r ' ! Rose Festival Dates June 7, 8, 9. Special Hat«'» on A ll Itailrnads, The Feel C om fo rtab le “S C R U B B IN G C H A R I O T ” A D E V I C E W O R T H C O P Y IN G . Is T h e re Not Only Savss • O rest Many Steps, but the W ork Can Be Done W ith Much More Ease and Com fort — How to Make It. After Eating? H o te l O re go n Cor. Broadw ay und S ta rk Street» Announrea that itn n e n ia r m od­ erat« ratea will prevail. M ak e reservations now. V_______ _________ / NAUSEA HEARTBURN INDIGESTION DYSPEPSIA By All Means—TRY HELPS THE HOUSEWIFE f WE INVITE YOU The Northwest Auto Company of Portland takes this means of extending a personal ¡notation to all and every one to make its Portland offices their headquarters during Rose Festival Days, June 7th, 8th and 9th, and trusts that this will result in meeting our old friends again and making many new ones. Northwest Auto Co. fl*r»-p»re I’orUami . count« « mi ft vnt** operation of the state agricultural col­ HAZELWOOD CO., PORTLAND leges, is the "scrubbing chariot.” This 1 « tlintiH *»y a iuf if** majority ii»«' brot In Ori-tfon U> r* «*«*lvi* III»« product* o f th* fnrin consists of a comfortable padded DR KORINEK S DISTEMPER REMEDY jtffa r Mftkr uft your n * «t nhlte»liiucs and be and save the plumber’s profits. Write as to­ A ( o. I'aui-up capital llO.UJO. Portland. Ore. most prevalent und disastrous scourges auured of day your needs. We will give you oar rock- of young stock, and will enable the bottom “direct-to-you” price», f. o. b. rail or farm er to m arket by the end of June T o p M a r k e t P ric e s. boat. We actually save you from 10 to 35 per This Trade M ark Mean» or the first of July, when m arket | cent. All good» guaranteed. The fine«t Violin«. Mamlolln«, prices are usually the highest, the ] Northwest headquarters for Leader Water Guitar«. |tftfi>*M and lianjo System s and Fuller & Johnson Engine*. Mitndoltn«. that ran lie made. iambs that were horn in the late win F. M. CRONKHITE, Marie In Orvgon o f (in-icon j ter or early spring. STARK-DAVIS CO. wood which 1« thefm rfttln !h r ---- -J - T JO ST E T T E R ’S A F arm ers, Ship 45-47 Front Sf.. PORTLAND, ORE 212 Third Street. Portland. Oregon inches long and 4 Inches wide. An One of the best means of combat-1 ordinary soap box can be used for tfiis ET7<. WvdMataft it . PartloM. Ora ting the stomac h worm in sheep is to by cutting down the size to about 5 Glad Occasion. have a plentiful supply of salt mixed Inches high and knocking out one side. PU flUlU nin the almost « h miraculous with a suitable quantity of a reliable l f .ili.in B .1 effi­ ,1 , I f you cannot com*** to The padding for the bottom of the "Rafferty," said Mr. Dolan, “what T I Y Portland to yet your worm powder where the wool pro­ would be your feelin’s if you should chariot may be made of burlap. Tack cacy * and harmlessness, of Antityphoid Vaccination. eya ■ fitte«!. I will »end ducers can get at it at all times. Sait this around the inside of the chariot hear a man speaking with disrespect Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, yen and you my method o f te»l- four family. It is more vital than bouse insurance. is an essential element in the care of and place the whole thing on four roll­ of the American flag?" ing ry e « hy mail. N ‘ »t Ask physician, druggist, or send for “Hav* a« desirable a« p é r im ­ sheep, as tt makes the food more j ers. Place a soap dish on one side “My feelings would be those of great you bad your Typhoid?** telling of T yphoid Vaccine, ai aervice but much palatable and also stim ulates the di-! results from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers. I could think of nothin' more lw*ttrr than going with* and a little rack for the scrubbing delight. gestlve system. FHC CUT TCt LA BOB A TOBY, BC2W1TY, CAL «nit irloMiWM n«ea|e«l or joyous than the pleasure I was going try in f to At foufitw . brush on the opposite side. This con­ to take in giving him a licking.” — mOOUCAft» VACCIHE ft SCRUMS UNO» V. S. »OV. LiCCftSI Outfit «enton application. STAPLES. th* Jew- Only Chance. trivance, it Is estimated, costs about Washington Star. Hrr een aucceaaful in rem oving the enuaea of condition under the eyes. a trial package. moved from tho oven or gas stove and bag-like Kerned ¡«M diaeaee where other metho«!* failed. If you are . Backache, frequent urination or the “Anuric” is a recent scientific dis­ scraped with an old blunt knife. Rub aiek or ailinir. have a trouble of long »tandimr. I Hi» ftucrrnnful herb­ pains and stiffness of the joints are covery by Dr. Pierce. "Anuric” drives will be pl« n»ed to consult and giv* you a npinal | al remedies cur* all them with paper and wash thoroughly anulyni*. which coat« you nothing. kind* of ailment« of with fairly hot, strong soda water be­ also often noticed. Dr. Pierce says the uric acid out of your body. It is th at everyone should have a good a uric acid solvent so effective that it men and women w ith­ out operation. u*ed fore they are put back into the oven sweat every day—should drink plenty eliminates these poisons, cleanses the DR. H. L. CHANDLER from the wonderful of pure water and exercise in the open system, allows your over worked kid­ Chino*« herb*, root*, or stove to dry. !>02-3-4 Broadway Bldg., Portland, Ore. bud« an*l vegetable*, which air as much as possible. This helps neys to resume their normal functions, are unknown to th* medical »cianco of thia country. to throw out the poisonous uric acid and just a few days' treatm ent with Co-Operation. Writ« for blank and circular*. Send »tamp. the skin and the “water.” But "Anuric” will convince you because It "Co-operation” is a term used to thru P. N. U. No. 23. 1918 CONSULTATION KKKH Addr*a* for such persons as are past middle brings lasting relief to your painful, shield and clothe a host of fake Th« C. 162Vt Gee Finit Wo Chinese Medicine Co. schemes. This is nothing to the dis­ ige it’s often impossible to do this aching rheum atic joints—no more St.. Portland. O ra *nd lime salts are deposited In the backache or dizzy spells. Try it now ! vyH K N w ritlnr to m I t v O mt *. » b u « Mention Paper. credit of co-operation; the faker never I " « M this IMtMT. _____________ arteries, veins and joints, causing all and be convinced! copies a poor or a foolish plan. world. Ka*l violin» made into ; food one«. W rite for lllufttrat- , mi circular« and detail» to TH E CO U LTER CO . Salt to the Sheep. S WIFE TOO ILL TO WORK reen Tired? Clean the Kidneys with Hot Water and “Anurie”