The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, May 18, 1916, Image 7

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Recommendations of Inland
Empire Teachers' Association
That the teacher« certificate law of
Of General Interest
Washington, I). C. — With 8000 ad­
Portland— Wheat— Blue«tem, $1.03
ditional troop« under order« for the per bushel; fortyfold, 92c; club, 91c; by any state is shown by the report;
of the certificate committee of the In­
Mexican Ixirder, including 4000 N k - red Fife, 92c; red Russian, 92c.
Hay Fastern Oregon timothy, $23 land Empire association recently held
I tionul Guardsmen from Arizona, New
0t.2H.H0 per ton; alfafla, old crop, $19 at Spokane. The committee submit­ Equality in Distribution of
i Mexico and Texas, a<lmini«tration offl- (U. 20 .
ted a report every point of which i«
State School Money Shown
* I cial« felt Wednesday night that nece*-
Milfeed— Spot price«: Bran, $23.50 covered by the Oregon certificate law,
«ary «tep« had been taken to prevent per ton; «horts, $26.60; rolled barley, and recommends that all the states
That the state and county officials of
forming this association;
namely, Oregon are much more zealous in safe-
further raiding of American border $31.6061*2.60.
Corn- Whole, $36 per ton; cracked, Montana, Idaho, Washington and Ore- guarding the school funds than are
town« by bandit«.
gon, Becure certificate laws a« outlined «orne of the neighboring states íb
I'reaident Wil«on and hi« cabinet
Vegetable« — Artichoke«, $1 per by the report. A« Oregon already has shown _ by
investigation started a
URGE CHIMNEY CRIMES IO URIH discussed the Mexican eituation, but dozen; tomatoes, $4.26 per crate; cab- Huch a law, thi« will mean that the ohort time
by the legislative com-
the I'reaident had authorized the new bage, $ 2 . 3 per hundred; garlic, other three states will model their mittee of the state o f Washington
10c per pound; pepper*, 17$((420c; laws after the Oregon law.
The re­ representing the State Federation of
troop order« before hi« aovaier« gath­
eggplant, 206425c; hor«eradi«h, 8Je; port of the committee follows:
Labor, the Farmers’ Union and State
Irrigation Canals Damaged, but Loss
cauliflower, 76c64$1.10; lettuce, $1.85
“ To the Educational Council of the Grange. The secretary of the commit­
Funaton recommended early in the day hi 2.25 per crate; cucumbers, $1 (’0/1.25
tee wrote to State Superintendent J.
Inland Empire Teachers’ association:
Is Light — Gas Well Increased
that additional force« lie aerit to the jier box; spinach, 4((/,6c per pound; as­
“ In order to raise the standard of A. Churchill calling attention to the
border. After an exchange o f tele­ paragus, 756490c per dozen, $1 per
qualifications for teaching and to pro­ fact that 25 per cent of the moneys
by Disturbance Takes Fire.
gram« General Kun«ton suggested that iiox; rhubarb, l i 642c per pound; peas,
mote interstate comity your committee derived from the sale of timber and
the National guard from the three 6(0,6 Jc; I lean«, 8(0,1 lc ; celery, $3.50
begs leave to recommend the follow­ rentals of the forest reserves is paid
«talc« named lie called out in addition per crate.
by the Federal government to various
ltoi«e, Idaho— Hoi«e experienced the to the «ending of all the remaining in­
Potatoes — Jobbing prices: Oregon,
“ 1. The classification of certifi­ states and that the law provide« that
Ilia «ug- $1.4064 1.65 per «ack; Yakima«, $1;
mo«t violent earthquake «hock in the fantry to join hi« command.
cates and the standards o f certificates it shall be by them divided among the
new California, 4(0,5c per pound. Buy­ should be uniform in the four states counties in which the forest reserves
history o f the city at 7:26 Friday
ing prices: Oregon, $1641.15.
included in the Inland Empire.
(This are situated, and the money expended
Canada’s Only Woman
night. The tremor la«tcd about three
Onion« — Oregon, $1.35 («, 1.60 per to include a standardized list of insti­ for the benefit o f the public schools
necond« and wan more in the nature of
Recruiting Officer.
sack; Texas Bermudas, $1.6O 642.
tutions from which papers are accred­ and the public roads thereof, and not
an upheaval than a wave.
In the
Green Fruit— Strawberries, Oregon, ited. )
$2(0,2.50 per crate; California, 75c(0,
A comparison o f the way this money
downtown district |ieople ru«hed from |
“ 2. All certificates should be issued
$1.65; apple«, $1 (<Q 1.75 per box; by state authority rather than through ‘ 8 divided in the different states is
the building« to the «treet«.
Only ;
goose lie rrie«, 8c per pound; cherries, county superintendents’ offices.
This committee
quite interesting.
«light damage hail been reyiorted early
$1.50(14,1.75 per box.
“ 3.
All examination questions 8ent a statement which shows that in
Saturday. The quake waa the «econd |
Eggs — Jobbing prices:
Oregon should be prepared under state author-1 many counties o f Washington all the
ranch, candled, 23c per dozen; un­ ity and all examination papers should money is expended for the benefit o f
in a fortnight, the la«t one having Lieen
candled, 21 i6z,22c.
roads, and the Bchools receive nothing
k/e graded by state authority.
recorded April 80.
Poultry— Hen«, 17(4/17Jc per pound;
In some counties a very small sum is
In lioi»e a chimney of a buainea«
«tags, 13c; broilerB, 286/, 30c; turkeys, tional training rather than by examin­ spent for roads and Bchools and the
block in the heart of the city wax j
live, 186420c; turkey», dressed, choice, ation should be emphasized and en­ balance is “ otherwise” expended.
236/25c; ducks, 16ft//18c; geese, 10c. couraged.
«haken down and other« were damaged,
Superintendent Churchill sent a let­
Butter— Extra«, print«, 28(029e per
and in other building« pla«ter w u
“ 5. No certificate should be grant­ ter to each county o f this state asking
pound; prime firsts, 27c; firsts, 26c; ed to persons who have not completed for a statement as to how the money
broken form the walla.
Di«he« fell
cubes, 240425c; butterfat, No. 1, 27c, a high school course or its equivalent, is expended in Oregon. He has re­
from table« and plate rack«, table«,
delivered Portland; No. 2, 25c; store ■ plu« professional training.
ceived letters from nearly all the coun­
chair«, bed« and desk« were moved.
butter, 186420c.
“ 6. Within a reasonable time all ties, and in every instance the money
Veal— Fancy, 1 l(£t 12c per pound.
A«ide from fright to re«identn and
rural and grade teachers should be is equally divided between the school
Pork— Fancy, lOJftillc per pound.
graduates o f a normal school course of fund and the road fund.
fear of a repetition of the «hock,
Hops— 1915 crop, 106412c; 1916 con­ two years in addition to a four year
IToine and Sotuhern Idaho eacapcd Her- I
tract«, Ilft4l 2c.
high school course.
Government Crop Report for Oregon
ioua injury.
Wool— Eastern Oregon, 21(0 29c per
"7 . All persons who teach in ac­
Washington, D. C.— A summary of
pound; valley, 33(0,36c; mohair, new credited high schools should have four
The quake in many «ection« o f thi«
the May crop report for the state of
years of training beyond a four years
part of the interinountain country wo«,
Cascara bark—Old and new, 4c per high school course, such training to in- i Oregon, as compiled by the Bureau of
without direction in it« motion, and in
crop estimates, U. S. department of
1 dude or be supplemented by profes­ Agriculture, is as follows:
that reMpect was different from the
Cattle — Steers, choice grain and sional training.
Winter wheat— May 1 forecast 12,-
one felt here lant fall.
The «waying
pulp, $8.750/9.15; choice hay, $8.5064
“ 8. It is the sense of the commit- - 100.000 bushels; production last year
8.75; good, $8,150/8.50; medium, $7.75 tee that statutes
motion waa not felt in the quake.
on certification (final estimate),
(0 8.15; cows, choice, $7.50048; good, should be broad and general, leaving
Two week« ago there w « h a dintinct
$6.75 fqj 7.25; medium, $6.25 64 7.25; details to lie determined by the State years ago, 13,684,000; 1909-13 aver­
«hock in thi« territory, but no damage
heifers, $5 6J 8.25; bulls, $2,756(6; Board o f Education or other legally : age, 12,955,000 bushels.
Rye—May 1 forecast, 436,000 bush­
waa done.
«tags. $30/5.25.
constituted agency.
els; production last year (final esti­
Hogs— Prime light, $90/9.25; good
The «waying of light«, the rattling
“ 9. No laws enacted should be re­ mate), 414,000; two years ago, 336,-
to prime, $8.50048.75; rough heavy, troactive.’ ’
o f furniture and diahea and «training
000 bushels.
$7,906/ 8; pigs and skips, $7.90648.
o f timlier« in building« for two or
Meadows— May 1 condition 93, com­
Sheep— Yearlings, $*.256/10; weth­
three «econd« were other incident« of
pared with the ten-year average of 96.
ers, $80t9.05; ewes, $7649; lambs,
Cleaning and Refreshing Rugs.
the «hake.
Pasture— May 1 condition 93, com­
$8,250/ 10.50.
Written to r this paper by Martha Bechen, O. A. C.
Residents exhibited «« much curios­
pared with the ten-year average of 95.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
ity a« fear over the disturbance.
Spring plowing — Per cent done to
vallis—Cleaning is absolutely essential May 1, 1916, estimated 89 per cent,
Itcports from the surrounding terri­
to keep a rug looking well and to compared with 92 May 1 last year and
tory are to the effect that the «hock
waa distinctly felt, but there were no
Oregon Hop Market Affected make it last. The cleaning necessary 84, the ten year average.
depends on the use of the rug, but all ! Spring planting — Per cent done to
casualtie«, and no particular damage
Portland — The export demand for rugs should receive a thorough going
May 1, 1916, estimated 75 per cent,
hop« is not going to be as much of a over twice a year.
Fearing the quake might have dam- ;
compared with 86 May 1 last year and
The loose dust and dirt must be dis­ j 80, the ten-year average.
factor in the coming season as in past
aged the great Arrow Rock dam, 22 j
o f first.
Lay the rug upside
mile« above thi« city, inquiry was im- '
Hay—Old crop on farms May 1. es­
i years, unless the war is brought to a
down on green grass or on an old bed timated 75,000 tons, compared with
mediately made of the caretaker« af-1
Mrs. Clara Sanderson Laub spent close, as production of beer in England spring sufficiently raised to eliminate
ter the «hock, but they reported that, more than a year in hospital work in
120.000 a year ago and 173,000 two
much stooping over, and beat vigor- j years ago
while the quake had been felt there, France, and then returned to Canada is to be limited.
Word has been received from Lon­ ously with a carpet cleaner or flexible
the to do what she could to induce men to
the dain was not damaged
Prices—The first price given below
that arrangements have been made rattans. Never shake rugs by the end, is the average on May 1 this year, and
enlist. This photograph shows her in
because this breaks the warp. Turn the second, the average on May 1 last
From the irrigated section» reports her recruiting costume.
She is the i between the British government and the rug over and sweep thoroughly.
have been received that some of the only woman in Canada engaged wholly
: the Brewers’ society to reduce the
It is now ready for the chemical I Wheat, 87 and 116 per bushel. Corn,
canals were damaged, but not E>eyond ¡n ^ ¡ s wor(t( and she has brought
! beer output from April 1, 1916, by 28 cleaning. Lay it on the floor right ! 85 and 89.
Oats, 39 and 51. Pota­
many men to the colors.
Hay, $13.10 and
The earthquake last fall split a deep
l>er cent of the output of the year side up and remove all spots first. toes, 77 and 77.
Those made by a sticky substance may $9.50 per ton. Eggs, 20 and 19 cents
»earn across the New York canal, one
be removed with salt and alcohol. Oil per dozen.
o f the largest in Idaho, and it required gestion was promptly approved and or­
of this restriction is to reduce the im­ may be released by the absorption pro­
ders were dispatched.
week« to repair it.
portation of brewing materials by cess, using either Fuller’ s earth, blot­
Instruments at the local weather
Timber Sale Approved.
33 1-3 per cent, though no direct steps ting paper or salt. Soot comes out by
bureau office indicate the quake was
is made by the Forest
covering spot with
few ________
w u n salt
_____ a ____
confined to the Intermountain country $10,000 Offered for 100 Seats
will be taken to restrict the importa­
district forester,
and that the duration of the quake was
tion of materials.
just approved the
le«« than half a minute.
thé coloris contract for the sale to Brown Bros.,
At Weiser, 80 miles west, the quake
& Hubbard of 3,900,000 feet of timber
Chicago— From the pile o f mail that market at all points on the Coast, and altered apply ammonia water.
was felt with exceptional violence. A
have been re- on the Crater Lake National forest in
new gas well, in which a flow was was stacked high all over his office prices are, if anyhtir.g, steadier than
moved clean the entire rug with a Southern Oregon.
Htruck ten days ago, showed remarka­ | Wednesday, Fred W. Upham, chair­ last week.
The timber is located on Crystal
preparation for rugs. The
ble increase of presnure immediately
Creek on the west side of Klamath
man of the Chicago committee that
The Furnish crop of 195 bales at following are some recipes:
after the shake-up. The pressure in­
Reedville was bought by Ralph E.
Shave half a pound of soap and boil lake and consists mostly of western
creased to 75 pounds, but later on the brought the Republican National con­
it in a quart o f water until dissolved. yellow pine, although there is some
well caught fire, and hundreds of peo­ vention to this city, extracted a letter.
as 11} cents were made for good Ore­ Then add one gallon o f hot water and sugar pine and other species. The
ple gathered to watch the shooting
one ounce of salts of tartar, mixing j prices P*>d for the timber are $3.20
100 seats for the convention that will gon« in other sections.
The Chamberlain lot of 126 bales at thoroughly. The application to th e ; per M feet for the yellow pine and
Twenty-five miles north, at Emmett,
sugar pine, and 50 cents per M feet
Chehalis was purchased by Harry L.
the quake was violent and alarmed the the candidate of the Republican party Hart at 10J cents. Another important rug should be made with a stiff brush. for the other species.
Nampa, to the south,
“ The demand for tickets of admis­ Western Washington deal was the sale should lather freely, and clean the rug
also felt the shake, an did Idaho City,
Refuses Business.
to the convention is enormous, ” of 350 bales of the Klaber crop at Che­ without allowing it to get very wet.
36 miles north.
Windows rattled at
said Mr. Upham, surveying the piles halis at 11 cents. In Yakima orders Wash only a portion at a time and
Marshfield— Frank W. Rehfeld, a
upon piles o f letters awaiting his re­ at 11 cents are going unfilled. Only wipe hard with a cloth wrung out of myrtle wood manufacturer here, has
to Chicago. “ We are getting at five crops remain unsold in the Yakima cold water. Continue until the entire more orders than he can fill and had to
G ifts o f Bread B arred .
rug is finished then leave it to dry. Do turn down a large contract for myrtle
least a bushel of mail a day, and al- section.
Paris — According to newspaper an­ moBt every letter asks for seats.
In Sonoma, where unsold stocks are not use the rug while still damp.
bobbins for spinning mills in Calcutta.
nouncements it will not l/e permissible
Another recipe is:
Dissolve four
“ I ’ ve been connected with the Chi­ reduced to 3000 bales, bids are out at
Myrtle wowl novelties have become
after May 15 to send bread in parcels cago committee that has handled four 11 and 12 cents. The sale by Mrs. ounces of good white soap in four
sought since they were exhibited
for French prisoners in Germany. The National Republican conventions, and Duncan of 115 bales of Sonomas at 11 ounces of boiling water; when cool
at the San Francisco exposition, and
French foreign office says if the an­ I never saw anything like the demand cents is reported.
Hofer & Johnson add five ounces of ammonia, two and a
nouncement refers to the current situ­ for tickets that there is for this year. sold 99 bales of Mendocinos, but the half ounces o f alcohol, two and a half orders for the wood are being received
from many sections of the United
ation it is inexpileafale, because an It is four times as great us ever be­ price was not wired. Marks bought ounces of glycerin, and two ounces of
States. The Rehfeld plant is now busy
agreement was recently made between fore.”
the Gerber crop of 263 bales of Sacra­ ether or chloroform; bottle and cork on an order for 1,000,000 auto writers,
the French and the German govern­
mentos at 9J cents.
Add a tea- a contrivance used in teaching children
ments allowing bread to bo sent to
M oonshiner Is A rrested.
spoonful to a pail o f tepid water and to write.
French soldier« held prisoner by the
F ru it Damage Is Now Feared.
wipe the rug with it; follow with
Davenport, Wash.— After lying in
M ill Burned; L o ss SIS,OOO.
wait on a nearby mountainside for sev­
Marshfield, Or. — Fear is felt here clean water. Two tablespoonfuls to a
Tillamook—The Yellow Fir lumber
eral days and through a spyglass watch­ for the fruit crop, particularly berries, pint of water will remove obstinate
K a ise r H onors B o y-E d .
mill, 11 miles south, was destroyed by
ing the movements o f the moonshiners in the finish of the present storm, stains.
For slight renovating or freshening fire one morning this week. The flames
London— A Central News dispatch from their place of concealment, Sher­ which commenced five days ago. The
from Amsterdam says that Captain iff John A. Level and two deputies weather has been cold and much hail of rugs one simple process is to originated in the engine-room from a
There was no insurance.
Srawberries sprinkle salt on the right side and fol­ hot box.
Karl Boy-ed, formerly German naval swooped down on Willis Tubb, of the has fallen at intervals.
Another The loss is put at $15,000. Some 30,-
attache at Washington, has been dec­ Spokane river country north of here which are about coming into market low by careful sweeping.
orated with the Order of the Red Wednesday, and captured him while will be injured unless there is a sudden way is to sweep well, then wipe over 000 feet o f lumber was burned. The
Eagle, third-class, with swords, by the he was operatnig one of the most com­ ending of the storm. Nearly three with vinegar and water in the propor­ plant will be built immediately to fill
emperor, “ in recognition of his serv­ plete stills ever located in this section and a half inches of precipitation is tions of a tablespoonful to a pailful of big orders ahead, according to Frank
Long, owner.
of the country.
the record for five days.
ices in Am erica.”
Boise Business District Severely
Shaken by Tremor.
About Oregon