The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 15, 1916, Image 8

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    Mrs. Eva Derby has sold her
on First avenue to Mrs.
Eva Schultz of Gaston.
“ i£
Willis Goff submitted to an op­
eration to his throat in Portland
Tuesday and word from him to­
day is to the effect that the ojier-
ation was successful and he is
recovering. The sa m e surgeon
Depositors of this you to give up your pass
operated on Sir. Goff some four
bank receive neatly- book (your only receipt
years ago.
printed, accurate state­ for deposits), eliminates
Mrs. W. C. Benfer and son,
ments of their accounts the delay of one or more
Kenneth, returned Sunday even­
the first of each month, days while the book is
ing from a week-end visit with
relatives at McMinnville. Mrs.
instead of leaving their being balanced, and af­
Benfer’s neice, Miss Margaret
pass books to be bal­ fords a much more ac­
was one of the high school
curate way of figuring
graduates, the exercises being held
These statements con­ your account.
Friday evening.
tain the following in­
Giving better service
In last Sunday’s Portland Jour­
has-always been the aim
nal is a picture of the 26 Senior
1. T h e halanco of the ac­
Honor students at O. A. C.,
of this bank, and this
count at the tin t of the m onth.
and one of them is Miss Helen
M onthly Statem ent
2. All deposits made dur­
Corl, sister to Miss Mary Corl of
System is one of the im­
ing the month, together with
this city, and daughter of Mr. and
provements in servico
th e date,
Mrs. L. J. Corl, former resident»
w'e havo been able to
3. All checks draw n (each
of this city, now living in Cor­
check marked with a minus
offer to our customers.
(-) sign to show th a t it has
There will be a meeting of legal
been subtracted).
voters of school district No. 15 at j
4. T he new balance in the
the Central School building at 2
this plan is a big im­
custom er’s favor a t the last
m. June 19th for the purpose of
of the month.
provem ent over the
electing one director for a term of
The statement system method of calling in and
three years and a clerk, to serve
makes it unnecessary for balancing pass books.
one year. S. G. Hughes and Clerk
Earle O. Buxton are the mem tiers
whose terms expire.
Twenty-one Forest Grove Odd
Forest Grove, Oregon
Fellows went to Banks Saturday
night in autos ami assisted their
Banks brothers in conferring the
second and third degrees on three
candidates. After the business of
the evening had been disposed of,
Mr-. Hetty Thomas of Harris­ the
Banks boys served a hoi
burg is visiting Mrs. Dan Parsons. supper
that was thoroughly en­
Muss Nancy Moore is spending joyed by all.
Francis White of Gales Creek
was in town on busine s yesterday. her vacation with her mother at
Father Buck a n d Dr. Ward
Miss Edna Cilkey of Hillsboro
motored up the Columbia high­
her friend, Miss Langley,
way Monday.
W a s h i n g t o n C o u n t y K*li t o r t a i A o « r i s t i o n
last evening.
N ew s Buresu
A. Baldwin, who was operated
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hill de­
on at a Portland hospital June 7th
Probate Court
for a chronic ailment, is report* d parted Tuesday evening for a visit Geo. W. S titt vs. E. I,. G albraith, e t
recovering nicely.
al. S uit fo r ju d g m e n t on m o rtg ag e
sota. They expect to be away upon ce rta in real p ro p erty for the sum
Claude Smith and Mr. and until about Sept. 1.
o f $7579 w ith in te re s t a t 7 per ce n t
Mrs. W. R. S Hamer of this city
d ated Ju n e 1, 1915.
and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hamer
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ortman John J . M ater vs. A lm ira M ater.
of Newport went to the Nehalem and son, Clarence, and Orville D ivorce on th e alleged grounds o f d e ­
river Tuesday for a day’s fishing Bailey went up the Columbia sertion.
and report very little luck in the highway as far as Multnomah
Circuit Court
fishing business, but a very nice Fall.-» last Thursday and enjoyed
E sta te o f Percy H. Bell. W . O.
the trip immensely.
Donelson petitioning for apjtointm ent
l\3*\9A9M ï\M \W *
What Our Machine-Figured
Statements Contain
The First National Bank
The County Seat
The Warm Days Are Now Here
and ev ery woman is e n titled to an Oil Stove.
Come in and see the
Bon-Ami Short-Burner Oil Stove
H eats quicker th an any o th e r m ake; clean and odorless.
Sharpies Tubular Cream Separator
Is a m achine we a re not a fra id to recom m end to our b e st friends.
Selling agents for Litchfield Manure Spreaders, Smalley En­
silage Cutters and Iron Age Cultivators and Seeders.
Phone 663
3 |C Z = IO E = 3 3 c
The Home of Good
Fresh and Cured
For Picnic Dinners
Boiled Ham,
Minced Ham,
Veal Loaf,
Chipped Dried Beef,
Sweet, Sour and Dill Pickles,
Imported Queen Olives
Bananas, Oranges
Phone 0301
F o r P reserv in g , P o t R o astin g , S tew in g Etc.
U sefu l ev ery
. nd t h . c o u p o n if p r t i c n l . d
on o r b e f o r e J u n e 17, 1916
A lu m in u m u t r n u l » s r e N O T “ all t h e « n m e . M B raur « you get
**W e a r - r i v e r . ” l.o<>k for t he “ W e a r - E v e r ” t rad e murk <>n t h r
1 x . I ’ of en-rv uteuail. I f it is not t here it U not “ W e a r - E v e r ”
REFt SK -i HSn 11 I I S.
R ep lace u ten sils th a t w e a r o u t
w ith u ten sils th a t “W e a r-E v e r”
■v i nosa
s, . t..r y o iim - lf t h e different-«- brtw i-en " W e n r - F .» « • r " an d o t h e r ,
kind« nf nliiiiiiiiiini a n d rn a in i-lrd n a n - lin n ><>u will kno w why an]
m a n y «unit-it p r e l r r ■‘W e a r - E v e r ” co o k in g uti-im lv
Cut out this Coupon
of a d m in istra to r o f the e s ta te th e value
of which, is $250.
F ran k E. B raga ap|x>inted as a d ­
m in istra to r o f the e s ta te o f J a n e L.
Hall. P robable value of e s ta te $050.
In the e s ta te o f Thom as Todd, pio­
neer, late deceased a t F o re st G rove, ,
John A. T hornburgh p etitio n in g fo r j
ap|M>intment as ex ecu to r. T he e s ta te
which T hom as T<sld le ft is e stim a te d a t
$100,000, o f which the will d irected th a t
the m ost o f the e s ta te should go to
Jersey Breeders to Meet
relativ es in th e east and Canada. Be­
queathed to John T hornburgh $.VK) in
The members of the Washing-
tru s t fo r th e upkeep o f th e burial plot ’ ,
, . ,
in th e cem etery . To Sam uel T o d d $500, County Jersey Cuttle Club Will
K- -el Todd £ ’.‘ mi , Thom as Todd &<(*>, hold a meeting and basket picnic
E lizabeth Todd $500, M a rg a re t Todd
»» .
S anford $500, Mrs. H yslop o f Toronto, at the A. 1. Buxton farm, north-
C anada, $500; B erth a C lark o f K ansas, west of this city, next Wednesday,
$200; E dw ard W ard o f F o re st G rove,
$200; L au ra Doane $ 200 , F ran k Doane
$200, Rosa Ranes o f P ortland, $500;
Geo. H. D urham o f G ran ts Pass, $500;
Lillian Todd of N. Y. s ta te , $100; Jo h n
A. T h o rn b u rg h , $100; Holbrook Lodge
-1 $500;
---- A - ustin
• - T.
No. 30, A. F. & A. M.,
B uxton, $300; M arion K nighton, $100;
Ja m e s A. Johnson, $100; to John A.
T h o rnburgh, $2000 in tru s t fo r M ar­
g a re t E. Doane, the income from which
is to e d u cate arid su m iort M argaret E.
Doane; E lizabeth B ates W ard o f T il­
bury, C anada, 1-3 in te re st in real, p er­
sonal, and m ixed p ro p erty which re-1
m ains; W illiam B railt, nephew , H am il­
ton, C anada, 1-3 in te re s t in th e reHi
due real, personal and mixed p ro p erty ;
to E lizabeth Todd o f New York, 1-0 of
residue, and Ella Gilboy o f R ochester,
N. Y., th e rem ain in g 1-6.
wf it rvTt
June -1. Ed ( urey of Lafayette,
one of the first Jersey breeders in
- ,
i t - w
this part of the Country, J. U.
Mickle of Portland, state dairy
, f
and food commissioner, and sev-
eral local speakers have places on
the program.
All persons interested in the
breeding of Jerseys are invited to
bring their basket dinner and a t­
tend the meeting.
Chautauqua Meeting
Bring it
to d a y
announces new price on
Famous Salad Oil
(in S a n ita ry Sealed C ontainers)
the large can now $1.00, other
sizes 30c and 55c.
Summer time is Salad and
Picnic Time See our Delica­
tessen Department. E v e r y ­
thing under glass and refrig­
Appetizingly delic­
Do you remember that you
signed a contract to sell four sea­
son tickets for the chautauqua
is here.
M iscellaneous
supplies now on
The reco rd ers office collected in fees
for th e m onth of May $370.35 and th e to think about it now. We are, special sale.
county c le rk ’s office re p o rts a collection | notified that our Chautauqua date
Mason pints - - - 54c
of 940K.2O.
is .July 10 to 24, inclusive, and the
quarts - - - 64c
tickets have been forwarded to
half gallon - 89c
,, u,i,„
the undersigned
for distribution.1
M rs. F ran k M cBride and baby re- r|,,
.__ °
. i
Ja r caps 19c per dozen
turned to the ir home on S atu rd ay , I he Signers of the Contract should
m other and baby doing nicely.
get together and elect a new
(all kinds)
Mr. and Mrs. J . W. H ughes and hoard of officers for the 1916
Rings 3 box­
fam ily m otored to P ortland on T hurs- chautauqua. Arrangements have j
day to v isit th e Rose show.
been made to meet at the Rogeis es 23c.
Mrs. Broders.-n and boys re p o rt a f>ublic Library Friday evening a t' Economy ^ints -
fine tim e in P o rtland th e boys being |
f u (1
quarts - 99c
g re a tly in terested in th e w arsh ip s.
\l.oU. 1 ne Signers on Cm eon
Miss H azel S u t f o r d recen tly from tract should make a special effort
half gal 1.39
C alifornia is visiting h er f a th e r fo r a to be present as there Will be
few w eeks.
election of officers and plans for
Mrs. A lbert LaMont and Mrs. T hom as the coming chautauqua Campaign,
w ere G rove visitors M onday.
Those who are not obligated on
Mrs Tom H undley has en tirely re- the contract will also be welcome,
covered from h er o p eratio n and is
Manche I. I>angley,
able to be out.
Attorney At Law
President of the 1915
R iverside G range
over plans for th e ir float fo r th e Rose
Chautauqua Association. Patent Office Business Solicited
show. If hard w ork counts fo r a n y ­
Job printing —-phone 821.
thing, they should win.
The Canning Season
Phone 061
Pint Jars, 25c
AH Kinds of
Fruits and
Get this $1.65