The Litchfield Manure-Spreader Pacific University] HAVE YOU NOTICED? May Day Exorcises Friday every time you buy anything nowadays Tomorrow the annual May Day is the only Spreader on the market guaranteed for FIVE festivities of Pacific University YEARS. We sell them: successful farmers use them. will be held. Festival plans this year have been fuller and better! But the dealer who does n large volume of business can worked out than ever before. T h e ! buy large quantities before the raise. WE HAVE DONE exercises on the campus will begin 1 THIS and can sell you at 10 o’clock with the procession 1 is ball-tHisrinjf in th e reel and ro ller-b earin g in th e wheels, m aking it th e lig h test-ru n n in g m achine on the m a rk e t. It is so easy to a d ju st a and the crowning of the May \ Wagon», Buggies, Plows, Harrows, Drills, child can ta k e care of it. C ost no m ore th an the ordinary m ow er. Let Queen, Miss Marie Wells. Miss us show you th e difference. W e are exclusive a g e n ts in F o rest Grove Corrugated Rollers, Wells will be attended by four j Ensilage Cutters, fo r the Maids of Honor, flower girls, a ( Gasoline Engines, Stoves and Ranges, crown bearer and a train bearer. Mr. Dibble, p r e s i d e n t of the Steel Barn Equipment Student Body, will act a s Herald. and many other stuple lines Phone 663 FOREST GROVE, ORE. Then will follow the Colonial cos­ tume and Folk dances. The May pole will be wound in yellow and Yam hill. white, which are to be the pre-! DILLEY NEWS NOTES W e re g re t to h e a r o f the serious ill­ vailing colors of the happy 'oc­ and, in some instances, CHEAPER than you ever bought before ness o f Mrs. Mike Boyd. She w as Mr. and M rs. J . S. P ierpont will tak en to a hospital in P ortland last casion. In the afternoon there will be a move to F o rest G rove n ex t w eek, to be w eek. baseball game with the team from n e a re r his w ork. F. M. S u tfo rd is having some fancy R iverside G range m eets in re g u la r chicken houses built. J . T. Eckley of Mount Angel. The return game with Pacific College, skeduled for session on F riday, May 12th. T h irty - P ortland, is doing the work. Mrs. Tom Hundley w as able to leave this date, had to be postponed. A rive candidates will be given th e first th e hospital and re tu rn to her home and second d eg rees. All G ran g ers w el­ last Sunday. She cam e through the bower will be erected in the grand- come. operation fine and is glad to g e t home. stand where the Queen and her Mrs. Louis Misz en te rta in ed th e G. attendants will sit to witness the J. N. Hoffman last week pur­ game. L. R. club a t h er cozy home in F o rest Grove, la st T hursday. The rooms w ere chased what is known as the At 8 o’clock in the evening the a ttra c tiv e , w ith purple lilacs, double Laura B. Stokes place, three miles May Day play will bo given in two teams were almost evenly invalid for several years, is now n arcissu s and clu ste rs o f w istaria, all southwest of Gales City, contain­ Marsh Hall, to which the public balanced in playing ability, it is able to walk with the aid of only a rtistc a lly a rra n g e d in b a sk e ts and ing 160 acres. Mr. Hoffman con­ is also welcome. The play is only fair to state that Webb, P. a cane, since a recent operation at vases. T hree ta b le s w ere a rra n g e d for templates planting the place to “The Romancers” by the noted U.’s lone pitcher, was greatly a Portland hospital, “ 500,” card honors fallin g to Mrs. English walnuts. French play right, Rostand. There handicapped by the wet balls, as Ben W ard of G aston, Mrs. H. B. W a t­ Miss Manche Igingley last week are three acts in the play, each of he is not a “.spit ball” expert; Mrs. Allan Rice is in a Portland son o f F o re st G rove and Mrs. Ross. h( spital, where she has submitted which contains not only romance, while the McMinnville pitcher, spent several days in Portland, Mrs. A. A. H all and Miss P earl a ssist­ to an operation. real or attempted, but humor that Brown, uses the “spit ball” a assisting her brother L. L. Lang­ ing the h ostess w ith th e re fresh m en ts. is sure to amuse and entertain. great deal The advantage of the ley, in the trial of a case in the Those enjoying th e aftern o o n w ere T. B. HAND LEY An added attraction of the ev- . , .... , It. , rain gave the “ Mac” players is federal court, the action being for Mrs. Ben W ard o f G aston, Mrs. Roy F o r S ta te S en ato r 24th D istric t com ­ tmings program wi I be the “ High- obvious. In the track meet in the damages asked by the mother of M cBride, M rs. F ra n k C ro w thers, M rs. prising W ashington, Lincoln, Yamhill land rung. which will be pre- afternoon the two colleges til'd for a hoy who was drowned off the F. M. S u tfo rd . M rs. J a m e s Pollock, and Tillam ook counties. sented by six dancing girls in honors, each making a total of 61 ”J. N. Teal” in Snake River. I w as born in W ashington county .'14 M rs. H erm an S aling, M rs. J . W. Scottish costumes. poinLs. Lucas, P. U.’s star all­ The Langleys were ap|>earing for y ears ago, being a son o f the late T. H ughes, M rs. C. A. B rodersen o f Dil- B. H andley, a tto rn e y , a W ashington A couple of days before the round athlete, was easily the star the mother and obtained a judg­ ley, and Mrs. S. H atfield, M rs. Ross, county pioneer, and have sp en t my e n ­ May Day exercises at McMinn­ of the track meet. Considering ment in the sum of $5,500. Mrs. H. B. W atson, M rs. A. A. Hall tire life in Tillam ook and W ashington ville the faculty decided to give the wet condition of the field P. counties. H ave practiced law in T illa­ Hancock & Wiles have $26,000 and Miss P earl Hall. mook county 9 years, w as elected R e­ the students a holiday on Friday U. was lucky to get what she did to loan on farms. 1-tf Mrs. H enry W olf w as shopping in corder o f Tillam ook 4 te rm s receiving provided enough students accom­ in both contests. th e Grove S atu rd ay . h ig h est vote c a st a t each election, also panied the b a s e b a I 1 and track A good number turned out last Mrs. H erm an Schultz o f P ortland D istrict A tto rn ey o f th a t county and teams to charter a special car. Friday evening to hear Rev. Fe- rep resen ted T i 11 a m o o k and Yamhill sp e n t th e w eek-end w ith h er aunt, counties in la st tw o sessions o f L egis­ "H ap” Morgan took the matter nenga give his illustrated lecture M rs. F. M. S u tfo rd . la tu re . H ave alw ays been a R epubli­ in hand and the necessary number on “The Castles of the Rhine.” Mrs. W. S. V an m eter and M rs. can. was guaranteed. Although it One of the nicest programs J " T H E PURE FOOD STORE ~ If nom inated and elected will give G roendyke w ere G rove v isitors S a tu r­ rained a good part of the time, given my b est effo rts fo r th e b est in te re sts at the college this year was day. of my d istric t p articu larly and O regon those who went to “ Mac” rep >rt the graduating recital given last M rs. F ra n k C ro w th ers and Mrs. generally. W ill oppose any change in , a good time. Offers evening by Miss Freda Acker, H enry Hecox w ent to C herry Grove on f aw s passed by people unless such The baseball game was in the S a tu rd a y to visit w ith th e ir husbands, change is fo r b e tte r en fo rcem en t o f the forenoon. For the first time this mezzo soprano, and Miss Elida who are w orking in th e mill a t th a t law. I have no in te re sts to serv e but season P. U. lost. The final score lyoynes, pianist, with Miss Mar­ th e Public and I will give you my best garet Keep, accompanist. Miss place. endeavor. —on— was 3 to 2 in favor of the Baptists. Alvena Howard played the or­ Miss N e ta T atro o is home again a fte r Your su p p o rt is resp ectfu lly solicited. : While the score ¡0(110311*8 that the chestral parts on the second piano, an extended sta y w ith frien d s a t N orth T. B. H A N D L E Y . j A full house enjoyed the beauti- D . # ful renditions of vocal and piano ' Report of the Condition of the music by these promising young THIS WEEK. ; Conservatory of Music, under the --------------------AT TH E-------------------- At Forest Grove, in the State of Ore*», attkcidirection of Prof. Frank T. Chap-, In spite of recent market ad­ clove of bovine« on May lit. 1916 vances, our ‘‘Purity” Home man. D O U .A R .S RESOURCES brand Sugar-cured I>oan* and disco u n t» 1128,228 10 Manager Hoffman of the Star O v erd ra ft* , u n se c u re d 144 71 U. S. bond» d ep o site d to »ecure Theater has, at considerable ex­ Picnic Ham» at 14c per 11» circu latio n (p a r value) 50.000 00 pense signed up for the Triangle Boneless Cottages (Rolled Bond» o th e r th a n U. S. bond* pledger! to »«cure p o stal sav ­ film service four nights a week. Ham) at 16c lb ing» d ep o sita $ 1.000 oo S e c u ritie s o th e r th a n U. S. This service b e g i n s tomorrow Regular Hams 18 to 20c lb bond» (not in clu d in g s to rk s) afternoon at 2:30, with “ Peggy” ow ned unpk*lged 4.753 33 Light Side Bacon, half or 5.753 3H T o tal liondi, se c u ritie s etc. a s a n eight-reel feature. T h e Afternoon, 2:30 tio n to sto ck o f F ed ­ Evening, First Show 7:00 S u e b ral sc rip R eserv whole strips 20c lb e B ank 3,600 00 i same film for two shows in the 1.800 00 I> ms am o u n t u n p aid 1,800 00 5c and 15c Second, 9:00-10c and 15c V alue • -vening the first at 7 and the Tenderloin hack Bacon, of b an k in g house (if u n ­ 43.000 00 encu m b ered ) at 9 o'clock. Matinee half or whole strip 18c 4.000 00 s e c o n d F u r n itu r e an d F ix tu re * R eal e s ta te owner! o th e r th a n prices, 5c and 15c; night, 10c and 4.208 02 b a n k in g house ! 15c. Miss Billie Burke is the star N e t am o u n t d u e from For!oral Attend Free Demonstration at R eserve Bank 4.038 28 N e t am o u n t d u e fro m ap p ro v ed our store — May 11, 12 and 13. re se rv e a g e n ts in N ew York, C hicago and S t. Louis 1.582 02 James Cronin, of San P’rancisco, t d u e fro m approved TRIANGLE FILM COMPANY’S $200,000 Production, Featuring N e re t se am rv o e u n ag MISS TRU-BLU en t* in o th e r re­ son of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Cronin, nerve citie* 27.275 36 28.857 38 will serve you—Come visited with his parents here over N e t am o u n t d u e fro m han k s an d hanker* (o th e r th a n Sunday. above) 228 (VI O th e r check« on hank* in th e Harry Brodersen, son of Mr. nam e c ity o r to w n a s re p o rt­ Eight Fascinating Reels! Two Hours’ Entertainment ! ing hank 67H 01 and Mrs. C. A. Brodersen of near O utnide ch eck s and o th e r canh iternn 457 14 Dilley, who has been a semi- F ra c tio n a l c u rre n c y , nickles Built Low Down The Price Has Advanced The “Clarinda” Lawn Mower GORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. ALL AT THE OLD PRICES GOFF BROS. Phone 683 Forest Grove, Ore P U R E T SPECIAL SALE STELLAR ATTRACTION Smoked Meat P irst National Bank ?,rtists- *ho fr°m STAR -k THEATER Friday, May 12 “P e g g y ” Miss Billie Burke Phone 061 Your liberal patronage means more of these high-class Triangle productions for Forest Grove. Matinee 5c & 15c Night 10c & 15c an d centn N otes of o th e r n atio n al ban k s Coin and certificate* R edem p tio n fu n d w ith U. S. T re a s u re r and d u e from U. 8. T re a s u re r T otal LIABILITIES C a p ital stock paid in S u rp lu s fu n d U ndivided profits and reserv ed fo r ta x e s an d sa v in g s in te r­ est C irc u la tin g n otes o u tsta n d in g Individ u al d ep o sits su b je c t to Cured Meat Specials FRYE’S “ WILD ROSE” BRAND 6 to 10-lb. Hams, per l b ....... 20c 10 to 12-lb. Bacon, per lb 22c 6 to 8-lb. Bacon, per lb.........................27He Bacon Backs...................... .......................... 18c Fresh Berries, Fruits and Vegetables The Pacific Market Phone 0301 Lord & Giguere 175 28 832 42 415 00 11.537 % The “Tru-Blu Girl” 2,500 00 201,021 09 DOLLARS 60,000 00 7,000 00 will be at our Store Three Days, beginning 1.902 46 48,700 00 j 119.106 09 C e rtific ates of d ep o sit d u e in less th a n 30 d ay s 2,371 44 P ostal sav in g s d ep o sits 833 53 D eposits req u irin g notice h u t less th a n 30 d ay s 7,244 18 T otal dem and d ep o sits 129,635 24 C ertificate* o f d ep o sit 8,871 64 ' O th e r tim e deposit* 22,998 56 R ed isco u n ts w ith F ed eral Re­ se rv e Bank 924 00 Bills p ayable, in cluding obliga­ tio n s re p re se n tin g m oney borrow ed ...... .... ___16,000 00 T o tal 286,021 89 « T A T E O F O REG O N . CO U N TY O F W ASHINGTON. 88.; I, E a rle O. B uxton, flash ier o f th e above- nam ed bank, do solem nly sw ear t h a t th e above s ta te m e n t is tru e to th e b est of m y k n o w led g e and belief. E A R L E O. B U X TO N , C ash ier. S ubscribed and sw orn I C O R R E C T A T T E S T : to b efo re me th is 10th I Roy H esseltin e. day of May, 1916, I A llan Rice, W A L T E R ROSW U RM . W. K. N ew ell, N o ta ry Public, j D irecto rs. My com m ission ex p ires M arch 3rd, 1917. TODAY-Thursday, May 11th DEMONSTRATING THE GOODNESS OF TRU-BLU BISCUITS, DAINTY WAFERS . and CAKES She Will Be Delighted to Serve You. Come! Schultz Pure Food Store