Twenty-Eight Are Graduated Hefreshments w«*re s«*rve«J and CONDENSED NEWS NOTES the president, Mrs. Frost, was presented a berry spoon engraved Job printing phone 821. "W C. T. U .” as a token of ap- Hancock & Wiles have $25,000 Presents America’s Foremost Film Actress, preciation of her faithful and en- to l«»an on farms. 1-tf ergetic work since taking t h e (Continued from Page One) I Dr. C. L. Large spent Sunday office. Superintendent Inlow, in a very J with relatives in Portland. May 29th, 1916. thoughtful ami fluttering little Mrs. S. G. Morgan spent last address, introduced Judge J. H. in the famous Tale of a Woman’s week-end at Newport. Stevenson of Portland, who de­ Unconquerable Faith, Money to loan Valley Realty livered the address to the grad- WftahlfijfU/n County Kdltonal Aaaorlation I Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf New« Huri*u uates. j The Express prints butter wrap­ Judge Stevenson opened by ex­ pers with non-poisonous ink. Circuit Court pressing bis gratitude at being in- Addie S. Kimball vs Lola L. Highest price paid for Mohair vited to deliver the address to the (By Grace Miller White) sons and daughters of his old Hackett. Forclosure on m«>rtgage and Wool. A. G. Hoffman & Co. neighlsirs, the residents of Forest upon c«*rtain real estate. M«irt- M. S. Allen and A. J. M clntire drove and vicinity; he was reared gage to the ext«*nt of $500. ha«l business at Sherwood M on­ in Washington county and secured A. C. Mulford and K. Mulford day. his education in its schools. vs. J. M. Greenmeyer and Bessie i The speaker congratulated the Greenmeyer. M o r t g a g e fore­ We will insure your auto against people of the city on their excel­ closure on sum of $711.40 with fire, th«*ft and collision. Hancock lent high school and its efficient interest at 8 per cent. Also the & Wiles. 9-tf faculty; he congratulate«I th fac­ costs of action. Miss A va Carlyle returned home Friday and m o v e d home the Card of Thanks ulty on having graduated so large Motor Supply Co. vs. C. L Saturday, having completed her i household goods of his sister, T o the friends, neighbors, G. and intelligent a class and th«*n Cox and H. U. Schlegal Suit for year of teaching. Kate, and brother, Charles, who proceed«*«! to give the members «>f A. R. and Relief Corps, we extend the class some excellent advice. the recovery of $358.07 «lue on ■ Miss Pritzlaf visited in Forest have spent the winter in the Dick our sincere thanks for their kind­ (¡rove over Sumiay with Miss Emmerson house, He said th«* state bad invested bill of auto accessories sold to ihe defendant. Bertha Wilson. Miss Ada Taylor, who has been ness and help during the illness considerable money in the young Sarah Bagley vs William Bag- Miss Joy Hall of Portland spent Caching in Castle R«x:k the pa-t anti death of our beloved husband men and women being graduated and it remained to lx* seen wheth­ l«*y. Divorce on the grounds of Sunday as a guest at the Dibble year* return« d to her home here and father, j We also thank them for the er or not the investment would <*ru«*l a n d inhuman treatment.! home in this city. I a8t Friday. pr«)ve profitable. It would soon Plaintiff a lleges that defendant| Messrs. Wheelock and Haskell beautiful floral offerings. We have Arsenate «if Lead in fall uj*on the members of the class left home during deep snow when Marsh of Un d e r w o o d , Wash., I Mrs. J. R. Williams t«> take their places in the world; plaintiff was ill and n«*«*ded help, j both forms, Paste or Dry. Lit- spent Tuesday here visiting Mr. and Family, if they made good, the state had Plaintifr asks divorcre, one-half tier’s Pharmacy. and Mrs. Haskell Ferrin. , -------------------- Clinton Ostrander, a former P. made no mistake in its invest- <>f r«*al property a n d $40,000. j Mrs. Herbert Hubbert and son I Ernest * * * ’ M e r l * Also costs of the action. Ihe (j. student, is spending a few merit. He adviseok Emma F. Burgoyne vs. Her- sirk friend of chiropractic. Dr. Phillips and family. working on a fruit farr.:. the world in the face without a m:|n Burgoyne. Divorce. Plain- Stewart. K of P. block. . . . „ blush. “ Knowledge is power," \ tiff alleges defendant abandoned John A. Bowers, an old Kansas Mrs. A. E. Scroggs and daugh­ friend of Roy Hes-eltine, but now he declared. “ Who would not her in 1914, since remaining away, SUM M ONS ter Myrtle, of Vancouver, Wash., located at Fruitland, Idaho, vis- rather be on Edison or a Marconi! Probate Court In Justice Court for Forest Grove Justice o f the Peace and Constable than th.' K ra g n t general now en- Fjlla„ of Kmma M a„ Fletcher.: ¡spent Ihis c ilv Tuesday with friends in ! ited the Hesseltines Tuesday and reports that all fruit in Idaho, District, Washington County, Oregon. Kaiti-d to the European war? w j , )(kIso„ askin„ letter. o f ' “ “ * “ y * Peter Sperl started Thursday with the possible exception of late W. F. Hartrampf, Plaintiff 1 he s p e a k e r h e l d up the i administratorship. Property val- vs. for Albany, Minn., where his strawberries, was absolutely kill«-d martyred Lincoln as a model for ued $1500 E. D. Rounds, Defendant the emulation of the members of fn th KUardianship of Umon fa th e r ,s very ill and not expected by the late frosts. To E. D. Rounds, Defendant: the class. He advised «« nerosity Morris M ai-Kare, Gothrup peti-, to live. Mr. and Mrs. Holman Ferrin IN TH E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E OF in int«*rc*ourse with people and from Seattle, where she spent a Mrs. Haskell Ferrin in this city appear before the undersigned, W. J. on their way from Los Angeles to R. Beach, a Justice o f the Peace in erybody. • Always remember, «r *iw, .««o t« Guardianship of the estate of week and attended the funeral of for the District, County and State he said, that your deeds affect Pendleton, where they will visit and aforesaid and answer the complaint o f I Ernest G. White, an insane person an aunt* those al>out you. Let your deeds two weeks with Judge Lowell and plaintiff on or before six weeks from Miss Bertha Kirkwood of Port- be of a kind that will make th<‘ now held in th«* asylum at Salem, family Mr. Ferrin will be man­ and after the date o f the first publica­ world better for your having lived M. B. Bump petitioning for the land, spent Tuesday in this city ager at Breakers hotel this sum­ tion o f this summons; the date o f the ¡appointment of himself as guard- visiting her brother, Albert, and publication o f this summons being in it.” mer, after which he will teach in first May 25, 1916. __ u . ian of the estate, value of which is , wife. the Washougal high school. The address was an excellent qaaa I f you fail to answer or appear, for _______________ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lewis of ,, a .... on«*, hut not nearly all in the aud­ want thereof the plaintiff will take Montavilla came out Tuesday in Mrs* J - W. Livingston and Miss judgment against you for the sum o f ience heard all of it, on account of Children’s Lawn Party their automobile and visited with 1 E ^ e l I upper went to Portland $106.70, together with interest thereon being too far from the speaker and Master Lamborn E l d e r very Mr. and Mrs Sexton. Sunday morning, where Mrs Liv- from May 3d, 1915, at the rate o f 8 of the noise made by children— cent to date and for $25.00 attor­ happily entertaine«! a number of .. . u . nun* , 0 „ jmgston met her son, Kingsley, of per and others. ney fees on his first cause o f action, Miss Helen Phillips left Satur- New York who returned with her Prof. G . R. Thomas sang a solo his playmates at his beautiful day for Hubbard, where she will and wi]1 rernain a few days. Miss and judgment against you in the sum o f $48.00 and interest thereon at 6 per so well that he was comp died to h«>me on Wednesday afterns, such as all little people last week from San Francisco, for his costs and disbursements in this A t the P. E. 0 . convention which as a scholarspip t > Miss Ruth Pat­ enjoy, were served, after which where he has spent two years, at­ action. was held in Portland last week, ton, who has her choice of any of This summons is served upon you by tending Stanford University. the following state officers were publication by order o f W. J. R. Beach, six independent colleges in this the guests left for th«*ir homes, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hollinger elected: P'esident, Mr*. Jones of a Justice o f the Peace in and fo r For­ state. Miss Patton earned the declaring Master I^imb«irn a royal and family of Portland spent Sun­ Portland: first vice pre-ident. Mrs. est Grove Justice o f the Peace and scholarship by her high standing hfist. Those present were I la Constable District, Washington County, of lx*tt«*r than 95 p«*r cent during Shotwell, Retha Wegner, L<*tha day visiting the Weitzel family Emma McCaw of Portland; sec­ Oregon, which order was made and and other friends in the Grove. ond vice president, Mrs. B. F. rendered at Forest Grove, Oregon, the the four years in high school. Wegner, Ruth Howard, V :o!a Pat­ White of Forest Grove; recording 24th day o f May, 1916, and which said Mrs. Roy Leonard of Walla A violin solo by Miss Emma erson, Eloise Atkins, William Mc- secretary, Mrs. Bessie M icley of order prescribes the publication o f this Walla, Wash., is visiting friends Craft called forth an encore, to for six weeks from and after Portland; treasurer, Mi-s Laura summons the date o f the first publication thereof. which the gifted musician gra­ Cready, Laddie Graham, Harold in the city, after attending the Howard, Ernest Loynes, E din funeral of her uncle, Thos. G. Grant of S a l e m ; corresponding W . J. R . B e a c h , ciously responded. secretary. Mrs. Harry Beaumont Justice o f the Peace. With the benediction by R« v. Philips, Carl Rice, Alfred Rice, Todd. of Portland; organizer, Mrs. Dor­ J. N. Hoffman, Attorney for plaintiff. Dunlap, the audience was dis­ Bruce Brookbank, Lysle Paterson, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Lord, Sr., othy Seymour, Forest Grove. 20-7t missed. Mr. and Mrs. T . C. Lord, J r , and the host, Lamborn F,ld«*r. and Miss Lord motored to Port­ D IL L E Y N E W S NOTES land Sunday for a visit with For you a rose Mrs. Nelson mid Mrs. Vannoy were friends. STAR ★ THEATER MARY PICKFORD The County Seat “Tess of the Storm Country” Next Tuesday, June 6th Matinee at 2:30 Admission - - 5 c and 10c W. C. T. U. COLUMN Mrs. K. B. Penfi«*ld, Editor Columbia University departed from another t adition in favor of its w«>men students wh«*n Presi­ dent Nicholas Murray Butler re­ cently issued a d«*cree which gives to all the girls in the university not students in Barnard, Teachers’ College or the graduate schools, the right to vote for members of the Student Board of Represent­ atives, the governing Ixxly for undergraduate activities. Permis­ sion was grant«*«! to women a short time ago to enter the medical and dental departments of the uni­ versity. The last regular business meet­ ing of the season of the W C. T . U. will be held at 2:30 Fril Children 9:45 A. M. National Dedication o f Columbia River Highway 2 P. M. Thursday, June 8th Annual Floral Pageant at 2 P. M. Friday, June 9th Military, Fraternal and Civic Pageant 10 A. M. Chinese Baby Show and Parade 3:30 P. M. Costume Parade, Mardi Gras features in evening. Many other attractions not mentioned above. LO W ROUND T R IP F A R E S will be on sale from ail Southern Pacific^stations, Roseburg and North. June 4th to-9th inclusive, return limit June 12th. From stations south of Roseburg in Oregon and Klamath Falls Branch, June 4th to 8th inclusive. Return limit June 17th. For further information ask local agent or write J o h n M. S c o t t , General Passenger Agent P o r t la n d , O regon SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES