< OUR COUNTRY'S FOURTH_OF JULY An Indoctructible Union oi Unquenchable Stars i H x a o iv r a H «r ÿlortous m ou n ta in « Kiss U m «K M mi Sends svsnH fri For bar Da] j frn gra n l M ofo fllc tjv a rs ciani O rkkj, lo K o y a n à ÿ la h a o f fa in . Wjth Viood«*»,! h eigh t! an d nsayifòs *'>arfcT)d T h o w h ir - J . ,V . V “ ,wi»««i and été«}, flame of è Top thousand .anvils p««l*.- . r ÎJr J *' ^ **orA> L ^^rn in g* r«A ra h o r M Ataiy p re s e t, „ S ctn n ce Tver a (t«r tL“**------Tw,r Tf.tv ages s v brlritf I W %%£> t -: .\ ( V lgt p y r O'eV our bfo thj/lr^.feifertnd* ~ -r, V jt Z ^ Z 'J ’ k flai'Ki no monarch igna / ojg I, Tb^T87?l6 or to a w a \ y > v \ 'r •’riEEUi.l. T,e r ) f ‘& n' ^With the m u joaly o f law. For hor ton mlUtbn sons w6uld bare The breast to every ioi. Would tveel the lips with praise and prayer. ■ [ I / A n d bKi the lifeblood flo tJ Her flag fU'imes the might iy deep. blazon« the fceçK'ningr iKir» H er valiant «ta ri IbntTMl^ll^ l i l\««Pi 1 N ea r can her glçrV. aia>, r22 . <^v v / t> . To e v e r y lartd gnd fj- i and sea. F rom ia J iM H I n d e g / g iv en, C r e o tln g s to d a y « f Clb«/T y .” -JCT A n d b en lso n o f h e a v e n . 1 *“ LIVES IN HISTORY Old Tow n of W estch ester S aw S tirring Tim es in the Days of the Revolution. Portland — Wheat — Blue-stem, 96c per bushel; fortyfold, 86c; club, 83c; I^ m S i on tl,la slona and you will fln<1 red Fife, 83c; red Russian, 83c. My )oertu>r‘ s o'er, and yours Utlilnd; Hay- Eastern Oregon timothy, $23 Think, tbs«, bofors you turn away, Thai yours uiay sad Lafora thla day. 0424 per ton; valley timothy, $180419; This was one of the early churches alfalfa, $140416. M illfeed— Spot prices: Rran, $2664 upon which Queon Anne bestowed g ifts In tier day Its chi mu of bells 26.60 per ton; shorts, $29 64 29.60; was given It. The old bells have since rolled barley, $31.606(32.60. Corn— Whole, $37 ton; cracked, $38. boot) melted and marl« Into a new Vegegtables — Aritchokes, 76c6/,$l one. which rings Habbath day pilgrims per dozen; tomatoes, $1.60641.76 per to service aa of old. crate; cabbage, $2642.76 per hundred; Across the street stands the parish garlic, 10c per pound; peppers, 26c; house This building, says I lor tor «KKplant, 16c; horseradish, 8Jc; let­ ('lendsnln. tho rector, was the ons tuce, $ 1641.60 per crate; cucumbers, used for two wooks as the colonial 76 c 64$1-25 per dozen; spinach, 4646c oaphal of tho stole of Now York whon per pound; asparagus, 75c64$l per an epidemic of fever prompted a sud dozen; rhubarb, l i 64 2c per pound; den move. peas, 3¿646c; cauliflower, $1.26 per A few blocks farther west Is the crate; beans, 864 12i r per pound. picturesque rectory, standing quit« I'otatoes — Old, $1.60; California, alone on a green knoll. Its surround­ new, 2642} c per pound. ing land was part of the "ancient Onions — California red and yellow, glebe" given by the town In 1703. $3.26 per sack. Records stato that It was found nec­ Green Fruit— Strawberries, $1.8664 essary to lay out parsonage lands. 1.90 per crate; apples, new, $2 per box; cherries, 56410c per pound; can- i taloupes, 90c64$2.76 per crate; apri­ cots, $1.36641.60 per box; peaches, $1.16; watermelon, 2J6;2ic per pound; figs, $1641-60 per box. Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­ ceipts, 216422c per dozen; rots and cracks out, 236/,24c; extras, 24Jc. Poultry — Hens, 14c per pound; stags, 10c; broilers, I 664I 8C turkeys, live, 206421c; dressed, choice, 2364 25c; ducks, 166420c; geese, 96410c. Butter— Cubes, extras, 25Jc; prime firsts, 26c; firsts, 2-IJc; seconds, 22c. Jobbing prices: Prints, extras, 21(q) 29c, butterfat, No. 1, 27c; No. 2, 26c, Veal— Fancy, 1164llic per pound. Pork— Fancy, 11c per pound. Hops — 1915 crops, 9 } 64 11c per pound; 1916 contracts, nominal. Wool — Eastern Oregon, fine, 2364 26|c per pound; coarse, 306432c; val­ ley, 3261,34c. Cascara Bark— Old and new, 4c per I pound. C attle- Steers, choice grass, $7.7564 Old St. Peter's Church, Containing 8.26; good, $7.60647.75; cows, choice, Bell Mads by Melting Chimes Given $0.75647.50; good, $6.25646.50; heif- In Queen Anne's Time. I ers, $5.50 64 5.76; bulls, $3 64 5.75; and 20 acres was made up by taking stags, $4.50647. H o g s — Prim e light, $8.05 64 8-2 5 ; "four acres whore Edward Collier's old lott was.” "the eight-acre division gocsl to prime, $8648.05; rough heavy, of land in the old lott fronting to the $7.50647.75; pigs and skips, $6.6064 7.10. sheep pasture,“ and so on. Sheep — Yearlings, $6.50 @ 7.25; From 16S3 to 1763 Westchester was the «hire town. The village waa set­ wethers, $5.50646.75; ewes, $4.7564 tled In 1642 by Throckmorton (for 5.60; Iambs, $7648.86. whom Throg's Neck was named), who arrived from Massachusetts with a group driven thence along with Roger Williams. They procured permission to make their homes at Westchester, settling 35 families there. The Dutch had called tho spot Vrodeland, mean­ ing I.srul of Peace, and perhaps the namo had something to do with at­ tracting those weary worshipers. HE visitor to tho v illa «» of Wdstchoater, N. Y „ which, by MEAN TR IC K tho way, Is tho ol