The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 22, 1916, Image 5

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    /»«wn . •
Dr. Large visited in Portland , congregation brought their lunch
and spent the day at the church.
over Sunday.
After dinner Mr. Ashley deliverer!
E. L. Sayre* had business in
talk on “ Memories of Forest
Oregon City Saturuuy.
on anything in the line of
cream at Shearer’s.
Grove,” after which Chas. Ayde-
Hancock & Wile« have $26,000
Claude Smith had business in ' lott, chairman of the board of
to loan on farms.
elders, made a talk, during which
he told how much Mr. Ashley
Mr. and Mr». Geo. Madsen Portland Tuesday.
Ladies’ and Gents’ Underwear
would be missed by his Forest
at half price ; Children’s regular
were in from Hillside Saturday.
Grove friends. Many of the con­
25c hose, 2 pair for 25c,
We will insure your auto against I is visiting Mrs. Langley.
gregation accompanied Mr. Ash­
Mrs. Blunche Richards visited ley to the 4:30 train to bid him a
(ire, theft and collision. Hancock
Corner Third St. and Pacific Ave
in Portland Monday.
safe journey to his future home at
& Wiles.
P hone 41x
Money to loan—Valley Realty ! Cayuga, Ind.
Chus Martin departed Satur­
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jones of
day for Pendleton, where he has, Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf
filled the contract in this regard. Plain­
Got the Money
drove to Forest Grove Sun­
a position.
asks interest at the rate or 6
Quite a bunch of the prize per also
fire, theft and collision. Hancock day and spent a brief time in this
for two years.
For the h«*st results load your & Wiles.
city. Mr. and Mrs. Jones for money f r o m t h e Independence N. B. LaCourse vs. B. F. McNamer.
camera with the Speedex Film,
L. G. Morley left yesterday for | merly lived in Forest Grove, where races, run last week, came to Suit for judgment on note to the sum
sold by Littler’s Pharmacy.
Washington county, via the horses of $362 and also for $96.16, which is al­
Harold B e n j a m i n departed; Oregon City, where he will work the former was in the monument owned by John McNamer, Cox leged to be due from groceries sold to
Monday for Salem to join his on a new paper mill.
and Brain. McNamcr’s Wallace the defendant.
In the case of the State vs. Claud
company of the National Guard
Hal won the 2:18 pace, Brain's: Graves,
charged with stealing a cow,
Miss Annie Newman of this Burntwood won a trotting race
Rooms to rent, furnished or un­ to Monmouth Monday, where she
was given a sentence of
city was m a r r i e d to Douglas and Cox’s Lady Hal took one of from one to three years in the peniten­
furnished. Mrs. Mallory, north will attend summer school.
Rev. Ashley l e f t Sunday for i Raine, June 14th, 1916, at Grants the pacing races. J C. B. was tiary.
A street and First avenue, or
the only horse from this section
Indiana, where he and his family Pass, Oregon, by Rev. Hammond,; that did not get first money. Wal­ Edwin Morris Baker vs. Helen Davy
phone 0132.
lace Hal broke the track record Baker. The court has annulled the at­
C. W. McNumer, who left For­ will make their future home.
that place.
tempted marriage contract and allowed
D. M. Robinson, a printer from
est Grove al>out a month ago, is
Mrs. Raine has made her home for his class.
the defendant her name of Helen A.
now running a meat market at Los Angeles, is visiting his unc e, at Forest Grove since *she was a
C. M. Hawthorne of Gales Creek child and has taught school in Regular services next Sunday.
lone, this state.
Hillsboro State Bank vs. G. S. Rob­
Washington county for the past | Bible school at 9:45 a. m.
Judgment allowed for $516 and
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Tablerof; twelve years, and the past three Preaching at 11:00 a. m.
After several days visit with
attorney’s fees.
his cousin, Lawrence Pierce, Louis Illinois visited the latter’s sister, years has taught in the Cornelius C. E. at 7:00 p. m.
Meta Townsend vs. Frederick M.
Preaching at 8 p. m.
Jacobsen returned to his home in Mrs. S E. Curtis, over Sunday.' public school. She has attended The
C. E. topic is “ Life’s Purpose.” Townsend. Decree dissolving marriage
Portland Tuesday.
Dr. C. E. Walker started Sat-. school at Monmouth and Eugene,: Our C. E. meetings are full of interest contract.
and has studied vocal and instru­ and you will find a live bunch of young Emma F. Burgoyne vs. Herman Bur-
Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and ! urday by auto for Eastern Oregon, mental music at Pacific Univer­ people who will welcome you. Will goyne.
Decree for plaintiff.
you come?
daughter, Belle, and Will Thomp­ where he will spend about two sity.
Maude H. Watts vs. G. E. Watts.
Rev. Chas. R. Drake of Eugene will
Mr. Raine is a wealthy mining preach next Sunday both morning and Decree for plaintiff.
son departed by auto Saturday weeks.
evening. Mr. Drake is a young man. a
E. A. Ives vs. F. D. Pa’ton, et al.
for a trip to Pendleton.
Miss Julia Hibbard of Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Raine have a graduate of E. B. U. and oillce editor Dismissed.
‘‘The Christian Journal.” He is a
Miss Verna Vogle, formerly of
nice little bungalow near Grants of
Marriage Licenses
very pleasing speaker. The public is
this city, but now in training in Miss Pearl Cooke in the Fern Pass and will make their home cordially
invited to sttend.
The following marriage licenses were
the Good Samaritan hospital, j Hill section.
granted the past week: Grover M.
H. J. Walrath of this city and Brown and Emelie Carow; John Walters
attended the Forest Grove Rose
Miss Neva Dallas of Corvallis
Beans and Leameds Safe
Messrs James Gi b s o n , Perry and Elsie Baumgarten.
¡spent Saturday here on her way
Dr. O. H. Holmes yesterday re­ Shearer, Eugene Lewton, Wilbur
Mrs. K. B. Penfield, who had to Pendleton, where she will spend ceiver! a short note from Mrs. A.
The grand jury has been in session
an operation on her eye Saturday I the summer.
M. Bean stating that all mem­ of Hillside, took a fishing trip to for about two weeks, a large part of
is doing well so far and it is hoped
Miss Margaret Benfer arrived bers of the Bean and Learner!
time being spent in the investiga­
the north fork of the Wilson river the
tion of the Jennings-Ristman murder
she will be able to return home in from McMinnville Friday to visit families had been saved from the
last Sunday and met with fair case. They adjourned Friday night to
a few days.
1 relatives and old friends for a wrecked Bear and that they were
await developments from an investi­
Dr. R. I. Mills of Willamina 1 week.
gation by the governor through his
Eureka for San Francisco. She
stopped off while enroute home
S. L. Carlyle returned Friday stated that Mrs. Learned had
agent, Lester Davis, a newspaperman
of Salem, who claimed that he would
from Portland Monday for a day’s from White Salmon, Wash., where shown remarkable bravery i n j
implicate another man than Thompson,
W aah in irto n C o u n ty E d ito ria l A ssociation
visit with his parents, Mr. and he has b -en employed for the past j saving her little son from a watery
who is being held for the crime. After
N e w s B u reau
j three momas.
Mrs. B. G. Mills.
conference with Sheriff Reev»« and
is anxiously awaiting for more
Mrs. J. M. Judkins and son,
Oliver Curtis and family of i details.
Circuit Court
the gathering of a few additional facts,
Isaac Prickett vs. Perry Long. he apparently has abandoned the in­
W. H., arrived Monday from Ar­ Elgin visited friends and relatives
against the defendant on vestigation. The editorial association
nold, Neb., for a visit with the in this city Sunday, while enroute
note for the sum of $500 with interest press correspondent personally inter­
former's daughter, Mrs. J. J. to Cascade, Mont.
Pythias who went to Gast n from at 8 per cent from 24th day of Febru­ viewed Sheriff Reeves and reviewed
Hutchins of Banks.
John Garrison of Salem spend this city Saturday night to attend ary, 1913.
considerable of the evidence which has
Sale or Trade—18 acres, well Sunday night in Forest Grove and a d i s t r i c t convention of the Clement E. Inkley vs. Emma Maud i been gathered for the conviction of
Bennett Thompson, and, although the
improved, 5 miles O. A. C., just called on old friends, going on to Knights from Washington, Yam­ Inkley. Suit for divorce.
hill and Tillamook counties report D. B. Crosby vs Archie and Frank evidence is mostly of a circumstantial
outside Philomath, for improved Nehalem Monday morning.
a fine and profitable gathering, Ferguson. The plaintiff alleges that nature, all points so strongly to the
acreage just out of this city.
The fence in front of the Arm- ’ with something doing every min­ defendants unlawfully took from the one man and to no other, that it leaves
Mrs. J. H. Sturgis, 115 1st. St.
strong home on South A street is i ute. One delegate f r o m each plaintiff a motorcycle, and in spite of litHe doubt as to which is the right
T. Thompson, special agent for I being torn down, and greatly im­ lodge was given ten minutes in repeated requests by the plaintiff have man.
the Detroit Fire and Marine In­ proves the appearance of the place. | which to unload his mind and refused to return it. The value of the The investigator from Salem at­
whi n all had finished the Knights motorcycle is placed at $190 and plain­ tempted to weave a chain of evidence
surance company, was in this sec­
M iss E l i z a b e t h Swanson re­ attacked an excell nt repast n tiff asks damages to the extent of $75 around a man residing in Portland.
tion Tuesday to adjust a loss sus­ turned last week from Monmouth , the banquet hall, followed by a which have been incurred, it is alleged, In character the man is a moral per­
tained by Clint Crowner of Patton after having attended the state smoker. There was a good at­ because of lost time and repeated trips vert, knew the murdered woman, and
between Beaverton and Hillsboro in the
about the time of the
normal the past year. Miss Swan­ tendance from both Washington interest of the motorcycle. The trouble disappeared
evidence w a s found
Claude Johnson suffered a badly son will teach next year at Odell,
originated when Archie Ferguson trad­ i which would implicate him with the
mook was lightly represented.
broken right arm Monday when Oregon, near Mt. Hood.
ed motorcycles with the plaintiff.
crime, except his close resemblance to
Curious D w arf Oak*.
a wagon on which he was hauling
Tuesday a number of Forest1 K now n to raiu-hmcu aw chlm iery. the John Lippert vs. Jessie Beard. Suit Thompson.
timber near Cherry Grove upset Grove ladies went to Rockaway d w a rf oak of the so u th w est presents a for judgment against defendant for
on him. He was taken to the i beach where they will spend a curious Instance of th e devious and In­ $2000 with interest at 7 per cent from
scru tab le w ays of natu re. T here the 16th of May, 1914.
The library will be open on Wednes­
Hillsboro hospital.
week in the cottage owned b y ; llllpiitlnn of th e g reat oak fam ily cov­ Dora T. Krunege vs. Jacob F. Tracey, day between 3 and 5 p. m. during
One of the prettiest pieces of Mrs B. F White. The party con- [ ers a groat area in th e plains of T exas et al. Suit for the recovery of $250, vacation.
on New Mexico T he trees, | with interest at 8 per cent from 30th
V. J. Jacques of Portland was visit­
decoration in the city was in the sists of Mrs. White, Mrs. Olm­ It bordering
U said, rnrely a tta in a b right of
windows of the office of Dr. Kauff­ sted, Mrs. E. D. West, Mrs. Sey- \ tw enty Inches and a re replicas of their day of April, 1915, and $50 attorney's ing relatives in Dilley and vicinity over
also for foreclosure of mortgage Sunday,
man, where Miss Beach had made mour, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. E. E .: giant brothers In o th e r is m s of the fees,
real property.
Mrs. M. E. Dilley of Forest Grove
country The acorns which they bear
an American (lag and other hand­ Williams and Mrs. Harry Goff.
Henry C. S c h o a n e vs. Genevieve came out for a short stay with her son.
arc as large ns those of the common
some designs from roses and other
b u rr oak and in-esent a grotesque np- Schoane. D i v o r c e on the alleged Bud. before leaving for her new home
The Young Peoples’ Missionary! penrnnee
hanging from th e little limb# grounds of cruel and inhuman treat­
! society of the Methodist church i of the low grow ing sh ru b o r tree. T he ment. Plaintiff alleges that defendant near Amity.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sating made a
Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. held its regular monthly meeting annual crop of m ast Is used for fa tte n ­
complaint in the county court al­ trip to North Yamhill Monday.
Paul Lilly, Mr. and Mrs. Peter last Friday evening at the home ing hogs. When the acorns are ripe filed
leging that the plaintiff was insane and
Jacobsen and son, Robert, Mr of Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Dunlap. m any wild anim als nnd birds dock Into causing him to be placed and held in The Ladies’ Aid will give an ice
cream social at the church parlors
th e m lnlnture forest to feast on the
R o b t . Humphreys, Elizabeth Quite a number were present, and n u ts.—A rg o n au t
the asylum for a period of two months. Thursday.
The City of Forest Grove and Warren
Winkle and Margaret Thompson the lesson of the evening was very
Mrs. Roy McBride was hostess to the
Company vs. Ambrose- the G. L. R. club Thursday. Those re­
motored out from Portland and
Flore Is a story told by one of our Burdsal Co. Suit f o r recovery of ceiving the score were Mrs. Misz, Miss
visited the Dan Pierce home here served.
law yers:
$3,323.84, alleged to be due the plain­ Fay Martin and Mrs. Herman Saling.
Thirty members of the local
and the James Churchill a n d
“ 1 told my client to tell m e every­ tiff for the use of certain paving com­
Visitors were Mrs. Roe, Mrs. Hall,
Harrison Heisler homes on Gales Rebekah lodge went to Hillsboro thing Just a s It had occurred—to bold position and chemicals. The plaintiff Mrs. Misz and Miss Fay Martin, beside
Saturday night to visit the lodge back n o th in g -a n d then, being per­ alleges that the defendant has not ful­ the regular club members.
of that town and witnessed Moun- fectly fam iliar with all th e facts, 1
Mrs. A. G. Hoffman Tuesday tainview lodge of Portland confer m ight be able to help him. A fter the
afternoon entertained at Green the degree on two candidates,; story had come to an end 1 asked him
If th a t w ere alL
Gables thirty ladies at a needle and so interested were some of the j “ ‘E very th in g —’cept w here 1 hid th 1
work party and 5 o’clock lunch. Forest Grove members that they moneyP w as the answer.** — Buffalo
Misses HelenMcEldowney,Thelma missed the last car and remained 1 Newa.
Mills, R u t h Burlingham a n d in Hillsboro over night. A nice 1
Aileen Hoffman served and enter­ lunch was served by the Hillsboro T h ere a re about 100.000 Islands, large
and sm all, scattered over th e oceans
tained the ludies with piano music ladies after the initiations.
A m erica alone has 5,500 around Its
while they plied their needles.
coasts. T here are 305 In th e bay of
As is her custom, Mrs. Hoffman the Christian church last Sunday Bio Jan eiro, 10,000 t>etween M adagas­
a r and India and som e 1,200 ,,fr the
made all the guests glad they to hear Rev. Ashley preach his c eastern
coast of A u stralia betw een its
ffarewell sermon. Many of the m aluland an d New G uinea.
We’ll Save You Money
Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions
Closing Out
The County Seat
Mister Merchant:
Before you place your order for
1917 Calendars, see our line of
sam ples; we may save you some
The Forest Grove Express