WAR LORD LOSTATSEA BRITISH CLAIM GERMANY’S LOSS IN NAVAl TIGHT WAS HEAVIER INSISTS ON TULL Al- WORLD’S DOINGS PRESIDENT LEGIANCE IN MEMORIAE DAY TALK THOUSANDS MARCH OF CURRENT WEEK FOR PREPAREDNESS London—The B ritish adm iralty Mon­ W ashington, D. C.— President Wilson day issued a statem ent saying there delivered a Memorial Day addrest here was the strongest ground for the be­ Tuesday, in which he defined the sp irit lief th a t the B ritish navy in the bat­ of America, warned citizens of foreign tle w ith the G erm ans off Ju tlan d last birth not to set them selves ag ain st the Chicago Has 1 3 0 , 2 1 4 People in line week had accounted for a total of 18 pur(>oses of the nation, called upon In Behalf of Defense. German men-of-war, and th at there young men to perform voluntary m ili­ was nothing to add to or substract tary service and defended his recent from the original announcement of the suggestion for an alliance of nations to B ritish losses. preserve peace. He s|>oke at Arling- j The statem ent gave the German losses as two batttleships, two dread- UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHEU ; ton National Cem etery before an au- 1 naught b attle cruisers, four light | dience made up largely of Civil W ar < ; cruisers, nine torpedo boat destroyers veterans, who applauded him vigorous- and a subm arine. ; ly- Other Cities Also Indulge in Monster The pessimism which prevailed as a Live News Items of All Nations and W hile he declared he had no harsh- j result of the adm iraltiy’s original ness in his heart for Am ericans of Celebrations to Give Emphasis statem ent of losses, which is consid­ Pacific Northwest Condensed foreign b irth and ex|>eeted them still ered to have been needlessly candid to National Welfare Call. to love the sources of th eir origin, the | for Our Busy Readers. and conservative in underestim ating President said “ Am erica m ust come j the extent of the German losses, as first in every puri>o*e we en tertain and Warship Hampshire Car­ compared w ith those of G reat B ritain, every inan m ust count upon being c a s t 1 Chicago—The g re a te st parade ever been greatly lessened by the latest One hundred and eight precincts out out of our confidence, cast out even of rying Minister and Staff I has statem ent. of a total of 2297 in the sta te of Iowa our tolerance, who doe* not subm it to held in Chicago ended S aturday night a fte r 130,214 |>ersona, one-sixth of A dispatch from Copenhagen says give for suffrage 8069, against, 11,062. th at g reat ruling prin cip le.” Sunk by Mine or Tor­ rumors whom were women, had filed through are current in Ham burg th at Speaking of America, made up out the stree ts in the preparedness demon­ Every state in the Union is repre­ two additional German w arships be­ pedo— All Lost. of all the peoples of the world, as the sides those announced in the German sented among the 1700 men who have champion of the rig h ts of mankind, he stration. The parade was HA hours arrived a t the first P lattsburg, N. Y., in passing. More than 1,000,000 |>er- communication — the battleship W est­ said : aons are estim ated to have witnessed falen and the battle cruiser Lutzowd— camp of m ilitary instruction. "W e are not only ready to co-oper- 1 it. The night division was made up London — Admiral Jellicoe, com­ were sunk in battle., A w ireless dis­ Only the sig nature of President W il­ m ander of the B ritish grand fleet, has patch received here Saturday from son is now lacking to complete the ate, but we are ready to fight Hgainat largely of m ilitia organizations, which rep orted to the adm iralty th a t the Berlin said the German adm iralty ad­ final enactm ent of the Oregon and Cal­ any aggression, w hether from within included all branches of the army and or without. But we m ust guard our­ B ritish cruiser Hampshire, w ith Earl m itted the loss of the W estfalen. ifornia land-grant law, the house hav­ selves against any aort of aggression navy service. The parade began at 9 o'clock in the K itchener, B ritish m inister of war, The adm iralty statem ent declares ing ratified the conference report. ! which would be unworthy of America. morning and did not conclude until and his staff aboard, has been lost off th at the German losses in the fight The su it brought by George J . Gould We arc ready to fight for our rig h ts nearly m idnight. th e W est Orkneys. The H am pshire were not only relatively, but absolute­ All day long and far into the night was sunk e ith er by a mine or a tor­ ly, g reater than those of the B ritish. and o ther tru stees of the e sta te of Jay when these rig h ts are coincident with the m archers, massed from curb to pedo. Adm iral Jellicoe reports there M aintaining its practice of caution, Gould to recover $1,741,000 from the the rig h ts of man and h u m an ity .” The President reiterated his sugges­ curb, rolled like a tide through the is little hope th a t there ¿were any sur­ the adm iralty still refrains from giv­ St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern tion before the League to Enforce streets. It wan as if the g re a t sky- railw ay was dismissed by Federal vivors. ing the names of the lost German Judge Hand. Peace last week th at the U nited States scra|>ers were the banks of a riv er and E arl K itchener was on his way to ships. Russia. The names of the members The Hawley Pulp & Pa;>er company, was ready to become a p artn er in any thu miirrhinK thousands, each person The official list of the casualties Arnerifail „ag, the w ater mov­ o f E arl K itchener’s staff have not yet among officers shows th a t hardly a of Oregon City, announces a change in alliance of the nations ’’which would with been learned. S ir W illiam Robertson, single officer of the line escaped from its m ills from the tw o-shift to the guarantee public rig h t ag ain st selfinh ing between them . Of published criticism s Major General T. H. Barry, com­ ch ief of the im perial staff, is in Lon­ the B ritish cruisers sunk in the battle. th ree-sh ift plan. More than 60 more aggression. rem inding him th a t George W ashing­ mander of the C entral departm ent, U. don. An additional casualty list of petty men will be employed under the new ton warned the nation ag ain st "e n ­ S. A., who sat in the review ing stand, Accompanying Earl K itchener as his officers shows th a t 43 of them were arrangem ent. tangling allian ces,” he said: declared it to be the g re atest and moat staff were Hugh Jam es O’Breine, for­ saved from the Queen Mary, Invinci­ Russian forces have won g reat suc­ “ I shall never m yself consent to an inspiring s|>ertacle he had ever wit- m er cou icillor of the B ritish embassy ble, Fortune, A rdent and Shark. None a t Petrogad, and form er m inister at was saved from the Indefatigible, De­ cesses along th e front from the P ripet entangling alliance, but would gladly neased. The dem onstration impressed by its Sofia; O. A. Fitzgerald, Earl K itch­ fense, Black Prince, Tipperary, Turbu­ m arshes to the Roumanian frontier, consent to a disentangling alliance, an according to an official announcement alliance which would disentangle the bulk, and by the altscncc, to a large e n e r’s private m ilitary secretary; lent, Nomad or Nestor. from P etrograd. It is stated th at the lieoples of the world from those com­ extent, of the h ilarity aecom|>unying B rigadier General Ellershaw and Sir Russians took 13,000 prisoners. binations in which they seek th e ir own most parades. There were no floats, F rederick Donaldon. sep arate and p rivate in terests and no comic costum es and little of the Adm iral Jellicoe’s report to the ad­ Great Oriental Freight Cargo The U. S. Supreme court interpreted The airs the H arrison Federal Drug Act of unite the people of the world to pre­ holiday sp irit apparent. m iralty follows: the peace of the world U|x>n a played by the bands eith er were p a t­ “ I have to report w ith deep reg ret and San Francisco Pier Burn 1914, m aking it unlawful for any per­ serve rio tic or m ilitary. th a t H is M ajesty’s ship Hampshire, son not registered under the law to basis of common rig h t and ju s tic e .” Universal train in g and preparedness C ap tain H erbert J . Savill, R. N., w ith have opium in his possession, as apply­ San Francisco— Five thousand tons were possible, Mr. Wilson declared, Lord K itchener and his staff aboard, Portland Has 16,000 in Line. of frie g h t from the O rient, which ing only to those who deal in the drug only if the men of suitable stren g th was sunk Monday at about 8 p. m., to and not to those who use it. P ortland— P repare! This was th e were unloaded Sunday from the Shin- and age will volunteer. He said the th e w est of the Orkneys eith er by a yo Maru No. 2, a Japanese freig h te r, Possible danger th a t the present “ acid te s t” was atx>ut to be applied to unquestioned sentim ent of w hat ia m ine or a torpedo. variously estim ated at betw een 15,000 and a concrete pier recently erected by strik e of the B utte W orkingm en’s “ Four boats were seen by observers the state at the mouth of Islais Creek, Union m ight spread to the mines was business men, too, w hether they would and 20,000 citizens who marched allow th eir employes to volunteer. He on shore to leave the ship. The wind were destroyed in a spectacular blaze dissipated when the electricians in the through P o rtland's stre e ts Saturday was north, northw est and heavy seas of unknown origin here early Monday. employ of the m ining companies met saiil the arm y reorganization bill now night, th eir shoulders squared, th e ir before him bristled w ith th at in terro­ w ere running. Patrol vessels and de­ The Shinyo and the General Forbes, and determ ined not to go out in sym ­ heads up, alert and ready, facing the gation point, which he warned all the stro y ers at once proceeded to the spot another freig h ter, which were tied to pathy w ith the sm aller unions of the business men of the country was s ta r­ duties of today w ith confidence and and a p arty was sent along the coast to courage. the pier, were slightly dam aged before city under any circum stances. ing them in the face. search, but only some bodies and a It was one of the biggest parade* they could be removed from the fire’s The President said he was for “ uni­ The B ritish destroyer Acasta, which capsized boat have been found. As reach. Steam ship men said the loss the Germ ans reported they had sunk, versal voluntary tra in in g ,” but th at ever held in Portland. It required one th e whole shore has been searched would reach close to $800,000. hour and five m inutes to |iass a given has arrived at a northeast coast port "A m erica does not wish anything but from the seaward I greatly fe ar th at The Shinyo arrived Wednesday, but under tow of another destroyer. The the compulsion of the sp irit of A m eri­ point. th e re is little hope of there being any On this basis it is estim ated th a t the cargo was not touched until Sun­ shell which put her out of action, a fte r c a .” He added th a t the people of the survivors. day, when its owners granted the de­ she had been in the thick of the fight­ nation were w atching each other, and the num ber in line wna approxim ately “ No report has yet been received mands of the strik in g longshoremen. ing for 40 m inutes, exploded in the th at a g reat many men, even when 15,000. This was the figure of Judge from the search party on shore. H. C. U. Gantcnbcin, chairm an of the The boat was em ptied at 11 o’clock engine-room, killing five men. they did not w ant to, were ready to M. S. H am pshire was on her way to Sunday night, three hours before the com m ittee on arrangem ents, who saw stand and say “ h ere.” R u ssia .’’ ________________ the en tire lines pass in review . The U. S. Suprem e court holds th at fire started. O ther unofficial estim ates placed the Two coal barges and several box interurban electric cars, crossing state num ber at as high as 20,000. cars w’ere also damaged. One of the lines, are am enable to the safety ap­ Four Killed When Wooden Awning The m arching column called a tte n ­ barges, the Melrose, the largest on the pliance act, although they move for a Falls on Parade Spectators tion to a world on fire, and drew all bay, which was tied to the pier, d rift­ part of the route in a city service. eyes to the lam entable fact th a t Am er­ ed out into the stream w ith her cargo Conviction of the Spokane & Inland Dallas, T ex.— Four persons were ica is living in a house im m easurably ablaze when her moorings burned. She Em pire Railroad company, operating bumped another coal barge, which was from Spokane to Coeur d ’Alene, Idaho, killed when a wooden aw ning collapsed far from being fire-proof. The flags th a t fluttered everyw here anchored off the pier. Both burned for failure to -omply with th e act, was late Tuesday in front of a sto re in the waved the messaged to prepare, to heart of the business d istric t while an upheld and a $1500 fine imposed. freely until fire tugs flooded the coal. immense crowd was w itnessing a par­ guard the country from every iioaaible L ater the two broke loose and drifted A R euter dispatch form Zurich says P eking—Yuan Shi Kai, president of ill, and they roused in the w atching ade in favor of preparedness. th e Chinese republic, died Tuesday. down the bay w ith th e ir cargoes th a t members of the German Land- A score were injured, several of thousands the sp irit of the occasion. sm ouldering. Tugs caught up with sturm , class of 1917, who are living P rem ier Tuan Chi Ju i im m ediately them probably fatally. abroad, have been ordered to return advised Li Yuan Hung, the vice presi­ them off the Ferry building. School Girl* Form Living Flag. The crowd w atching the parade hail Several narrow ly escaped being home im m ediately. The Landsturm dent, o f his succession to the presi­ Providence, R. I.— Rhode Island men surged forward at the approach of a burned. Customs L ieutenant P atrick is a home defense force which in­ dency. band. Persons standing on the awn­ and women 52.522 strong marched here Yuan Shi Kai had been ill for sev­ B arrett and a pier watchman were on cludes, in addition to trained soldiers ing, which was suspended by chains Saturday in a preparedness parade, the pier when the fire started. The Etetween the ages of 39 and 45, all eral days w ith stom ach trouble, which over the sidewalk, crowded near the The procession was nearly seven hours was followed by a nervous breakdown. flames spread rapidly and drove the those between the ages of 17 and 39 edge and under the increased weight in passing th e review ing stand. A tw o men aboard the Forbes. who have received no m ilitary tra in ­ the stru ctu re crashed to the ground. feature was a living flag, composed of Q uiet prevails in the capital. The When the fire broke out, Japanese ing. d ea th of the president apparently At least a ton of bricks and m ortar 1560 schoolgirls. solves the heated political problem. swarmed from the Shinyo’s forecastle Progress toward the completion of was torn loose from th e wall behind. and spread over the ship, seeking re f­ 17,000 P arad e in Rain. Li Yuan H ung’s succession to the the new automobile consolidation, uge. One jum ped overboard, but his H artford, Conn. — Men and women, presidency m eets the demands of the m ates hauled him back on a life pre­ which embraces th e WillyB-Overland, estim ated in num ber a t fully 17,000, More Defenses Give Way. leaders in the Southern provinces. the Hudson and the Chalm ers automo­ server. marched here Saturday afternoon in a bile companies, as well as allied con­ From nearby cities and from fa r out Rain fell a t $711,828 Awarded Indians. London— More French defenses at “ preparedness p arad e,” at sea the sheets of fire and the glare cerns, including th e A utolite company, frequent intervals, but the 16 divisions W ashington, D. C. — Judgm ent could be seen. was announced Wednesday. The new Verdun gave way before German bat­ The blaze was the a g a in st the United S tates for $711,828 m ost spectacular and destructive th at company, probably will bear th e cor­ terin g s Tuesday. Advancing over the swung steadily along, tak in g nearly w as rendered by the Court of Claims has visited the local waterfont, in porate title of th e Am erican Motors w idest front yet covered w est of the two and a half hours to pass a given in favor of the Mille Lac trib e of years. company, w ith $70,000,000 of pre­ Meuse, the huge war machine of the point. _________________ Chippew a Indians, Minnesota, in con­ ferred stock. Crown Prince settled down in fresh 6 0 ,0 0 0 in S t. Loui* D em onstration. sid eration of lands and tim ber taken Ice S w eeps Alaska Town. St. Ixiuis— More than 50,000 St. A Berlin dispatch to the Copenhagen positions to renew the grinding pro­ by th e government, hom esteaders and Nome, A laska—Council C ity was al­ Politiken says th a t the court which cess. Louisians marched through the stree ts th e s ta te of Minnesota. The judgm ent m ost com pletely sw ept aw ay by float­ P aris adm its the abandonment of is based on an aw ard to the Indians of ing ice cakes from the Neukluk river conducted the prelim inary exam ination Bethincourt-Cum ieres road, which the here Saturday to dem onstrate the c ity ’s overwhelm ing favor toward Na- of Dr. Karl Liebkr.echt, the Socialist c re d it for 31,692 acres of land and late Sunday. Many buildings in the Germans have been seeking to break toinal preparedness. leader, decided th a t he should be pun­ $202,318 on account of value of tim ber lower p art of the town w ere demol­ since early in April. The w ar office ished for treason. c u t from the lands w ith interest. conceded losses in the C au rettes wood ished. The ice jam m ed in a canyon a 10,000 M arch at Salt Lake, The Cologne Volks Zeitung says it is south of Cum ieres and on the slopes of short distance below the settlem ent, Salt Lake C ity—The “ preparedness” Pablo Lopez Is Executed. causing the w ater to back up, and, with reported, although not confirmed, th at Le Mort Homme. parade here Saturday afternoon Chihuahua City, Mex.—Pablo Lopez, its burden of heavy ice, to flood the King Victor Emmanuel and his special brought out a body of m archers es­ staff have departed from the Italian V illa ’s chief lieutenant in the raid up­ streets. A blizzard raged here also, ! British Food Limit Likely, tim ated a t more than 10,000. on Columbus, N. M., Tuesday paid the and sluicing operations which began a general headquarters at Udine on ac­ London—T here is now believed to be count of the A ustrian offensive and re­ p en alty fo r his crim es. He faced a few days ago, were suspended. 0OOO P arade at Lima, a possibility th a t th e people of the tired to Venice. firing squad of constitutionalists sol­ B ritish Isles will be placed on m eat ra ­ Lima, O .— Six thousand prepared­ d ie rs a t S anta Rosa M arines Are R einforced. P ierre Dreyfus, son of Commandant tions. Captain E rnest Pretym an, par­ ness advocates marched in a parade San Diego, C al.—The F ourth reg i­ Alfred Dreyfus, of the famous “ Drey­ liam entary under secretary for the here Saturday. E very m archer car­ Italians Repulse Attack, m ent of Marines, stationed here, has fus A ffair,” who has been serving on board of trade, Raid in th e house of ried a flag. Rom e—A ustrian attacks in the La- le ft for New Orleans, where it will j the Verdun front as second lieutenant commons th a t although th ere was no 6 0 0 0 In P arad e at Springfield, O. g a rin a valley, where a vigorous a t­ em bark for H aiti and Santo Domingo in the artillery, has ju st been cited in actual shortage, th e ex istin g high te m p t was made to carry the im port­ on the tran sp o rt Hancock. I t is un­ the orders of the day for having “ par­ prices arose from a deficiency due to Springfield, O. — City and county a n t Italian positions a t Coni Zugna, derstood the Fourth regim ent will sup­ ticularly distinguished him self during the requirem ents of the forces in the officials led a preparedness parade in w ere repulsed w ith heavy losses, the plem ent the m arines already on duty the violent engagem ents of February field. The government, he added, was which 5000 |iersons participated here Saturday. office announces. 26, 27 and 28” in th e b attle of Verdun. review ing the situation carefully. in the turbulent island republics. Earl Kitchener Goes Down With Ship. ON WAY TO RUSSIA PRESIDENT CHINESE REPUBLIC IS DEAD Brief Resume of General News from All Around the Earth. PORTLAND HAS BIG SHOWING