The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, May 11, 1916, Image 9

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    Supplement to Forest Grove Express
Vol 1
Forest Grove, Ore., Thursday, May 11, 1916.
No. 18
T. C. Lord, Jr., had business in
Portland yesterday.
We will insure your auto against
Prof. E. 1). West wjis a Hills-
W u h in jftu n C ounty E d ito rial A u o c la tio n
' fire, theft and collision. Hancock
l>oro visitor Thursday.
N ew » B u reau
Hancock & Wiles carry Life, & Wiles.
Spray your trees well and get
Accident & Fire Insurance.
Circuit Court
more and better fruit. Now is
Corey vs Frank and
The primary election comes a the time to use Arsenate of Lead. |
F. Pearl Corey. Suit filed for the
week from tomorrow.
For sale by Lit tier’* Pharmacy.
division of certain real property
IligheHt price paid for Mohair
A little son of P. C. Starrett o w n e d in conjunction. J. W.
and Wool. A. G. Hoffman & Co. suffered a broken leg Monday, Corey asks that the court divide
We will insure your auto against , w hen he pulled a washing machine the land into three equal parts,
fire, theft and collision. Hancock over on himself. At last accounts placing a third in the name of
the little fellow was getting along e a c h party concerned. Should
& Wilt s.
; nicely.
this fail the complaint asks that
Miss Mary Brobst went to Cor­
Practically a l l t h e business the court sell the land and divide
vallis Friday to the Junior week­ houses of Forest Grove will be the proceeds equally b e t w e e n
end at O. A. C.
clos d from 10 to 12 tomorrow them after all expenses have been
Load your camera with Speed- morning during the coronation of paid.
ix Films for best results, lit* the May Queen of Pacific Univer­
State of Oregon vs Wm. Ober
tier’s Pharmacy.
s ity and the other exercises on the j and Frank E. Farmer. On April
5th the two were alleged to have
Miss Catherine Davis went to ! campus.
“The Childrens’ Hour” enter- \ stolen copper wire from a power
Portland Thursday to fill a con­
tain meat that was to have been plant near Gaston to the extent
cert engagement.
given May ltith, at the Star of 700 lbs, the value of which was
Mrs. Emil Carlson spent the Theater, under the auspices o f; $150. Each was released o n a
week end with her friend, Mrs. the Woman’s C ub, by Miss M ar-, bond of $1000.
Hamlin, in Portland.
guerite Lannigan, has Lx'en indefi­
J. B. Kinney vs. J. F. Macey.
Miss R u t h Patton returned nitely postponed on account of ill1 Suit for judgment on note of $300
Monday n i g h t from Portland health. This, no doubt, will be a on which the sum of $173, with
where she has been two weeks in great disappointment to many. attorneys fees is still due.
Miss Lanntgan’* friends hope she
the hospital.
Elmer T. Connell, et al., vs. C.
The Woman’s Foreign Mission­ will soon be able to fill her en- ■ H. Jacobs, e ta l. Forclosure on
ary society of the M. E. church gagements.
note secured by mortgage.
A committee consisting of S.
will meet at the parsonage to­
L. Nitschmann vs Albert Kahl-
II. Davis of Beaverton, H. V .1 er. Forclosure on note for $125.-
morrow afternoon.
Meade of Orenco, J. W. Wells of
James (). Convill, superinten­ Huber and Mr. Weil of Hillsboro 25 dated June 9, 1915 with costs
dent of Portland parks and a for­ met at the county seat Monday and interest. Plaintiff also asks
mer instructor at Pacific Univer­ for the purpose of drafting a con-1 judgement against defendant for
sity, visited at the Langley home stitution for the proposed County $75 due from rental on certain
real property.
on Sunday
Development League. This con­
Edward L Reed and Rhoda
M r s . Frank Taylor returned stitution will be ratified at the
Reed vs. W. J. Wilcox, et al.
Monday evening from Portland, : next meeting, which will be held
where she has been for three I in the club rooms of the Hillsboro Judgment on note to the sum of
weeks, recuperating from an op­ Commercial club next Monday at $500
Probate Court
eration in St. Vincents’ hospital. 2 p.m . At this time the organi­
of Maria Sweek,
zation will be completed and the
Grant Mann of Cornelius, one Washington County Development petition filed for settlement of
of the republican candidates for League will be ready for business. estate.
sheriff, was in town Saturday and
The heirs of the M. A. Robin­
The friends of President Wilson
purchased four inches of space in
estate are petitioning for the
the Express to tell where he stands are going to get together on j appointment
of Frank Speidel of
Tuesday, May 16th. at 8:00 p .;
in his candidacy.
m., In the library room, and form Portland as administrator. The
Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Moore of a Woodrow Wilson League. If value of this estate is placed at
Hemlock, Tillamook c o u n t y , you are a supporter of Wilson and I $500.
spent Saturday night and Sunday believe he is the man we want for
News comes from Snohomish,
with Mrs. L. S. Phillips and fam­ our next President, join the Wash.,
the death there last
ily, on their way to the state league and help boost. There will, week of of Mrs.
Violet Lysons, a
Grange meeting at Grant’s Pass. be a president, vice president, j resident of this city
from 1878 to
Miss Eloise Clarke, Miss Flor­ secretary and treasurer elected 1902. Deceased was 86 years of
ence E. Woods, and Misses Salma Tuesday evening. You don’t have age and was born in England.
and Hannah Carlson, all of Port­ to be a democrat to join the Two of her sons, Fred and J. W.,
land, attended the band dance league; you simply subscribe to are graduates of Pacific Univer­
Saturday night and were guests the slogan “Wilson First.” There sity. Five children, all grown,
at the Lasham home over Sun­ is no expense attached to being a survive the mother. The body
was buried at Snohomish.
The County Seat