The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, May 18, 1916, Image 2

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Irish C o u n te ss Se n ten ce d to Ja il fo r L ife .
London- The writing o f a new chap-
ter o f the history o f the Sinn Fein re­
bellion whs begun Tuesday when Sir
Roger Casement, knighted in 1911 for
services to the British government,
and Daniel Julian Bailey, an Irish sol­
dier, one o f his companions on the ill-
fated submarine trip from Germany to
lrolund were placed in the dock o f the
Bow-street |sdlce court for prelimin­
ary examination on the charge o f high
While considerable testimony intro­
duced by the crown tended to incrim­
inate Bailey, the main attack of the
prosecution was directed against Case­
ment in an endeavor to enmesh him in
a net o f evidence which would eatal»-
lish without question the leading part
it is claimed he played in the conspir­
acy, whose ramifications extended even
to America.
Brief Resume of General News
from All Around the Earth.
Live News Items of All Nations and
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
Gompers has endorsed the strike o f
60,000 garment workers in New York.
More than half a million acres of
land have been opened to entry in A r i­
A new paper mill under construction
at Oregon City may be doubled in ca­
pacity over the original plans.
The governor o f New York signed
bills providing for compulsory military
training in summer camps and compul­
sory physical training in public and
private schools.
President Wilson spoke intimately
fo r half an hour to the members o f the
National Press club at Washington, D.
C. He took supper with the club after
his address. The speech was confiden­
Three students o f W illam ette Uni­
versity, Salem, Or., were ducked in a
nearby creek by fellow members o f the
D. D. club, a university organization,
fo r using intoxicating liquor, and were
afterward dismissed from the school.
The Shanghai and Hankow branches
o f the Bank o f China and the Bank o f
Communications have ignored the re­
cent government mandate forbidding
the paying out o f silver, and stopped
runs upon their institutions by redeem­
ing bank notes.
Because H. R. Saunders, clerk o f
Yolo county, Cal., failed to advertise
the notice o f election the number o f
times required by law the $200,000
courthouse bonds which were voted last
week cannot be sold, and another elec­
tion must be held.
Tw o prisoners are dead and another
injured as a result o f a one-man mu­
tiny in the state prison at Nashville,
Tenn. Jady Harris, who caused the
trouble, was shot and killed after he
had wounded two other prisoners, one
fatally, with a rifle snatched from a
According to the Dagens Nyheter, of
Stockholm, the
Cross conference resulted in a com­
plete rupture between the German and
Russian Red Cross, owing to the re­
fusal o f Germany to express regret for
the sinking o f the Russian hospital
ship Portugal.
The International Banking Corpora­
tion has signed a contract with the
Chinese government for the improve­
ment o f the Grand Canal for a distance
o f 200 miles between the Yang-tse-
Kiang and the northern boundary of
Kians-su province.
The corporation
lends the government $3,000,000 for
the purpose, to be secured by canal
There w ill be but one graduate from
the Wheatland, Cal., high school F r i­
day. The state commissioner o f ele­
mentary schools w ill make the eom-
emencement address to him. He will
be the guest o f honor at the alumni
dinner and party, the hero in the an­
nual class play, and the board o f edu­
cation w ill travel more than 75 miles
to present him with a dilpoma.
Senator Cummins, of Iowa, presi­
dential candidate, is touring the North­
New York Demonstration Has
150,000 in Line of March.
Twelve Hours of Mankind Pass Re­
viewing Stand— Great Awaken­
ing Is Shown by People.
New York New York expressed its
attitude on the question o f national
preparedness Saturday by holding the
I greatest civil par axle in the history of
the country. An almost countless host
o f men and women, estimated at more
Washington, I). C. — Negotiations than 150,000, representing all walks
with Great Britain regarding interfer­ o f life in the nation's metropolis,
ence with mails to and from the Unit­ marched for 12 hours, 20 abreast, lie-
ed States and interruption o f neutral hind bands playing
|iatriotic airs,
! commerce by the British fleet are to through (lag-bedecked streets lined
be resumed in the near future. A with hundreds o f thousands o f cheer­
note insisting sharply on modification
ing s|iectators.
in the treatment o f mails already is
A ll the professions and trades which
! being prepared at the State depart­ make up the complex life o f the city
ment, and as soon as (Missible work
were represented.
will be begun on a reply to the lust !
In one division were
the street
British note defending the operation o f I •weepers in their uniforms of white,
Saw Countess at Head o f Irish Rebels
the blockude orders in the council.
while In another were the dignified
N ew Y ork— Dr. Cecil C. Me Ad am, o f Melbourne, Australia, who was at­
Secretary I^nsing let it be known '
tached to the Royal medical corps o f the British army during the Gallipoli last week that the implied condition in justices o f the Supreme court o f New
campaign and who was besieged in the Shelbounre hotel in Dublin, Ireland, | the German note on submarine war­
during the recent rebellion there, arrived here Monday on the steamship fare, expressing confidence that the 1 There also were the clergy nearly
200, representing every denomination
Philadelphia from Liverpool.
United States would hold Great Britain :
Dr. McAdam said he saw the Countess Markiewiez attired in men’s cloth­ to compliance with international law’, ! in the nation's greatest city.
ing and wearing a brace o f revolvers, leading the Irish rebels. He was in­ j hud made it difficult to proceed with yers, physicians, trained nurses, vet­
erans o f the Spanish-American war,
formed, he added, that she had shot six o f her followers because they re­ i the British negotiations.
He said,
were in line. Hut the moat |>opular
fused to obey her orders.
however, that these negotiations would
Countess Markiewiez has been sentenced to penal servitude for life for | be continued promptly in spite o f the division was made up o f the c ity ’s 10,-
000 National Guardsmen — infantry,
her part in the uprising in Dublin.
embarrassing situation.
cavalry and artillery— who brought up
the rear,
on the war and terrified by the indig­
“ This,” declared Major General
nities and hatred they have stirred up
Wood, in command o f the de­
in mankind, are trying today to make
partment o f the East, who reviewed
the world believe that the entente al­
the parade, " i s the greatest argument
lies alone are responsible for the pro­
America has ever known in favor of
Washington, D. C. — A standing longation o f hostilities— a dull irony
Gibbstown, N. J.— A t least 14 men i
preparedness against elements that are
army o f 206,000 men, capable o f being which w ill deceive no one.
were killed and about 30 injured Tues­
“ Neither directly nor indirectly have day in a terrific explosion at the Re- ; at present unknown. It shows an in­
expanded in emergency to 254,000 and
terest in preparedness that amounts to
backed up by a Federalized National our enemies offered us peace. But we pauno plant or the Du Font Powder | a National awakening. Thia is what
| do not want them to offer it to us; we company, near here.
The blast oc- '
guard o f 425,000 cs a reserve, finally want them to ask it o f us. We do not
we need. It shows thut the time has
curred in the building in which trini-
come to do something in the matter o f
was agreed on Monday by the house I want to submit to their conditions;
trololuol is manufactured, and wrecked
National preparation.”
and senate conferees on the army bill. we want to impose ours on them. We that structure and three others.
The mammoth pageant began au­
The agreement w ill be reported to
Just as Mayor Mitchell
imperial Germany with the power to known, and, according to officials of spiciously.
congress at once and the measure, the
recommence the war and keep Europe the company, may never be ascer- and a party o f municipal officers left
the city hall at the heau o f the first
first o f the administration prepared­ eternally menaced.
I tained, as all those believed to have
ness bills, is expected to be before
“ So long as that peace is not assured , been in the building where the first division an aeroplane appeared above
lower Broadway and hovered around
President Wilson fo r his signature to us; so long as our enemies w ill not explosion occurred are dead.
the great skyscrapers.
The |Mtradcrs marched rapidly, more
| we will not cease to fight.”
I explosive risk, and company officials
Advocates o f adequate National de­
than 10,000 passing a given point
I believe it caught fire before exploding. |
within an hour.
fense regard this conference agree­
This blast caused a nearby building, in
With few exceptions, the marchers
ment as a triumph.
which nitro-benzolis was manufac-
carried small American flags. Most of
The minimum
enlisted strength
j tured, to blow up. So great was the them also wore buttonhole emblems.
would be attained under the conference
Washington, D. C.— Taxes on in­ 1 force that two buidlings some distance I
agreement within the next five years comes, inheritances and war munitions away, in which huxite was manufac- j A t frequent intervals came one o f the
200 bands and musicians were the only
and it is stipulated that at no time
i tured, were wrecked, but the explosive I
w ill be depended on to pay for the
persons in the civic divisions who wore
shall the total be less than 160,000.
; did not go off.
The conference report also provides
U. S. to Send Insistent Note to
England on Interference With Mails
Fourteen Killed and Thirty Injured
in Great Powder Plant fxplosion
Income Tax to Remain.
for government nitrate manufacturing Kitchin, o f the house ways and means
plants to cost not to exceed $20,000,- committee, said Monday after a con­
000, for vocational education in the
ference with Secretary McAdoo.
regular army and for establishment o f
m ilitary training camps fo r volunteer plan has the support, Mr. Kitchin said,
citizens, whose transportation, cloth- ! o f President Wilson.
ing and subsistence expenses while in
What amount w ill have to be raised
training would be paid by the Federal cannot be determined until the navy
and army bills are completed.
Other salient features o f the meas­ bers o f the ways and means committee
ure provide fo r a board to investigate w ill begin work on this problem as
the advisability o f establishing govern-1 quickly as possible, however.
ment munition plants and a board to than a decision not to lower the pres­
recommend mobilization o f industries. ' ent exemption lim it for incomes, $3000
Authority is given to the government for unmarried and $4000 for married
to seize and operate private munition men, none o f the details o f the tax
plants in time of war.
plan have been worked out.
France Wants Central Powers to
Ask, Not to Offer, Peace
Bandits Make Another Raid.
Marathon, T e x .— Another raid into
A Minneapolis mother o f six com­
American territory by Mexican bandits
mits suicide, that her life insurance of
was made Friday night at McKinney
$1000 may revert to the benefit of her
Nancy — President Poincare, in an Springs ranch, 67 miles south of Mara­
address here Monday, responded to thon and 23 miles north o f Boquillas,
Germany’s suggestion regarding peace, along the Marathon-Boquillas road, ac­
Colonel Goethals has announced th a t' contained in the German reply to the cording to H. E. Stafford, an attorney
he would resign July 1. It is reported American note.
o f El Paso. Mr. Stafford arrived here
that he w ill not resign i f there is
“ France does not want Germany to Tuesday from Boquillas, to which
trouble with Germany.
tender peace,” said the president, place he had accompanied Major Lang-
Colonel Roosevelt has formally en “ but wants her adversary to ask for home last Saturday as a guide.
He secured his information from
tered the race for the presidentia peace.”
“ France,” he continued, “ w ill not ranchmen in the McKinney Springs
nomination in the Chicago conventions
He expresses desire to run on a “ unit expose her sons to the dangers o f new district as he was passing through
The central empires, there en route to Marathon. There was
ed tick et.”
haunted by remorse for having brought no shooting, he said.
Seventy-five thousand dollars’ worth I
o f liq io r was seized by the Seattle po­
Girl Accepts $12,500.
Islands to Sell Silver.
lice Friday in the most sweeping raid
Seattle— Tw elve thousand five hun-
Manila — Jeremiah L. Manning, in-
made since the state-wide prohibition dred dollars in real money is better sular treasurer, has gone to China to
law went into effect January 1. Tw o; than a gamble that might win $25,000 ‘ investigate the silver market with a
large warehouses and nine drugstores or nothing. Mrs. Carola B. Jones, the view to selling a portion o f the 20,-
were searched, but no arrests w e r e 1 19-year-old w ife o f Thomas C. Jones, 000,000 pesos silver which the govern-
made, and none o f the liquor was d e -1 who obtained a verdict for $25,000 ment has at Corregidor,
The police obtained war- ! against her father-in-law, Thomas E.
Owing to the demand for silver in
rants fo r the search o f 12 places of Jones, for alienation o f her husband’ s China, which has caused the Chinese
business where liquor was suspected to afffections, so decided in the Superior government to declare a partial mora-
be stored, and in the first five places court here. Judge Frater offered to torium, the silver held by the govern-
searched seized $25,000 worth
of give her a judgment for $12,500, o r , ment is salable at a profit o f 35 per
grant a new trial.
| cent
Near-by Blast Causes Restaurant
Building to Collapse; Ten Killed Plan to Form Woman’s Party
Attacked by Illinois Suffrage Society
Akron, O.— A t least 10 persons were
killed, two are missing and a score
were injured early Tuesday night,
when the old Beacon Journal building,
1 occupied by the Crystal restaurant,
i collapsed as a result o f a blast o f dyna­
mite in an adjoining excavation.
Seven Identified and three unidenti­
fied bodies have been recovered and
two persons now missing are thought
to lie in the ruins.
tremendous roar, echoing the
screams o f diyng people,
thousands to the scene o f the disaster,
in the heart o f Akron’ s business dis­
A great pile o f ruins, broken tim ­
bers, twisted steel and tons o f brick
and mortar buired the victims, who a
moment before were dining in the res­
Eight bodies were taken out o f the
wreckage after firemen, [» lic e and vol­
unteer rescuers had worked frantical­
ly. digging and chopping through the
Twenty more, some slightly injured,
were extricated and sent to hospitals.
Only two or three o f those known to
have been in the restaurant succeeded
in escaping before the crash.
Chicago— An attack on the plan to
form a woman’s party waH issued
Monday by the Illinois Equal Suffrage
association, while officials o f the Con­
gressional Union, promoters o f the
idea, were opening registration head­
quarters at 73 East Washintgon street.
A t the same time a campaign was
launched by the Union with posters,
banners and various advertising de­
vices to boom the woman’s party con­
vention, which will be held June 5, 6
Bnd 7 at the Blackstone theater during
the time the Republican convention is
in progress at the Coliseum.
Tw evle
woman speakers w ill t>egin holding
brief meetings at once under the au­
spices o f the Congressional Union, on
street corners, in factories or shops,
offices, college dormitories and at la­
bor union gatherings.
“ Confusion
work” will be the effect of the Con­
gressional Union’s activities in Chi­
cago, it is declared in the statement
issued by the Illinois Equal Suffrage
association. The proposal to form a
party “ on sex lines” is also assailed,
and the union is defined as “ a detached
group o f Eastern suffragists.”
Dakota Snow T w o Feet Deep.
Sioux Falls, S. D.— Snow to a depth
of two feet fell Tuesday in parts o f
the Black Hills in South Dakota, and
to a depth o f 10 inches on the Chey­
enne Indian reservation, in the central
part o f the state.
Heavy rain and
snow fell in the entire eastern half of
the state, but in Sioux Falls, Water-
town and Aberdeen and snowflakes
melted immediately. High winds and
fallin g temperature, recorded at 30
promise further wintry weather.
Panama Police to Disarm.
Panama — W illiam K. Price, the
American minister, Monday delivered
to the Pansma government the final de­
mand for the surrender o f 1200 rifles
used by the Panama National Police.
The disarmament o f the police force
has l»een sought on account o f riots
which resulted in the deaths o f Amer­
icans. It is understood the adminis­
tration is opposed to the surrender of
the rifles, hut delivered up the arms
under protest.