The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 08, 1916, Image 4

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    Hilf jfnrrat (Brmtp Expresa p-11
penally in r e c e n t years, been O. A . C. has arranged a Farmers’
making progress in the realization Week, to be held at McMinn-
of a democratic • tandard of human ville June 21 to 24, inclusive, with
Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, Oregon.
life. Out of the despotism and good speakers on agricultural toj>-
W. C. Bonier, Editor and Publisher.
(Continued front patte One)
slavery of the ancient world, the ies for every day o f the meet,
Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916, at the poatotflc«
feudali m and serfdom of the The district includes Benton, Polk,
Oregon, under the Act o f March 8, 1879
Middle Ages, and even the nation Washington und Yamhill counties.
of capitalism and wage con Every farmer is invited and every­
The baccalaureate address was
T H U R S D A Y , JU N K 8, 1916
tract in modern times, we have thing is free.
delivered by Hr. Bushnell of Pa­
been emerging mio a new and as
The officers of the Christian
cific University at the Congrega­ yet, ill-defined era of collectivism Science church thought they hud
tional church on Sunday morning. and co*o|>eration.”
let a contract last week for a place
cost—usually not more than $10. While this is setting something of
l ” closing, he addressed the of worship to cost between $.'»,000
Whore is “ General” Villa?
For this small expenditure of anew precedent (to preach the gradual ing du-s a follow-:
and $0,000, but when it came to
Teddy has them all worried, trouble and money the association baccalaureate sermon himself) Dr. Vl ‘ .
Et f».«,«;«* up the contract, the low
,3 .
| |,
you go forth into the wider affairs bidder refused to sign. I t is
?ven i f he can’ t tret the grapes.
usually enables the farmer to mar- Bushnell made unenviable success of nr*, ally yourselves with those probable that new bids will I k *
Undoubtedly the queen is all ket his stock when it is ready in- of the annual address. He is a great institutions that make for asked. The church is to he put
right, but when and how was stead of compe ling him to wait deep man, intellectually. In his the advancement of the kingdom up on the corner west of the ror-
the school, the social settle est Grove hotel.
until the local shipper is ready to address hedisplayed a rare insight
she selected.
menu, and especially the church,
buy it. He obtains for himself into the present social conditions
which is after all the most power­
Eleven years ago a poor devil the benefits of the cheaper carload the world over, and he unquestion- ful j.gency for the uplift of the
borrowed $20 from
a Portland transportation, and the shipments ably has the true vision o< the world. In the word* of the great­
W ttah iiijriuri C o u n t y K *lit«*iial A m m x In d o ri
loan shark.
A fte r paying the of the association realize for the coming Fra of Peace. The topic est American of the nineteenth
N«-w» H u m a n
shark several hundred dollars in owner the market price of his of his address was ' ‘Christianity century, ‘with malice toward none
and charity for all, let us do our
Circuit Court
interest and “ commission,’ the stock, less th e actual cost of and Preparedness in America.”
duty as God gives us to see our
M. K. Freshmnn v h . F. F. Reeds et
borrower says the shark claimed marketing.
The church had been beautifully duty.’ For, let us remember, the al Judgment on note for the mini o f
nearly a hundred dollars still due
i n particular, it has been found decorated for the occasion by the glacier walls of international mi-- $033.84 with interest Ht 8 jh t cent |»er
him. The borrower
then went that when thin stock, calvts or Juniors, maiden-hair fern, golden understanding and wrong will yet annum from thi IIrut iliiy o f June,
to court and got a
verdict for lambs, are sold in small numbers, poppies and pinks being used.
¡V ,ht‘ beams
of the 1913. ami $IM> attorneys’ fe*«.
; Nun Of Righteousness, and from
M mui I K. Watts VH. G. K. Walla, di-
$77.40. This man s experience the local price i- usually very low. The choir
, . .
i< i- >
those walls shall flow streams of vorce. Plaintiff alleges that the da-
should warn people against the It is on this clas- of stock that the best singers from among the s tu d -iivin g water to refresh and glad- fendant neglected her and was of a
sharks, but didn’ t the shark get associations have been able to save ents of the
den tile united
peoples of ti e morose anil moody nature. Plaintiff
off too light?
In part.
Dr. B u s h n e l I said: earth.”
asks for a decree and her maiden
their members the most money.—
“ We are living today at a time .. In the evening iiev Holmes de- name.
A n interesting a n d curious
when a new world life is rapidly
l™ u
'n - s C hris­
M‘,rlin J’ V*,HM,ey v"’ K‘ K- M,,r'
thing about women’s fa-hions is
1 J .Men s and v i oung
\ \ -'m
shall. Judgment for the aum o f $.r>0
with intercut at 6 per cent from the
that many women who wore the
developing larger souls. There is Re d, president of the Y M . ( ’ fourth day o f Decomber, 1915.
skirts tha were full around the
Meta Townsend va. Frodrich Town-
an ancient Hindu proverb which A , pre-¡did at the meeting and
waist and narrow about the feet,
Having won every game played says The small soul asks of the M i-s Ruth Haines, president of Henil. Divorce. Defendant alleged t<*
fashionable a year or two ago,
lout in the \\ ashin. ton C ounty stranger is he a member of my the Y. W. C. A., reail ih e s c ip - have struck plaintiff with his fist and al­
tun* lesson. M ^ Beulah Keagy so with his o|>cn hand, once knocking her
have thriftily rever ed the process. High’ School Baseball
tagui . t i t c|;uiS or niy trib f; the large soul
beautifully s a n g “ Resignation.” over a table. Plaintiff asks custody o f
turning the skirts upside down, Orenco team was declan d the
for her support
and are now right in fashion again, winner of the 1916 s* ries and the asks is he a membt r of the human while Prof Bate-led in the pray r minor chili d and
with, also $150
with the skirt snug about the
^ C»o(f Brothers of family?
( ity Wits then rendt red by Mr. to enable plaintiff to support self dur-
waist and full about the feet
Goffs offer a new cup every year, wo, Id spirit. The prophet Isaiah Russell Mi whi se strong bar- ing the course o f the trial.
itone voice thrilled the en tire
and thus furnished to wondering ]^ 't year’s cup having gone to
, .
Marie Knglish vs. James Knglish.
mankind another example of the Di ley. The competing teams this cenlurie--'a g o announced thecer audience with the beauty and Divorce on the grounds o f desertion.
resourcefulness of womenkind
year were Orenco, Dille.v, Gaston, Biin coming of a kingdom of richness of its tom s. The addre s, Plaintiff alleges that defendant desert­
Banks and Beaverton.
peace and good will. Thru all the by Rev. Holme , followed. His ed her soon after marriage.
-object was “ The W nds of the
N. M. Todd va. E. M. Chandler, et
Old Settler Called
S T b £ n " ™ p ‘ h J r c «l o v « 'and
,h£ , " r' ,! s,,i,, f" r
mon pronounce
pronounce il
it one
one of
of th.
the b.-M
best m.m„,»
After an illr.e-s lastinl! several
hv n r „ „ h „ . .
, ™>n
n, d.(.od.nt, with in-
Farmers’ live stock shipping
P i
r> »
r - p r o p n ( th and sui . ps
hat he
hi* has
has preached
prvached since
linct1 he
he* tcreit and cotta. Mortgage uponcer*
associations, such as are being or- >eaf:>> Kooeri nurK, agea o4 years, j i»SUSf ¡n his Sermon on the Mount
came to Forest Grove. tain real property involved,
ganized in the Willamette Valley,
d away Sunday, June 4th, at g ave us the constitution of this
(Continued on last page)
Kli/.al»eth Shute vs. John W. Khute,
have proven successful elsewhere.
his daughter, M rs . 1 coming kingdom.
mviiPMCL'n v i u c v / itl ' c
On February 10, 1892, tha defendant in
Although the first was not formed
S ^ h T T 'i t v '’1" 8 ^
m‘ 68
“ In Europe* today we are wit-
thi. r .M filed suit for . divorce In th*
Baccalaureate Sermon
N O T E S A N I) C O M M E N T S
The County Seat
Goff Silver Cup
Won by Orenco High
until 1908, the Department of
Dececased was Dorn in Norwich, ness,nK an astounding situation.
Hancock & W iles carry L ife th. plaintiff. Plaintiff now claims that
Agriculture now has a list of
ap- Xorfolk county. England, July The most astounding thing about Accident & F ire Insurance.
1-tf j the defendant has ainea that K m H u d
proximately 500 that are shipping 11th, 1832, and when seven years it is not the vast loss of life and
We will insun- your auto against1 with an,l "upported the plaintiff and led
stock in a co-operative w, y of age accompanied his par nts to property, hut the fact that nation- fire, theft and collision. Hancock her to believe that the suit for divorce
had not
not been
been granted.
granted, Lately examin-
& W
........ uh re he
calling themselves Chri
in and &
I »«d
About 200 of these are in Min­
the plaintiff (Inda
18o9( when he moved to Califor­ making pretense to civilization,
nesota,where the movement start­
that her anawer to the complaint filed
nia, following the Pacific coa-t have fallen into such an irrational j ?f
Kan-a- ( ity district were
ed, and the remainder are chiefly northward until he came to O e-
j by the defendant in 1892 waa never filed
m< ntal condition of estrang. tnent *ri town Tuesday,
and that ahe waa divorced from the de-
in the Middle West. The plan gon. In 1861 he homesteaded
m- : understanding
and ut or „ con-
( ) n ---------
and after
June 15th the E lval
- t - l :
v .r ,~ ~ Y ------------------ ------; fendant at that time, the defendant
did not take hold here on the the land now known as the Buck t.
fusion. I hi- ack of Chn-tian self- Millinery will In* located one door ^avi ing obtained a decree by falne rep­
Coast until the Oregon Electric ranch, w-here he passed his declin- restraint and of civilized conduct w»-st of the postoffice.
resentation* a n d default. The two
. .
ing years. In 18<2 Mr. B uck re- ¡¡s at the bottom of much trouble
Raiway go
turned to Canada, where he was Of the world; and the wonderful
The ExPress « Vreparvd to meet ! I»wyers employed in the case a rt now
I he main purpose of these as- united in marriage with Miss success of modern science and the prices of traveling calendar
| case. The plaintiff in the present case
sociations is to enable their mem- Ru*h Henley. T o this union were civilization has been due largely salesmen in lots of 100 or more,
now charges S. B. Huston with failure
hers to ship in carload lots to the born thn e children, all of whom to the method of judging the facts
file the answer, as he promised, in
central markets, instead of being survive, as fallows: R. | . Buck of impartially, waiting until all the
c i i Oakiand, Calif.; Mrs. E R. Brick- evidence is in before acting and where in this issue almost a gift the first divorce case, She now asks
more or less at the mercy of local ,Jale of San Krancisco and Mrs.
in Wear-Ever Aluminum kettles j that the courts decree o f March 22,
determinedly ruling our. the per-
buyers in disposing of a few’ ani­ r-, r,
F\ A. M o re, the Pacific avenue 1 Ket
E. B. Winters, residing on the old gona) equation where truth is es-
State Industrial Accident Commission
mals from time to time.
merchant, is closing out his ladie
pecially the object“
H. II. Tupper. The defendant con­
The fact that no capital is re-
While dec ased has been ailing
“ We hear much t o d a y about and gents’ underwear and child­ ducted a sawmill at Gan ton, Oregon, at
quired for the organization of such for the past ten years, he has not the s u b j e c t of ‘Preparedness.’
one time and is alleged to have paid
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wiles and
an association, says a new publi- ^p(?n
until the last two With the panic at the outbreak of
r . uTA
. / a - years and has spent the greater the war people meant by the term Mrs. Hamilton returned J uesday wages a m o u n t i n g to $*>00.60. The
cation of the Department of Agri-
. , r .. ri . * „
• . •
plaintiff in this case hc I h forth the fact
c Part of the past ten months in his especially military and naval pre-
^roiVr a,n aul°
the Working Men'a Compensation A ct
culture (Farmers Bulletin <18)
pa red ness against something. To- j Montesano, Wash,
provides that 3 per cent o f the wages
which deals with this subject,
Funeral services were held at day this sen'iment is chancing to
Mrs. Fklna I-irge and daughter, paid to he allowed as a contribution to
makes these associations possible ;he Buxton chapel at 2 o ’clock a deeper and larger meaning. We I.ucile, returned home to Portland
the so railed Working Men’ s Coni|»en-
in communities in which more ] uesf*a- afternoon, Rev. R. E. see in the new-papers the term Saturday, after a few days’ visit sation Fund. The Pluintiff therefore
Dunlap officiating. Interment was ‘social preparedness’ and we are here, with Mrs Z. Large
compncate-d forms of co-operation • « * .
\ ^ f
asks for $21.02 due said fund and the
in Forest View cemetery. Mrs. more and more asking ourselves
o f action.
would not succeed.
Brickdale came from San Fran-
not preparedness against, but pre- last Saturday, Mrs. Susan Van-
Industrial Accident Commission
The bulletin, however, points cisco to attend the funeral,
pared ness for what? What is t.h-* Antwerp slipped and fell on her vs. W. Meshaw, et ul. Also operated
out that such associations are
ideal of Arm-rican life for which left arm, breaking that member at a sawmill at Gaston, paying a wage o f
scarcely practicable in regions like
we must prepare if we are to b*- the wrist.
$4727.38, o f this 3 |>er cent should have
The H. H. club met in regular session strong and successful among the
Eastern Oregon, where there is so
A sixteen-months-old son of Mr. gone to the Compensation Fund. The
last Tuesday night. Refreshments were nation; of the earth?
We are
much live stock that it is generally strawberries and cream.
and Mrs. Albert Jensen of Ver- plaintiffs in this action now ask judg­
changing, and musl change, largely x
died >SaUm|
and waa bur ment
for the sum o f $118.11 and costs
marketed in carload lots under
The Gaston baseball team defeated
any circumstances, or where there the Hillsboro team Sunday, June 4, ness to the idea ol social prepared- |joor,
State o f Oregon vs. John Nyman.
score 2 to 1.
is so little that the association
Charged with molesting a signal (lag on
John Potter moved to Patton Valley
... „
I j*___ _
Having finally secured the deed
has practically nothing with which this week, where he will work for
the Southern Pacific railway.
“ I am one who believes that
- J
- - —
__. . __ to the corner lot east of the F’irst
to work. The Willamette Valley To"1Pkin8-
some military and naval strength National bank> j ohn Anderson is
Probate Court
. .
• i i
i i
Orten Gnebeler, the piling man. is
I be-1
, u„ „„h.._ ____,
furnishes the ideal field.
loading a few poles this week. He has for any nation is necessary.
v Tr having the cellar cleared of rub-
In tht: eHtatt; ot Jennie IlHines, Eola
lieve that th*; time is not very i a r , ^
that he can examine the, ,Iaines is petitioning for the appoint-
To organize such an association sh'PPe(1 about 40 carH this year
The DeMoss entertainment given at distant wh* n ^ th** nations of
'foundation to d e t e r m i n e how I I ment o f
Estate valued
it is necessary only for the farm-
gc^ooi house was well attended,
world will find the means to sub-
of a building he can erect
ers of the community to meet,
“Babe ’ ’ Burgett, withhisnew motor- stitute an internationally - con- . much
Estate o f Chas. E. Brown. Petition-
be a regular trolled police force for nationally- !
adopt a simple constitution and ®XSle> ,a ’ .
yc e Mi e.
c o n tro lle d armioa and navies. But
Brown «ml Mary Faber a. W im«.
by laws, a sample of which is given
T w . sain was in town on business controlled armies and navies. But I ^ ? p w r
•*» » * •
in the bulletin already mentioned, Tuesday.
today what we could do with the ^ens®r ani^ his dad »ays all the
to elect officers, and, in turn, for
Roy and George Burgett are logging enormous sums that we are now h°y has to <}°
to wheel in eight
for Charles williams.
Albert R. Davis and Katherine B.
them to appoint a manager.
putting into war equipments.”
cor^f, ° ( wo9i^. P‘*r
Menke. The form er o f Multnomah
Again: “ In spite
of - war
and • Dad says if the boy did not have county.
It is recommended, although it ... The
, room formerly
, by
is not absolutely" necessary that “>tae*ir’ west of the postoffice, has confusion today, my friends, there the advantages of a university
Owen D. C. Perkins and Mrs. Car­
is not absolutely nee* , ary, m a t , ^ — spllt
and .......
Mrs. | is
sub8tantia, ground
r - —
......... _ ......
1S -un-tannHi
vmi.n .1 for
■ or cucci■
ui- «lu ca tion h e might have to burn rie Perkins; H o w a r d M. and Bess
the organization i n c o r p o r a t e . ; Watson, the milliner, will occupy ne%s ¡n
,,p(.,(.nt outlook
wo°fi» as well as haul it.
Albright; Edward L. Hurd and Jennie
1 his can be done at a nominal the east room.
the first place, the world has, ei-
The Extension Service of the Mary Dieckman.