I PRFSiDFNI FAILS d e m o c r a t s n o m in a t e w il s o n a n d m a r s h a l l WORLD’S DOINGS con miru BY ACCLAMATION AT ST. LOUIS. O f CURRENT WEEK MILIIIA rUK DUIY m iiit u Troops To Be Sent to Mexican Border Tor Immediate Service. Brief Resume of General News from All Around (he Earth. WAR VESSELS ORDERED SOUTH UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHEU Carranza’s Demand for Withdrawal Live News Items of All Nations and of Pershing’s Expedition Brings Pacific Northwest Condensed Crisis in Border Trouble. for Our Busy Readers. Washington, D. C. — Virtually the entire mobile strength o f the National I guard of all states and the District of Columbia was ordered mustered into the Federal service Sunday night by Presi dent Wilson. About 100,000 men are expected to respond to the call. They w ill be mobilized immediately fo r such service on the Mexican border as may be assigned to them. General Frederick Funston. commanding the border forces, w ill designate the time and place for movement o f guardsmen to the international line as the occa sion shall require. In announcing the orders Secretary Baker said the state forces would be employed only to guard the border, and that no additional troop movements into Mexico were contemplated except in pursuit o f raiders. Simultaneously w ith the National guard call, Secreary Daniels, o f the N avy deparment, ordered additional war vessels to Mexican waters on both coasts to safeguard American lives. W ithin the last two weeks, however, tension has been increasing steadily. The crisis presented by General Car ranza’ s note demanding the recall o f General Pershing’ s expeditionary force has been followed by a virtual ultima tum served on the American officer by General Trevino, the Mexican com- ] mander in Chihuahua. To this was added Sunday the possibility that American and Mexican troops had clashed across the border from San Benito, Texas. Eighty thousand Austrians were cor nered when Czernowit* was captured and are threatened with capture. French newspa|>cre commenting on the Mexican situation, declare that France and England must sup|>ort the United States. The call to arms issued throughout ! the country swept Y a le’s baseball and 1 crew ranks and threatened to destroy i the Kll atheletlc hopes beyond repairs. The French losses around Verdun in killed and wounded amount to approxi- j inately 105,000 to date. These losses have occurred on a front which is not I more than 13 miles in length. • General Pershing defied Carranza’s ' demand not to move troo|st in any di rection except northward, when he or dered two detachments o f cavalry to pursue Villa bandits south and west Tuesday. According to reports there is rejoic ing in Matamoroa in the belief that a small hand of Mexicans com|>elIed a force of about 300 American soldiers to recross from Mexico territory into the United States Monday. The Italian government has decided to permit wives o f Italians wl*o have become naturalized Americans and have not returned to Italy for military service to rejoin their husbands in America. Heretofore this has been forbidden. Mexican refugees Militia of [very State in Union Called for Guard Duty on Border Washington, D. C.— President W il son has called out the m ilitia o f every state for service on the Mexican bor der. In announcing the President’ s decis ion late Sunday, Secretary Baker said the m ilitia would be sent to the border whenever and as fully as General Fun ston determines them to be needed. Brigadier General A lfred Mills, ch ief o f the division of m ilitia affairs, estimated the minimum m ilitia force which would respond to the call as 100,000 men. are enrolling at to fight in the event of war with the United i States. Minister Gonzales has in formed the Cuban government that United States warships w ill shortly visit Havana. President Menocal has signed a decree revoking all |iermita i for private wireless stations. j their consulate in Havana WOODROW WILSON, PRESIDENT. PLATFORM ADOPTED; SESSION ADJOURNS St. Louis— The Democratic National : Convention finished its work Friday by adopting the party platform exactly as approved by President Wilson and sub mitted by the resolutions committee, including the planks on Americanism and favornig woman suffrage, but not until the harmony o f its three days’ session had been rippled with a row over the suffrage plank. N o voice was raised against the Oregon Guard Mobilizing. ' declarations o f the Amricanism plank. Salem— Immediate mobilization o f A t one time it looked as if the suffrage all the units o f the Oregon National plank had been lost, but after Senator guard was ordered Sunday night by Walsh, of Montana, had told the con Governor Withycombe, who notified vention that President Wilson himself Adjutant General White to proceed considered it vital to party success it with mobilization upon receipt o f an was voted into the platform, 888i to urgent message from Secretary o f War 181i. The whole platform then was Baker, requesting such action. adopted without roll call. In his message to the governor, the As it went into the platform the Secretary declared that he was in suffrage plank stands: structed by the President to request “ W e favor the extension of the the mobilization o f all the National franchise to the women o f this coun guards o f the different states. try, state by state, on the same terms ] as to the men.” Washington Militia Gathering. The women suffrage leaders consid Seattle— Adjutant General Maurice ered it a much more favorable declara Thompson, o f the Washington National tion than they got from the Republi guard, received orders early Sunday can convention at Chicago; they threw night for the mobilization o f the all their force behind it and won the Washington militia. The Washington support of the administration leaders, m ilitia will mobilize at American , who were found fighting for them Lake, south o f Tacoma. when danger threatened. Adjutant General Thompson imme Haggared and worn from an all- diately issued orders to the various night session, the platform makers company commanders to assemble their were not ready with their report until companies at their home stations and afternoon, when Senator Stone, sleep to recruit to full war strength o f 142 less for more than 30 hours, took the men for each company. speaker’s stand to read the document gave over this task to Senator Walsh, Idaho T o Be Ready in Three Days. o f Montana, and Senator Hollis, of Boise, Idaho— Adjutant General P. N ew Hampshire. They “ spelled” H. Crow said Idaho will mobilize 1000 each other reading the long declara guardsmen within three days. The men tion. are to be brought together at Boise. The fight on the suffrage plank was Lieutenant Governor Taylor issued the in the air. Every body was keyed up call for mobilization shortly before to it when at the conclusion of the midnight Sunday. reading o f the platform Martin Lomas ney, o f Boston, a delegate, claimed the W ar Declared in Redding. attention o f the chair, it was thought Redding, Cal.— About 50 Mexicans that he was opening the fight. It was who are employed on an irrigation several minutes before the shouts of ditch construction gang near here en approval and cries o f disapproval could gaged in a street fight with several be stilled sufficiently to hear that he Americans here Sunday night in the wanted to put the convention on record restricted district. A fte r the disturb as sympathizing with “ the people of ance was quelled by the police, aided Ireland.” by deputy sheriffs, 15 Mexicans were “ Raus mit him ,’ ’ roared a Baltimore placed in jail, many o f them severely delegate and the convention hall injured. Knives, stones, clubs and rocked with laughter. fists were the weapons used by the The real fight broke immediately fighters. Six men were stabbed. after, however, when Governor Fer CONVENTION ACTS IN HARMONY THOMAS R. MARSHALL. I.O S 8 o f jobs and salaries o f 1000 Coliseum, St. Ix u is— President W il government clerks who are members o f son and V ice President Marshall were the District of Columbia National nominated by acclamation late Thurs guard may result from the president's day night by the Democratic National call to the militia. Compelled to re- convention, the ticket being completed s|>ond for duty or face courtinartial, four minutes before Friday. ! the government’s clerks are between Contrary to expectation, however, two fires. S|>ecial legislation by con the convention did not finish its work, gress or the issuance of an executive because the platform waa not ready, order by the President is necessary to and it met again at 11 o ’ clock Friday protect them and their jobs. morning. The War department has received It was announced in the convention that the Hub-committee drafting the many inquiries as to what immunities platform had finished its work, but would be granted married men who are the National Guard. that the entire resultions committee members of was not assembled to pass upon it, and While most officials were inclined to it was not known when that could be believe that leaves should he granted 1 those who can show that their absence done. President Wilson’s own plank, from business would he a privation to charging conspiracy among some for I dependent families, it was pointed out eign-born citizens for the benefit of j that each case must be presented sep the foreign powers and denouncing any arately and would be decided on its political party which benefits and not | merits. repudiating such a situation, was in The news from Mexico is creating an corporated in the platform just as the President himself had sent it from enormous stir in Madrid, owing to the Washington. It was understood that financial and sentimental interests en the President insisted that the plank gaged. K ing Alfonso has received a should be put in the platform in the i cable from the large Spanish colony in Mexico begging his mediation to pre way he had drawn it. There never was any doubt o f Presi vent war between the United States dent Wilson’ s nomination, but there and Mexico, the consequences o f which was a possibility that some vice-presi would be serious to both parties. The dential booms might be brought out n whole Spanish press sup[x>rts the |>etl- opposition to Vice President Marshall tion that the king do the best he possi They melted away, however, when bly can under the circumstances. guson, of Texas, who headed the mi nority report against the administra tion plank, was given 30 minutes in which to discuss it. The plank offered by the minority was this: “ The Democratic party has always stood for the sovereignty o f the sev eral states in the control and regula tion o f elections. W e reaffirm the historic position of our party in this regard and favor the continuance of that wise provision o f the federal con stitution which vests in the several states o f the union the power to pre scribe the qualifications o f their elec the convention got in session, and as tors.” soon as President Wilson’s nomination had been made a roaring chorus o f ac- | claination, Senator Kern, who re-nomi nated Mr. Marshall, cast aside a long prepared speech and simply declared: Washington, D. C.— W hile Great “ I nominate Thomas Riley Marshall, Britain has indicated to the State de o f Indiana, for vice president.” partment that examination o f detained To President W ilson’s nomination neutral mails would be expedited as there was only one dissenting vote, much as possible, department officials Robert Emmett Burke, o f Illinois, who said Monday that the concession could came to the convention declaring that be considered by this government as he was opposed to the President. His only a minor one, not affecting the vote technically made the President’s question o f right o f seizure, over nomination 1091 to 1. which the two governments have dis A striking incident o f the session agreed. was the action o f the convention in Intimations have reached the depart calling on William J. Bryan to apeak. ment that the British reply, now being This was done on the motion o f Sena prepared, would formally call attention tor Thompson, o f Kansas, that the to the steps taken to obviate delay in rules be suspended and the ex-secre mail examination, thus disposing of tary be permitted to take the plat many specific complaints that the allies form. The motion was carried and had exceeded their rights in extending Mr. Bryan was escorted to the plat their censorship outside territorial wa form immediately. ters and had employed “ vexatious in He spoke 45 minutes, pledging his quisitorial” methods in enforcing it. support to the President. Great Britain’s Answer on Mail Seizures to Evade Issue Again Vice Admiral Henry T. Mayo is in command o f the Atlantic fleet, suc ceeding Admiral Frank F. Fletcher, who goes to Washington to become a member o f the naval board. The cere mony was held at the navy yard at New York. The usual salutes and ceremonies marked the change, which took place on the deck of the W yo ming, flagship o f the fleet. Rear Ad miral Dewitt Coffman succeeds Admi ral Mayo as vice admiral, commanding the first division. Fire destroyed 200 feet o f the Bel lingham & Northern Railway tunnel half a mile east of Deming, Wash., on the branch line the company is con structing between Goshen and W el come. The damage is estimated at $40,000 and w ill delay opening the new line at least 60 days. The timber lining o f the tunnel caught fire from the sparks from a steam shovel which was working inside removing a small slide. Firemen were sent from Bel lingham to assist in fighting the fire.