* Murdered Driver’s Body Discovered NOTES ANI) PERSONALS j Ice cream at Shearer’s Sunday, 40,000 Pounds ---------- I Malcom Hawke is assisting at Ice cream at Shearer’s Sunday, the Littler Pharmacy. We will insure your auto against Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fleck vis- By telephone with Beaverton, -O F - fire, theft and collision. Hancock, ¡ted in Portland Sunday. learns that the body & Wiles. 9-tf Mrs. Moore and little daughter of the a Express resembling Fred Rist- Mesdames John Anderson and were down from Hanks yesterday, i man, man is b e 1 i t v e d to have John McNamer were Portland Mayor Paterson an d family hauled who in his jitney to the Gore visitors yesterday. visited relatives in Portland Sun­ j ranch the man who murdered Load your camera with Speed- day. ex Films for best results. Lit- Mr. and Mrs. B. Ortman and | Mrs. Helen Jennings on the night of May 15th. was found in a patch tler’s Pharmacy. , son. Clarence, were in town yes- of timber three miles south of Miss Ella Braun of Portland, lm jay Tualatin at an early hour this visited friends in this city Satur- Mrs. J. M. „ Barber , was taken to morning by officers from this and day and Sunday. Multnomah counties. The skull a sanitarium in Portland last Sat­ Mrs. Guy Stockman and son, urday. on the back of the head was Quinton, visited with relatives in Mrs. Archie Bryant was opera­ crushed in, as from a blow from Portland last week. behind. The face is so badly de­ ted on for appendicitis at a Port­ Samples set up, ready fur inspection. We feel Mrs. Elmer Bennett, who was land hospital Monday. composed as to be unrecognizable, operated on at the Hillsboro hos­ but the clothing is very similar to sure that if we can show you samples the Prices Mr. and Mrs. John Heisler and that pital last week, is doing nicely. worn by Ristnmn when he will induce you to buy. Mrs. J. H. Hergert, living south daughter, Katie, of Gales City of this city, was taken to Hi.'ls- visited friends in town yesterday. left Portland for his fatal ride. Another Veteran Called boro yesterday for an operation Mrs. John Vanderzander of for appendicitis. Verboort was taken to a Portland Taps sounded for another vet­ Pictures of the S. P. wreck near hospital this morning for an op­ eran of the Civil war at 6:30 last Hillsboro will be shown at the eration. when James R. Wdliams, Star Theater tonight, along with Mrs. A. G. Hoffman and daugh­ evening, resident of this the regular program. ter, Aileen, spent Saturday and a city highly-respected passed away of heart trouble, Spray your trees well and get Sunday visiting with Mrs. W. F. after a lingering illness. more and better fruit. Now is Powell in Portland. Deceased was born at Ottumwa, the time to use Arsenate of Lead. Mrs. Jessie C r a f t and little Iowa, 1846 and served in the For sale by Littler’s Pharmacy. daughter arrived yesterday for a union in army eighteen months, a Forest Grove. W. W. Goff, Ed. Wirtz and H. visit with the former’s aunt, Mrs. member of the Twenty-fourth left for Alaska the fin-t of the of Mr. Mrs. ('hris Peterson gave a B. Watson were in Portland yes­ C V. B. Russell, and other rela­ Iowa Infantry. He was united in week, where it is understood that party and to about 40 young frieiula in terday, reshipping a carload of tives. he intends to teach school. marriage with Mi s s Louisa J. nonor of their son. A royal time was equipment to various purchasers F A. Moore, the grocer, was Mackey in Iowa in 1875 and, Among the old P. U. men who reported by all the youngsters. J. M. H iatt and family and Mrs. in this state and Washington. operated on at a Portland hospital with his wife and children, came have returned from their several Robt. and children look din­ The infant daughter of Mr. and at 8 o’clock yesterday morning to Forest Grove seven years ago. schools the past week are Prof. ner with Halstead the DeShazer'a Sunday. Mrs. Albert Redetzke was chris- and at last accounts was doing He has. during his brief residence Bellinger and Prof. McCoy. Both Mrs. (’has. O’Neil will be hostess to Matrons next Friday. tened Sunday at the family home nicely. in this city, earned by his industry have enjoyed visiting their old the Mrs. W. S. Roberta of Portland is on David’s Hill, with a large num­ Mrs. Carl Hoffman and child­ and courtesy, a large circle of friends and are often seen about visiting W alter Wolf and ber of friends and neighbors in at­ ren returned yesterday from an friends, who will join with the the beautiful campus or in the will remain with until Mrs. after Decoration Day. relatives in mourning balls "f Marsh Hall. The old en­ Gale Grange invited Riverside tendance. extend'd visit with Mrs. Hoff­ sorrowing Grange virons evidently bring to mind over to have a good time last Saturday his death. The play given at the Christ­ man’s folks, the Heisler family, at for Mr. and to say they hail a good time would Williams has been ailing many pleasant memories. ian church last Friday evening by Gales City. putting it mildly. Firat came the for about a year and had been the Intermediates, “Hicks at Col­ Mrs. T. W. Peters and little The Kappa Delta society enter­ lie bounteous aad then the mental lege,’’ drew a good crowd and the daughter, Edna, of Portland visit­ bed-ridden for eight months. tainer! the Gamma Sigmas in their feast. First dinner, we listened to Prof. Shaw, proved to be a very interesting young actors pleased their audi­ ed at the Captain Peters home in Deceased is s u r v i v e d by a exquisitely furnished parlors last who s|M*uker. All listened and wondered if ence immensely. widow and seven children—Harry Thursday evening. A delightful this city Saturday and Sunday, and Hardy Williams of Cripple program was furnished by the what he said could he done, the won­ Next Tuesday being a national returning thing with different grasses and After the p r o g r a m the derful they questioned him, ami his answers holiday, there will be no rural ening. to Portland Sunday ev­ Creek, Colo., Fred Williams of girls. were full of information. Next came mail d e l i v e r y and the Forest The V. S. Abraham and John Peonia, Colo., James Williams, Kappas s e r v e d a d e l i c i o u s others to tell us things about farming luncheon. Mft. Alta Goley, Mrs. Easter Grove general delivery window Templeton families are enjoying a that hail not occurred to us, and last, will be closed from 10 a. m. to visit from Miss Virginia an d Richardson and Mist Ethel Wii- Willamette University had no but not least, came McAllister of the j liams of this city. union stock yards, and he talked pig 5:30 p. m. trouble in winning the Council and Master Glenn Abraham, daughter and roared like a hig buffalo. Matt S. Hughes of Pasadena, and son of Dr. and Mrs. V. R. Funeral services will be held at Track Meet at McMinnville last Well, hojr about time Austin Buxton the Buxton chaf>el at 2:30 tomor- Saturday, May 20th. McMinn­ told us if we that Calif., was elected bishop of Ore­ Abraham of Hood River. ex|i«rted to get home in time to milk the cows we had better be gon at the general conference of While “Damaged Goods” deals ! row (Friday) afternoon, Rev. R. ville College won second place, j going. It was after five o’clock ami we and P. U. third. The total num­ E Dunlap officiating. The fun- the Methodi-t Episcopal church with the sex question, those of hadn’t noticed it. So McAllister prom­ ber of points per college were:: i eral will be under the auspices of at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., la-t clean to come hack and talk to us again, minds need not fear to at­ the G. A. R. and W. R. C., de­ Willamette, 6&H; McMinnville, ised week. Bishop Cooke goes from tend the and with that we had to be content. performances at the Star ceased having been a member of 44, and Pacific University 38} So we adjourned and our picnic was Portland to Helena, Mont. Tuesday and Wednesday of next over. This was very disappointing for the local post. Interment will be “Damaged Goods,” shown at Mrs. Lily Maury is e x a c tin g her P. U. Last year at Salem P. U .! brother-in-law the Star Tue-day and Wednesday week. Admission, 10c and 15c. in Forest View cemetery and sister, Mr. and Mrs. carried the day by 13 points over S. C. Gillpstrick, from Montana to visit of next week, is a big subject, Last Tuesday J S. Buxton drove Date Set for Rose Show their nearest rival. Last year W .! with her until after Deco-ation Day. to Portland with his better half, j shown in its true light. Come Then Mrs. Maury e x a c ts to go hack The date for Forest Grove’s U. had third place. with clean thoughts and you will her mother, Mrs. Hampton; Mrs. Rose has been set for Sat­ Miss Farnham and the Art with them for a short stay. not be offended. Prices, 10c and Elizabeth Benfer of McMinnville j urday, Show 17th and it has been students gave a Picture Recital We will insure your auto against 15c. No children under 14, unless and Mrs W. C. Benfer of this ' decided June to have two parades, one Tuesday evening at Herrick Hall. fire, theft and collision. Hancock city. The roads were fine and the accompanied by parents. at 11 a. m. and the other at 3 Interpretive studies were given of & Wiles. 9-tf trip proved very enjoyable. James Park, teacher in the Pur- p. m. several of the most interesting din district, was the guest of hon­ Mrs. Nettie White, Mrs. Dor­ There will be first and second , pictures in the Hall in chronolog­ or at a surprise party given at othy Seymour and Mrs. Eva prizes for the following features in ical order, from the Italian Ren-! Bailey’s hall Tuesday evening, Bailey of this city are in attend­ morning: Best decorated auto, aissance to the present. when the majority of the school ance at the fiftieth annual con­ ine best decorated vehicle other than The track team go<*s to Salem patrons spent a pleasant evening vention of the Oregon Grand best decorated saddle horse, the invitation Field Meet with a t games, cards, dancing and Chapter of the P. E. O. Sister­ auto, STOLLWERCK’S with rider; best decorated bicycle for Willammette U.. McMinnville feasting. Mr. Parks will go to, hood, which closed a three day or motorcycle, best decorated float College and P. U. next Saturday. Estacada next term session at Portland today. by lodge or society, best decorated I So will be no baseball game float from rur il dictrict, best float till there the following Saturday. (Purely Di^estable) from town other t h a n Forest The recital given last evening Grove and one grand prize for the bv the intermediate pupils the All the injurious substances best decorated auto from any­ P. U. Conservatory of Music of was are removed from the Cocoa Built Low Down where. well attended. While the pupils In the afternoon there will be taking part in the program were Bean by Stollwerck’s patented is the only Spreader on the market guaranteed for FIVE first and second prizes for the not advanced, they were not be­ pr oce s s . Recommended by YEARS. We sell them; successful farmers use them. best decorated carriage, the best ginners, the eighteen numbers leading physicians. decorated doll carriage by girls on the and program, consisting of TRY A CAN! between 4 and 8 years, the best piano and violin music, were well The POWERFUL decorated wheelbarrow or wagon rendered. no more than ordinary by boys between 4 and 8 years. Tomorrow morning Dr. Boyd, I Costs cocoa. The doll carriages, wagons and pastor of the First Presbyterian wheel barrows will form a part of church, Portland, will deliver an is another machine we can recommend to our friends the afternoon parade. with confidence of satisfaction. Come and see it. before the students and The committee will meet Sat address faculty at the chapel hour. urday, June 2, at which time Fancy Maine Corn other features will be decided on. A t the Book Store 3 cans for . . / Ice cream at Shearer's Sunday. You will find just what you Phone 663 FOREST GROVE, ORE. (The regular value) want for a commencement gift. Mrs. J. C. Latta is visiting Books, S t a t i o n e r y , Traveling Our store will close at 9 a. m. friends in the county seat. Cases, Music Rol l s, Fountain on Tuesday, May 30, for Mem­ Mrs. Loren Jackson of Hillsboro Pens and many o t h e r articles orial day. Only one delivery (8:30 a. m.) Order NOW. visited Forest Grove friends Sat­ suitable for the occasion. urday. Come in and see them. DILLEY NEWS NOTES FRYE’S “WILD ROSE’’ BRAND Mrs. Geo. Blythe was calling on Mrs. 6 to 10-lb. Hams, per lb 20c Graves afternoon. Final examinations begin next Mrs. C. Monday 10 to 12-lb. Bacon, per lb N. Johnson was hostess to | 22c the G. L. R. club Thursday afternoon Monday. 6 to 8-lb. Bacon, per lb..... 27 'A c at h*sr beautiful home on Springhill. | J "THE PURE FOOD STORE The painters are giving the Bacon Backs The rooms were decorated in terns and roses and the house was filled with gymnasium a new coat of paint. wild Fresh Berries, Fruits and Vegetables perfume. Three tables This will enhance the looks of the of their 500 delicate N. HOFFMAN were played. Those making the best scores were Mrs. Louis Misz, first: “gym” a great deal. Mrs. F. M. Sutford, second, and Mrs. Attorney At Law Ivan Donaldson, who has been Geo. third. Ladies present be­ Phone 0301 Lord & Giguere a student here for eight years, sides Hoar, Patent Office Business Solicited the club members were: Mrfl. Hoar, and Mrs. G rant Hughes, had to quit school before gradua­ Geo. - Oregon tion on account of weak eyes. He Mrs. Louis Misz and Mrs. Dr. Hinman ForestGrove, Steel Barn Equipment Steel Stanchions, Litter-Carriers, etc., at Lower Prices than ever before on the Pacific Coast. GOFF BROS. Phone 683 * Forest Grove, Ore Somethihff New! COCOA The Litchfield Manure-Spreader SMALLEY ENSILAGE CUTTER GORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. SPECIAL SALE Cured Meat Specials Phone 061 The Pacific Market 40c Pacific University PUnZ'NADKET J.