Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1916)
Miss Beth Sexton visited friends! Hancock & Wiles have $25,000 St. Johns—Cooperage plant will build A Good Investment two drykilns and bunkers. in Portland Saturday. | to loan on farms. 1-tf The members of Washington Grants Pass sugar factory sold to Claude Warner wan in Portland You can always get brick ice Ben Ward of Gasion had bus- lodge No. 48, I . O. O. F., recently Utah-Idaho Sugar company. Tuesday. cream at Shearer’s. iness in the Grove Saturday. Gresham to have gas supply from authorized their trustees to issue Joe* Wiles had business in Port Found —Umbrella, which can You can always get brick ice $15,000 in seven per cent gold- Portland Gas & Coke company. land Tuesday. Salem to get $30,000 bread factory be recovered at this office. cream at Shearer’s. bearing interest bonds, to run with $2,000 monthly pay roll. You can always get brick ice Hancock & Wiles carry Life, Money to loan Valley Realty forty years, and the bonds are Albany — Work of reconstructing cream at Shearer's. Accident & Fire Insurance. 1-tf Co., Poorest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf now ready for sale. The bonds Union furniture factory has begun. Dr. and Mnc Vollmer returned A son was born to Mr. and The Express prints butter wrap are to take up the indebtedness Brookings—Lumber employs on the new lodge buildingand com 200 men and new hotel company Sunday from a visit in Portland. Mrs. Walter Burke last Thurs pers with non-poisonous ink. going up. plete the second floor and are Seaside—Contract let for new school We will insure your auto against day. secured a trust deed to the at $23,795. A daughter was born to Mr. fire, theft and collision. Hancock M. S. Allen last week sold a and Mrs. Harrison Heisler last property, by which is worth much Salem—Under more liberal policies of & Wiles. !Mf Saxon car to J. Ritchie of this more than the indebtedness. Sev capital corporation filing Sunday. The George Hancock family | city. eral of the members of the lodge encouraging year will i n c e from $181,000 in spent Sunday with friends up George Garrett of Portland vis We will insure your auto against consider the seven per cent so at 1915 to $200,000 r e for a s 1916. (tales Creek. fire, theft and collision. Hancock tractive that they will invest Oregon City—Hawley Paper mills go some of their surplus in bonds, on three-shift plan, 3-hours each, and Off For the best results load your ited the Carlyle family in this city & Wiles. which are in the denomination of employ 60 additional men. camera with the Speedex Film, Sunday. Mrs. E l v a Watson returned $100.00 Portland ' Gas & Coke company sold by Lit tier’s Pharmacy. Miss Leone Graham visited at Saturday from a short visit in Parties each who desire to invest granted franchise to Sandy river. Miss Evelyn DeMoss left Sat the Smith home in Hillsboro over Portland. should see either C W. Odell, J. Scio—Farmer’s Union establishes new urday for Eastern Oregon where Sunday. H. Shearer or Wm. Van Antwerp. cheese factory. Dr. J. H. Stewart returned last she will spend the summer. We will insure your auto against Thursday Bandon exj>ending $40,000 on water Off for the Encampment from a professional visit plant. fire, theft and collision. Hancttck Postmaster Robert Wirtzwasin Forest Grove’s delegation to Increased demand for myrtlewood 9-tf to Chehalis, Wash. Portland on Tuesday attending & Wiles. makes necessary sawmill at Rooms to rent, furnished or un the G. A. R., W. R C. and L. of products Miss Wetzel of Seattle visited furnished. the Postmaster's convention. Bridge on Myrtle Creek, Coos county. G. A. it. encampment, which Mrs. Mallory, north friend. Mrs. Selma Michael, A street and First avenue, or opened at Eugene yesterday, left We still g i v e g r e e n trading at her Carnation Sunday. stamps on every thing you buy the Oregon Electric at 8:15 0132. 22-tf on from us. Littler’s Pharmacy. J. D. Mickle, state dairy and phone yesterday T h e dele was born to Mr. and gates from morning. Mrs. K. B. Penfield, Editor the local W. R C. Judge Prynn of Medford visited i food commissioner, was a business Mrs A son Walter Sargent at Gales were Mesdames J. S Buxton E his sister, Mrs. Charles Miller, visitor in town Monday. There is a professor in one of the Creek last Thursday and, at las W. Haines, Sam Ridgley, Fred colleges of the West who never preach and family in this city Sunday. Roscoe Vaughn of Pendleton accounts, both mother and child Ram ey and N o r a McNamer, es and never to the students. with Mesdames John Anderson, Yet when the lectures Mrs. Les te r Armen trout left visited his mother, Mrs. J. C. were doing nicely. boys meet him, they in Fr nk C r a b t r e e and Cynthia stinctively throw away their Monday to join her husband, who Latta, in this city Sunday. cigarettes Mrs. PL L. Sayres and children going along as high privates and are careful of their behaviour. is ranching in Eastern Oregon. Dr. R. PL Winnard and son, returned Saturday from a week’s Smith The old soldiers who went yes Why do they do this? What influence Postmaster Frank S. Myers and Norton, of Heppner visited the visit in Portland and Sunday lit terday were Wm. Ridgley, VV. H. do you have on the conduct of others? Graham and Littler families Sun Hay, Daniel Dafran, Frank Crab family of Portland vsitied Mr. tle Roberta, aged 7, ran into a tree, Patrick Cronin and E. W. The Columbia University trustees Myers’ sisters in this city Sunday. day. (porch while at play and cut a Bennett. Past Commander W. have just announced their intention to allow women to enter the College of Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker and Mbs Cecil Doty of Seattle ar long gash in her forehead. J. R. Beach left Tuesday to be on Physicians and Surgeons as soon as tha Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ladd motored rived last Thursday for a week’s Mr. and Mrs. Mort Luckett; the ground early. present medical school equipment can up the Columbia highway Sunday. visit with her sister, Mrs. H. B. and children motored down from The boys from this city are go be enlarged for their proper accom ing to try their best to bring next modation. A bunch of Pendleton boosters Watson. Grant’s Pass Monday for a visit year’s encampment to this city. were in town Tuesday, advertis John Templeton and E. W. with Mrs. Luckett’s brother and The encampment Thinking Men Fight Liquor lasts three days. “It should ing the Roundup, which opens Haines were out to their farms sister. W. P Dyke and Mrs. j be brought home bo the entire population that the habitual use June 20ih. Monday and report a rain badly Margaret Mallory. They will j GASTON NEWS NOTES of alcoholic beverages reduces, in a Mrs. H. A. Williams returned needed. serious degree, the productive efficiency Miss Mona Mallory is now playing in of the community. The recent public the Sappington orchestra. Monday evening from a week's Mrs Harriett Benjamin and remain several weeks. proceedings in Russi a, France and Miss Benson of Portland visited with visit with friends and relatives at daughter, Frances, an d James England against the use of alcohol, in friends here over Sunday. order to enhance the efficiency of their Portland. Benoit visited in Portland over The Gaston ball team played the population in time of war, have direct public attention to this subject with A number of the shot-gun art Sunday. Banks team last Sunday. (To the ed ' ed unusual force.” itor: I am not going to tell the score.) ists indulged in a practice shoot Miss Verna Carothers of Port With all member present at the The fact that “Alcohol causes many Summer weather at last. Everyone frightful disasters in human reproduc east of the P. U. campus Sunday land is visiting the family of her close, the city counc.l met Tues would leads Doctor Eliot to continue to like to see some of that Oregon tion” morning. night and transacted a little mist now. this conclusion: uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. C. day “Degredation through the use of routine business. Walker’s orchestra will give a A. Littler. We see Marvin Hoffman riding around alcohol is the greatest evil the white dance at the new I. O. O. F. hall; Mr. Olsen and Miss Blackwell The treasurer submitted his in a brand new Overland. race is suffering from.”—Dr. Chas. W. Eliot, President-Emeritus of Har monthly report, which was ac- j Ben Ward is going to quit the dairy vard. next Saturday evening. Tickets, of Yamhill visited the former’s cepted and ordered placed on file, j business. He will sell his cows in about 75c; ladies free. mother, Mrs. Ella Olsen, in this S. A. Walker put in a bill fori two weeks. Silo Staves Mrs. H J. Rice, jr., who has city Sunday. $50.00 for damages to his straw The Dennis Construction Company Go to McFarlane Bros, for been quite ill for the past two Mrs. Watson yesterday moved berry patch and garden by the have completed the water system here. We now have as good water as can your silo staves, 2x6x32, all ready weeks, is reported somewhat im her stock of millinery from the running of nearly 200 feet of sew be found in any town. er trench across h i s property. each. proved today. Caphs building to the Large This was done, he says, without Clyde Raymond is again working for to put up, M at c 60c F arlane B ros ., Mrs. Gavin Duncan, who has building, west of the postoffice. asking his permission or securing Dr. Baker. Manning, Oregon. been quite ill for the past six Mrs. C. A. Littler went to Al a right-of-way. The councilman j The dance given by Dr. Baker was 23-tf weeks, is able to be up and about a grand success. Every body reported this was not just and re a good time. Free Methodist Church the house a few hours each day. bany Tuesday to attend the com agreed ferred the matter to the finance Sabbath school 10 a. m., preach Mr. and Mrs. PL E. Williams mencement exercises of Albany committee for investigation. ing 11 a. m. i nd 8 p. m., prayer and Mrs. A Langley and daugh Colhge, her niece, Miss McDon Contracts were made with Ed and Chas. Hollevoet to pay Roseburg County court lets contract meeting on Wednesday evening at ter, Manche, took a trip up the ald, being one of the graduates. Allen 8 p m. All are welcomed. them in free water for rights of- for bridge at Happy Valley. Harold Benjamin, w ho has way for water Columbia highway Sunday. mains across their J. N. W o o d , Pastor. Donald co-operative cheese factory Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dyke, been teaching school near Salem, resptetive properiies. about 3,000 lbs. milk per day. Mrs. Chas. Walker and Miss is home fo r a vacation, after Councilman Thornburgh report handling SUMMONS Baker Fox sawmill on Beech creek In Justice Court Gladys Mallory motored to the which he will a t t e n d summer ed having made a settlement with has been put for Forest Grove in operation. Portland Rose show last Friday. | school at Monmouth. Justice of the Peace and Constable the school board for the sidewalk North Bend— City and county order District, Washington County, Oregon. put in in front of the Central One of the P. U. instructors: Postmaster Frank S. Myers of mile and a half Warrenite paving. W. F. Hartrampf, Plaintiff I school building last winter. who was not engaged for next; Portland, Astoria—Quarry and Towage com former Forest Grove The council instructed the re pany vs. I year remarked to a friend a few | boy, was a last will erect large docks and build E. D. Rounds, Defendant Friday re-elected days ago that he had been “Canned to advertise that people ings. D. Rounds, Defendant: president of the Oregon Presiden corder in an Economy jar." who abused their lawn sprinking Ophir, Curry County mining district, To IN E. THE NAMEOF THE STATE OF privileges would most surely have to undergo large development. OREGON. You are hereby required to J. N. Hoffman and J a m e s tial Postmasters’ association, com their before the undersigned, W. J. water supply cut off. The Vale—Warm Springs irrigation pro appear Nichols were in Portland Monday, posed of about 100 democratic dads fear R. Beach, a Justice of the Peace in a shortage of water and ject will put water on 39,000 acres. looking after some business in postmasters. and for the County and State ask the consumers to go as Medford carried $300,000 bond issue aforesaid and District, answer the complaint of connection with the logan juice j The people of Gales City are they light as possible in its use. It for railroad to Blue Ledge mines. plaintiff on or before six weeks from plant they are installing. and after the date of the first publica was reported that some people planning a big, old - fashioned Brookings--$135,000 twin screw lum of this summons; the date of the Ernest Brown and family, who Fourth of July celebration in Balm were irrigating their gardens with ber carrier ordered built for sawmills tion first of this summons being have been living at Santa Anna, Grove, north of their town. There city water. here within eight months at St. Helens May publication 25, 1916. Calif., for the past three years, It was reported that the resi shipyards. If you fail to answer or appear, for are expected to return to this will be a good program of ath dents along South A street were j Heppner—Morrow county creamery want thereof the plaintiff will take city some time next month to | letic sports, speaking, music and clamoring to have that thorough doubles its present capacity. udgment against you for the sum of 106.70, together with interest thereon remain. big basket dinner. Quite a num fare oiled to keep the S. P. trains Myrtle Point lets $35,000 paving con J from May 3d, 1915, at the rate of 8 Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Gardner ber of Forest Grove people are from kicking up so much dust. It tract. per cent to date and for $25.00 attor the sense of the council that Oregon City—Hawley pulp and paper ney fees on his first cause of action, spent the week-end away from planning to spend the nation’s an was and judgment against you in the sum home, being at the Rose Festival niversary at this picnic, while if the S. P. company would oil mills add $10,000 warehouse. of and interest thereon at 6 per the nineteen feet of its right of- Donald—H. E. Hodges establishes cent $48.00 in Portland Friday, up the Colum others will go to Hillsboro and from October 1st, 1915, to date, way, the city would oil the re- weekly newspaper and job office here. on his second bia highway on Saturday, and other neighboring towns. cause of action; and ' mainder of the street. judgment against you for the sum of Bend—Shevlin-Hixon company add visiting in Gresham Sunday. Dunlap filled the pulpit Councilman Coon r e p o r t e d large box factory to sawmill plant here. $8.53 on his third cause of action, and Portia and Gladys Goodrich, for Rev. for his costs and disbursements in this Rev. Gould at Newberg last that people were complaining that \ Marshfield votes $5,000 bonds for one action. who have been living in town for Sunday and th e morning was hundreds of trees were hanging small additional school building. This summons is served upon you by the past nine months, while Miss | given over the walks, in some places so St. Helens g e t s a new business publication by order of W. J. R. Beach, over to a children’s day Gladys attended high School, have low that they strike pedestrians in block on Columbia street. a Justice of the Peace in and for For program that proved very inter moved back to the farm, near Grove Justice of the Peace and the face. The street commissioner Stayton—A. D. Gardner will erect a est Constable District, Washington County, esting. In the e v e n i n g B. J. was Dilley. authorized to secure help and portable sawmill near city. which order was made and trim the worst of these trees. He Enterprise bank building to be re Oregon, Mrs S. G. Morgan, daughter, Simpson delivered an address on was rendered at Forest Grove, Oregon, the also instructed to tear out a modelled at cost of $13,000. recent visit to the Laymen’s 24th day of May, 1916, and which said Margaret, and their guest, Miss his prescribes the publication of this Missionary convention at Wash dangerous walk in front of the Eugene—Number of rural districts order Phyllis Fisher of Maupin, attend ington, summons for six weeks from and after D. C. At 11 a. m. next Baber property. will erect new school buildings. ed the commencement exercises Sunday Rev. Dunlap will preach the date of the first publication thereof. A warrant for $1,754.38 was Pendleton—Northern Pacific planning of the state normal school at an ‘Old Folks’ sermon. There will ordered W. J. R. B each , drawn to pay the semi to build into Holdman section. Monmouth, Wednesday, Mr s . Justice Peace. annual interest on the 1913 inter Huntington—Contract let for $40,000 J. N. Hoffman, Attorney of for the plaintiff. Morgan’s niece, Miss Dae Clod-! be singing by a special "Old section paving bonds. 20 71 roundhouse here. felder. being one of the graduates.1 Folks" choir. N O TES AND PERSO N A LS W. C. T. U. COLUMN City Fathers Hold a Quiet Session SIGNS OF PROSPERITY -