T h ie R e d A M i r a ige S to ry o f the F ren ch L e g io n B y I. A. R. W Y L I E lAll tuhu rewrvni. J'h« Uobbs-MurriU Co.) SYNOPSIS. • resting on the balustrade, her face lift I e R1H,le n pnel's cruelty. Arnaud becomes a drunk- gesture— a g e stu re w h ich seem ed to In- orvl and opium smoker. Sylvia become» d lca te an Im m e a s u ra b le d istan ce— an d becomes Jealous of Karquhar. j I'-assed ilow U the stops Into the d u rk - i ness. No. 4<*X\ shouldered his title and re­ sumed the monotonous tramp hack ward and forward across the n a r ro w entrance to the grove. He moved rap­ idly and from time to time glanced about him with the straining vigilance of a man who sespeots hts louellness Southward lay open country, a silver stretch broken by a dark ridge o f sand bills ami a clump of high palms rising In majestic solitude from the bidden green of their oasis. To the north Sldl- bel-Abhes. beneath the magic moon­ CHAPTER V III— Continued. light a white-walled city o f enchant ments. dreamed while her minarets Outside In the quiet street her hus­ kept ceaseless watch over the distant band awaited them with the carriage. desert He saluted gravely, assisted them Into Richard Karquhar listened; he beard their places, and iu.slleuce they drove sutHlued laughter and then the soft fall rapidly through the awaking town. A of a woman's fe e t For all the haunt­ second carriage, traveling at a more ing realization of danger he did not deliberate pace, blocked the narrow turn. He had not been conscious of avenue, and they pulled up sharply be- hope, but hope, wild and unreasoning. Death an overhanging lantern. There sprang out o f nothing and drummed was a subdued rattle of arms. Arnaud the mad blood Into his ears. leaned forward. "Mr. Karquhar!’ “ Ah. It's you, Goetz! One man Is He turned, and the butt end of his sufficient here, n ave you anyone you r-jfit» jarred against the stones. She can trust?” | stood a few paces from him In a nar- “ Stand forward— No. 4000” ’ , row clearing where the moonlight fell There was a brief silence. Arnaud upon her, and he saw every feature of rested his chin In his hand and stared the small face, every phase of her ex­ down at the man drawn up stiffly be­ pression changing from a curious mock fore him. The other hand lay clenched ery to grave concern. He bit bis teeth on bis knee, and the knuckles stood together. out white. "W hy did you come?” he asked. “ You heard— No. 4003? Yon will “ Was It really for the pleasure o f my keep guard alone befie.” society ?” “ Yes.” “ I knew that yon were In some dan “ It Is well. Drive on." ger tonight, Mr. Farquhar.” Again the soft clash of steel. A r­ Her face was turned away now. naud dropped back in his corner. The When she spoke, after a moment's si­ light fell on his face for a moment, and lence, her voice had deepened with an Gabrlelle Smith saw that be was smil­ unknown emotion. ing watchfully nt the woman beside “ Mr. Farquhar." she said, “ it was a her. Sylvia had not moved. She had not even glanced In his direction or at woman's loving fear for you which brought me here.” the man to whom he had spoken. Her "Thank you,” he said simply. lips were still parted In the childish He turned away from her. The mo­ expression o f wondering anticipation, The and her eyes glistened. Arnaud laughed mentary weakness was over. gaunt features under the military cap and turned away from her. A moment later they passed out of were composed and resolute. Close at the somber shadows Into the light from hand was movement the crunching of the unfathomable eastern bush Into the the sandy soil under a sharp quick babble and movement o f the West. tread, and instinctively his hand slipped Instinctively Gabrlelle glanced back to his bayonet “ I ask you to go now.” he said In an for a moment It was as though she undertone. “ You have had been lifted suddenly out of a Imperative black, mysterious sea on to a fairy done what you could. It was brave Island, and that against the haze of and good o f you. but to remain Is sheer light she could hear the w a’.es beating folly. I am practically unarmed. We Oo you think It la possible for a young woman who has made her big "mistake” In a love affair to return once more to the fold of decorous society? If she proves sincere in her return, will that society protect her good reputation if It i'>arna her secret? In sullen threatening disappointment. When she turned again she found that Sylvia had already vanished into the crowd, and that she was alone with Arnand. He glanced down at her. Over his pale features there passed a shadow of pity and annoyance. "I am afraid my w ife is not always very considerate,” he said apologeti­ cally. “ You scarcely know any of these people.” “ 1 know one or two.” she answered. “ In any case I like to look on. You are not to bother about me. I can take enre of myself.” “ Yes, you can take care o f yourself.” n e nodded moodily. "There are not many of us who can do that much, Miss Smith. We pretend that we hold the reins, but It Is the devil who drives.” “ Yes.” she admitted, “ our particular devil.” "D o you know that? n ow do you know?” “ Perhaps I hare been into the ditch myself. Captain Arnaud. Perhaps"__ and then she looked him full Into the face— “ perhaps tonight has taught me,” and then, before be could nnswer she turned from him and passed out reso­ lutely on to the veranda. H e did not follow her beyond the drat step. A man In civilian dress had come out o f a flowered alcove, and as he saw his face Arnaud drew back with white Ups. The stranger ap­ peared not to notice him. He limped out on the veranda, bis uneven step cnHously noiseless. Geterielle Smith stood with bar hands Gabrlelle glanced nt him «nil saw that he waa In undress, and that his uniform was stnlned with dust “ Colonel Oeatlun." «ho said slowly, "the uim it you have Just punished for speaking to me la my oils friend. We brushed shoulders, ns It were, months « g o . when three flights o f stulrs sep s rated us—materially «m l aoelally. Now by chance we have met again on the same level. 'Birds of a feather.' in A l g i e r s you know. Colonel Deatlnn. I h»», am aomethlng of a scalawag, and the only virtue of (he species la a certain loy­ alty to their kind. I stu her* to keep guard.” "K eep guard?” ho echoed, half pus sled, half amused. “ He has an enemy.” "And yofi are here at « sort o f dens aren't trusted with cartridges, and If ex machlnn? Name of heaven, a friend anything happena— ” “ 1 choose to bo foolish.” she Inter­ of metal I Give me the name o f this evilly Inteutloned personT” rupted coolly. “ That I cannot do. Colonel Deatlnn lie made a movement o f protest anil appeal, but It was already too late. A lint I will make n bargain with you. If you will forget tonight's dellu shallow loosened itself from the dnrk ness Htnl came out Into the clearing. quench*« and will take my place until Karquhar'« rifle sank to the ground. I return, I will go on your errand. The moon was at her zenith. In the Otherwise I stay here.” lie was silent u moment, his hand nt brilliant yet deceptive light the new comer loomed out gigantic, « irkt Id« muatnehe; then tie looked at hvr with a curious smile. natural. “ You are on tiuununl little woman, “ A sentry on duty?” he said Ironical­ ly, looking from one to the other. “ A mademoiselle.“ lie seated himself ou pleasant relaxation from discipline, by the root of the tree, and drawing out my fulth. Your number and regiment, Ids watch held It to the light. “ I give sir?" you ten mloutea.” he added. "In ten minutes I shall have re “ 400S. o f the First, my colonel.” “ One o f my own particular heroes. turned." she auawered. “ One thing more. I do not wish any We have already met, I fancy. Rei*>rt yourself tomorrow to your captain. For one to know of my presence tier«. It the present perhaps you will conde­ would cause comment. The matter U scend to re»mne your duties. Madeuml l»etween Mndsmo Arnaud and myself | You understand?” "Y e « 1 understand.” shv assented slo w ly . su . FarUaaS, Ur. The homelike stopping place for those who appreciate the dollar's full worth. II.mai « I l k Math, Mii.ua « I l k , llalarhaS hath U raakfaal aaS I a a .b a a a P la n a r . . . . , Il M lau Ur FERNS ARE GOOD TO EAT. BAY U N IV E R S IT Y JAPANESE Considered Great Delicacy by Nip­ ponese, Who Eat Puget Sound Plant Like Asparagus. I ’ nlverslty o f Washington. — The common fern or brake that grows In the Puget Round country Is good to cat. according lo University of Wush Ington Japanese student«. Revera I Japanese families have been gather­ ing the stems of the plant on the cam­ pus recently. They aro boiled and •■«ten like "fukl,” the Nipponese rhu­ barb, or the AmurlcMn asparagus. T o take out the arid taste of th« fern, tin* stems are boiled In water, to which ashes are added. When near ly rooked the water and ushes are poured off. (Jleau boiling water Is then poured on and th« rooking Is culled "wurabl” and Is considered a great delicacy. Warahl may I m * eulen at once or it may be dried and stored away for winter us«. When mixed with oysters It Is called “ sho yu.” which means oyster sauce. The food run be mixed with most meats, shell­ fish and vegetables. At a bend In the nvenue stie glanced back for n moment, searching the dnrk ne««. Colonel Destlun's somlierly clad figure was hidden In the black out­ lines o? the trees, tint beyoud, dean cut against the silvery plalu. she snw Richard I'.trquhnr's upright watchful figure. H alf nntlnficd, she hurried on. As she reach)« 1 the Villa Iteruotto’s the waltz came to n languorous end. alid f e w couple« III seiireh o f fresh sir d n fti«l eut on to the veranda. Kyi- Must t * provided when the rla Arnaud. with tier band resting tightly on the nrm of n young lieuten­ Appetite is Poor ant. stood at Uie top of the step«, her The Digestion Wcnk head thrown back a little so thnt the The Liver Lazy and soft reflection from the overhanging lantern tl «»led down ujhui tier face The Bowels Constipated and tin* beautiful white neck. G abrieli« touched her on the elbow and «he start)*)!. “ Oh. It's you. Miss Smith! 1 thought— What Is It?” . "Colonel Drutlun Is In the grove.” was the quiet answer. "H e wlshee to apeak with you. W ill you come?” •'Yes, wait I” She turned carelessly to her companion. "You will excuse me. won't you? My husband has «eut for me.” A minute Inter «lie ntooil nt Gnbrlelle Smith's able nt the entrance o f the It is an excellent tonic, appe­ grove. She had completely changed. The coquettish light beartednesa was ' tizer and stomach medicine. gone, leaving her excited anil a little breathless. Shu glnuced uneasily about her. “ I twllcve you are shocked," she said hurriedly. “ I had to say It waa tny Leading Up. husband. And I promised Colonel Dee Maude -What makes you think his tlnn. It 1« about Desire— and his pro- - lnt«*ntlons are serious? motion—a surprise.” Suddenly, with a little choking ex i Mnbid When he first began to call he used to talk about tho books I like clamation, ahe stopped and clung to to read. her companion's arm. "Mias Smith— Maude— And now. what 1« that—don't you see— there In Mal»el— Now ho talks nhout tho things ho likes to eat.— Life. the light—” Instinctively Gabrlelle threw off the terrified hand. She had recognised Arnaud. He stood In a bright patch ! which the moon threw lietween two great palms on to the sandy avenue. I Ills back waa toward her. bis head bent, the stoop o f bis «boulders, the whole attitude unmistakable. She heard I the faint click of a lock being slipped 1 back, and then lie turned and looked Need Only Trust to Lydia E. behind him. In thnt second his fea­ Finkhani’d Vegetable Com­ ture« were aa visible as when limelight pound, «ays Mrs.Kurtzweg. Is turned on to (he face of a consum­ mate actor. Cnpt Desire Arnuud Buffalo, N Y . — “ My daughter, whose cross#«! the avenue and disappeared like a shadow In the darker shadows picture is herewith, was much troubled p**n* iR her o f the trees. Jv'Suill! Il and aides every Sylvia shuddered and then laughed month a n d t h e y unsteadily. would sometimes he "H o w stupid of met I waa really so had Unit it would frightened. Hut I did not want him to seem like ncute in­ see us. It would have been hard to ex­ flammation o f Home plain. and he has been so strange and o r g a n . Sho read excitable lately.” your advertisement She went on alone, walking In tbe L i/Vfl'T'V ■rin, eh in the newspapers center of tbe grove where Hie light and tried Lydia E. wns strongest and humming softly to } ' y . • ^ I’inkham’s V e g e ­ herself, like a confident child whose t a b l e Compound. momentary fear is passed and forgot She praises ¡t highly a« ahe has been ten. Colonel Deatlnn heard her com lug. He wns still seated where Gab­ relieved o f all these pains by its use. rlelle had left him, smoking tranquilly, All mothers should know o f this remedy, and all young girls who suffer should and the dull glow of his cigarette light cd up an enigmatical composure. try it .’ ’ —Mr*. MATrLDA K u r t z w lu , 629 Neither pleasure nor triumph had their High SL, Buffalo, N. Y. Young women who nr* troubled with place In those set features, hut some­ thing else— the suggestion of an Incal­ painful or irregular poriods, backache, culable force under the heel of mi in­ headache, dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion, should calculable will. taka Lydia E. Pinkhfm’s Vrgetablo Compound. Thousands have been re­ stored to health by this root and herb When 8/lvla actually knows Ì remedy. that her husband Is preparing I f yon k n o w o f a n y y o u n g w o ­ to shoot sn Innocent man from m a n w h o I m sick a n d n ee d « help­ ambush, why doesn't she give fu l advice, ank her to w r it e to tlio warning or alarm7 Does she L y d i a E. I ’ in k h a m M ed icin e C n , enjoy tragedy? L y n n , Mass. O n ly w o m e n w il l r s c s l r * her lotfcr, » n il it w il l b a h e l d l a strictest coullduuoe» (T O UK C O N T I N U E D .) - EFFICIENT - =HELP= HOSTETTER’S STO M AC H BITTERS He Stood In a Bright Patch Which the Moon Threw on to the Sandy Ave­ nue. selle may I not have the pleasure o f bringing you back to your friends?” He offered her his arm, his hard mouth twisted with a contemptuous amusement She had risen and stood beside him, shaken by a sudden trou­ ble. He looked at her keenly. “ I f you are sorry, mademoiselle, will you do something for me? 1 want you to go back and tlnd Madame Arnaud. Ask her to speak to me for a few min­ utes. I shall be outside. Tell her It concerns her husbnnd's proposed ex­ change. She will understand. I would go myself, but my condition forbids It” TOUCHED PORTER’S HEART George Could Not Take Money From Man Who Was Less Fortunate Than Himself. NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fltlh »«J WulilHlM dat's wusser off dan us,’ said George, brightening up. "Ah'm sorry fo’ you. suh.' "And he handed me back my dlmo.” A correspondent sends us an ex­ —Cleveland Plain Dealer. cerpt from a yet unpublished work to be entitled "A Sentimental Journey to Flowers of the 8ea. Like the land, the sea has Its flow­ the Pacific Coast” "It was about seven o'clock In the ers. but the most brilliant of the ma­ evening," relates Mr. Thornton, "when rine flowers bloom not upon plants hut the following conversation took place upon animals. The living corals of between myself and the porter, who, tropical seas present a display of floral strangely enough, was called George: beauty that In richness and vividness "'W e ll,' said I, ‘it has been a nice of color and variety and grace of form day. No noise, no dust, smooth rid­ rivals '.ho splendor of a garden of Hewers. The resemblance to blossoms ing and an empty car?’ " 'Beggin’ yo’ pardon, suh,’ demurred Is so complete that some persons And George, 'Ah begs to diffah with you, it difficult to believe that tho brilliant suh. U's been an exceedingly po’ day display contains no element o f plant HI*. but Is wholly animal In its or­ today, sub.' ganization. " 'W hy do you speak thus, George?* Among tho sea animals that bloom ” 'In de fust place, dey’B been no as If they were plants r.re Included, dust, as you say. Dat means less besides corals, tho sea anemone and brushln’, an’ less brushln' means slim tho sea cucumber. It has been re­ tips. Dey's been nobody on de cyah, marked that the birds and butterflies as you remark. Dat means slim pick­ of the upper world are replaced by in'. Yessuh, dat’s how she go. Ah fishes of curious forms and flashing depends on de travelln' public fo’ sub­ colors which dart about among the sistence. Ah’m de oldes' potah on de animal flowers. line. Mah hald done grow gray In de service, an’ mah life Is a failure, suh.” Shipping Precaution. "I felt sorry, so I handed him a To ship a mirror without breaking dime. I said: I’m sorry I can’t make the glass, paste narrow strips of paper it more, George, but this Is all I have diagonally across tho glass. This I'm in the law business.’ breaks the vibrations and prefects the *” Well, of co se dey's always dean damage that often results. - Get The Genuine - YOUNG W OM EN MAY AVOID PAIN iiàrC illiSSÌ