H
ft*«. Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient, and cheap.
L e t s a i l M M o o . Made
f a o a ta i. can t a p ú T e *
------ * r ; « H I im « aoU or
Paid for But-
t e r flie s , In ­
D aisy Fly K iller
sects. I buy
l o M b y d e a l e n , o r « aent
by ax p raaa. p r e p a y . f l . M .
hundreds for
MA HO LO S O M K R S , 100 OeMalb A re ., Breeklya, M. Y .
museums, art-work, study purpose» and
private collections. 5c to $7 each paid.
Her Proof.
8-pp. folder FREE. Easy outdoor em­
The reading class was in session ployment
and the word ‘ furlough” occurred.
Miss Jones, the teacher, asked if any
little girl or boy knew the meaning of
Los Angeles, CaL
the word.
One small hand was raised.
"Furlough means a mule,” said the
Quick Action.
"Messenger service is mighty good
"Oh, no. it doesn't,” said the teacher.
“Yes. ma'am.” Insisted the little out my way.”
girl. ”1 have the book at home that
says so.”
“Yep. No dclav about messages
Miss Jones told the child to bring
the book to school. The next morn­ consigned to us. our place is near
ing the child came armed with a book the ball park.”—Louisville Courier
and triumphantly showed a picture of Journal.
an American soldier riding a mule,
For any cut use Hanford’s Bal­
under which was*the caption:
"Going home on’ his furlough.”— sam. Adv.
Philadelphia Ledger.
The Smile of Serenity.
For sore feet rub on Hanford's Bal­
sam. Adv.
P. N. U.
T U M P I N G ---- A G R IC U L T U R A L .
“That man is surely i n optimisL”’
“How do you know?”
“He smiles continually.”
As convenient a way as any for
A Mistake.
“Maybe he's an optimist and maybe
cutting spinach Is to use a sharp hoe
“Pa, Is your business an unrefined he’s a diplomat.”—Washington Star.
to slice off the large plants as soon one?”
"Of course not, daughter. W h at,
as they reach the edible size, thus
leaving the smaller ones for a week makes you ask that?”
"Because I heard you telling uncle I REDUCED FREIGHT RATES
or two to grow larger. By so doing
To and from all points on household Roods, piano«*
the season can be somewhat extend­ about your gross receipts.”—Baltimore and autom obiles. In form ation c h e e rfu lly g iv e n .
Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.,
ed without risk of having the plants
develop seed stalks, which they will
How It Happened.
start to do at the first hint of warm
“Strange, one of your twins is HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK,
blonde and the other is a brunette.”
“Well, we never could afford a maid.
I washed one child and my husband We vint all you haie. Write lor pnces anO skppiegtigs
the other, and that one grew T he h . F. N orton C o . fortta«, o « . suite, me
TREATING SCOURS IN HORSES >trCrCrCT<t<rCrCrlrCrCr(rCrCrCrlrtr<tCrCrCrCr Xi washed
up dark.”—Louisville Courier-Journal.
Give Mixture of Whole Oats and One-
Doable Treal Puaclur? Proof Tares
Ruling Thought.
Made from your old one*. L a s t lotuf
Ninth Part Wheat Bran— Have
To buy cheap se<yls because
Belle—Harry says he is for fair
as Brand New T I R E S W rite u a
Teeth Attended To.
elections all the time.
good seeds are scarce and high
550 W ash ington S t ,
P ortlan d . O r a
Nell—Yes. Harry always did like
In price?
For scours In horses, feed a mixture
blonde effects.
Of course It does not.
of whole oats and one-ninth part of
Records which have been kept
Fabulous Country.
wheat bran by weight, allowing one and
of the time and labor expended
“What is this Never Never Land?”
a fifth pounds of this for each hundred
Bought. Sold. R ented and R ep a ire d
and the yield secured tell the
“That's where the good cooks come
pounds of body weight as a day's ra­
from.”—Louisville Courier-Journal.
Bu rn sid e, cor. 10th.
P ortlan d . O r e .
tion. In the same way feed one pound
It’s the same all along the
of hay per hundred pounds of body
line. Cheap seeds never paid
weight. Increase hay and docrease
and never will.
the grain mixture when the horse Is
1* «nothing to th e organ« o f b re ath in g and i« a w on­
Idle. Let him run out In the yard
d erfu l rem edy fo r coughs, cold«, sore th roat, c a ta rrh
daily, when not at work and when
and h eaves, anti w hen fe v er is p resen t it rem oves it
the weather Is fine. Muzzle him b»
quickly w ith o u t in ju ry to th e anim al.
Profit In Variety.
tween meals If he eats hla bedding.
Always and with any variety of her
Dr. Korinek’s Gall Powder ^ * * 7 ^ 1 f »,
Allow free access to rock salt, dive variety In feed brings the beat eg
m ills, sore shoulders, w ire c u ts and old ulcerated sores.
the drinking water before me&ls un results.
Dr. Korinek’s Absorbent Blister 7 ^ ™ « "
loss he has access to pure water at
o f sp av ins, rin g-b on es. side-bones, lum py-jaw in c a t­
Won’t Fatten on Corn.
all times. Have hla teeth attended
tle . bony en larg em en ts and prom oting the rip en in g process o f a be esses.
A ny o f th e follow ing rem edies will quickly c o rre ct an y o f th e ailm en ts fo r w hich th e y a re
A fowl that will not fatten when
to by a veterinarian, and If he bolts
recom m ended:
hla feed mix some hard peas with It
►avlly fed on corn la not In good
D R . K O R IN E K ’S C O U C C A P S U L E S .
D R . K O R IN E K 'S W O R M C A P S U L E S .
D R . K O R IN E K 'S K ID N E Y C A P S U L E S .
D R . K O R IN E K ’S T O N IC C A P S U L E S .
kystcal condition.
or put It In a very large box. or have
D R . K O R IN E K 'S F E V E R C A P S U L E S .
D R . K O R IN E K 'S P H Y S IC C A P S U L E S .
some cobblestones In the feed box.
D R . K O R IN E K ’S D IA R R H O E A C A P S U L E S .
To th# OUI R rllaM r F.vardlnr houan w ith a
w o r d o f 4f> yearn o f S q u a re IV a lin g a and be
aamired of
45-47 Front Si,
— Six feet through at base, 4 feet
6 inches through at top, five feet above
Giant Stumping
Powder did a clean job, taking out
roots and all without tearing a big hole
in the ground. Farmers who have used
them know that
piss ss
Dispose of farm sewage by moans
Look out for nave) disease In spring
of a horoe-mado septic tank.
colta. Cleanliness—that'« the word.
A sk your dealer fo r K o rin ek 's Rem edies.
T hey a re g u aran teed .
K O R1N EK R E M E D Y CO.v K e n to n S ta tio n ,
O r w rite d irec t to
P o rtla n d , O regon