^ -------- --------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Cheap Paint is not Good Paint. Good Paint is the Cheapest Paint. Your Dealer has a Reliable Brand. BARBER’S CHAIR A PULPIT Tonaorlal Artist Doing Good Work In th* Way of Helping His Fel­ low Men. It Is called “ The Barber Shop of the Ten Commandments." It Is undoubt­ edly the only one of Its kind In the world Every night after Its proprie­ r — tor finishes with bis razor he goes to prayer meeting and gives bis testl moiiy for the benefit of the Bowery hN KOKIS’ FK'H KOW K O N fllT IO N K U "down and outs” who have been under stimulst** tl»* if*r»»rstiv« orif*».« ami I n a p o w ­ erful l»r•*«•»!mif tonic. Insure* mu*y rmlvlng arid his ministering care. i leaninar ami pravanta rnllk fevar. I>.f1*rr»«>l "Jake tho Barber,” who has charge anJ In fact any rii«**««* that may attack a row whan In a wcakaii*»«} condition. Kow of the new tonsoriul atelier, once Kondltionar will IncraaiMt lh « Mow o f milk 6 adorned shops In the Broadway and to 16 pry cent without an Inrrctut« in Fifth avenue hotels, the New York I>r. KorlnaV'a t'a lf Hrour and < HoUra Rem ­ edy will inaur« your c a lv »« aaalnst calf scours, Herald states, lie has plied the lath­ white scours and calf chrdara. and rnaka them ered brush at the lielmont and the thrifty. electric shampoo at the Waldorf-As­ I»r. K nrlnsk* Anti I aw llluat < apsules aavs hundreds o f rows yearly from dying o f alfalfa & clover bloat Ask your dealer for K O R IN fck ’H KhM KillKM . they a r . guaranteed, or write to toria. In an evil day he yielded to his Ordinary powders and dynamites thirst for strong drink and fell into Kenton Station. waste much o f their energy by shatter­ the ways of the Bowery. He roamed the streets In want and finally emerged ing and pulverizing. T o get the best Into new light—that of the Hadley results in land-clearing operations the explosives Rescue hall, 2!»3 Ilowery. "Brother DRS. HEDLUND, John," as the men of the submerged should disrupt, crack, split and heave the stumps SKIFF « MILLER. world call John Callahan, superintend S IX T H A N D E V E R E T T STS. and at the same time lift and remove the roots for Take pleasure In announcing that they are lo­ ent of the hall, saw a way In which he Ii.tir lll.ick. fn.m Ifnlnn Station llnrltr n»w cated at 4W 4'At Morgan bldg . (4th floor). W ash­ could help "Jake the Barber." He got easy handling. The explosives that do this are m .n i M i .m .n t . A l l n ^ i i t . n « w l y i l . c . r « 1 ..J ington at Itriaeiway. Portland, fire., where they him now clothes and sent him out to will hr pleased to meet their friends and patients SIT.U At. K A I I S 11 V WEEK OK H O S T S These offices will lie conducted on a policy o f serv­ buy a second-hand barber's chair, K .I.* 5 <>c, 75 c. 51 . $1 50 Pec Hay. ice at m<*leraUt prices to the beet o f our ability. which was sent to the hall C. O. D. A We always stand behind our work, aa we know that a satisfied patient is end shall always be the complete new set of tools was obtained beat asset. and all the bottles and fixings. I f you cannot come to T U M P IN O — A G R IC U L T U R A L . Dr. Hof T. Holland, Dr. Seymour S. Skiff, The barber shop was set up In a Portland to g *t your eyes filled. I will aand room In the hall where the bread for Dr, J. Howard Miller, oil rny met hurt o f test- —made by a Western Company especially to meet Pacific those at the nightly supper Is stacked. ug eyea hv mall. Not as deelrahie as person­ D E N T IS T S . Coast conditions. More than 2,000,000 pounds used every "Jake the Barber” Is an artist in his al servire but much line. First the superintendent got T e le p h o n e , M e rs h e ll 94. le tte r than going w ith ­ year for stump blasting in Washington and Oregon alone. out glaaees needed or shaved and then some of the assist­ trying to At yourself. There are two Giant Farm Powders — Giant Stumping ants. The barber received a vote of OutAt sent on application. NT A PI.KM. the Jew- •1er-Optician. ¿06 Morrison st.. Portland. Oregon Powders for wet soil and Eureka Stumping Powder for blast­ confidence and began to take In money. The proceeds at the present time are ing in dry soil. They do their work at the lowest possible cost. divided on tho ’’Afty-flity” basis, and -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ Test one case. Compare it with any explosive that you after the shop is paid for Jake w ill go have ever used. After you have blasted a dozen stumps you on his own resources I >av end night class** K ip rr t training Meanwhile a fund has been provided will understand why those who have once used them always In repairing, driving and machine work. in the mission for the shaving of the continue to use Giant Farm Powders, Including forge, lathe, shaper, drill press, "down and out.” for one of the first tractors, etc Tim * unlimited COMPK- T K N T ( H A U r P K U Ilh A N D M K C H A N - tells how to save money in land-clearing. It means toward rehabilitation Is a clean 104 S U P P L Ì KD W R IT K US. shows how to make land-clearing easier by shave. using Giant Farm Powders. W e have other The walls of this novel barber shop books on Boulder Blasting, Tree Planting, are covered with texts and religious Subsoil Blasting, and Ditch Blasting. W rite today for the book in which mottoes. Back of the customer, but HIDE8, P E LT S . CASCARA BARK, you are interested. Your name on a post-card will bring it. reflected in the glass, are the Ten WOOL AND MOHAIR. Commandments, and wherever the Wi m l tf you km Writs fir pricti and i»ippi*| !i(i T H E G IA N T P O W D E R CO., Con., J5SS, San Francisco man In the chair may turn his head THI H. F. NORTON C o . nrttmd. On , leftlt. Wn “ Everything for Blasting “ he may read some sentiment that BRANCH or. ICES > Saattk. Spokana. Portland. Salt Laka City. Dasrrar ought to lead him to a better life. Double Tread Punctar; Proof Tirei "Jake the Barber” says that he finds Made fn>rn your *»l«f ones I .est long Mother’s Way Best. more Joy in living now than he ever as firsnd New TIHKH W rite u« OMKGON V U LC A N IZ IN G CO.. did, for not only is he re-established Little W illie felt Indisposed, and the 66o W ashington St.. Portland. Ore W O ND ERFUL HOW RESINOL family doctor ordered him to take a in bis trade, but he also is the means STOPS SKIN TO RM ENTS of aiding his fellow „ powder. V Tl Fill ■ i IJ if | IW II B l — The soothing, healing medication in "Come on. dear," said mother coax- resinol ointment and reslnoi soap Not Same leland. ItiKly when the powder arrived, "take Bought, V»ld. K -n t.d «m i R . p . i t - a Tho sending of a warship to Juan soothes and cools the irritated Bkin, W A t .K h ll E L E C T R IC W O RK S this; It will make you quite well at and usually stops itching at once. The Fernandez to investigate the alleged resinol treatment speedily heals ecze- Burnable, cur. 10th. I’ortlarul. On*. Th e root* practical, healthful, piaytmi once," garments ever invented for children I to use of the Island as a base by the I ma. ringworm, and similar eruptions, O year« of age Made in ooe piece with "Don’t want t o !” walled Willie, German cruisers has led once more op back. Eetalv dipped on or o f. and clears away disfiguring pimples The Lait Act. Ensly washed. N o tight elastic bands hacking away from the teaspoon. to the inaccurate statement that I even when other treatments have been to stop circulation. Made in bfue Into the Jeweler'* »hop mine a sim­ "Don’t want any m edicine!” denim, and blue and white hickory Juan Fernandez is the island where j almost useless. ple looking oltl chap, with a quaint, Hripes for ail the year round. Aiso Resinol is not an experiment. It is "<>h, W illie," his mother said re­ "Robinson Crusoe underwent so many lighter weight, fast-color material in old fashioned kitchen clock under one proachfully, as she drew the small vicissitudes." The Pacific Island was a doctor’« prescription which proved dark blue, cadet blue, tan or dark red arm. for summer wear, all appropriately hoy near to her, "you ’ve never heard where Alexander Selkirk was put i so wonderfully successful for skin “ I want you to look at it." he said, Incurved with fast - color galazea. j troubles that it has been used by other me complain about a little powder, ! Made ir. Dutch neck with elbow ashore in 1704, at his own request doctors all over the country for twenty- ns he laid the timepiece on the coun­ have you?" dee* es and high neck and long ter, "and tell me what's wrong." sleeves. "No, and neither would I,” was from a British ship, and where he years. Every druggist sells resinol The Jeweler removed the dial of the spent over four years by himself; but ointment and resinol soap.— Adv. young William's startling reply, " I f I 7 5 c the suit clock, screwed his magnifying Rians could Just put it on my face as you there is not the slightest resemblance K your dealer cannot supply j Into hlH eye and poked about in the All Deliveries in Rear. We will send them, charges 1 do, bat I have to swallow i t ! " — Phil between Selkirk's adventures, as given clock’s Interior. On receipt of price. 75c each. udelphla Public Ledger. In the “ Account of the Man That Barry Sullivan, the tragedian, was "Nothing wrong with It now," he an­ AgdT FREE “fjj* nounced presently. " I t ’s sufferings ; Always keep Hanford's Balsam on Lived Four Years and Five Months on playing Richard III on one occasion. B tw arrcf Imutxxu. Look for the Uninhabited Island of John Fer­ When the actor came to the words. are over." Made by t i * T w o Hones ra the LaGeL hand for accidents. It's good insur­ "W ell, what do I owe you?" asked nando,” which appeared in 1712, and Levi Strauss & C o . , San F ran cisco ance. Adv. “ A horse, a horse! My kingdom for a the customer, thinking he had repair­ _____ Aw*rd.d GRAND PRIZE at the P.P.I.E. those of Defoe's immortal Robinson horse!” someone from the gallery call­ ed the clock. Crusoe. To Make Him Happy. ed out, "Wouldn't a donkey do as well, "Nothing.” replied the shopman. Mr. Sullivan?" "Y o u ’re mistaken. This Isn't profes­ Old Peterby le rich and stingy. In Always Have It on Hand. Holding Back the Hudson. “Y es," replied the tragedian, turning sional treatment. It’s a coroner's In­ the etent of his death, his nephew is "One of the greatest single pieces of quickly to the interrupter, "Please to Inherit his property. A friend of quest."— Philadelphia Public Ledger. Don't wait until you get scalded or the family said to the old gentleman: cofferdam work ever undertaken in come around to the stage door.” burned because that will mean much “ I hear that your nephew is going this country." says Popular Mechanics Worse Luck! suffering while you are sending to the Cuts clear to the bone have been dealer's for Hanford's Balsam o f Men who are too lazy to work and to marry. On that occasion you ought Magazine, "Is now In the course of con­ too proud to beg are usually too in­ to do something to make him happy.” struction In New York harbor, where healed by Hanford's Balsam. Adv. Myrrh. Always have it on hand and "I w ill," said Mr. Peterby. T U pre the Hudson river is being dammed different to die.—Judge. be prepared for accidents. The Bal­ Wise Cur. tend that I am dangerously 111.” sam should give you quick relief. Adv. preliminary to the building of three Traveler— Here, landlord, what's the 1,050-foot steamship piers for the ac­ His Duty. Send 10c to Dr. Pierce Invalids’ Ho­ commodation o f the largest liners matter with your dog? I’ve driven him away a dozen times, hut he comes tel, Buffalo, for large trial package of Jones— I suppose, merely as a mat­ ‘ 'Anuric” for kidneys, cures backache. afloat. The dam is being extended be­ back and sits close to my chair, watch­ ter of parental duty, I shall have to tween Forty-fourth and Forty-eighth ing every mouthful I take. Do turn street to hold back the river, Inclose him out and let me have my dinner in take that boy to the circus. Had a Proposal. the shore line, and allow excavations peace. Mrs. Jones— But I don't want him "Had a proposal from any of the fair Landlord— Ah. sir. my Carlo is such to go this year. ■ex this leap year?" Inquired Fitz to be made, and the piers built When a knowing brute! 1 expect you've the Jones— Then I shall have to go completed It w ill be approximately 800 noodle. plate he usually eats off of. alone.— Boston Transcript. " I have. I had a proposal from the feet long and will have cost about five j young lady at my lodgings." hundred thousand dollars." "Phlloplla, but you are In luck! How did she muster courage to make it, Heir to Forty Millions. and what did she say?” The czarevitch, the future ruler of "W ell, you see, she keeps the books The Latest Discovery In Medicine. for her mother, so she came to mo and all the Russia», has been described as the most valuable child in the world. proposed.” When he succeeds to the throne he "Yes, yes. lucky dog! Go on.” W h y Suffer From Backache, Lumbago, Rheumatism? “ She proposed that I pay up my ar will Inherit all the huge fortune of the rears or vacate."— Chicago News. Romanoff family, which Is estimated at no smaller a sum than forty million It is now asserted with confidence because old people usually suffer rrora It advertises Itself— Hanford's Bai pounds. In addition to this, as ruler that these painful effects due to uric hardening and thickening of the walls sam. Adv. of the Russian people, he w ill enjoy an acid in the system are entirely eradi­ of the arteries, due to the excess of uric acid in the blood and tissues. Income of £2,000,000 a year, and have cated. A remedy, called "A N U R IC ," Dr. Pierce, chief physician at th® the absolute control of 500 estates em­ has been discovered by Dr. Pierce in Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, ploying 30,000 servants. Buffalo. N. Y., has been testing this nzred Mrwbcre.Del.y f*y Killer *tti\ t* and kill« all At present the child Is the recipient his hospital practice, which he be­ wonderful medicine for the relief of Aiss. Neat. elstn. entament*], ©oofen.eot, and cheap. lieves is thirty-seven times more po­ I m te a ll M aJ* of an allowance of £15,000 a year, a tent than lithia, and is the cause of a overworked and weakened kidneys. b f M i i l . n a ’ I s p ïïT U * 'P o v e r ; w ill n r* e o li om banking account having been openod drainage outward of tlv«*uric acid with The relief obtained by sufferers has W * s n jth fa f. d o e n w « d e ffe c t iv e . A . k J e t for him soon after his birth, when, in­ which it comes in contact within the been so satisfactory that he determin­ 'Daisy Fly Killer cidentally, his life was insured for body. It will ward off backache, head­ ed to place “ ANL’ RIC” with the princi­ • o ld hv d e a le r « , * r « te s t h r • ■ p r o s a , »r a p a li!. $ 1.0« . ache, and the darting pains and aches pal druggists in town where people half a million pounds. HARO LD S U M K R I, IS O O eKsIS A » e .. B reefc ly*. N . y . of articular or muscular rheumatism could get this ready-to-use medicine. "A N U R IC ” is not harmful or poison­ — o f those diseases which are caused Indictment of the Cat. ous, but aids nature in throwing off by too much uric acid, such as gout, an innocent hawk, skunk, asthma, sciatica, or sore, stiff, aching those poisons within the body which d d V M X k ®ranu,aled Eyelids. owl "Many or weasel,” says a government Joints. cause so much suffering, pain and ^ Eyes inflamed by expo- •ure to Ssa. Dust and Wind bureau, "has been shot fo r the deeds When the kidneys are weak or dis­ misery. [uickly relieved by Merlse of that sleek highwayman, tho house eased, these natural filters do not If you want quick relief buy it now ye Remedy. No Smarting, cat. It is safe to say that this ma­ cleanse the blood sufficiently, and the — or send Dr. Pierce 10c. for trial pkg., No. 26. 1016 P. N. U. ust Eve Comfort. Comfort, A t rauder, which enjoys all the comforts poisons are carried to all parts of the or $1.00 for full treatment. This will u*t Eye Marine Eye and protection of the home, destroys body. There follow depression, aches prove to you that "Anuric” elim inate« c per Bottle. Marin Y ou r Drue •t*( 50c t . d n r d H K , p is e s * s m s - I SalveinTu&i2$c. ForBeokeltkeEyefreeask and pains, heaviness, drowsiness, Ir­ uric acid from the system as hot water I W TT H E N » r i t t a k « iw I Druggist* *r Murine Eye Beaedy Ce., Chicago In the aggregate more wild birds and ritability. •A N U R IC ’’ prolongs life melts sugar. young poultry than all their natural enemies combined.” “HEALTH” KORINEK REMEDY CO Portland, Oregon j DENTISTS, New Houston Hotel f Portland Y .M .C , A, Auto School Our free book on Stum p Blasting M o v e r a il s ELECTRIC MOTORS K eep Kids Kleen “ A N U R I C ” Kill All Flies! ^ Eyes? i