4 T h e Red M ira g e A Story of the French Legion in Algiers B y I. A . R. W Y L I E lAll nahu rrwv cU. Th* Ik-bbs-Merrill Co.) SYNOPSIS. to the floor. The woman bent over hlin and kissed him. A single tear, drawn Sylvia Omnejr, her lover, Richard Fnr- from a well o f savage pity, had quhar. rtnil*. has fallen In lore with Cap­ dropped on tlie untroubled brow. tain Arnaud of the Foreign legion. In " « o i l o f our fathers," she whispered Catta. n Sower"« room Farquhar forces Sow«. to have Preston’s I O. U’ s re­ from between clenched teeth. “ Thou turn«-! io him Farquhar Is helped to his rooms >-\ Gabrieli«- Smith. Sower demands knowest 1 am bad— rotten to the heart an ap, .¡v. Refused, he forces Farquhar — but thou knowest also 1 am uot so to resign his commission In return for Possession of Farquar's father's writ­ bad as the woman who sent this man ten confession that he had murdered Sow­ to me.” er's father. Gabrielle saves Farquhar She knelt down, «nd with her dark from suicide. To shield Arnaud. Sylvia's against the sleeper's kuee tlance. Farquhar professes to have stolen head war plans and tells the real culprit why watched and waited. he did so. As Richard Nameless he Joins All was quiet. Hut on the other the Foreign Region and sees Sylvia, now Mme. Arnaud. meet Colonel Pesttnn. side o f the curtain an Arab crouching Farquhar meets Sylvia and Gabrielle. and beside the brazier awoke. There wua learns from Corporal Gosts of the col­ onel's cruelty. Arnaud becomes a drunk­ a slight smile about his llps'as though ard and opium smoker. Sylvia becomes bis dreams had brought him food for friendly with Colonel Destlnn. Arnaud becomes Jealous of Farquhar. Farquhar. amused reflection, and with a quick on guard at a villa where a dance is in glance at his motionless companion he progress, is shot down by Arnaud. A r­ naud Justifies his Insanely Jealous action got up and slipped out Into the street. to Colonel IVstlnn. Arnaud goes to a dan­ It was now toward evening and the cing girl who loves him for comfort. great heat o f the day was broken. At 9 » m * a white-walled villa on one o f the broad avenues he glided through a Opium is a deadly drug, but It I Moorish doorway Into the passage. Be­ makes men dream away their fore him lay the courtyard where two lives in a sort of artificial peace. wqmeu talked, their low voices min­ Burdened with the grief of de­ gling musically. At last be came out sertion. racked by disease that Into the light. Ills manner was In­ is fatal, buffeted by fate and imitable in Its suggested homage aud thoroughly disheartened, a mid­ a hundred unspoken flatteries. dle-aged man smokes opium to "Madame, It’s Abou-Yukoud who keep his senses deadened. Do ventures before you.” be said In his you think his action justified? soft Arab French. "Abou-Yukoud. who has seen Mecca and who reads Destiny as an open book. G ive me C H APTE R X— Continued. your hand, madarue. For a little frnne, ; I will tell you good and evil— what "I tried to kill him,” he said quietly 1 was and what Is to come.” but distinctly, "and I mean to kill him. Sylvia Arnaud started slightly and That is the only change.” turned. "Is that any change? lia s it taught •"You shall not come In here,” she your fair, pure young w ife to love and said Impatiently, and yet not without a honor you?” He ground bis teeth to­ ¡ childish touch o f hesitation. “ Beg- gether without answering, and she 1 glng Is forbidden. Now be gone!” went on, her voice grown suddenly She tossed a handful o f money on to harsh and contemptuous. "You are a the white stone flags. Each coin rnng fool. Desire. You are a fool, like all out like a note of jangling laughter, men. What Is there In this one wom­ which still echoed after her as she an that you should care? She Is pretty, passed Into the shadows of the gate- but others are prettier. 1 have seen day. her, for it amused me to have a glance Abou-Ynkoud bent and gathered the at the wonder who could drive two nickel pieces from the ground. When men to the devil. And what is she? A he looked up again he stood straight charming doll with a child's eyes and and erect, and the beard had vanished. a sparrow’s brain. What else— ” "G abrielle!" he said softly. The girl rose. She took one o f the She turned a little. The warm gold long-stemmed pipes from the table and of evening was on her face nnd soft­ lighted it at the brazier. The red em­ ened the stern lines to a mild and bers glowed up on to her face, where noble serenity. was written a somber Inscrutable bit­ ” 1 know,” she said. “ Your voice terness. She came back and placed betrayed you. And then—sooner or the pipe in Ills inert haDd. later I felt that you would come, though for what purpose God knows.” “ Let us hope he does not.” he an­ swered sardonically. "I am here on Wji/Utl i my own business, and my own busi­ ness has no sanctity about i t I must keep control if I nrn to win through to the things I want.” "The things you want!” she echoed with deep sadness. "W hat are they now. Stephen?” He knelt on the marble edge o f the fountain and caught her hand. “ Gabrielle!” he repeated hoarsely. “ Gabrielle!” She looked down at him. Her free band she laid quietly upon his. “ You are cruel to yourself,” she said. “ Why have you come, Stephen?" "God knows. I have lied so much In all these ghastly years, Gabrielle. I have lied most o f all to my own eon- — 10 — ■ 1 sclence. I have called you an episode — n folly. I have heaped contempt on you, ou my memory of you. nnd al­ ways you have risen as now -the one pure thing that I have loved, my one virtue, my own Udelity— ” “ Hush, Stephen, w e have hurled our dead.” “ You have— I eannot. I tried. At first It was remorse that would not let mo— the knowledge that 1 have ruined you— dishonored you— ” “ That Is not true,” she Interrupted proudly. “ No woman—no man—has ever Itccn dishonored hy one action. Honor Is not n possession to he lost or broken. It is ourselves—what we are. I f you hail dishonored me 1 should In­ different; hut I am uot different I have grown stronger—that is all. 1 see clearer. I niu happy.’* “ Happy? And your name— your po­ sition— your jHMiple— all lost!” She smiled faintly. “ Those griefs are old nnd healed. Stephen. I have a name and a posi­ tion. They are my own. aud I am a little proud o f them. I owe you my knowhslge o f myself and my own strength—some hours'Illusion, a broad­ er outlook, a deeper understanding of other women's failures. Let that suf­ fice between us— ” “ I cannot.” He sprang up with a wild gesture of protest “ It is not re­ morse that hnuuts me. I nru not the man to feel remorse, I half loved and half despised you. Then—that night when I came back and found that you knew me for what I was—a liar, a cheat, n common spy, to be (»ought and sold by every man—and bad left me on the very eve o f my atonement to you— then I knew my mvu madness. From that hour I wanted you." “ It’s too late. Stephen.” she said, “ too late. I have buried my dead, dear. I cannot call the dead to life. We are free and we stand alone. We must go our ways, Stephen.” “ 1 won’t plead. Gabrielle. I know you better.” Then suddenly he turned and stumbled blindly into the dark­ ness of the passageway. CH APTER XI. Behind the Mosque. Colonel Destlnn rode through Sldl- bel-Abbes, and many o f those he passed looked after him. One or two o f his observers were soldiers wearing a red and blue uniform o f the Legion. They saluted first and grimaced only after a cautious Interval. “ Nom d’un Petard! Will the devil never grow old?” Women looked after him— Arab women from behind mysterious veils, and Europeans—all with the same fem­ inine Interest In what Is strong. For Colonel Destlnn sat his horse with grace and ease, nnd the slight erect figure carried the years lightly. How many the years were no one knew. Thus he rode slowly through the pleasant shaded avenues, skirting the nigger quarter, till he reached the plateau. There he drew rein, his keen eyes sweeping the low girdle o f olive trees and clustering native hovels to the far side, where the mosque ros<- up In stately purity against the turquoise sky. Through the graceful archway u HOT WATER BED IS RESTFUL flows In at one end of the tub and out at the other. For the harried business man, who complains that his working day Is too Sleeping in a bath tub full of water short, such a sleeping couch as this He kept at blood temperature la claimed should have a distinct appeal. should be willing to rest four hours at by some physicians to give the re­ least. quired amount of rest In half the time that sleeping in a bed requires. Pop­ Prirfiitlve Weapons. ular Science Monthly says. In other The bolo is a kind of large single- words, four hours’ sleep In a bathtub edged knife, of considerable length, re­ filled with water at the proper tem­ sembling a machete. It Is now used as perature— and always maintained at an agricultural instrument or a weapon that temperature— will result in the of war, as occasion demands, by some exact amount of restfulnesa that eight of the natives of the Philippine Islands hours In bed will give. The bolts Is a missile weapon, consist­ The explanation Is that warm water ing o f two or more balls of stone or completely relaxes the nerves, which metal fastened to the ends of con­ ordinary sleep does not necessarily do. nected cords, and hurled so as to hop- The most difficult part of this treat­ plo or entangle cattle and large game. ment Is In maintaining the water at a It is used by the Gauchos and Ir. Hans constant temperature, and for the of South America. A similar weapon purpose of accomplishing the result a Is used by some o f the African tribes, middle western manufacturer has re­ and a small form by the Eskimos for cently brought out on the market a catching birds. thermostatic water-control apparatus, which, as Its name Implies, maintains Naturally. the water at any desired temperature. "T h e wealthy soap manufacturer In In practice, the patient climbs Into our neighborhood has bought a hand­ a bath tub filled with water, his head some automobile." protruding through a hole In a rubber “ What kind Is It?” blanket, which is strapped around the “ I don’t know, but I should call It edges of the tub. Water constantly a soap bubble.” Four Hour«’ Sleep in Bathtub Said to Be Equal to Eight of Usual v Kind. “ I Tried to Kill Him," He Said Quiet­ ly but Distinctly, “ and I Mean to Kill Him.” “ There!” she said simply. “ That Is what you have come for. Forgetful­ ness.” He nodded. Silently he cowered back among the ragged cushions and with half-closed eyes began to smoke. In the hovel there was perfect silence. As the minutes passed the subtle m ig li1 oerfume sleeping beneath the rank iweetness awoke, the lurking dreams and fancies came out from among their shadows and moved lightly to and fro in the brightening circle of firelight. Arnaud smiled wistfully at them. Little by little the terrible lines of pain drawn about his features passed, leaving them a white peace. A sigh broke from bis loosely parted lips. “ Sylvia— Sylvia— my w ife— ” His bead dropped back—the strange- itemmed pipe slipped from his power- ‘*88 fingers aud fell with a soft thud doublé lino <>f Arni»« drlfted linckwarri ami forwnrd In a loft flowlng, un broken «tream of worshlp, and «iiddeii- ly t'»»lotici Deatlnil m>t «pur« and giti- loped over thè In» ! clay, «i-iilterlug tlie «triigglcr* lo rlgl miti left “ Madnui* Animiti!” She turiteli wilh a little start of aur- prlNc, ami freelug lieroelf freni lite cumberaouie reti allppera wlilch eu- ea«et! Iter lultdel feet, «he cimi« lo meet litui, ber luintl outatretctiaU In gruclous « eleolite. "W’Iiy, ( ’idonei Destinili Toni** “There's no tuie bere for wboni It 1« necessary to play comedy.” he mi- «weretl wllli brutul illrectueaa. “YoO liuti my note?" "Yen— ” She rrlniaoned and fallateti, ami he swung litui h «-If lo thè ground, looping Un- brulle over bis wrl»t. "W e must get iiwny frolli thè t-rowtl.” he «alti In thè «mua curi, Imperativa tone. "It 1« falrly qulet helilntl thè A Kansas Editorial It warmed our hearts the other day to aoo a top buggy, new and glisten lug, claim a place among the motor cura aud farm wagon a In the rank around Centerville's court I ioiibo square. When we found out who own cd that buggy wo couldn't help hut chuckle. Hodge's hoy Ini* the right Idea; gasoline can mini up the roads, hut u trusty old nag with a buggy will find the shortest way to Hnruli's heart Bid«« your time,-Jim ! *1 lie gootl oi l country buggy 1« «till the king of siege guns In Centerville'« affair« of urfec tton. Tw o or three night« u week y«iung Hhaw takes Hitruh for a «pin In lit« flivver. Well, lei him and as o f­ ten us In- wantal More speed can't win a girl like Sarah Wive Shaw hi« choice moonlight night« and tic you content with tin* ilurk onus. I ll« eye« are always on the rood. Ill« hands ar«* buay with the steering wheel, i ll« voice Is drowned In c I iiiks and whirs and sputters Here lies your Incoiu parable ad vantage, Jim. jou ran lay «(own the reins! A long road ami a shadowy one. Soinellilng to say and an eternity to say It. Collier«. Onion Seed Poor. The average germination percentage of onion« In Oregon Is low this year, only f>l 90'", germinating, u« «•omp.vri’d with 75.13'", for lust year. The ger initiation of over 34'r of the onion sumples was below J 5 'i. Onions muke up over ten per cent of all gornilnntlnn tests made In the Oregon Braneli Heed '|i«tlng la b o ra ­ tory till« year. Up to Them. "W hy did Mendelssohn compose his ‘Bongs Without W o rd s "’ ? “ Possibly to give the audience nn unhiinipcred chance to talk." Louis ville Courier Journal. The Inexpressi ble rAiéAf//*c “ Those Griefs Are Old and Healed, Stephen.” o f being able to cat without any annoying distress must have its beginning in a strong, active stomach. I f you suffer from poor appetite, heartburn, cramps, biliousness, constipation or malaria, JUST T R Y mosque. Take my arm. The rough ground Is excuse enough.” “ I f anyone «aw us they would think—” “ Nothing that 1« not true, mndnuia.” She hesitated, half resentful, hall afraid. "I am beginning to ask myself what Is the truth, colonel.” “ That 1« what I have coma to tell you.” They walked ' tl. Overhead, from the 63 Years a Family Medicine high tower* o f the mosque, an Arnb chant drifted down to them through Practical Prohibition. the quiet nlr— “ I extol the greatness o f the I-ord. “ I understand you urc now one of the officials of Crimson Gulch.” o f G«>d the most high—” "Y ep ,” rcplh-d llronco Boh. “ I came They were quite alone now. On In on tht* prohibition ticket.” their right tin- white walls sheltered “ And how 1« prohibition working them; to the left tin? open sunacorched out?" plateau. Colonel Destlnn stood still "Fine. W e've got It fixed now no and faced his companion. that nobody but the particular friend» “ Well,” lie said, “ have you nothing of ur authorities can buy or sell a drop."— Wh-hita Eagle. to any to me?” “ I?” She lifted her lustrous brown eye* to his In simple Inquiry. “ What i should I have to any?" “ Your husband Is safe.” “ Oh. Desire! Yes, I bad forgotten' about It almost. It was nn accident He thought I was nhoiit to be attacked. He Is so nervous and excitable, and the night was dark. He explained It Some Have to Keep on Until all— " They Almost Drop. How “ Yes. Cnptnln Arnaud explained' Mrs. Conley Got Help. everything.” There was n block of, ■tone beside him and he set hi* foot Here Is » letter from a woman who upon it, leaning forward so that their had to work, but was too w>-ak nnd suf faces were on n level. “ Madame Ar-1 nuud! Do you really think I believe fered too much to continue. How she regained health :— you or In you? My child, If your hue- | band had acted as you say. he would | Frankfort, Ky. — " I suffered so much With female weakness that I could not have been cashiered for an Intoxicated do my own work, Incapable; hut he gave me Ids expla­ had to hire it done. nation. It was nn explanation which 1 hr aril « o much men among themselves— some men— •bout Lydia E. Pink- understand and accept— madness on ham * Vegetable account of a woman. I let your hus­ Compound t h a t I band go free. Do you thank me?” She tried it. I took threo made no answer. The graceful knowl-1 bottle* and I found edge o f her jiowcr was gone. Her eye* it to ho a ll you hung on his with the blankness of a claim. Now I feel as will in altnyunce. “ You do not thank | well a.« ever I did and me," he went on deliberately. “ You am able to do all my would like to. You would like to play > own work again. I the role o f tin» faithful wronged wife. | recommend It to any woman suffering But I am the one person before whom from female weakness. You may pub­ you cannot act. either to yourself or to lish my letter if you wish. Mrs. J amf S others. I have seen through you, nnd C o ni . f y .C1B St. Cl.iir St., Frank fort, Ky. your little shallow soul know* It. All No woman Ruffering from any form o f artifice between us Is useless. Do uot move— stay there!” He caught her fcmaln tioublcil phon'd lose hope until hands and held them In u grip o f Iron. she han given Lydia E. Pinkham'a Veg­ H O S TE TTE R ’S Stomach Bitters HELP FOR WORKING WOMEN etable Compound a fair trial. W ill 8ylvia be strong enough to resist the fierce fire of sen­ sual temptation which Colonel Destlnn holds to her scorching aoul? W ill she fall Into a moral abyss? • ••••■«• s-s-s-.s-s-«-«-»- T T- t t t t I g- f (TO UK CONTINUED.) This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients o f which are derived front native roots and herb«, has for forty years proved to be a moat valuable tonie and invigoratorof the female organism. A ll women am Invited to write to the Lydia K. I'lnkliam Medi­ cine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special advice,—it w ill bo confidential.