The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 29, 1916, Image 5

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    N O T E S A N I) P E R S O N A L S
Hancock & Wile* have $25,000
to loan on farm*.
You can always get brick ice
cream at Shearer’s.
J. II. Me Fee tern took a businem
trip to Gaston Fri«lay.
Found Umbrella, which can
be recovered at this office.
Mr*. Bert Ramsey of Portland
visited friends in Forest Grove
Mi.ta McIntyre, the milliner,
spent Sunday with her sister in
We will insure your auto against
lire, theft und collision. Hancock
& Wiles.
J o h n Hcislcr a n d daughter,
Katie, were in from Gales Creek
u< K< a^*
Mrs. K. P. West left Monday
morning for her summer home at
" , '"i ls
Miss Alma VanKoughnet spent
th.. wWk.end at the Buchanan
home, east or this city.
For the lu-sl results load your
camera with the Sp«**d«*x Film,
sold by Lit tier’s Pharmacy.
Harry Hamilton and wife of
Portland, were visiting the Burns
family of this city Sunday.
Howard Reeher of Wilson River
arrived Monday for a few days’
visit with friends in this city.
The Express is prepared to meet
the prices of traveling calendar
salesmen in lots of 100 or more.
Mb'* F.lizabeth Seymour left
Tuesday for a visit in the Nehal« m
mountains with the Reeher family,
Rooms to rent, furnished or un-
furnilbad. Mrs. Mallory, north
A street and First avenue, or
phone 0132.
M rs.C . H. Henney, assistant
instructor in vocal music at P U.
last year, is attending summer
school at Berkeley, Calif.
Henry Price of Swathmore, Pa.,
has arrived in this city to join his
wife, who is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Rasmusen.
F'rank Rice returned from Hood
River F'riday to visit his brother’s
family at Haynes station
He re-
ports a good crop of berries at
Hood River.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hines and
Mr. and Mrs. John Thornburgh
and son, Glenn, motored to Port-
land Sunday where they enjoyed
a pleasant afternoon.
Good for 30 Days
Ninety-day Ticket $36
Meals and berth included on the
Twin Palaces S.S. Northern Pacific
and Great Northern—-only '¿0 hours
at sea. Most delightful trip on the
W est Coast.
Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday
Ix»w Fare* for Round
Trips to all cities of the
Direct via the Moat Scenic Route»
o f America, or via California.
J. FL F A R M E R , A g en t
Forest Grove, Ore.
Y( aj can a]ways get brick ice
cream at Shearer’s.
Rodney Herrington of Forest
Dale was in this city Saturday.
The Flxprets prints butter »Tap­
pers with Don-poisonous ink.
Money to Joan Valley Realty
Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf
We will insure your auto against
fire, theft and collision. Hancock
& Wilts.
» 9-tf
Harriet Straub, who has been
visiting in P o r t l a n d , returned
honw Friday,
D . W. Baird of Portland, visit­
ed his sister. Miss M. E. M cIn­
tyre. Thursday.
Mr. I^Salle of Hillside, attend­
ed Mr. Enchede’s funeral in this
city Monday.
. . # » .. j
Lawyer Arnold of Portland,
spent the week end at the Miller
home in this city.
Miss Liola House made a trip
to Or* nco Thursday to give lessons
to her music stud*-nts.
Ut(|e w
a || m o( Tl;ta.
, .
.. , . ,
mook, is visiting his mends and
gi and parents in this city.
We still g i v e g r e e n trading
stamps on every thing you buy
from us. Lit tier’s Pharmacy.
Mrs. Straub, who has been in
a Portland hospital for several
weeks, is expected home in a few
and ,ittle
Eedes Sawmill
'0 3
W e’ll Save You Money
Burned Saturday
Shortly after noon last Satur­
day the Eccle* sawmill, located
near the town of Banks, was com­
plete ly destroyed by fire, as well
as a large quantity of lumber
piled near the mill.
The cause of the fire is not
known. It is believed the loss
will aggregate nearly $100,000,
partially covered by insurance.
The mill was built two years ago.
ran a few weeks and was closed
down. In March, this year, op­
erations were resumed The mill
belonged to M. H. F>clesof Baker
City, who is expectid to arrive at
Bank» within a few days. Until
he arrives, it is not known whether
he will rebuild. The company
had been employing about fifty
men and the de-:ruction of the
property is a severe blow to the
employes, as well as to the town
o f Banks. Mr. FIccles a fe w
months ago lost a mill at Baker,
but this has been rebuilt.
Wedding Dinner by
W. R. C. Ladies
Last Thursday th ladies of the
local Relief Corps served a five-
o ’clock dinner in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Elias C. Smith and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Crabtree. Mr.
Mrs. Smith celebrated their
daughter. Delma of Wasco, are
wedding anniversary on
visiting Mr.and Mrs. J. E. Loomis
June 17th and Mr. and Mrs.
Crabtree will have been married
IJttie Una Loomis, who has
fifty years on the fourth of July,
visiting her grandparents in
next, hence the double ce’ebration.
this city, returned to her home in
Both brides are members of the
Wasco last week,
Corps and t h e i r husbands are
George Sej mour, who is spend- m. mbers of theG A. R. The af­
¡ng ^is vacation in the Nehalim fair was a surpri>e to the ladies
mountains, was in town Monday and their husbands and the first
and Tuesday for a brief visit with they knew of the celebration was
his friends.
when they were invited to the
Little Bessie Bellinger, who has banquet hal! after the regular
been visiting her grandparents, business meeting of the Corps.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bellinger, of There they observed two tables
this- city, left Monday for her well laden with things good to eat.
home in Corvallis.
the place of honor on one of the
Mi** Martha Allen celebrated tables being occupied by two
her birthday Tuesday by having brides cai es, decorated in gold
a few friends in for fancy work, and white, gold for Mr. and Mrs.
Delicious refreshments were served Crabtree and white for Mr. and
Mrs. Smith. Each cake was sur­
and all had a fine time.
by a Kewpie bride, with
Mrs. Mary Watts of Beaverton
was a visitor at the Hines home ribbons leading from the minia­
Friday, having just returned from ture brides to the plates of the
the funeral of her father. Judge real brides B e f o r e the dinner
was attacked Commander Butler
Kavanaugh. at The Dalles.
presented Mrs. Crabtree with a
Roy Hesseltine, president of the bouquet of cream roses and Past
First National Bunk, who has Commander Beach presented Mrs.
been almost sick abed for the pas:
Smith with a boquet of white
ten d. ys, is somewhat improved
roses. Both brides replied feel­
and looks a little more like a liv­
ingly. acknow ledging the courtesy,
ing person than he did last week as well as admitting the surprise.
and the week before*.
Then followed a jolly time, the
Mrs. Lewellyn, a professional brides and grooms coming in for
p'ano teacher of Eastern Oregon, considerable good-natured jollying
former classmate of Miss Johnson from their friends.
at McMinnville college under Miss
Mrs. Jessie Covert baked the
Waggoner, is spending the sum­ Smith cake and Mrs. Fred Ram­
mer studying with Prof. F. T. sey the Crabtree cake and both
were delicious, as the writer can
A pleasant trip was enjoyed testify. The tables were artistic­
Sunday to Turner’s creek, five ally decor ted with roses, pansies,
miles north of Yamhill by a pic*, sweet peas and other beautiful
nic party, compost'd of the follow­ and fragrant blooms and the oc­
ing: Messers, and Mesdames, F. casion was one that will long be
J. Miller, J P. Hurley, S. G., remembered by the guests of
Hughes, J. Macrum and M . E . honor.
Thomas, Misses Margaret Mc-
Strong Corps of Teachers
F'eeters, Jenness Miller, Harriet
P of F\ T. Chapman announces
Hughes and Mr. Gale Miller and that he will not be connected with
Mr. Arnold, of Portland.
Pacific University but that he will
Mr and* Mrs. A. T. Ruxton open in September with full con­
and Mr. and Mrs H. T. Buxton servatory departments in Port­
motored to McMinnville last Fri­ land.
day to attend the big F'armeio’
A strong branch of the con­
Week celebration h e l d there servatory will be maintained in
Thursday, Friday and Saturday F’orest Grove at the request of
On Saturday both Mr. and Mrs. many pupils.
A. T. Buxton had places on the
It will he located in the hall
program. A number of experts and south room of the Knights of
from the O. A. C. w e r e in at­ Pythias building.
tendance at the meeting.
Prof. F\ T. Chapman will teach
on anything in the line of
jj Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions
/T l
Closing Out
Ladies' and Gents' Underwear
at half price ; Children’ s regular
25c hose. 2 pair for 25c.
Corner Third St, and Pacific A n
Phone «1 x
r r - 1’
personally violin and piano.
Mrs. Pauline Miller Chapman
will teach vocal one day each
week. Mrs Chapman was four
years a pupil of Maresralchi and
of Etelke Gerster in Italy and
finally with Lam pert i, Europe's
greatest voice teacher, so that she
represents the finest Italian vocal
Mrs. C . H. Henney. who has
made such a success of the public
school mus c course, will continue
to teach that department and also
in vocal lessons.
Miss Emma Craft, who has
been a successful assistant violin
teacher at P. U., will continue
her work in that depa-tment.
Miss Zola Kirrv. a profe^ional
pupil of FYof. F. T. Chapman,
will take beginners in piano les­
sons under the supervision of the
Another assistant may be en­
gaged before September and an­
nounced later.
A reception musicale will be
given in the K . of P. hall in Sep­
Silo Staves
Go to McFarlane Bros, for
your silo staves, 2x6x32. all ready
to put up, at 60c each.
M c F a r l a n e B r o s .,
Manning, Oregon.
Mr. Dye went Sunday to join
his son, Ernest, who with three
other Forest Grove boys, is work­
ing on an Flastern Oregon fruit
Sale or Trade— 18 acres, well
improved, 5 miles O. A. C .. just
outside Philomath, for improved
acreage just out of this city.
Mrs. J. H. Sturgis, 115 1st. St.
Job printing—phone 821.
In Justice Court fqr Forest Grove
Justice of the Peace end Constable
District, Washington County. Oregon.
W . F. Hartrampf. Plaintiff j
EL D. Rounds. Defendant |
To EL D. Rounds. Defendant:
OREGON. You are hereby required to
appear before the undersigned. W . J.
R. Beach, a Justice o f the Peace in
and for the District. County and State
aforesaid and answer the complaint of
Mesdames W h i t e . Olmsted, plaintiff on or before six weeks from
and after the date o f the first publica­
West, Seymour, Holmes, Williams tion o f this summons: the date of the
and Goff returned Monday even­ first publication of this summons being
May 25. 1916.
ing from Rockaway, where they
I f you fail to answer or appear, for
spent a week.
want thereof the plaintiff will take
judgment against you for the sum of
Bessie Bellinger, w h o came $ 106 . 70 . together with interest thereon
Msy 3d. 1915. at the rate of 8
Thursday to v i s i t her grand­ from
per cent to date and for $25.00 attor­
mother, Mrs. John Bellinger, re­ ney fees on his first cause of action,
judgment against you in the sum
turned to her home in Corvallis o and
f $48.00 and interest thereon at 6 per
Monday, accompanied by Mrs. cent from October 1st, 1915. to date,
on his second cause o f action; and
West, who was on her way to judgment
against you for the sum of
$>.53 on his third cause o f action, and
for his costs and disbursements in this
A. L. Sexton, the wood-sawer. action.
This summons is served upon vou by
has moved and his phone number
publication by order of W .J . R. beach,
is Main 24—just two dozen.
a Justice o f the Peace in and for For­
est Grove Justice of the Peace and
Constable District. Washington County.
which order was made and
There will be a missionary Oregon,
rendered at Forest Grove. Oregon, the
meeting held by the Woman’s 24th day of May, 1916. and w hich said
Foreign Missionary society at the order prescribes the publication of this
Free Methodist church. Sunday at summons for six weeks from and after
7 p. m., followed by a sermon on the date o f the first publication thereof.
W. J. R. B each .
F’oreign Missions by the pastor at
Justice of the Peace.
8 p. m. All are welcomed. J ., J. N. Hoffman, Attorney for plaintiff.
N. Wood, pastor.
Free Methodist Church
4=of J uly
the best time
for your
Vacation Trip
Suggestions for your trip
Golf or Tennis at Xeah-Kah-Nie
Bathing at Tillamook County Beaches
Gathering agates at Newport
Dedication of Springs at Ashland
Fishing is fine at many points
Rogue River Roundup. Ashland, July 4, 5, 6
Cherry fair at Salem
Celebration at Newport, July 4th
Low Round Trip Fares
between all Southern Pacific stations in Oregon where
the one-way fare is $6.00 or less, on July 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Return limit July 5th.
Ask your local agent for further information, or write to
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent