ähr üfarrat (Brmtf xuttm AN IN D EPEN D EN T WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1916 Vol. 1. No. 20 $1.50 per Year Ktnud to Cümpi'c ,hc pr™iura Pacific University UNOFFICIAL RETURNS Will Obserre ON PRIMARY ELECTION Memorial Day Commencement The fair will be held Sept. 20 to 23. inclusive, on the new grounds, east of Pacific University campus. Following is the program for the Officers have been elected as Pacific U n i v t r s i t y Commence­ follows: Joseph P. Huriey, presi­ dent; W. J. McCready, first vice ment exercises, which begin a president; A. E. Westcott (Kansas week from today and close the fol­ City), second vice president; Ross lowing Wednesday: W. Reder, secretary; H. E. Ferrin, Thursday, Ju n e 1 treasurer. 8:00 P. M. Marsh Hall At Monday night’s meeting, C ., Conservatory R ecital O. Roe and J. S. Buxton, retiring F riday, Ju n e 2 president and secretary, met with Marsh Hall the new officers and turned over 8:00 P. M. Conservatory R ecital the books, as well as $101.78 in Sunday. Ju n e 4 money that was left from the last 11:00A .M . Congregational Church fair. Baccataurate Sermon, “ Chris­ L. M. Graham was appointed tianity and Preparedness in by the president as superinten­ A m erica,*’ Pres. C. J . Bush- dent of grounds and he will nell, Ph. D. shortly get busy at the task of 8:00 P. M. Congregational Church getting the new site in shape. B. Handley of Tillamook has ' In honor of the heroes of the been nominated for joint senator Civil war all of the churches of (Washington, Tillamook, Lincoln Forest Grove will observe next and Yamhill counties). In this Sunday a« Memorial Sunday by county his nearest opponent was holding joint services at the Con­ his cousin, John U. Smith. Both gregational church at 3 p. m. are cousins to Dr. Large of this Rev. Holmes will deliver the Memorial sermon a n d special city. Carl Hoffman received 106 re­ music will be furnished by a union publican votes for constable in choir, under the direction of Mrs. this city and is, therefore, the E. E. Williams. The G. A. R. nominee. and W. R . C. will attend in a Judge Bagley c a r r i e d both Washington and T i l l a m o o k body. At 9:30 o’clock in the morning counties, but his exact vote has of Tuesday, May 30, the G. A. C ir c u it J u d g e G e o . R . B a g le y . R , W. R. C., school children and D i s t r i c t A t t o r n o y — E. B. Democratic Results friends will assemble in front of Address before the Christian T ongue. About the only contest on the K. of P. hall and march to Forest associations, “ The Winds of S ta te S e n a to r— W . D . W ood. S O C IA L N O T E S democratic ticket was between the View cemetery. After the graves the Soul” Rev. O. H. Holmes. R e p r e s e n ta tiv e s — B e n to n B ow - Monday, Ju n e 5 two candidates for vice president. have been decorated, there will be Miss Berger Entertained m a n , B . P . C o rn e liu s a n d S. A . D .i 2:00 P. M. College Campus Forest Grove gave E. W. Major ritual services at the “monument Senior Class Day Exercises Last Friday evening a few of M eek. of Missouri 7 votes and Thomas of the Unknown Dead.” Every­ College Campus Miss Oleva Berger’s friends en­ 8:00 P. M. C o m m is s io n e r— H T H e ss. B. Marshall of Indiana 63 votes. body is invited. Commencement Play, Shakes­ joyed a most delightful party at S h e riff J . C . A p p le g a te . The democratic judicial, legis- p eare’s “ As You Like I t . ” At 2 p. m., at Marsh Hall, the the beautiful Berger residence, C le rk H . A . K u r a tli. • Tuesday, Ju n e 6 following program will be ren­ near Greenville Boulevard. The 3:00 P. M. A sse sso r W . F . B o le y . dered : evening w a s spent in playing Reception by L iterary Societies T r e a s u r e r E . B . S a p p in g to n . Circuit Judge—S. S. Johnson of Prayer, Prof. Bates. 8:00 P. M. Marsh Hall “500” and the rendition of sev­ C o u n ty S u p e r in te n d e n t B . W .¡ Tillamook. Instrumental Solo, Aileen Hoff­ Commencement Concert eral beautiful piano selections by B a rn e s . State Senator (from Washing­ man. Wednesday, Ju n e 7 . . the hostess. At about 10:30 the R e c o r d e r J . H . D a v is . P resid en t’s Office ton county)—R. M. Erwin of Welcome. Prof. Bates. guests were directed to the dining A S u r v e y o r C . G . R e ite r . M eeting of T rustees Hillsboro. Reply, Post Commander But­ room, where a most delicious and 3:00 Annual P. M. Marsh Hall C o ro n e r I . E . B a rre tt. dainty supper awaited the merry R ep resen tativ es — M anche ler. Commencement E xercises; Ad­ T h e fig u re s o b ta i n a b l e a r e a s , young people. The lights in the Langley, Wm. Schulmerich, and Song, Lucy Buffam. dress, “ College Life and To­ fo llo w s: chandelier were subdued by pink Tolsi ! H. V. Meade. Tolsi d ay ’s N eeds,” Rev. H enry M ar­ Recitation, Three Girls tissue paper shades made in the Kurr«t CSruv«. (Umnty j cotte, D. D., Portland. Commissioner— C. A. Hanley. Song, J. T. Butler. shape of a tulip blossom. Dainty For President-- 5:00 P. M. H errick Hall Parlors Sheriff—J. E. Reeves. pink baby-ribbon bands w e r e Address, Col. Housdorf. Theodor« E. Burton ...... 55 Alumni M eeting draped from the chandelier to the .'i Clerk—F. E. McBride. A lbert B. Cummins “ My Country, ‘Tis of Thee,” C ongregational Church several place cards on the table. 6:00 P. M. 342 Charles E. Hughes Assessor—C. E. Hedge. Audience. P resident’s R eception and Col­ Altogether the table presented a Vire P resident— —Committee. Treasurer— D. B. Burkhalter. lege Dinner. very pretty sight. T h e menu 248 William G. W ebster Re presen tati ve to Congres»— consisted of sandwiches, salad. Annual Flfirtinn nf olives, celery, loganberry juice, AlUlUal LivUlUIl OI 470 Wm. C. Hawley home-made candies, c a k e and S e r’y o f S ta te — Princess ice cream. ...... .... 267 Chas. B. Moores East-bound S o u t h e r n Pacific 264 I Benj. W. ü lco tt The annual business meeting of Miss Berger was dressed in an Last Sunday evening, at the local freight No. 234, pulled by exquisite evening gown of creamy- the Forest Grove Woman’s club Supreme Ju stice— Christian church. Rev. J. Francis 378 I Geo. H. B urnett engine 2911, struck the rear of a brown with floral designs. She was held Monday, May 22d, at Ashley preached the baccalaureate ..... 360 Frank A. Moore gravel train on the trestle over proved a charming hostess and 2:30 p. m. sermon to the graduating class of Dairy and Food Corn— Dairy creek, a mile west of Hills­ everyone had a most delightful The reports all showed 1915 and 402 John D. Mickle the Forest Grove high school. boro, at 6 o’clock Tuesday morn­ time. Pub. Service Corn- 1916 to have been prosperous Those present were: Miisses Rev. Dunlap of the M. E. ing, demolishing a boxcar, loaded 208 Fred G. Buchtell church opened the exercises with with canned milk, a ballast car Hazel Stockman, Belle Taylor, years, closing with a good round 261 Thos. K. Campbell prayer and the boys’ and girls’ and badly damaging the freight Christina Haeek, Oleva Berger, sum in the treasury. Mrs. Wal- Circuit Judge— and Mrs. Berger; Messrs Fowler, rath, Mrs. Paul Schultz and Mrs. 2154 glee club of the school led in the enjiine. Engineer H o b e r g and Frost, Jensvold and Willard. ..... ,153 (îeo. K. Baglay Brakeman Kiminell jumped when W. C. Benfer were added to 1504 singing. ,...417 W. H. Hollis they saw a collision was inevitable Senator (Wash. Co.) — Mrs. F. J. Miller entertained membership. The following The keynote of Rev. Ashley’s and the former sprained his back ...420 w . i>. Wood forty-eight of her lady friends a t , °mcers were elected: sermon was “ Whatever You Do, severely while the brakeman re­ President—Miss Mary F. Fara- Jo int S enator— Do It Heartily, as Unto God.” ceived painful bruises about the 500 last Saturday afternoon. to t 1043 He advocated the application of ham. Jesse Edwards 1197 the principles of the Sermon on head. Fireman Sickaroose stuck 127 Vice P r e s i d e n t—Mrs. B. F. John U. Smith Next Wednesday evening Mrs. 886 : the Mount as a guide to our daily with the engine and was severely, Bernard’s entertainment commit­ White. Francia L. Michelbrook 15S but not fatally, scalded. The 163 Recording Secretary—Mrs. Geo. T. B. Handley work in life. He advised the mem­ three injured men were taken to tee of the Rebekah lodge will put R epresentativea— bers of the class to adopt a seven- a Portland hospital, where they on “The Peak Sisters,” w f t h Rodgers. 1601 247 Benton Bowman Corresponding Secretary—Miss day religion, instead of the pre­ are recovering from their injuries. bloomer drill, after the regular 1791 ...198 B. P . Cornelius meeting of the lodge. All Odd Mjjfy *L vailing fashion of one day of re­ m g ligion and six days of money-grab­ At the point where the engineer Fellows and Rebekahs are invited 217 L. A. Fernsw orth Treasurer Mrs. J. A. Thorn and brakeman jumped, the trestle 222 IM I S. A. D . Meek Musical foolishness will be the burgh, bing. He believed the most last­ is about 20 feet high. 1280 215 E. L. Moore Executive Board- -Mrs. J. P. ing business and the most satisfy-1 .The wreck was a nasty looking predominating feature, with a fine 155 S. Paisley costume drill. Hurley. ing life is the one built on a one, with three cars over the side a n il--------- Mrs. A. B. Todd and Mrs. J. 1204 foundation of right living. 256 A. E. Scott of the trestle and the engine quite A. G. Hoffman last Thurs- P. Hurley were elected delegates D istrict Attorney- Rev. Spaulding delivered the badly damaged, and it is fortunate day Mrs. 1720 264 entert a number of her to the state convention; Mrs. E. H. T. Baglay that the accident did not happen lady friends lined 2073 benediction. Ml at a luncheon. E. Williams and Mrs. Ives J. E. B. Tongue The church was crowded, in to a passenger train. Hoar, alternates. Commissioner— The trestle is on a curve, mak­ Mrs. H. J. Walrath entertained 1891 spite of a drizzling rain, by friends ___248 The following committee was H. T. Hess ing it difficult for the engine crew a dozen friends at a luncheon and appointed ......222 U M ; and relatives of the members of revise the bylaivs: C. F. Tigard to see far ahead and it is apparent sewing party Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. B. F. to the class. W ’hite, Mrs. Dorothy Sheriff— I 1945 ! The graduating exercises will be that the flagman for the gravel ......308 --------- . Seymour and Mrs. Eva C. Ab- J. C. Applegate 994 held at the Congregational church train was not far enough behind . 30 J. W. Connell John Anderson returned Friday bott. The club adjourned to 541 his train, but the responsibility from his trip to Newport, where m eetjn four weeks, June 19th. A 227 G. G. Hancock tomorrow evening, with thefol-l 218 ; ...... 14 * G rant Mann for this oversight has not been 127 lowing program: ...... 1 he attended a district convention vote of thanks was extended to all D. M. Mclnnis fixed. Processional ..................................... C le rk - of the W. O W. for W ashington,.officers and committees. Traffic on the line was blocked 2236 Invocation ........... Rev. R. E. Dunlap 270 H. A. Kuratli until nearly noon Tuesday and all Piano Solo Russel Beals | Tillamook, Clackamas, L i n n , ; 1407 A Fine Entertainment 251 E. L. McCormick Graduation Address Judge Stevenson day yesterday wreckers were Marion, Polk and Yamhill coun-l The Star Theater was crowded Assessor— Vocal Solo Prof. G. R. Thomas j burning and clearing up wreckage. 1081 Presentation of Diplomas.................. .......139 ties. There was a good attend­ to the entrance Tuesday evening W. F. Holey 578 ..... 41 Chas. E. Lytle ...... Presentation of Scholarship ance of delegates and everybody . 616 Violin Solo J. W. M cftoberts ...... 160 Miss Emma C raft had a good time. The next con- Dy parents and friends of the 484 Benediction 60 A. A. Morrill ....... Rev. O. H. Holmes ' vention will be held at Tillamook pupils of the Lincoln school, who 805 S. N. Poole ........... ....... 53 The members of the class are: some time next spring, the date gave one of the nicest school en- T re a su re r- 218 1579 H arriet Benjamin C hester A. Buell to be fixed by the head camp. tertainments ever given in the Effie J Godman ..... The directors of the Washing­ 2033 Zela Buckingham M yrtle Clark E. B . Sappington ..... 366 Edith C raft Frank Burlingham ton County Fair association held Finding it necessary to go East • city • The program consisted of County Sup’t — Dorothy A. Joy A rthur C. Wahl 483 a meeting Monday evening and on business will continue sale un- choruses, marches, folk dances B. W. Barnes Eugene Loving Claribel Craw ford Frank C. Doane Donald E. Lamb Recorder— talked over plans for making the til June 15th. All hats at cost and the fairy play, “The Sleeping 465 Laurence Peterson Grace G. Gibson Jam es H. Davis ..... 1916 fair the greatest ever held in and many much less than cost of , an^ Ruth A. Patton G ertrude Hinman S u rv ey o r- *. , ...... . , children been drilled that the the county. All the details have 2061 294 Elizabeth I. Potwin Willis R. Hines C. G. R eiter ...... 1406 Alice N. Ralston 202 not yet been worked out, but a material. Will close my shop two-hour entertainment passed off Elizabeth Johnson Thos. J. Wilkes ..... Irene Robinson C. Nelson Johnson ood start has been made and during July and August, returning without a hitch. Nearly a hundred Coroner— L aura E. Stokes A rthur C. Jones Sept. 1st, with all the latest East- spectators stood for two hours to Dr. I. E. B arrett .......4Í5 Lois Ellen Tupper Jtdian Wilson Ryan )irector L. M. Graham and Sec­ Present indications are that T. Irene Vanderberg Florence Thornburg retary Ross Reder have been ap- iern models. The Elva Millinery. \ see the entertainment to a finish. Owing to the fact that the judges of Aloha, East Beaverton, South Cornelius. Scholls and Tual atin voting precincts locked their returns in the ballot boxes (which were not opened until yesterday), it has been impossible to secure exact figures on last Friday’s pri­ mary (•lection. The canvassing board still had the books when the Express went to press this afternoon, but e n o u g h returns were secured by copying posted statements and by telephone to make certain the nomination of the following judicial and county officials on the republican ticket: In In _______ A Costly Wreck The High School Near Hillsboro Baccalaureate _______ _______ - 11 ............. 1 1 ' . .................... .. ............. ; ....................... % .......... Directors Planning Big County Fair f The Woman’s Qub