The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, July 13, 1916, Image 1

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    ÎFn n 'ü i d n w
ì E x jjit h h
Vol. 1, No. 27
Prosecuting War on
condensed n e w s n o tes
Bum worth Home Badly Damaged
The Bank. Kebekaht wiD install I
i U W h it e P la rtn o
™ e home of Oscar Burnworth
officers next Tuesday night
f f l l l u ; IldR U C and family, on South Sixth street,
The United Artisans will hold a
A numiter of the friends of Dr. was badly damaged by fire of un-
picnic at Dug Hill this evening.
and Mrs. C. E. Walker gathered known origin about 9 o ’clock
Mrs. Ida Patrick is having at theif home Monday evening to Monday morning, and, but for
Prompt«*«! by a desire to give
meet Mrs. Saidie O. Dunbar of the g«**! work of the fire depart-
the people something exciting and trouble with an infected finger
Mrs. M . A. Dixon is enj ying Portland, secretary of the Oregon ment, would have been entirely
interesting in the way of amuse­
ment, R. VV. RetJer, secretary of a visit with a son from California. Association for the Prevention of destroyed. All members of the
family were away when the fire
t h«» Fair association, an«! Fire
Appetizing and satisfying meals Tub«*rcul«>iis. Mrs Dunbar
was was discovered by neighbors and,
Chief Lenneville have been visit­ at the Laughlin Hotel, 25c and ,
here to arrange for making a sur- ^ there had been no fire in the
ing the lire department of Gaston, up.
Hillsboro, Hanks and Cornelius
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phelps of vey or Washington county, to as- part of ihe house where the blaze
and inviting them to send t«*ams Gales Creek were in town yester­ c rtain to what extent tubercu- originated for several days, the
to this city during the county day.
Iosis exists in this county and a cause of the conflagration is some-
, thing of a mystery. The fire ap-
fair to compete for prizes in the
Currants at 4c per pound if n rse
ih t y '" « in a tour
parently started on the south part
raet*s. Each of the departments you pick yourself. Miss Frances
he county for that purpose.
of the second story and it was im-
visited has promised to sen«! a Myers.
Mrs. Dunbar reports that 249 possible to save any of the house-
team to the rac«-s and it is the in­
Mrs. E. L. McDonald of Walla cas«*» were recently found in one hold goods on that floor, but
tention of the fair promoters te>
is visiting Mr. and Mrs.
hang up some attractive prizes
small county and if this ratio neighbors.saved practically every-
thing on the first floor, including
for wet races, coupling and ladder
A daughter came to the home holds good over the state, the a piano.
climbing contests.
When the hose wagon arrived
It is believed that a race can of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sage at society has a big job ahead of it.
While the association is
is just one at the fire, Chief Lenneville de­
I m * arranged between the Forest Dilley Tuesday.
M . T. Sherrett of the Laughlin year of age, its members have cided that one line of hose was
Grove and Hillsboro department
horses, with coupling and water hotel is looking a f t e r business already done much to impress not sufficient, to save the house
throwing, just as would be done in Southern Oregon.
upon people the dangers attend­ and he started one line and went
back to the hose h o u s e and
at a fire.
Remember, t h e Chautauqua
ing exposure and to relieve some brought out the hand-cart with
These contests will be more
of the deplorable conditions exist­ j another line, which was soon pl^y
interesting to many people than day morning at 9 o'clock.
second-rate pony races, the fair
Mr. and Mrs. O. Isham, who ing in homes where the plague ing on the flames, with the re-
suit that part of the buiiding was
officials believe.
left here two years ago for Cali­ has gained a foothold.
fornia, have returned to stay.
While the state of Oregon has 8aved*
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Wilcox are rendered some assistance, in the! ^ ^he building was insured in the
preparing to move to Bend, where way of a hospital for the tuber- Oregon lire Relief Association of
. . . . . .
McMinnville for $600 and the
r red will open a realestate and in­ .
for $400 An adjuster
Assisted by Past Grands J. F. surance office.
overcrowded and the waiting list was in the city Tuesday to ap­
McGill, Wm. VanAntwerp and C. i Dr. and Mrs. O. H. Holmes, is now as large as the list of praise the damages,
Mr. and Mrs. Art Caples and Mr.
W. Odell, District Deputy Grand and Mrs. M. J. Abbott motored patients being cared for.
uents being care« lor.
F v n p r t s V k ifp H
Master Harry Giltner Monday up to Salem this morning.
It is the desire of the officers of LA|Jci lo Y IM lcU
evening install«*d officers for Wash­
Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Kauffman the association that the people of
0 f f .llf l.r d s
ington lodge No. lh, 1. O. O. F., and daughter and Miss Beach i eVery community assist the nurse
D. F Fisher of W’enatchee,
as follows:
took dinner with Walter Wolf and who a attempting to get data
and M. M. Brown of Van-
Brady Chowning, past grand;
from each county and this the
two of Uncle Sam’s fruit
L. G. Morley, noble grand; W.
to make the Laughlin Hotel their citizens who met Mrs. Dunbar disease investigators, visited this
K. Curtis, vice grand; H. R. Ber­ home while in the city. Excel­ have promised to do.
city last Saturday for a few hours,
nard, s«*cretary; Claude Davis, lent meals and comfortable beds.
A . L. Mills, president of the
warden; S. G. Morgan, conductor;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen of First National Bank of Portland, while enroute to Salem. WTiile
C. W. Odell, chaplain; J. H. this city and Mr. and Mrs. C lyde ¡s president of the association and their time was limited, they took
time to go to the orchards of W.
f ..
Shearer and C h a s . VanDoren, Sutford of Spokane drove up to
most prominent pro­
E. Haage and A. Reuter, on Da­
right and left supporters to noble
fessional and business men and
Hill, to look into the brown
grand; J. F. McGill and E. B.
women of the state are giving
“ The Battle Cry of P«*ace,” a their time and money to this rot plague that is playing hob
Catching, right and left support­
patriotic nine-reel feature film,
ers to vice grand; A. L. S«*xton will be shown at the Star Theat«*r laudable work. Mrs. Walker of with the prune crop
this city is a member of the ex­ that the problem was a very ser­
and H. C. McGill, right and left next Wednesday, afternoon and
ecutive committee and one of the ious one, the gentlemen advised a
scene supporters; Wm. VanAnt­ evening.
association’s hardest workers.
thorough spraying with e i t h e r
The concrete foundation for the
werp, putside guardian.
Bordeaux mixture or lime, sulphur
The semi-annual report of the
under way and the excavation for
C r
i k . -ii
and soap as soon as the prunes
finance committee shows ihe
John Anderson’s n ew business
begin to change color, sooner if
lodge growing in membership and block is about completed.
the disease appears to be spread-
and its finances are improving as
C. C. Jackson is substituting as I .
They find the pest
a conductor on the Southern Pa- W’ithycombe was in the city Sat- ing rapidly
been done is making as much headway in
The new district deputy, Mr. cific between Portland and Me- urday to see what had
Giltner. informed the new officers Minnville and Mrs. Jackson visit- in this city toward organizing a Washington as in the Willamette
that he expected them to wake e«l her husband’s folks in this city company of coast artillery, but valley and are kept busy trying
found that so many of the young
up and bring in a lot of new mem- j for the past week,
to solve the best ways of com­
bers for initiation and the degree
Misses Manche Langley and men of the city were away, work-
ing, fishing and camping, that
the evil at vaiiousseasons
captain was asked to put the de-1 Marjorie Forbis accompanied a
gree staff in condition to give p a r t y Gf Portland friends to
The best preventive so far
new members the work in the ap- j Crown Point yest«*rday morning meeting called for organization.
P. C. Starrett, the Spanish- diKovered is sprayini „¡th one of
proved manner
| in time to see the sunrise and Miss 1
American war veteran, who has
, I,angley says the sight was worth made efforts to oreanlie acorn- the mixtures mentioned above,
Young Theologian Preaches
the trip.
pany, informs the Express that the first spraying when the trees
Last Sunday evening the Meth­
H. A. Phillips, advance agent there’ will be a meeting August are in full bloom, the second, as
odist church was well filled to hear
of the Ellison-White Chautauqua, 12th, at the new I. O. O. F. hall soon as the blossoms have all fall-
Rev. John Taylor. In the aud­ was in the city today, making
for the purpose of completing the erif the third when the fruit i«
ience were a good number of the
final arrangements for the ap- organization and he would like all
.. . . . „ . fVli.
students of Pacific University pearance of his attraction here young men who care to join to
the husk and the last when
and former graduates. Mr. Tay­ next week. He says the Glad- give him their names.
the fruit *s turning color.
lor u is a Forest Grove
r ■ t young man stone Chautauqua is drawing big
The coast artillery is a much
In view of the fact that fruit is
The Odd Fellows
Installed Officers
To Organize Company
01 toast Artillery
'eav inf?
$1.50 per Year
Councilman Todd was the only
absentee when Mayor Paterson
called the city ‘ dads” to order
Tuesday evening for what proved
a very uninteresting session.
The monthly report of Treas­
urer Hoar was accepted and or­
dered filed.
A bill of Dr. Pollock for dam-
ages to some electrical apparatus
by reason of a short circuit was
referred to the finance committee,
Finance committee recommend-
ed the payment of $1,900.64 in
bills and council so ordered.
W. P. Dyke's request that coun­
cil dig or repair a ditch to keep
surface water out of a basement
belonging to Mrs Knapp was re­
ferred to street committee, as was
a similar request from John Bailey.
The sewer contractors having
reported they could save the city
$300 by substituting vitrified for
iron pipe for a distance of 150
feet the council will investigate.
Street commissioner was in­
structed to put men to work pud­
dling ditches where sewer had
been laid in order to settle the
Motion was also passed that
contractors be notified to clean
up dirt around completed man­
holes .
Attorneys f o r t h e National
Surety company wrote that their
client was not inclined to repair
paving done in this city during
1913 and the city’s legal talent
will be instructed to invoke the
a‘d of the courts to compel such
Recorder was instructed to ad­
vertise for bids for 400 feet or
more of 2 flin c h fire hose.
Fire Chief Lenneville suggested
the purchase of several Pyrene
fire extinguishers at $7.50 each
and the que-tion was referred to
the fire and lighting committee.
Councilman Johnson thought
there was need of a traffic and jit-
ney ordinance and the ordinance
committee was instructed to draw-
up an ordidance covering the
W . P. Dyke a n d Engineer
Kirkwood were instructed to in­
vestigate a tract of land the city
might need for watershed pur­
The sum of $155.33, borrowed
from the 1915 street improvement
fund, was ordered replaced.
The finance committee was not
ready to report on the claim of
F. J. Miller to the effect that the
building of the sanitary sewer had
damaged his farm property,
At a special meeting, held June
29th, the council contracted with
the Elliot company to lay laterals
from the street centers to curb
|mw at 37^
sewer trench is already filled, the
rate will be somewhat higher, but
tlds phase of the question was not
dlsPosed o f-
Rnm», einnnind
R.pcning Fast
The w-arm weather of the past
few days is causing the rapid rip-
yradualcdTom S c U n h S y ' ■
and makin* " * * wi*h ,he " !° re ¡" t e s t in g part of the ser ! the main crop of the David’s Hill ]
f t o ' S s h o i S S f p icT
with the class of ’ 12 and lat«*r
: Y‘ce than the regular infantry, people, this attack of the brown aPPeaLs to be a shortage of pick-
went to Oberlin College
The Nawakwa Campfire girls for, while the infantry drills are
College near I gave a
E a i *7tVn c o L t ’ artiilerym/n. Z y
jdee Ila n t T f'SE ta? out'
........... in coast defense 1 and they have asked that one or 400 to 500 gallons of
ot juice per
Cleveland, Ohio, wlur«
hi took a
wjth their mothers and the-mem- also given drills
course in the Theological d«*part-
bers of Ha-Ha camp and one work, such as target practice with i both of the late visitors come day, the cannery is taking quite a
ment, graduating there last June.
guest each as guests, making a machine and heavy guns, mining again in the near future, to give lot of the choicest berries and
This is his first visit to his home
Harr>' Xauffts aP!* i<>nic of the
in a number of years. He plans I total of forty to enjoy the pro- and other work that does not them further and more explicit
i other growers are shipping berries.
gram d n d refreshments. Miss come to the infantry.
to preach for a year before taking :
Emma Craft played a violin solo, j It is beli«*ved that by Aug. 12
up his work in the foreign mission
The officers of the Commer- \ Mrs. J-. L. VanKirk, Mrs. Dol-
Miss Elida Loynes performed on enough of the young men will be
field. He . intends _ to be a mission-
, , , the oiano and Dorothv Jov cave ! back in town to enable the enroll-
club had intended to have a IT?. Byerly, ^Irs. John Baxter,
ary to China or Japan, probab y ine o an<1 p orom y jo y gave oacK in town io inaDie ine enroll
meet Misses Jessie Greer, Jean le Bax-
Mr T a v lo r i«. the son of a reading, making up a very en- ment of the sixty-five men required number ot the iruit Mowers meei i ,
Margaret Curtis went to
i nina. ivir. tayior is tne son oi tprf..:n:ntr nroffram
tnr ~ onmn»nv
the government agents at a dm-
a,,u i>iargaret ouruis wtni io
Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, who tertainin8 program »
tor a company^_________
ner to be held in this city, b u t iPortIand today where they will
live on the Greenville road, on
signa of Growth
The Verboort baseball team, their stay in the city was too brief attend the ten days camp meet-
the North side. Mr. ’Faylor took
Portland, July 10— Material now being supported by H. J. Rice of this to admit of this, so Mr. Reder ing ° f# the Oregon Holiness As-
for ni» text a verse from the N4th Hsscmtded to build five shoo ton steel city, defcated Gales Creek at the telephoned a number of the fruit sociation._______________
Psalm, “ Blessed is the man whose freight steamers.
McNamer diamond last Sunday men on the Hill to be at the; A week from tonight Victor
strength is in the Lord ” He said
Koaeburg-Contractors on ground and by a 3-to-2 score. Frank Doane, Haage orchard and four of them 1 Murdock, the Kansas progressive,
this present age is being known as material ordered f o r new Federal [luck Graham, Ray and Clarence w ere there when Mr. Reder ar- one of the leading orators of the
the restless age, the ag«* when building.
Joy and lister Hughes played rived with the inspectors. It is United States, will be the chief
mankind the world over is seek- j Farmers o f Polk and Benton counties with the Gales Creek boys. Ver- j probable that the (iinner will be attraction at the Chautauqua.
iffg for the truth as never before, co-operating with state for water grade boort and Banks will play at the given at the time of their next See complete program on page
in history.
I highway from Salem to Eugene,
1 same place next Sunday afternoon, visit.
I four.