The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 29, 1916, Image 6

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    C H A P T E R XIII.
“ I f that were tru -possible— then I
could sleep—“
D riim i.
Ills eyes closed. A weak tremulous
There were dreams on the great
Mur« Water
I « mm H «r•«’»*«**•*». Iraa (oat.
sigh quivered nt the corners o f hi#
M o at Mffli I n i t fo r Irrig a tio n
mouth. Noiselessly she turned out the plateau iiureal shapes which took
M in in «, Klru P io te r lte n mt\4
their airy substance from the stars
lights and left him.
lio m o o lir I m
Sm all, l . i « M.
Powerful. N" VklvM.
Sylvia Arnaud’s room lay at the ami from the white transluceiicy o f the
No t'irlin«
• I * « a I t e l n u t .tm M i r *i
farther end o f the corridor. Gabrlelle Arabian night. Richard Farquhar saw
knocked and Immediately entered. Her them distinctly. In the first hours of
Pomi« Hun« on I«*>w
'Slow*. I
Will Pumo
manner, from that o f quiet good hu­ twilight he had believed them the pig
Water *n<1 Air Nlmul
mor, had become alert and bard. Her nients of tils own pulsing, fever driven
\ Miirotialy
W ill rump
eyes were very bright, her mouth set brain. And he had rolled over, hiding
Ixillitig w a ter I I m i m
on l for v * r t o - a i aucll >ti
lu Hues that for once betrayed no Ills face against the hard soil, and had
I Ift o f 'tl • fu rl
C m tm 1 Mala lie'll I . y An>o|in.
truce of humor,
I iti|o»«aiblu t o M a k s a Vtlatak«*
I M i v a i a Morn
bitten tils lips bloody.
YYutur. with fm I m * lloivMkpowur. *!»•»• Any
B y 1. A. R. W Y L I E
“ Your husband Is very III. Madame
The melancholy hour between Ilfs
I’ump ktwwn. No Primmii Huqulrud nt Any
Arnaud." she said. “ He Is on the and death was over, and slowly, with
lu«»*.n*hla Suction.
Writ* for
Prtena kih I Tratlmunlftla
brink o f a nervous breakdown— per­ all the mysterious majesty o f the Hast,
bifurt you buy.
haps worse— and only you can save night led out her alibiing myriads from
IAH rwbu rcaervcU. T b « üobb*-UemU Co.)
I l l K VALVLF.SH m i l * f t ) . ,
him. I came to waru you—"
the darkness Into the waiting solitudes
Mil H u e r T i l l « A T t s a l l lld « ..
I'u M U nd. O r*.
that I am mad. and I am in bell. I
“ You are very kind. Miss Smith."
Only the sentinel o f the hour stood out
— 12—
can see the days that are to coiue—
“ This Is not the time to exchange as something living, a tall rigid shadow
Svlvta Omney, her lover. Rlchant Fsr- horrid mlsshapeu horror», crowding commonplaces. When he awakes you magnified by the stiver ghostly light of
quhar, And«. has fallen tn love with Cap­
You rmist tell hliu the star«.
tain Artiaud of the Foreign legion. In along the path and waiting to spring must go to him.
Had Made Start.
Captain Sower's room Farquhar forces on me.”
that you will accompany him to Ton­
The seutrjr had turned and tiecaine
Sower to have Preston's 1 O U's re­
hired man. was known for
He caught hold o f her by the hand, kin. But you must act at once— before suddenly an Immense shadow. The
turned to him. Farquhar Is helped to his
bis prodigious appetite O n« morning
rooms by Gabrlelle Smith Sower demand« and his quiet, terrible volee dropped to It Is too late.”
shadow bent over him and whispered:
lie had eaten a normal breakfast of
an apology
Refused he forces Farquhar
Sylvia Arnaud drew hack, white and
"A re you awake, comrade?’'
to resign his commission In return for a whisper. “ Today was a red-faced
oatmeal, buck wheat rakea. toast, fried
possession of Farquhar'* father's writ­ devil—you know, like the one you saw trembling, the first Indulgent good bu
“ Yes. o f course I am awake," he potatoes, ham, eggs, doughnuts, coffee
ten confession that he had murdered Sow­
and the uaual trimmings, and gone to
er's father. Gabrlelle saves Farquhar that night. I drugged myself so that mor turned to an lucredulous anger.
from suicide To shield Arnaud. Sylvia's I should not wake uutll It had gone.
the neighbor's to help with eslra work
"Miss Smith, are you forgetting
nance. Farquhar professes to have stolen But you canuot cheat the devil with
"That I am your paid companion? pain? Berlinps I could loosen the coni Bet# arrived before thn fumlly hud
war plans and tells the real culprit why
risen from the morning meal
he did so As Richard Nameless he Joins opium. I weut out on to the plateau. No. But It Is 1» your or my power to a little. Shall I try?"
the Foreign Legion and » « es Sylvia, now Farquhar was there. Boor Farquhar!
"W ell, I’ete," hospitality Inquired the
make our status Into that o f absolute
“ No. you will get yourself Into trou­ farmer, "had breakfast yet?"
Mme. Arnaud. meet Colonel IVsltnn
Farquhar meets Sylvia and Gabrlelle. and My heurt was sick for him. They had equality— this moment If you with. Do ble. I am all right—"
"A w ,” drawled Bete In a wheedling
learns from Corporal Goetx of the col- tom my bullet out o f his shoulder, and
“ Mother o f God! Your wrists are tone, "kinds." - ICverybody'a Magazine.
°h*l ’• cruelty. Arnaud becomes a drunk­ he held himself like a mac. I wanted you wish it?”
ard and opium smoker Sylvia becomes
Sylvia stared tilankly at the stern covered with blood. The devils! See.
friendly with Colonel Pestlnn. Arnaud to let him go, but I knew It was uo
The Resourceful Gardener.
It will refresh you
becomes Jealous of Farquhar. Farquhar, good to try, so I sent him and a dozen white face o f the woman confronting here Is water.
on guard at a villa where a dance Is In
her. Her anger had burned out like You are a t>ra\e man. You have not
ve you a vegetable garden?”
progress. Is shot down by Arnaud. A r­ others OTer the plateau at the double.
naud Justifies his Insanely Jealous action You uuderatand— U was a mile or straw, am! she was now only fright­ cried out. I f you had cried out they
"I started It as such But since the
to Colonel I>estlnn Arnaud goes to a danc­
ened and a little resentful.
would have gagged you. They gagged chickens ami Insects have gotten busy.
ing girl who loves hlin for comfort. Ga­ more, and he looked as though there
1— I don't wnut to lose you. Miss n countryman o f mltie out there In I have decided to call It a zoological
brlelle meets Lowe, for whom sh« had wasn't a drop o f blood in him.
sacrificed position and reputation, and
Smith," she stammered. "I know that Madagascar, nnd lu the morning he garden.” — Washington Star.
tells him she Is free from him. Sylvia fainted—over the body o f a comrade
do not care for me: but In your was dend. There, drink!"
meets Destinn behind the mosque.
whom be had tried to help. I mar­
Farquhar turned bla bend nway
veled that he had gone so far. The strange way you have been friendly—
Hitherto he had not been conscious of
sergeant ordered him up. bpt he did and I— I am very alone. I have confl
A heartless wife sees her hue-
not move. He was uncousclous. But deuce In you. 1 am prepnred to over linin', now tie knew It had been there
band going mad because she
th ro u g h o u t at Ihe back o f his con
did not count; be had disobeyed look the evening's outbreak.”
does not love him, but she re­
’Th at's what you cannot and shall sclousueiui a white hot searing of his
fuses to give him even a friend­
sort o f thing tn the Legion. I had him not do." was the grim answer. “ YoO muscles, a frightful crushing weight,
ly smile. She refuses to make
up In the empaudine. Do you have driven your husband to the verge n band that seemed to hold bliu by the
amends even when she learns
that Is. mademoiselle? We of madness. Madame Arnaud. and throat, choking the breath from him.
that he is killing by torture the
wrists and ankles to­ through madness to crime— to the mur­
” 1 cannot drink—"
man she really loves. Is such a
gether behind his back and leave him der of a man who surely was one#
He could not hear bis own voice. He
woman worth any man's affec­
like that for a day or two, out o f doors, dear to you.”
iv as not even sure that he bnd spoken
"Whom do you mean?”
with a quarter of au hour's interval
at all.
The shadow of the sentry
“ Itlchard Farquhar."
seemed to envelop the whole earth,
“O O O O X i here and there to break the monotony.
It used to be a very favorite punish­
“ I forbid you—you are beside your
blotting out Its own shape. But the
C H A P T E R X I I — Continued.
ment In the Legion. The good Gen­ self— ”
wbls|«-r went ou. It sounded so close
eral Negrier abolished It. but now and
Garblelle Interrupted the Indignant to him that It seemed to have crept
**Wbat Is It. Desire? Had we not again we revive i t I revived I t Bich- | protest with n quiet decision tinged Into bla very brain.
ard Farquhar Is out there now, on the with Irony.
better wait until another time?”
‘•What I have to say is said quickly. plateau, and perhaps he will not live i "W e are always beside ourselves
The soldier* are In deepest
A volunteer corps is being formed for to see the morning. And be saved me when we tell the truth. Madame A r­
sympathy with Farquhar. If he
Tonkin. I have offered for service. I f
naud. But fortunately I have not much
should organize a revolt they
I am accepted you will accompany
more to say. Go to your husband—
would follow him. W ill he do
tell him that Richard Farquhar never
to, after this torture, or will he
“ I refuse.”
was and never could be his rival In
heed the stern Inner call of duty
"On what grounds?”
your affections— tell him whom It wa«
and honor?
What would you
“ I simply cannot You are absurd
you weut to meet In the grove that
and melodramatic. Desire. I have
given you my answer. Have you any­
“ I cannot— what you ask Is absurd."
(T O UK C O N T IN U E D .»
thing more to say?”
The gray, neat little figure came
He got up quietly.
Activities of Women.
“ Nothing.”
“ You are very lovely. Madame Ar­
Missouri has 30 woman dentists.
She hesitated, then glanced at Gab­
naud.” Gabrlelle Smith said very gen­
Of thn 1.300 public and soclnty li­
rlelle Smith with a pretty expressive I
tly and almost reverently, "One under­ braries In the United States. 1,076 are
shrug of the shoulders, and passed
stands why men suffer so much and supervised ny women.
calmly out of the room. But the little
An Effective Mask.
patiently for you. A man's life Is In
A pair of silk tights worn by Julia
appeal had been ignored. Gabrielis
your power.
Whatever he has done Marlowe when she playod Rosalind
"Such a lot of things happened this
was watching the man standing mo­
be loved you. He »till looks up to you brought only one dollar at auction re­ afternoon, dear.” said Mrs. Young-
tionless fn tlie lamplight A fter a mo­
bride to her husband. *T complained
as a saint In heaven. Madame Arnaud. cently.
ment she came up to him and placed a
such loyalty U rare. You dare not kill
Queen Milena of Montenegro, who la to Norah ubout the stove not being
cup on the table near him.
blackcm-d and she put on her things
now nearly seventy years of age. was
and left. Then I decided to black the
“ Your tea. Captain Arnaud.”
Sylvia laughed carelessly.
married to King Nicholas when she stove myself, and right In the midst of
He started nervously.
“ That ail comes too late,” she said. was thirteen.
It who should call but Mrs I»e Htyle.”
"M y tea—oh, thank you. I had for­
Two million clubwomen throughout
"You cannot plead to me for pity. And
"W hat In the world did you do?”
gotten. You are very good—a sort o f
Justice! What Justice dare you claim the United States will begin u nation
“ Just put some more blacking on
administering and practical angel.” He
for an outcast—a cheat, a man whom wide fight against many of tho pre­ my face, went to the door and told her
tried to laugh. “ Does nothing ever up­
nil honest men shrink from —or for s vailing styles in woman’s apparel I wasn’t In. And off she went, saying
set you? I believe in the middle o f an
dissolute roue who has not shrunk when the General Federation of Worn she would call again."— Boston Trans
earthquake you would still come up to
from murder? They have earned their an's Clubs of America convenes In crlpL
me and say in your quiet, hobgoblin
New York In May.
sort o f way, 'Your tea. Captain A r­
Sylvia rose Instinctively to her fe e t
naud,’ and make me feel that earth­
Cails Not Professional.
and they faced each other In the silence
quakes were the most trivial occur­
“ How much does that (.tyllsh doctor
of unrelenting ontagonism. The little
rences possible.”
gray-clad woman turned and went of yours charge?"
“ They are at least more frequent
’Tw o dollars a v is it”
quietly toward the door. For the first
than the seismographs would have us
“ Gee! How often has he called at
suppose, Captain Arnaud.”
your house this month?”
and anxious.
“ What does that mean?”
“ I’m Going to Act for You."
“ Twenty times."
He turned his heavy eyes
“ Gosh! You owe li.m forty dollars
“ I am going to act for you.”
to her face. She met the interrogation — he saved—” The terrible dry whis­
Tile door closed. Sylvia Arnaud ran then
quite calmly, her bands clasped In per end?d suddenly. Arnaud put bis
"N o ; only twe dollars
He's made j
to It and, turning tlie key, set her Imck
front of her with prim precision.
hands to bis head with a movement of
the ether nineteen calls trying to col­
" I mean that I know something of pathetic helplessness.
lect I t ”
unreasoned, nameless terror.
Burlington, Wis.— “ I was very irreg­
“ Miss Smith— I — I am afraid I have
what has happened.” she said.
ular, and had pains in my side and back,
“ For Instance?”
been wandering— talking
the crowd with a much-troubled mind
but after t a k i n g
“ I know what happened at the Villa You—you don’t think I am altogether UNABLE
SEE TH E JOKE ! | and
at last be went to Jones and told
mad, do you?”
Lydia E. Pinkham’s
V e g e t a b l e Com­
no— Captain
Arnaud—only Victim of Clever Hoax Severed Long the story. Never after that did Jones
It was very silent In the shadowy
speak to Brown.
pound Tablets ami
room. Arnaud had not moved. But worn out— exhausted. Come, I want
Friendship With Man Who P e r
using two bottles o f
over his white, vice-marked features you to lie down on this sofa here, and
petrated It.
Open-Air Court of Justice.
the Sanative Wnsh
there quivered the first signal of re­ I shall put the lights ou t You must
The capital o f Montenegro consists
I am fully convinced
promise rne to try and sleep. On your
awakened consciousness.
Away back In the days when Miller
that I am entirely
"H ow did you know?” be asked word of honor.”
was preaching the near end of the of one long street. In which stands
cured o f theso trou­
“ My word of honor? Oh. I don’t world there were two men living In the T r< « of Justice, under which the
bles, and feel better
“ I can’t teil you. I guessed. Some­ think that's worth much nowadays. Lawrencevllle, Pa., neighbors, who king dispenses law and equity In true
No stranger could
all over.
I know
thing you said made me understand But I ’ll do anything you ask.”
may be named Brown and Jones, who patriarchal style
your remedies have
that you bated Mr. Farquhar.”
" I only ask of you to sleep and for­ were like unto Jonathan and David. pick out his majesty or his family
“ You know his name?”
done mo worlds o f
get,” she answered.
Jones was a chicken fancier. Both, from the rest of the crowd. In dally
“ I know him.”
He nodded, yielding to her like a like most people In that day. discussed life tho Montenegrins are eminently good and I hope every suffering woman
“ Well?”
sick child, his eyes following her move­ Mlllerlsm One Saturday night Brown, republican. A group of three or four will give them a trial.” — Mrs. A n na
“ I was in the dark— I am still. But ments with au humble gratitude. She who had read somewhere that If a may he seen smoking pipes round a K e l l y , 710 Chestnut Stroet, Burling­
I was almost sure of one thing. And arranged the pillows beneath his head, pointed stick were dipped lu oil any­ table, or enjoying an evening stroll, ton, Wis.
it was I who warned the patrol.”
and he took her hand and kissed It, d if­ thing written with It on an egg and ail dressed alike, with an arsenal of
The many convincing testimonials con­
‘‘You wanted to trap me?”
fidently, apologetically.
with the egg held to the I're the w rit­ knives and pistols In their belts, and stantly published in tho newspapers
“ I wanted to save you both.”
“ I hope you don't mind. I expect If ing would remain Indelible.
Brown the universal "strouka," or boat s hair ought to bo proof enough to women who
He turned away from her then with you knew what I was— what I bad wrote on an egg "The world will come blanket, over their shoulders. Ono Is, suffer from thoso distresaing ills pecu­
a trembling gesture of Incredulity.
done, you would shrink from me.”
to an end on October 20, 1844,” the perhaps, the minister of war, the «Bo­ liar to their sex that Lydia K.Finkham’s
“ You wanted to save me from what
“ No, Captain Arnaud, If you were the day Miller had stated, and placed the und a tailor, the third a farmer, the Vegetable Compound ia tho medicine
— from murder? Was it worth while? devil himself I should not shrink from egg In one of Jones’ nests, expecting fourth the president of the senate and they need.
Don’t you know what I am? Ask my yon.”
Jones would come to him as soon as the fifth the minister of finance.
This good old root nnd herb remedy
wife. She can tell you—a drunkard,
“ I don't believe you would. You’d he found It and after a good laugh
has proved unequalled for theso dread­
an opium-smoker, a dissolute— ”
Athletics on a Roof.
comfort him—you’d tell him there was ho would tell how It was done.
ful ills; it contains whnt is needed to
“ A mndman, Captain Arnaud.”
There has been opened on the roof restor# woman’s health and strength.
hope for him yet— that he wasn’ t al­
But Jones, as soon as he could get
“ How do you know that? I have together bad. My wife— ’’ He faltered, his clothes on. rushed to the home of o f the Wanamaker store In Philadel­
I f thcr« ia »n y p e c u lia r it y in
been trying to hide It from everyoue. and her grasp on bis powerless hand Hev Richard Lea. The nows spread phia an athletic field for employee«.
y o n r ra n * requiring s p e c ia l a d «
But you are righ t
I am mad— ob­ grew firmer.
like wildfire and persons coming to
sessed. They say some mad people
“ Your wife Is very young. Captain town to church carried It and all Sun laps to the mile; a sixty yard straight­ ▼ ice« write tlio L y d ia 1!. P in k »
ham Medicine Co, (confidential),
suffer tortures from the knowledge of Arnaud. One day soon she wlil un-
day there was a throng calling on way; squash nnd tennla courts, sad
Lynn, M aas., for freo ad rice»
their madness. I am like that I know derstand as I do."
Jones to see tho egg. Brown viewed similar equipment
The Red Mirage
A Story o f the French Legion
in Algiers
I I O S T E T T E R ’S
How Mr«. Kelly Suffered and
How She was Cured.