The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 08, 1916, Image 5

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home hy Mr. and Mr«. F. G.
Nicholson, Mi»« Kmma Fisbee
and niece, Mitw Foulktw, the vis-
itora coming in their own car.
(Continuai from page One)
Dr. Hrookhunk reports the roads
For b«»t decorated double vehicle— I on this Bide of the Columbia river
l»t prize, »tag handle carving »et, by
in excellent shape, hut says from
(■onion A Gordon, lliinlwure Co.; 2nd
prize, ladle»' »uinmer <lre»» pattern, Kalama to Seattle the roads are
being worked and are rather rough.
l»y Cuplé» A Co.
Job printing phone 821.
Hancock & Wiles have $25,000
to loan on farms.
You can always get brick ice
cream at Shearer’s.
. Found— Umbrella, which can
be recovered at this office.
Arthur Ranzau is visiting his
cousin, Miss Mona Mallory.
Money to loan Valley Realty
Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf
Attorney W. P. Dyke had bus­
iness in Salem last Saturday.
The Express prints butter wrap
pers with non-poisonous ink.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Reder have
purchased an Overland touring
We will insure your auto against
fire, theft and collision. Hancock
& Wiles.
G. A. Gilmore arrived from
Portland Monday to spend a week
with his family.
W. P. Dyke went to McMinn­
ville Tuesday to attend the col­
lege commencement.
The Gaston baseball team goes
to Verboort for a game with the
locals next Sunday.
Do a kind act by telling your
sick friend of chiropractic. Dr.
Stewart. K of P. block.
Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Hill expect
to leave next Wednesday for a
three months' visit in Minnesota.
The plant of the Valley Can­
ning c o m p a n y , at Newberg,
burned Saturday, with a loss of
For beat decorated float from any
district—1st prize, $.'1:00, by Forest
drove National Bank; 2nd prize, 2,IBM)
»hingl*», by Copeland A McCready.
For beat decorated »ingle vehicle—
After the regular business meet­
l»t prize, 1-2 bbl. flour, by W. F.
and dinner last Saturday, the
Ilurtrurnpf; 2nd prize, »et o f kitchen
knlvea, by M. H. Allen A Co.
members of Gale Grange gave a
For beat decorated »addle home, rid­ program in honor of the children,
den by lady or gentleman—1st prize,
the little ones taking a prominent
bridle, by |)an l’ar»on»; 2nd prize, ail-
ver pickle Fork, by A. G. Hoffman A part in the program.
The program opened with a
For be»t decorated motorcycle—l»t recitation by Miss Lewis, who
prize, dreaaar rug. by C. (). Roe A Co.; pleased all by her artistic recital.
2nd prize, $1:00 bo* o f randy, by Ottire
No less pleasing was the vocal
duet by Mis.-es Mabel Adams and
For moat comical decorated auto--l»t Joy Aydelot.
prize, traveling »et, by Walrath Elec­
Little Floise Adams was pleasing
tric Shop; 2nd prize, $2:00, by Forest in her recitation and the dialogu*
Grove National Hank.
recitation by eight children was
For most comical decorated rig—1st very well done.
prize, manicure set or safety razor, by
Senator E. W. Haines delivered
Dr. Hines, druggi»t; 2nd prize, $2:60 a very able address, taking for
worth of photo», by Hryant.
his subject "The Children of T o ­
Children's Parade
day the Hope of Tomorrow.” He
(8:00 P. M.)
stated that those who were mana­
For best decorated baby carriage—1st ging the affairs of the world today
prize, locket and chain, M. J. Abbott; ; were the children of the last gen­
2nd prize, german silver inlaid infant eration and they had made such
»et, l.ittlcr'» Pharmacy; 3d prize, silk wonderful progress that the child­
baby hose, Mm B. Richards.
ren of today must be up and do­
For best make-up of cbild wheeling ing if they are going to keep up
baby carriage-lst prize, bracelet, by the rapid pace set by their fathers
Shearer; 2nd prize, child’ s hat, by Mm. I and mothers.
It was the duty
of the fathers and mothers to pre­
For best decorated doll buggy, ch ild-1 pare the children for the great
ran 3 to 8—1st prize, doll baby and res|s>nsibilities resting on them as
chair, by Bernards Book Store; 2nd the men and women who must
prize, unbreakable doll by 6-10-16c guide the nation in the next gen­
eration. The children of today
For best decorated wagon, boys 3 to have more opportunities for «ad­
K— 1st prize, 60c bo* candy, by Fern j vancement than had their parents
Cove Confectionery; 2nd ) rize, 60c bo* ; an<l more is expected of them. In
candy, by Empress Candy Kitchen.
the past, the aim has been to fit
For b e s t decorated wheelbarrow, the young men and women for
boys from 6 to 12-lat prize, 10 tickets professions, but the professions
to Star Theatre; 2nd prize, 60c box ; are being overcrowded anti it was
candy, by Star Confectionery; 3d prize, the speaker’s opinion that the
60c box candy, by Dolly Varden Con- ( children should be taught not to
I be ashamed to do any kind of
For best decorated bicycle—1st prize, honest and useful work. They
boy's watch, by A. G. Hoffman; 2nd 'should also be taught responsi-
prize, camping hammock, by G. G. ! bility anti honesty.
Paterson; 3d prize, 2 lb coffee, by H.
After a song by Victor Adams
T. Giltncr.
Grangers Observed
Children’s Day
15 , 000 .
We’ll Save You Money
on anything in the line of
Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions
Closing Out
Ladies’ and Gents’ Underwear
at half price ; Children’s regular
25c hose, 2 pair for 25c.
Corner Third St. and Pacific Ave
Phone 41 x
Mister Merchant:
Before you place your order for
1917 Calendars, see our line of
samples; we may save you some
The Forest Grove Express
urday to visit their daughter, will be recognized; strictly sober; good
references. K 831, States.
Florence, and witness the big an­
This is what we call a poor card
nual pagaent of the O. A. C., in
for the booze business. Also it
which Miss Littler took part.
reminds the New Orleans doctor
They were delighted with the big
that joke about the two darkies.
One .cat down at a re taurant
Kingsley Livingston made a
business trip to Portland Monday. table and, looking up. rec gnized
the waiter as a n o l d friend.
Ed. Ayers, a merchant of Gales
City, was in Forest Grove on bus­ “ Huh!” he said, " I sees you is
wukin here.” "Y es,” said the
iness Monday.
Mrs. Harriet Grove of above waiter, noting the sarcasm “ I’se
Gales Creek spent Thursday with wukin here, but, thank de Lawd,
her son in this city.
I ain't eatin’ h e r e ! ” — Colliers
Mrs. Marsilliot is spending sev­ Weekly.
eral days with her sister, who is ill
Free Methodist Church
and living in St. Johns.
Sabbath school 10 a.m ., preach­
A party of Forest Grove Knights
ing 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., prayer
and Ladies of Security autoed to
meeting on Wednesday evening at
Portland Friday night and met
, 8 p m. All are welcomed.
with Kilpatrick council. In the
J. N. W OOD, Pastor.
party were Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Roswurm, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Whited, Geo. G. Hancock. Carl In Justice Court for Forest Grove
and Lucile Connett, Iva Conger,
Justice of the Peace and Constable
Marcella Richards, Chattie Chap­
District, Washington County, Oregon.
man and Mrs. Elva Watson.
W. F. Hartrampf, Plaintiff!
The Gaston baseball team beat
Hillsboro on the last-named team’s
grounds last Sunday to the tune
of 2 to 1.
Rooms to rent, furnished or un­
furnished. Mrs. Mallory, north
A street and First avenue, or
phone 0132.
E. D. Rounds, Defendant J
To E. D. Rounds, Defendant:
Mrs. Stoeckel. an aged lady
Mrs. K. B. Penfield, Editor
from Segher.i, was taken to the
OREGON. You are hereby required to
appear before the undersigned, W. J.
Hillsboro hospital F r i d a y for
At the W . C. T. U. meeting R. Beach, a Justice o f the Peace in
! anti a recitation by Master Ray treatment for bronchitis.
held at Mrs. Marcilliott’s last Fri­ and for the District, County and State
and answer the complaint of
Committees in Charge
Aydelot, Ray Buxton, Miss Nellie
L. G. Morley has recently in­ day the members arranged to aforesaid
plaintiff on or before six weeks from
Following is a list of the committees Walker anti Mrs Howland read
stalled silos for Alfred Heisler of take part in the Rose Festival and after the date o f the first publica­
that will have charge of the show:
t h e Optimist, t h e hand-made
tion o f this summons; the date o f the
grange pajH-r prepared by the boy Gales Creek, Triphan Derrick of parade on June 17th, also for pic­ first publication o f this summons being
Chairman—Miss Marcia Thacher.
and girl members. Mr. Buxton near Banks; and Emil Kropp.
Secretary-M rs. G. D. Rogers.
nics to be held in July and Au­ May 25, 1916.
If you fail to answer or appear, for
read some good farm hints and
Treasurer-Mrs. J. A. Thornburg.
William Keyt. wife and two gust. The business session closed, want
thereof the plaintiff will take
Premiums— Mrs. J. P. Hurley, Mm. jokes, Miss Walker r e a d the
children drove up from McMinn­ adjourning to Friday, Sept. 1, for judgment against you for the sum of
flower gartlen department a n d
W. K. Newell and Miss Al»ernathy.
$106.70, together with interest thereon
Parades--Mrs. F. J. Miller. Mrs. G. Mrs. Howland some useful house­ ville Sunday morning and spent the annual meeting. Parliament­ from May 3d, 1915, at the rate of 8
the day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. | ary drill was conducted by Mrs per cent to date and for $25.00 attor­
hold hints.
I). Rogers and Miss Marjorie Forbia.
Connet and Mrs. Penfield, the ney fees on his first cause o f action,
Refrescments--Mrs. Brady Chowning,
The meeting closed with a vo­ VanAntwerp.
and judgment against you in the sum
Mm. B. F. White, Mrs. A. T. Buxton cal duet by Lulu anti Clark A y­
The X-ray committee of the former taking “ Duties of Officers” o f $48.00 and interest thereon at 6 per
and Miss Minnie Myers.
cent from October 1st, 1915, to date,
Congregational church was enter- i and the latter “ Motions and Their on
his second cause o f action; and
Am endm ent.”
judgment against you for the sum of
Gaston Waterworks 0. K.
Miss Jen ess Miller has been
Hoskins, who served appetizing
$8.53 on his third cause o f action, and
The authorities of Gaston last
No Drinkers Need Apply
selected to act as Rose Queen.
for his costs and disbursements in this
Admission to the flower show Saturday tested out their new
T. H. Littlehales, B. F. Purdy ; A New Orleans physician sends
This summons is served upon you by
water system and found it to be and John Templeton attended the us a clipping from the "Situation
will be free.
publication by order o f W. J. R. Beach,
The ladies will serve sandwiches of ample profiortipns and of suf- school picnic at Dilley last Satur- i W’anted” column of tne States, a a Justice o f the Peace in and for For­
est Grove Justice o f the Peace and
and coffee and ice cream and ! ficient pressure for fire protection. day and report having enjoyed newspaper published in his town: Constable District, Washington County,
The water is piped from Sain themselves immensely.
SOBER, reliable and honest bar­ Oregon, which order was made and
wafers in the exhibition room all
needs work badly; can open rendered at Forest Grove, Oregon, the
t Creek by the North Coast Power
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Denny, oysters, make sandwiches, e tc.; clean 24th day of May, 1916, and which said
People who wish to bring a company and is the same water Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen and worker; don’ t drink; good references; order prescribes the publication o f this
small saloon preferred. K 832, States. summons for six weeks from and after
basket dinner are privileged Druse suppled to Hillsboro. Beaverton, , Miss Katie Heisler went up the
BY a married man, 32 years o f age, the date o f the first publication thereof.
the P. U. campus as a picnic I and Cornelius. The Dennis Con- Columbia h i g h w a y as far as as bartender; can run ovster counter,
W. J. R. B each ,
struction company has had charge
or work in any part o f saloon; employed
Justice o f the Peace.
| Crown Point last Sunday.
at present, but wants to change to a J. N. Hoffman, Attorney for plaintiff.
Each exhibitor of flowers must of the work.
20 71
Harry Giltner Friday received place where honesty and good work
With the new system, ample
furnish vases or containers.
his commission as district deputy
No vehicle decorated with flairs fire protection is now assured and
master of the local I. O. O. f
alone will be permitted in parade; with nine fire hydrants, 800 feet
F. lodge, having been appointed
all must be decorated with some of standard hose and a fine new
the new grand master.
kind of flowers. Artificial flowers hosecart, the Gaston volunteer
Forest G r o v e O d d Fellows
will not be considered as flowers. fire department is now ready for
have been invited to Banks Satur­
Each entry for parade must be i
_ i-----------------------------
day evening to assist in initiating
at starting point (the Aunt Ann
candidates and it is prob­
Frank Fleck had a close call to
Smith place, on College Way) by passing over the river Styx last able that nearly two dozen will go.
10 a. m., sharp.
C. W. Odell returned Friday
i Thursday evening, but a physician
Line o f March
| managed to pull him back. He from his trip to Southern Oregon,
South o n Main street from | had taken a drink of grape juice looking much improved in health.
Lincoln school to Third Avenue and eaten an orange and the com- He visited Gold Hill and several
D o n ’t spend your m oney out o f town.
south, e a s t
to First street | bination did not agree with him.; other towns near the California
thence north to Pacific Avenue, He is back at work again, how­ line.
H om e merchants are ready to supply
thence west to College Way, north ever
Thomas Grove of Soda Springs
to First Avenue north, thence
has been building a fire place and
your every want .
J K. Sears and daughter, Mrs. chimney in the house on West
west to Main and north to start­
Maude Garsline, and two children Second avenue, north, which has
ing point, where parade will dis­
The real town booster is the man who never spends
arrived from Salem Saturday for recently been purchased from Mr
a cent out of town.
a short visit with the lady’s sis­ DeMoss by Mrs. Frances White
Dr. Brookbank and family re­ ter, Mrs. Chas. Walker. M r . of Gales City.
turned Sunday evening from a Sears returned h o m e Monday
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Littler were
at Corvallis last Friday and S a t-,
motor trip to Seattle, accompanied morning.
Hai)e a Heart