CELEBRATE AT HILLSBORO The members of the Woman’s Republican club will moot with Mrs. Thornburgh next Saturday afternoon, June 24th, at 2:30. John Anderson has decided to, put up a two-story brick or con crete building 50x92 on his lot east of the First National bank and has started work on the ex- Big Bargains in GRANITEWARE ------ - ~ ■ 1 r r:-. : We have just received a shipment ; i 2 dozen pieces of Graniteware ;[ai!.i:''Memie™SiThem!tifait which we are selling at prices that will soon as the date is selected. See the display in Mesdames H a t t i e Id. McGill, attract everyone. Parsons, Sexton, Wright Dixon Daniels put on a comic en our window and come inside and ex ALWAYS B I G G E S T ANI ) B E S T ! anti tertainment after the regular meeting of the Rebekah lodge last amine the quality. night that made a great hit. The TWO BA ND S! program was musical and literary. - - - TWO DAYS - - - ''‘■lC’nu.n.bor* of the feu»«™ July 3d and 4th a meeting of the Washing Children’s Parade of Nations, July 3d ton At County Poultry association at Moffit last Friday, R. H Greer of Industrial and Automobile Pageant Hillsboro was elected show super- intendent, to have charge of the July 4th poultry exhibit at the county fair. James Robb of near Center Ball Games, Races, ville and Miss Louise Reibt-n of near Banks were married by Rev. Amusements of All Kinds at City Park C. C. Garrick at the home of the NOTES AND PERSONALS Mrs. Stewart and Miss Lefa Egli were in Portland Tuesday. Hancock & Wiles carry Life. Accident & Fire Insurance. 1-tf The Pacific coast longshoremen were called out again last night. Mr and Mrs. 0. A. Potter of Eddy spent the week end at Carl ton. We will insure your auto against fire, theft and collision. Hancock & Wiles. 9-tf Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Bernard and daughter, Eunice, will go to McMinnville Saturday for an over-Sunday visit. Rev. R. E. Dunlap was taken ill Saturday night with stomach trouble and has suffered consider ably during the past four days, but is considerably improved to day. Miss Susie Berg of Portland visited Grove fritnds last Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ott attend ed the stockmen's picnic at Carl ton Saturday. The members of the Relief Corps are holding an important meeting this afternoon. A. L. Sexton, the wood-sawer, has moved and his phone number is Main 24—just two dozen. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Drorbaugh of Timber spent the week-end with their parents at Eddy. Miss Meta Rickey has returned from Colville. Wash., where she has been nursing her mother. Mr. and Mrs. John Templeton Tuesday took Dr. Abraham's children and their daughter. Fay, to Portland and placed them on a train for Hood River, the home of the Abrahams. The Warm Days Are Now Here and every woman is entitled to an Oil Stove. Come in and see the Bon-Ami Short-Burner Oil Stove Heats quicker than any other m ake; clean and odorless. TH E NEW Sharpies Tubular Cream Separator Is a machine we are not afraid to recommend to our best friends. Selling agents for Litchfield Manure Spreaders, Smalley En silage Cutters and Iron Age Cultivators and Seeders. GORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. Phone 663 m non FOREST GROVE, ORE. 3 C Z JO C Z ) C non The PACIFIC MARKET The Home of Good Fresh and Cured MEATS For Picnic Dinners Boiled Ham, Minced Ham, Veal Loaf, Chipped Dried Beef, Sweet, Sour and Dill Pickles, Imported Queen Olives Pint Jars, 25c Picnic Plates, 10c per Dozen All Kinds of Cherries, Fruits and Bananas, Oranges Vegetables. Phone 0301 |Q| o D GOFF BROS. l^ lio n p Forest (¿rove, Ore 4 l iV H C UO O ■■■■ ■ - ■ to bring them to the fair this fall and conduct it milk-testing con-1 test. They promise to take g o o d rare of all exhibits and promised a good time to ali who «•amt*.1 (Continue«! fr >n Ono) President Hurley stated that the Commercial club was planning a Hundred* of country people The quarterly meeting of the dinner soon and he would see that came to town to enjoy the «how Washington County Je sey club the Jersey club members were and parades and a few came from was held at the home of Mr. and invited surrounding towns, but the crowd Mrs A I\ Buxton, a mile and a E. W. Haines told how dairy- was mostly from the farms, ha'f northwest of this city, yester- ing had improved the conditions Little Jeanette S t r a u b , who *d Jernoon, v> 1 1 h I resident of th e farmers of Washington paraded us a nurse, has a right to \ in. Sehujin r,J?n .presiding and county and advocated co-opera- wear the uniform, for the Kxpn-ss Seeretaij Geo. \Vtthwcombe keep- live marketing. ¡s inform» f) she took entire care of ing the minutes. More I)r. Holmes moves! a vote of a baby sister three months this one hundred persons, about half thanks to the ladies for the splen- spring while her mother was ill. of them from this city, attended did dinner, the motion was car- ‘ l^uite a number of the business the mee ting and enjoyed the ex- rj,.d, the audience sang “America” houses had handsomely-decorated cellent cafeteria dinner served at and lht. meeting w a s over, windows. Among those noticed noon. And it was some dinner,1 by the writer were the Book Store, including f r i e d spring chicken, Died in Montana John Bailey, C. A. Littler, the 5 several other kinds of meat, veg-1 v. , ., and 10c Store. Goff Bros., the «•tables, salads, pies, cake, coffee L ^ k ? ™ f™m S,/*V‘nslvlll‘‘- Gordon H a r d w a r e company, and good Jersey cream. : J J 0" 1 ; t h '* corning of the death After the secretary had read ^ «hat place las night of James Schultz Market. A. G. Hoffman, the minutes of the meeting held N-Lnchede a t^l-know n ro d e n t the Pacific Market, King & Co. and Caples. in Hillsboro in March, Dr. O. H. ?f V) r V i % wLlS ,d u eut° George Hancock, W. H. French, Holmes was r, q u e s te d to make a 1 h(*a^ f:‘‘ '“ f t Mr- Enchcde. who talk on “ Organization,” and h e !» “bout 60 years of age. has been William Schultz and John Mc- as mounted officers, lent made it plain that the farmers i for the past five years chief or- a Namer, martial air to the parade. I’chardist for the Bitter Root Irri- a n d dairymen were producing L ’ation company at Stevensville, enough to pro per, b a t he thought It i.s announced that J. E. account of th< superior ; 1>eks and Mary Ellen Ralston. as do many others, that they were ’ j ' on ' lucational facilities this city of -1 ■■ ■ . not getting enough for their pro fered his children, h e l ef t his wf.. known residents of this city, ducts—too much was lost between family here, making occasional ™ un,ted ,n marna*e th,s producer and consumer. trips to visit them. ' *' ni,|8- Ben« Denny of Beaverton dis James N. Enchede and family You can always get brick ice cussed the relation of the Agri- came to Forest Grove about 10 ! cream at Shearer’s. cultural College to the dairymen. years aRO and deceased has, dur He was of the opinion that too ¡nif ^ ^ . a ........... . proven I111JW CI1 a t ^jmei himself little attention was paid by farm -1 kjnd husband, an indulgent parent it ers arid dairymen to the advice and a good citizen. He is sur* given by colN'ge men. j vived by a widow, four sons and Ed ( ary of Lafayette gave an three daughters, the youngest » “ THE PURE FOOD STORE“ interesting talk on milk-testing child b«*ing 8 years of age. All and the importance of keeping the children will be here to attend announces new standard only those cows which showed a j the funeral, which will probably price on Olive Oil Pr°fiL lie held Sunday, except Robert, I C ol.J. W. Hughes advised all who left Monday to seek employ- dairymen to bring their best stock ment in the canneries of Alaska. | Crown o f Savoy to the Washington county fair Deceased was a member of brand and show what they have. It i.s Holbrook lodge No. 30, A. F. & Extra Creme Virgin the cheapest and best advertising A. M., and that organization will they can get, he said. have charge of the funeral The OLIVE OIL Dr. Brooke of Portland asked if body i.s expected to arrive Satur- anybody could tell him what to ¡day. Guaranteed absolutely pure feed to increase the richness of and imported from Italy. You milk and President Schulmerieh 1 Aged ( itizen (ailed replied that the only way to im- Dietrich Koeneman, aged 78,, can afford to use more now. prove the quality was to breed passed away at the home of his 44c f o r quality. C. A. Broderson daughter, Mrs. Louisa Reinemer, | 50c pints now . . . . suggested tha' feeding hops might in this city last Tuesday, general j $1.00 quarts now - - - 84c improve the flavor of the milk. debility, due to age, being the $2.00 half gal. now - -$1.(54 A. T. Buxton was very glad so cause of death, many had come to his place and Deceased was born in Germany Put up in sanitary sealed invited ihem to come again; he in 1838 and came to America d u r-; containers at the plantation. hoped in a few years to have ing the civil war. For y-seven, much better stock to show them, years ago, at St. Louis. Mo., he Special inducements on sug He believed that when more and was united in marriage with Louisa1 ar and fruit jars for canning bet ter Jerseys were on the farms Beister, who preceded him to the of Washington county the dairy- beyond 22 years ago. Deceased season. Come and s e e u s men would be more prosperous, came to Oregon in 1902, settling about your needs. He doesn’t believe there i.s such a at Cornelius, and has lived in this Leave orders for apricots thing as a dual purpose cow—If city and Cornelius ever since that you want milk and cream at th e ; time. . He was a member of th e 1 n o w f o r canning Lowest minimum < t, you must have German Lutheran church and was price guaranteed. Jerseys, which do not make much counted a kind father and good beef. | neighbor. Mrs. Buxton suggested to the Mr. Koeneman is survived by Phone 061 dairymen’s wives that they get two daughters, Mrs. Reinemer of together and organize an associa- this city and Mrs. Etta Petersen 1 lion and this matter will be taken of Portland, N. HOFFMAN up later. Funeral services were held at J. President Hurley and Secretary the Buxton chapel at 10 o’clock Attorney At Law Reder o f t h e fair association this morning, R ev. Struebe of Patent Office Business Solicited asked the Jersey club members, Blooming officiating. The remains as well as all other owners of cows, were interred at Cornelius. ForestGrove, - Oregon bride’s parents Tuesday evening and t ok the Columbia highway in the Evening1 trip yesterday as a wedding tour. They reside on the old Robb Special Train Service REDUCED RATES place, will near Centerville. Good Pyrotechnic Display Here i.s a chance to Repleniuh your Kitchen Utensils at Small Cost . . . Jersey Breeders Had a Good Time LOCAL BOSK SHOW A GREAT SUCCESS mm MARKET