The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, May 18, 1916, Image 9

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    GEORGE G. HANCOCK “ made good” when he wa« Sheriff and will do it again
Supplement to Forest Grove Express
Vol 1
Forest Grove, Ore., Thursday, May 18, 1916.
No. 19
friends of the family invited them­ NOTES AND PERSONALS
selves in for a good time. The ev­
ening was spent at mu-ic, games
Do a kind act by telling your
A birthday surprise party was and an excellent lunch.
friend of chiropractic. Dr.
given Mi s s V e r n a Flemming,
K of P. block.
Tuesday evening at her home on
Commercial Club Activities
of Miss Dee Darling
North “C” street. A number of
The directors of the Forest
neighbors and friends were pres­ Grove Commercial club held a gave a very enjoyable recital at I.
ent and a very pleasant evening meeting last night and listened to O O. F. hall last evening.
was spent in listening to instru­ the reports of E. A. Rue ter, H. J.
Thomas G. Todd, pioneer citi­
mental and vocal music, recita­ Wright, Louis Larsen, H. C. At­ zen of Oregon, is very ill at the
tions and stories. Ice cream and well and Wm. Kappel, who came home of Mrs. Doane, north of this
cake were served by the hostess. as representatives from the prune city, and may not last the night
Those present were Mr. and Mrs growers These gentlemen report­ out.
Van Walters, Mrs. Inger-oll, Mr. ed that Brown Rot was making
Claude Bryant, a brother to
and Mrs. Flemming, Leone Gra­ heavy inroads on the prune in­ Archie Bryant of th s city, wou
ham, V e r n a Flemming, Kuth dustry and, unless checked soon, the high jump in the meet between
Austin Elcy Walker. Gwendolyn might destroy the industry for this the U. of O. and the (>. A. C. at
Hughes, Margaret Jones, June section. Messrs McCready, Brod- Eugene last Friday, jumping six
Walker, Louis Walters and Carol ersen and Reder were appointed a feet and one-eighth inch. He is
committee to solicit state and fed­ an O. A. C. student.
Rev. and Mrs. O. H. Holmes,
A party of Eastern Stars from eral aid in ridding the orchards of
Mr. and Mrs. C-. V. B. Russell
this city and Dilley motored to this pest.
Messrs. Littler, Haines and Fer- and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mc-
Hillsboro Tuesday evening and
witnessed the initiation of a can­ rin were appointed to see if Post­ Eldowney took a ride over the
didate by Tualatin chapter, after master Wirtz can get perm ssion Columbia highway Tuesday and
which they enjoyed a nice lunch, to keep the stamp and general de­ Mr. Russell is very enthusiastic
prepared by the Hillsboro Stars. livery windows open during the about that magnificent auto road.
The members of the party, so far distribution of mails, and Members
Fred Knight, son of Mr. and
as the Express informant could Holmes, Littler and Graham were Mrs. Frank Knight of near Dilley,
remember, were Messrs and Mes- appointed to secure badges for the who has been employed as a
dames S. G. Hughes, H. J . Goff, local members of the Grand Army teacher in the Philippines for sev­
( ’. O. Roe Dennis. Drum. John­ who go to the state encampment eral years, is on his way home.
son and Rroderson (Dilley), M. J at Eugene and to lend such as- He will arrive in San Francisco
Abbott, E. E. Williams C. L. s stance as might be desired to the this week and will reach his home
Rump, Scott, Jon<s; local delegates in securing the soon
Quentin Tucker. M. I Mallory, next encampment for this city.
W. J. Scott of Pittsburg, Pa.,
A Hinman, H. T. Giltner, Susie
is in the city today, trying to se­
Wilson Club Organized
Hatfield, J. W. Hughes, L. C.
cure a lease on a thousand acres
A dozen admirers of President of land L. M. Graham owns in
Mis/., W. Aldrich, J. G. Lenne-
ville, Ridgely, Chas. Miller, F. G. Woodrow Wilson gathered at the Frontier county, Neb. The land
Wilcox, J. A. Thornburg; Mis.-es Rogers library Tuesday evening, is believed to be underlaid by an
Staley and Ceeel and Messrs. W. org inized a Wilson c l u b and oil bed and Mr. Scott and as
H Hollis, R. P. Nixon and E. W. elected the following officers:
sociates desire to bore for oil, if
they get the lease.
President W. J. McCready.
Mrs. Caroline E. Watts died
A very enjoyable day was spent
hist Friday at her home at La­
at the home of Mrs. Martha Dil­ liams.
ley on Tuesday, May 16th, the
Secretary Miss Manche Lang­ fayette and the remains were
buried Sunday. Deceased w a s
occasion being Mrs. Dilley’s 70th ley.
years of age, was a pioneer of
birthday, when a number of her
Treasurer O. M. Sanford.
1845. She was a sister to Mrs.
friends came to make her a fare­
The club will meet the third Z. Large of this city, Mrs. Del-
well visit, and presented her with
in each month, unless phine Whalen of Portland, Mrs.
numerous gifts. A bounteous re­
by important busi­ Iola Handley of San Francisco
past was serves! at noon. Those ness, Any person
who believes in and Mrs. Miranda Smith of Vale.
present were: Mrs. L M . Hersh­
his policies
berger and family, Mrs. Jack Hol­
Rev. J. Francis Ashley, pastor
land, Mrs. A. L. Dilley, Mrs. other political affiliations Nearly
of the Christian church, has not­
Mamie Rriton of Gales Creek,
ified the church board that he
Mrs. Nannie Hickox, Mrs. Mary forty names were enrolled before desires to leave June 20th to ac­
Dilley, of Dilley, Mrs Emetine the officers were elected and it is cept a charge at his old home,
Hughes and Mrs. Bisbee of For­ | expected to secure 300 names.
Rossville, 111., and it looks like it
The Knights and Indies of is up to the b o a r d t o fill a
est Grove. M>s. Dilley will make
Security will hold a social evening vacancy. Mr. Ashley has been
her home near Amity.
on Wednesday, M a y 24. All pastor here twenty-six months
Yesterday was the anniversary members are requested to be pres­ and many people, both in and
of the birth of Mrs. A. J. McIn­ ent and to bring a friend with out of the church, will regret to
tyre and in the evening a dozen them.
i see him leave.
Hollis for Circuit Judge and H. T. Bagley for Attorney