The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 22, 1916, Image 7

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Of General Interest
Mexico C ity—General Carranza, ad­
Washington, D. C. Upon General
Portland — W heat — Bluestem, 96c
i C arranza’a reception of a stern refusal per bushel; fortyfold, 8flc; club, 85c; dressing a mass m eeting in front of his
| to heed hi* demands for recall of red Fife, 86c; red Russian, 86c.
residence Sunday night, urged the c iti­
Barley— No. 1 feed, «27.606429.60. zens to re frain from hostile acts
American troop* from Mexico hinge*
Bran $28.756424.60.
Tract Containing 360,000,000
1 the question of a Mexican war, in the
Hay- E astern Oregon tim othy, $24 against Amreicans.
Feet at Hood River Offered
opinion of P resident W ilson’s close ad- 6424.50 per ton; valley timothy, $2164
He declared th a t he had hope of
Hood R iver—W ith the probable sale
visera. They were prepared Tuesday 22; aifalfa, old crop, $166417; new peacefully arran g in g the differences
between Mexico and the United States. by th e U nited S tates Forest Service
for the [tossibility of open hostilities crop, $14.
Millfeed- Spot prices; Bran, $2664
th is sum m er of a 7340-acre area of
The first chief said in p a rt:
after the note which wa* sent forward 26.60 ;>er ton; aborts, $296429.60; rol­
virgin Douglas fir on the headwaters
“ This ia not the tim e for hasty ac­ of th e west fork of Hood River, the
to Carranza.
led barley, $31.606432.60.
Corn— Whole, $36 ton; cracked, $37. tion. 1 am try in g to arrange our d if­ lu m te r industry the coming year, with
No indication ha* come th a t the first
Vegetables— Artichokes, $1 dozen; ferences w ith the United S tates peace­ three other large mills, the average
chief’s attitu d e of implacable hostility
tom atoes, $1.60641.75 per crate; cab­ fully and have hopes of succeeding. I 'daily cut of each reaching approxi­
would be shaken by the reiterated dec­
$2642.76 per hundred; garlic,
m ately 90,000 feet, and some half
Arm y Officers Believe Mexicans Plan laration of the latest communication bage,
10c per pound; peppers, 25c; eggplant, want you to aid me.
dozen lesser plants in operation, bids
“ The encounter between American fa ir to be stim ulated to a record mark
th at the United S tates ha* no aggres­ 206425c; horseradish, 8Jc; lettuce,
A tta c k - Are Not Alarmed Over
sive or w arlike pur|>o»e toward Mexi- $1.60641.76 per crate cucumbers, 76c soldiers and Mexicans near Matamoros in Hood River.
has been tem porarily solved w ith the
Outcome for Americans.
According to W. T. Andrews log­
1 co, but is firmly resolved to protect 64$ 1 per dozen; spinach, 4646c per
pound; asparagus, $1641.25 per dozen; withdraw al of Am erican troops from ging engineer, and A ssistant D istrict
her border* and end brigandage in the rhubarb, 14642c per pound; [teas, 664 th at region. The m atter is now being F orester F. E. Ames, who were here
; border states.
There was recently from Portland, the total
8c; cauliflower, $1.25 per crate; taken up diplom atically.
I .nr wto, Tex mm Report* th a t Huy
Indications th a t the m ilitia now be­ beans, 10c per pound.
some trouble in M azatlan, caused by stun,page of proposed fir sales reaches
Am erican m ilitary Ml tem pt to cron* ing mobilized is intended a* well for
P otatoes—Old, $1.60641.75; C alifor­ the intrusion of an American sailor, appioxim ately 360,000,000 feet. Ap­
the Itio Grande in the Neuvo I.aredo invasion of Mexico a* for guard duty
and th at has also been adjusted for the plication to have the forest area open­
nia, new, 2 6 t2 |c per pound.
d istric t in purauit of bandit* would on the border appeared in adm inistra­
Onions — California red, $2.25 per tim e being.
ed and offered for sale was made the
m eet with energetic re*i*tance, were tion circle* when steps were taken to
"G o to your homes and be good Mex­ past w inter by J. W. Palmer, a local
, sack.
confirmed F riday night on what i* te- iiave the new arm y reorganization law,
Green F ru it — Straw berries, $1.50 icans, rem em bering also th at I will do
Moved to be unini|>ea<'hable authority. which becomes effective July 1, be- per c rate; apples, $1641.75 box; goose­ my utm ost to preserve the dignity of W est Side orchardist, who has had
many years of experience in th e lum­
C arranza troop* in Neuvo I.aredo, it | come in force at once.
If we are forced te r business on the Lower Columbia.
berries, 4c per pound; cherries, $1.25 the Mexican nation.
i* naid, have iimturction* to put up a
While the diplom atic steps were in 641.60 per box; cantaloupes, $1.6064 to resort to arm s I will lead you in Mr. Palm er is a prospective bidder on
fight to re*i*t any |M>**ibie crossing in­ progreas
nation waa stirred 3.50
; person."
per c rate; apricots, $1.35643.57
the huge tract.
to Mexico of Arneriran force», regard­ throughout its length and breadth w ith [ter c rate; apricots, $1.35641.50 per
A crowd composed of several thous­
The mission of Messrs. Andrews and
less of the cau*e.
the movement of National Guardsmen box; [teaches $1.50 [ter box; w ater­ and people cheered the rem arks of the Ames here concerned a letter from the
mobilizing to guard the border.
first chief.
local commercial club. The missive,
Chihuahua City, M exico— General lea*t 100,000 and possibly a far larg e r melons, 2Jc per pound.
E arly in the evening a big demon­ w ritten several weeks ago, asking for
Jac in to
Trevino, commanding the number were preparing for active aerv-
stration ha«l been made in front of the
C arran zaista arm y of the North, F ri­ . ice under President W ilson’s call. For ceipts, 226422)c per dozen; candled, 23 national palace, and afterw ards the inform ation on the proposed sale, ex­
pressed th e fear th at the denudation
day advi*«<d General J. J. Pershing, the present th eir miasion will be pure­
dem onstrators had paraded through the of so large an area m ight be a menace
Am erican ex|>editionary commander, ly one of defense, hut, should war
»tags, 10c; broilers, 176420c; turkeys, principal stree ts of the city. General to the irrigation system of the valley
th a t any movement of American come, they will be ready also for that.
C arranza’s words are expected to have
troopa from th eir pre»ent line* to the They will not be assigned for border I live, 186420c; dressed, choice, 2364 a good effect in m aintaining th is con- and was considered by the F orest Serv­
! 25c; ducks, 146416c; geese, 10c.
ice as an indirect protest against the
Houth, ea»t or went, would be conaid- duty until muat«r«xi into the federal
B u tte r—Cubes, extras, 25Jc; cubes, j dition.
ered a hoatile act and aignal to begin service.
prim e firsts, 25c; firsts, 24c. Jobbing
Mr. Ames explained th a t the tim ber
w arfare. General Trevino act«*! upon
Official report* from many quarters
would be cut a fte r the usual m anner of
»pecific inalructiona from General C ar­ show th a t a flame of popular feeling prices: P rints, extras, 276429c; but-
te rfa t, No. 1, 27c; No. 2, 25c, P ort­
logging in Douglas fir regions. It will
against the U nited State’s is benig land.
take probably from 10 to 12 years to
A ppar­
V eal—Fancy, 116411}c per pound.
:u t th e entire acreage. Once or tw ice
San Atonio, T ex.—O vernight dis- kindled throughout Mexico.
Pork— Fancy, 1 0 6 tl0 |c per pound.
patchen to General Funaton’n headquar­ ently it ia being done w ith the sanc­
Douglas, A riz.—Advices from No­ each year the slashings will be burned
Hops— 1915 crop, 9J6 4 llc per pound;
ter* «ay General Kicaut ha* ordered tion of General Carranza, for the acta
gales state th a t all telephone w ires be­ over, every precaution being taken to
1000 de facto governm ent troo|>* into in many rases are those of his author­ 1916 contracts, nominal.
tween th a t town and Nogales, Sonora, guard ag ain st damage to adjoining na­
Wool— E astern Oregon, 236433c per
th e te rrito ry opfioaitu San Ignacio to ized m ilitary or civil agents.
have been severad by Mexicans.
All tional forest acreage, as well as pat­
N either S tate departm ent officials pound; valley, 306435c.
ented tim ber lands.
pur»ue the bandit* who took p art in
nor members of the diplom atic corps
Cascara bark—Old and new, 4c per
" W e find,” said Mr. Ames, " th a t
the attack on American trAop*.
with th eir books and funds for Hermo-
reforestation of fir tak es place most
General Kicaut expre»*ed re g ret here have been able to satisfy them ­ pound.
C attle — Steers, choice grass, $864
readily a fte r burning. We anticipate
th a t the attack had been made, and at selves aa to C arranza’s motives. There
also left Agua P rieta and Naco.
from experience th a t we have had in
the *ame tim e gave w arning th at if are some, however, who believe he 8.35; good, $8648.15; cows, choice,
Am erican troo[»s crossed the border ho|>c8 to ride into popularity by a $7.25647.56; good, $6.75647.25; me­ zari, Moctezuma and other points in other sim ilar locations th a t reseeding
diplom atic trium ph over hiB powerful dium, $6.25647.25; heifers, $5.50648;
C ararnza force* would attack.
eastern Sonora, directly south of Doug­ will be ample and th a t w ithin a short
For two hour* Friday Major Alonzo northern neighbor or upon a war wave bulls, $3646; stags, $4.50647.
las. In each place speeches were tim e th e acreage will not only be cov­
Hogs — Prim e light, $8.05648.10;
ered w ith young firs, but also a dense
G ray aro u n d a »trip of the country on which m ight re-establish his to tte rin g
made ag ain st Am ericans and inflam­
the Mexican aide of the Rio Grande for governm ent in popular estim ation. good to prime, $8648.05; rough heavy, m atory sentim ents expressed by the undergrowth th a t will tend to conserve
tracca of th e bandit* who raided hi» Once the war waa on and the certain $7.50648; pigs and ski[ts, $7.35647.80. orators are reported to have Eieen rain fall as well as the forest tree s th at
defeat of his arm ies foreshadowed, the
will be taken off.
By the tim e the
Sheep — Y earlings,
$7.50 64 8.50;
cam p at San Ignacio.
is removed refo r­
He croaaed at Ramiereno, aix mile* observers say. General C arranza m ight wethers, $7647.50; ewes, $5-60^6.50;
The situation then became calmer.
estation of the first burned slashings
below San Ignacio, w ith a part of the sue for peace, tru stin g to the m agna­ lambs, $8649.
will have taken p lace."
tw o trooj»* o f the F ourteenth C avalry nim ity of the W ashington governm ent
road and m ining camps in more isolat­
th a t fought off Luis De La Roaa’a men to leave him in power.
ed localities indicate th a t th e civil ; Mr. Ames fu rth e r showed th a t the
Arrival of First Watermelons
Thuraday. Moat of the bandita are
population o f Sonora is arm ing to aid area embodied in the proposed sale
Mexicans M arching on Del Rio.
known to have cro»a«d into Mexico,
the m ilitary in the event of an A m eri­ does not extend to th e source of th e
w est fork of Hood River, which in
San Antonio, Tex. — Mexican gov­
and Major Gray had received inform a­
can invasion.
Spokane—If the w eather had not
tion th a t tom e of them were concen­ ernm ent troops were reported Monday
Im m ediate arrangem ents for b rin g ­ fact is fed by glaciers and would be
tra tin g on the other Hide for a aecond night to be m arching toward Del Rio, brightened and warmed as it has the ing out Am erican employes of mines affected in no way by cuttin g of the
attack , e ith e r on hi* force or the de­ a border town about 100 m iles up the ap[>earance of th e first watermelons in Sonora m et w ith opposition by Dr. | tim ber.
The governm ent officials explained
tachm ent at Zapata, fa rth er down the Rio Grande from Eagle Pass, with the
P. Elias Calles, m ilitary commander of
river. No trac e of the Mexican* wa« announced intention of attack in g the of the season would have made known th e state of Sonora, who arrived at th a t 25 per cent of th e funds realized
the nearness of sum m er. They retail
from th e proposed sale will be appor­
Americans there.
discovered, however.
Agua P rie ta unexpectedly. To Am er­
This inform ation was the most nota­ at 4 and 5 cents a pound.
Three Mexican* alleged to have par­
ican m ining men here, apprehensive tioned among Hood River, Clackamas
ticipated in the raid* were captured on ble bit of evidence indicating the a tti­
The first blackberries or dewberries for the safety of th e ir employes, the and Waaco counties, proportionate to
the area of th e N ational forest w ithin
the Am erican aide of the river during tude of the de facto governm ent th a t
general s a id :
th e ir bounds. Ten per cent of the re­
I t was of this y e a r’s crop are also in evidence
th e day, and the body of one of thoae reached General Funston.
" I give you my absolute personal 1
tu rn s will be spent in building roads
killed in the fight was recovered, brought to the border by a Mexican, a t 15 cents a basket.
guarantee th a t in th e event of hostili­
Plums, apricots, Hood R iver straw ­ ties, I will go in person by special or tra ils in the N ational forests of the
bringing th e total Mexican loaa in who said the force was 1500 strong.
General P ershing’s reports indicated berries, though not superabundant, are train to Nacozari and see th a t every state.
dead to nine.
Following the explanation of the
More detailed report* made by Major th at General Jacin to T revino’s troops arriv in g in g re ater q u an tities and the American there reaches th e border in
fo restry officials, the commercial club
G ray showed th a t the th ree men of had not yet made any advance move
Troop M who w ere k illtd were shot aa and arm y officials believed it improb­ wholesome if homely gooseberry is
A dm itting the situation is critical, I m em bers assembled at the specially
they were leaving th eir tent* to go in­ able th a t they would unless Trevino som ewhat increasing in size, though General Calles expressed hope th a t the called m eeting and voted unanimously
received special orders from Mexico its price still rem ains a t the popular
in an en thusiastic approval of th e pro­
to the trenchca.
| crisis m ight " in some unforseen m an­
posed tim b er sale.
nickel the basket.
n er” be bridged.
Such inform ation as reached General
A psaragus is more plentiful and the
Funston concerning the movements of green cabbage, though still arriving
Promoter Secures Coos Bay
Mexican troops indicated the adoption from the South, is of appetizing fresh­
of a plan not to m aintain heavy g a r­ ness.
Options for Vast Development
risons a t border points, but to hold the
New potatoes are increasing in size
Marshfield — W. J . Wilsey, who of­
Eureka, C al.— W ith the death list bulk of the border army some miles and decreasing in price.
fered Coos Bay what he said was $10,-
Tucson, A riz,—Sonora m ilitary au­ 000,000 worth of industries in ex­
W ith the arrival of the carload of
from the »learner Bear reduced defin­ south of the Rio Grande.
cantaloupes due on Thursday there will th o rities have seized th e Southern Pa­ change for good will and encourage­
itely Saturday to five, intcreat in the
S ailors C lash With Mexicans.
be a more ample supply in the stores. cific of Mexico system and cut tele­ ment, le ft Coos Bay on Thursday, a fte r
atranded vea»el centered in the efforts
W ashington, D. C.—A clash between
No more navel oranges will arrive graph w ires at the border, according having been welcomed all over the
made to refloat the veaael.
F ire and engine crew* of the Bear Carranza soliders and Am erican sea­ th is season, but Valencias will take to p riv ate advices here late Sunday.
Coos Bay d istrict and treated cordially
The Mexican custom house records in offerings of property he desired to
were aboard the veaael at daybreak, men from the gunboat Annapolis at th e ir place w ith increasing abundance.
have teen tran sferred from Nogales, accum ulate. N orth Bend held a rous­
an<l aoon had »team in the boiler*. By Mazatlan waa called to the attention
Mexico, to some point south of th e in­ ing m eeting one night and leading citi­
noon the winchea were working, while of the W ashington governm ent Tues­
ternational line.
a ra ft waa In aervice carrying baggage day by General C arranza’s am bassa­ Increasing Cost of Gasoline
zens spoke a welcome th at could not be
to the ahore, 160 yards d istan t from dor here, w ith a request th a t in the
Is Blamed On Standard Oil A dem onstration of armed civilians m isconstrued.
in Nogales, Mexico, ended early Sun­
th e atranded veaael. Ten wagon loads extising tense situation no men be
Mr. W ilsey’s promises were so ex­
W ashington, D. C. — The Federal day m orning.
Boys th ere 12 years tensive th a t some thought them over a
of small baggage has arrived a t Cape landed In Mexico from Am erican w ar­
ships under any circum stances.
Trade commission concluded Wednes­ old have been armed by the m ilitary couple of days before com m itting
The incident, which occurred Mon­ day its investigation of the rise of authorities, while 18 carloads of Mexi­ them selves to belief in his ab ility to
Complete exam ination of the Hteam-
cr waa made and it waa found »he waa day, resulted in casualties on both gasoline prices, ending a two days’ can fam ilies have been sent south. carry them through, but before he left
Several Am ericans arrested there were everybody seemed to be convinced.
restin g in an easy position on a »mail sides and in the capture by the Mexi­
hearing a fte r representatives of Stand­ released next morning.
rock and sand bottom. The outer shell cans of two American officers, who,
People had boosted ever since Coos
General Calles, in his rush by special Bay was a rivulet, but nothing sub­
ia slightly dam aged, but she ia taking afte r explanation, were released, ac­ ard Oil and various independent com­
no w ater and ia considered Beaworthy. cording to the reports presented by the panies had given divergent explana­ tra in to th e border, arrived early stan tial excepting sawmills were es­
In view of the excellent condition and ambassador. A dispatch from Admiral tions of the present situation in the Sunday morning, and le ft im m ediately tablished.
It was asserted a t the
for Naco. A s tric t censorship of all N orth Bend m eeting th a t miles of
of the favorable w eather, aa well as Winslow, of the Pacific fleet, announc­ industry.
m essages to the in terio r is in force at w ater front, areas of land for indus­
the advantage of her [H>sition, it was ing the capture of the men, made no
decided to m ake an effort to float her. mention of th eir release, but officials hearings and on the resu lts of weeks Nogales.
tries, tim bered lands on th e peninsula,
F ear is fe lt for th e safety of A m eri­ w atersheds, were being held by per­
The captain and other officers are assumed it had occurred a fte r the mes­ of investigation by th e commission’s
sage was sent.
confident of floating the vessel.
agents, will be made public soon and cans a t Empalme, Sonora.
sons who never had any intention of
will be transm itted to congress in
utilizing them .
These, the boosters
Yucatan Declares War.
T . R. Is "All Right” Again.
Blockade Not T o Slacken.
response to a resolution asking for an
said, they would engage to secure at
Galveston, T ex.—The Mexican gov­ inquiry.
O yster Bay, N. Y .—Theodore Roose­ reasonable figures, and expect them to
London— As a result of the discus­
The independent jobbers and refiners velt, who is suffering from w hat his be converted into active commercial
sion of the blockade a t the recent al­ ernm ent in Y ucatan has issued a pro­
lied conference in Faria conclusions clam ation ordering all Am ericans out who appeared before th e commission phyiscians say is a slight attack of properties.
Mr. Wilsey, when he left, had op­
were reached which will remove many of Mexico and declaring a sta te of war were virtually unanimous in placing pleurisy, returned to his home at Saga­
misconceptions on the p art of neutrals, existing between the tw o countries, responsibility for th e increases on the more Hill Sunday from New York. He tions on all the Simpson Lumber com­
according to Lord Cecil, m inister of according to passengers arriv in g here Standard Oil companies, who, they came by autom obile and was accom­ pany holdings, on the L. D. Kinney
war, who attended the conference as a Tuesday m orning on the Norwegian charged, had refused to compete and panied by Mrs. Roosevelt. He was un­ properties, on a large share of the
fixed prices. Standard Oil represent­ attended on the trip by a physicain. Flanagan estate holdings on the penin­
B ritish rep resentative.
W hat these steam er Nils, from Progreso.
Am ericans and other foreigners are atives replied to the charges but did He declined to see newspapermen, but sula, and on 3000 acres of coal land.
conclusions were, Lord Roberts would
not say, but he asserted there would being taken on board an Am erican not enter into an explanation of the sent out word th a t he was " a ll r ig h t" Probably 60 to 75 per cent of the prop­
be " n o slack ening" of th e blockade gunboat at Progreso. G reat excite­ elem ents behind the soaring cost of and had " n o th in g to sa y " regarding e rty asked for was under option when
gasoline to consumers.
ment is said to prevail.
the political situation.
Mr. W ilsey departed for New York.
and th a t it would work better.
About Oregon
Movement of United States Troops To
Be Considered Hostile Act.
Mexicans Cut All Wires and Re­
move Headquarters Southward
Wreckers Now Expect to Refloat
Safely Stranded Steamer Bear.
Mexicans Seize Railroad in Sonora;
Customs Records Are Transferred