She looked up at him. The soft re lieved mid trusted. And now you are like the rest nothing nothing " Kin1 flection from the low, white walls them enhanced her ethereal turned uway. “ I wish to God I hud around beauty and added the subtle glamour not met you. Rh-hurd." He did not attempt to detain her. with whleti (he eastern light surroiiuds lie atood there like a man Mtruek to the least and most lovely object. Very death by a treacherous blow, and she delicately she obeyed tils request, the went oil down the path to the gate soft, rich lace sleeve o f iier ten gown where her companion waited for her. slipping back to reveal the rounded arm aud slender over-fragile wrist. There she paused for a moment. " I)o your principles compel you to “ I want you to go back to that man,” she said carelessly, "lit* Is an live only for your soldiers?” she usked old acquaintance who went wrong, and lightly. lie laughed. It might be rather unpleasant for my “ 'Living for them’ Is perhaps too are traceable husband If he grew Importunate. Tell him tlnit on no account must he speuk much o f a euphemism,” he said. "They to delay to me again. It Is very regrettuble. would be more grateful If I did the but mistakes of thut sort bring their other tiling. But otherwise It Is true own punishment. You understand. I have not put my foot under a bos pliable roof for twenty years." Miss Smith?” "llu d you no one who— " She heal “ Yes. Madame Arnaud.” “ Thank you. I will wait for you tated, a sudden color In tier cheeks, outside the public cemetery. It I* get und lie leaned forward, til* hands loosely Interlocked between his knees, ting dark— " Miss Smith went slowly back nlong his handsome, ruthless face grave and the narrow gravel path. The man had Intent. "No. I hadn't anyone. Madams Ar- not moved. He was gazing out on to the flery waste now dying beneath the naud.” Her gaze faltered under tils steady, extinguishing mantle of the night, nud neither heard nor saw. She touched piercing eyes. "Whut Is your country, Colouel De j him on the arm. At the first sign of trouble St lull ?" “ Mr. Farquhar!” " I do not know, inndnme. I hare [ He turned slowly and start'd at her. Though he recognized tier, tils face was forgotten." There was a little silence. Recklessness. In which tlie fountain played a silvery blank and hard and terrible. We ought to bo contented Intermezzo, and then he weut on In “ Miss Smith?’’ With conditions as they come. “ Yes, Gabrlelle Smith. You see, an altered tone: "You are the first per Kate can't bo circumvented son who has made wish to remember." after all, we have met again. Won’t And you've got to suffer some. She wits looking up at him ngntn W e'll miss the wintry blowing you shake hands?” When the sultry sunbeams dance His eyes wandered past her down with a studied frankness, behind which there lurked something hypnotized, fas i Ami July Is fiercely glowing— the path. 1 But I'd like to take a chance. “ No. You ought not to be spenktnc ciliated. He turned curelessly from her. to me. A respectable woman doe* not “ Ah. Arnaud. you there? You see j *>«P» >» » delusion speak to u common soldier of the I have been breaking up the principles . . . " it once Is realized I egioo. * f of year* to entertain .your wife. I f |)y ,,u. „ no, prUed. “ Doesn't she? How Interesting’ One Is always learning In this wouder- you leave tier tin) niurti nloue you w ill Th,»y declare In ln n g u u K e pensive find these l.tigllsh roses fade very That our sorrow wo enhance quickly in this dreary place. Mnn. By an Idlcneaa expensive— don't look us If you bud seen the But I ’d like to tuke a chunre. — April Century, devil.” The young officer, hesitating on the edge o f the low veranda, recovered A Spring Yearn. himself with nn effort. I'm tired of canned gooda and of meat; My colonel—i was taken aback. I I'm all run down alas, had not expected -but I am delighted Allrt I1(lw | lhlllk ,,, ,,kB to and most honored. I !a-g o f you to let A little garden “ sass.” me enjoy the pleasure— ’’ No, no. Arnaud. W e see enough of in spring for green stuff people yearn And so it comes to pnss each other elsewhere, uni. moreover. have n pressing engagement with That when the April days return We tong for garden "s «»s .” three deserters from the Eleventh coin Lou isville Courier-Journal. pony. A ii revo!r. madam»— and thank you!” Pimples, I hi ÌI h . carbuncles, dry up and MANY CASES T h e R e d ^ M ira g e A Story o f the French Legion in Algiers By I. A. R. W YLIE I All right* SYNOPSIS. -— 6 — - ved. The Bcbb*- Merrill Co.) enough In the dying light, awaited her approach. At the foot o f the Eugllsh- When Sylvia Omney, a beautiful Eng­ mau’s grave she hesitated. The inscrip­ lish girl, returns from a search In Algiers With puckered for her missing brother, her lover. Rich­ tion attracted her. ard Farquhar. finds she has fallen In love brows she spelled out the badly cut with Captain Arnaud of the Foreign letters, her soft voice touched with legion. In Captain Sower's room Far­ quhar gets deliberately drunk, but when Just the faintest Ironical interest. young Preston loses all his money to “ Philip Grey— No. 3112— Foreign Le­ Lowe, a shady character, Farquhar forces Bower to have Preston's 1. O. U's re­ gion.’’ turned to him. Farquhar Is helped to his Then she looked up Involuntarily and rooms by Gabrlelle Smith. Sower demands an apology. Refused, he forces Farquhar saw the man who watched her, his to resign his commission In return for hand gripping the head o f the cross. possession of Farquhar's father's writ­ It was very quiet now. The Arab ten confession that he had murdered Bow­ er's father. Gabrlelle saves Farquhar prayer was silenced, and the white from suicide. Farquhar tells his mother that he Is going to find his father If the figures o f the worshipers bad vanished latter Is alive. To shield Arnaud. Sylvia s iu the long olive grove leading back fiance, he professes to have stolen war Sylvia Arnaud's plans and tells the real culprit why he to Sid I-bel- Abbes. did so. As Richard Nameless he Joins the voice, when she spoke at last, sounded Foreign legion and sees Sylvia, now strained and harsh iu the absolute Mme. Arnaud. meet Colonel I'estlnn. Farquhar meets Sylvia and Gabrlelle. und quiet learns from Corporal Goeta of the col­ “ Richard!” and then again. “ Richard onel's cruelty. Arnaud becomes a drunk­ ard and opium smoker. Sylvia becomes Farquhar!” friendlv with Colonel Destlnn. Arnaud He shook his head. “ Not Richard becomes Jealous of Farquhar. Fanpihar now.” he answered. “ Rich­ ard Nameless.” She seemed not to understand, n er Why should Richard Name­ lips were u little parted in the ex­ less refrain from telling Sylvia pression that lie remembered. She the blunt truth about his great looked piteously frightened and Incred­ honor sacrifice for her sake? ulous. She Is a shallow woman who “ I am sorry to have frightened you.” ruthlessly threw him over for he said gently. "I did not mean that another. Do such women de­ you should ever see uie— but you CHme serve the fine consideration the so suddenly, aud out In tills desolate world owes its best women? place you were the last person I ex­ pected. Forgive me.” “ Yes— yes, it is a desolate place— It C H APTE R VI— Continued. makes me frightened. But 1 was told it was something I ought to see— aud Richard Nameless turned back to the a few mluutes ago I wasn't frightened desert. The Arabs had risen and an at all. Now — I see ghosts every­ elder was praying aloud, his aged, where.” tremulous voice leading the richer uni­ “ I am one o f them.” he said. son o f the worshipers behind him. She brushed her b ind over her fore­ “ With my face to Mecca and with a head as though indeed trying to dispel sincere heart I offer my prayers to some terrifying specter. Her feeble Allah— ” effort to regain her previous laughing Mirage! For those dark-faced desert courage failed. She was white aud children Mecca opened the gates of trembling. Paradise; for this dream of unknown “ I am No. 4005 o f the Foreign Le­ happiness they waited and prayed, and gion,” he said, “ is there anything when their time came passed through else that you need understand?” the great shadow with fearless, trium­ “ Yes— I must. I feel as though one phant confidence. o f us two were mad. The Foreign Le He went back to his work. With glon Is Just the last resort for all the fierce, dogged energy he pulled away riffraff o f the world— criminals, gam the deep-rooted weeds and brought a biers, cheats— ’’ pathetic look of care and order into his “ I am one o f them.” corner o f the wilderness. For a mo­ She was silent a moment, looking at ment he lingered over the grave which him with large, thoughtful eyes, out of Goetz had tended. The bald yet elo­ which the fear had passed. When she quent Inscription touched him. He spoke again her voice was full o f a ‘What Your Country, Colonel wondered vaguely who Philip Grey smothered tenderness. Destlnn?” had been; if he, too. had paid a price " I have thought o f you so much late­ and in the last hours of horror had stili ly, Richard. I couldn't understand ful civilization o f our*. Only as It been satisfied. why it was. You hauuted me. It hnppen* I a in not respectable. I told Tw o women had entered the ceme­ was ns though something in the plnce you that once before.” tery. Their white-clad ficrnre« Hashed Her cool Irony brought « flash of made me think of you. I remembered all your little movements, the way you Insaue laughter to bis eyes. “ Who tlie devil are you. then?” be looked. I seemed to see you In other*. I grew almost— how shall 1 say?— asked savagely. “ Dear me. you have quite lost your homesick for you.” “ You should have forgotten,” he In­ alee English indifference, Mr. F«r- terrupted roughly. “ I have gone out quhnr. I'm not sure It Isn't nn Im Who I am? Well, you of your life. Look upon me now as provemenL know my name, and nt the present mo­ what I am now—a mere shadow.” ment I am companion to Madame A r­ “ Richard, what have you done?” The tenderness had deejiened. He naud— helping her to forget thnt she clenched his hands In a movement o f Isn’t English any more. English peo pie think It's wrong to admire for­ uncontrollable pain. eigners. it's their idea of patriotism “ Hasn’t your husband told you?” “ No. W e never mention your name. Mudame Arnaud assures me she must have n bit of dear old England ulsiut To me It is sacred.” “ For God’s sake. Sylvia—” n e her, and I am the bit. Tliut's all.” “ Why did you come?” straightened up, his black brows mark­ He was looking at her again. ing a straight line across his face. “ I was turned out of the army for be­ Through the dusk she saw tlie white, tortured suspense on the hard face. traying my country’s secrets.” She wore a rose in the severe corsage “ You— a traitor! Why?” The monosyllable was like the stab o f her dress. Site took it anil handed it to him. o f a knife in the silence. “She sent you this— In token of re­ “ For a woman.” She drew back. Her eyes were dark membrance.” He took her hand and kissed It. pools In which he saw no expression. “ You have come like an angel Into “ What woman?” my life,” tie said. He bowed gravely. lie watched her until her small, en “ Madame Arnaud, I have still honor enough left to remember the discre­ ergetlc figure had disappeared among the shadows. tion Imposed upon honorable men.” She turned away from him. He In tlie distance a bugle called a mel­ could see nothing hut her profile, the ancholy retreat lie lifted the rose reverently to his exquisite, almost flawless profile, cut "You a Traitor! Why?” against a background o f mingling gold lips. jrayly in between the dark graves, and and emerald. Her bands rested crossed a clear, silvery laugh mingled with the on the handle of her parasol. She had C H A PTE R VII. final Arab prayer— grown suddenly very cairn und delib­ “ La Ilaba ilia ’ llahu!” erate. A Meeting. The younger woman stopped an in­ “ I told you that I had thought of in Sidl bel-Abbes there Is a piensant stant and pointed with the tip o f her you, Richard,” she sahl quietly. “ I did avenue, shaded by silver blrcb and red­ parasol at the broken remnant o f a not tell you how I thought o f you. I>o olent o f nil the sweet perfumes of the cross. you remember our Inst meeting, or h^s East, where the local potentates gather “ Look at these beads! Aren’t they that been eclipsed by other more lovely n a select exclusive circle. In tlie ridiculous? And the Inscription—Just memories?” courtyard of one such o f these houses a number, like a convict’s." She “ Silvia, be silent! I dare not listen Colonel Destlnn sat and smoked an glanced back over her shoulder at her to you. You don't know whut you after-tea cigarette. Ills kepi lay on companion. “ Miss Smith, I believe you are saying— ” the broad balustrade beside him, and are frightened. Ho you think there are “ I know what I am saying, and you Ills bead was thrown hack In an atti­ ghosts here? Well, perhaps there are, must listen. When n man destroys tude o f easy contentment. but I don’t mind.” something. It is no more than Just that 'You pour out ten charmingly, As yet the man standing immobile, he ah on Id see what he has done. You madnme,” he said. “ A second cup hidden amid the forest o f crosses, had have destroyed something—nn Ideal, n would stifle the last regret that I escaped her notice. But he had beard dream, my faith In honesty and good­ should have gone so far against uiy ber now, and, shadowy and ghostlike ness. You were the one man I be­ principles as to drink a first.” OF STOMACH AND BOWEL DISORDERS Moral — — — — H O ST E T T E R S Stomach Bitters - ..i* Wealth thut corai'i In icrrat profusion e v / a / / ■ / » a a v / • r e e w * How soon do you think that Sylvia's flirting with Colonel Destlnn will cause Tragedy to stalk abroad In the Foreign Le­ gion. It seems plain that Mme. Arnaud knows she Is playing with fire. rrrr?j disappear with Doctor Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. In tablets or liquid. (Tl» lit; i.'» Otherwise Engaged. “ I used to think I'd like to make a name for myself." sahl Mr. ('hoggins. "Then I got Interested In au automo­ bile " "What difference did that moke?” "Hadn't time to think ntxMil mimes. Was doing well enough to keep track o f my numbers."1 — Washington Star. CAVALRY OF LESS MOMENT Pr,cttce and Theory. “ Who wrote that article on how to Its Use as In Former Wars Hao Been support a family o f six on HO a Greatly Curtailed In Pres­ w eek?" n frb-ml asked Woggles, the ent Conflict. editor of the la d les Household Friend. “ Bingham, one of our best men,” It Is perhaps too much to sav thn. said Woggles without a smile. “ Wo the cavalry has ceased to bo the eye« pay him $5,000 a year."— Louisville Courier Journal. of the army, but It is certainly true j that Us role In this respect has great ) The Lookout. ly diminished. Of Its role In battle “ The ship of state is getting Into It appears that on one occasion a hrl gade or a division of English cavalry , troubled waters.” “ That's so. I only hope it won’t was effectively used at a critical point have to be piloted by a tug of war.”— during tho retreat through Belgium Baltimore American. and northern France In tho first weeks ________________________________________ of the war; but so far aR tho public accounts inform us th** part played by I I uliluna, CoHRUckB. chasseurs, lancers, hussars und dragoons Is almost Inslg nlflcant in comparison with previous wars. it does not nppeur that tho practlco of using cavalry as mounted Infantry, fighting on foot, or for tho purpose of j making raids around the enemy's j rear, both of which were carried to j 'Feel Like a New Person,w such a degree of perfection during tho ' says Mrs. Hamilton. Civil war, has at any time been made use of during tho present war. It would seem, therefore, as if the cavalry arm was much less necessary | Ticw Castle, Ind. — “ From the time to an army now than hitherto. It it I WHS eleven years old until I was seven­ teen I suffered each another case of tho animal giving month so I had to bo placo to a machine, which Is so char­ in bod. I hail head­ acteristic of the present age, In war ache, backache and as well an in peace.— Maj Gen. Fran such pains I would cis V. Greene In tho Outlook I DON'T SUFFER ANY MORE” Buy Old Ties for Trenches. An offer of live cents apleco for 100.000 cast-off railroad lies was re ceived by the Boston and Malno rail­ road from the British government. Formerly the railroad burned all Its old tics, hut orders were sent through out the system directing that they he saved, it I p . understood that the Brit lull government Is negotiating with other railroads with tho hopo of ob­ taining a half million tics for uoo in constructing trenches in France cramp double every month. I did not know what it was to be easy a minute. j My health was all run down and tho | doctors did not do me any good. A neighbor told my mother about Lydi E. I’inkham’s Vegetable Compound and I took it, and now I feel like a new person. I don’t suffer any more and I nm regular every month. " — M rs. H a z e l H a m ilt o n , 822 South 15th S t When a remedy has lived for forty years, steadily growing in popularity Good Illustration. and influence, and thousand« upon The Bachelor (after the proposal)— thousands of women declare they owe But are you quito sure you believe In their health to it, is it not reasona­ second love? ble to believe that it is an article of The Widow—Certainly, my dear. great merit? Now suppose a woman buys a pound of sugar; It Is sweet. Isn't It? The Bachelor— Yes, of course. But— The Widow— Well, when that’s gono she naturally wants another pound— and the second pound Is Just a » sweet as the first, isn’t it I f you w untaporial advice write* to Lydia K. P in k lm m Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Masis. Y o u r latter w ill l»e opened, road and answ ered by a w om an and held In strict confidence.