The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, May 11, 1916, Image 6

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    lAU right« rwxrveJ. Tb« Bvbb«- Merrill Co.)
try,” lie said significantly. "I will ac­
company you. You say you know ma.
I have not seen you before."
"That Is quite possi tile; lint I have
seen you.” They had reached the gate
and she stopped and looked up at him.
“ Do you want to know when?"
“ 1 am Interested, I confess "
" It was about a year ago at night
time. I was sitting under the trees
In the Cercle des Officierà, listening to
the timid. I remember It was rather
dark, except for the lanterns, and the
faces o f the natives hail made me
nervous. Then came n bugle call and
1 was really frightened. I thought It
was an Arab uprising or something;
Instead you naie past—ut the head of
your regiment.”
" I remember." be said. Ills face full
o f hard triumph. “ It was the night I
won my w ager—one hundred and fifty
kilometers In three days.”
He was silent a moment, driving
tils spurred heel Into the sandy gravel.
Then he looked up at her.
“ Why illtl you come to Algiers?” be
said abruptly. “ Why. nbove nil. did
you come to Sldl bel-Abbcs? What Is
there for n tourist to see here? Saud
and vineyards, and then sand again."
“ I was a tourist 1 came ou a mis­
sion— to find my brother."
"Your tiro flier?"
“ He was lost.” she said almost In
a whisper, "H e had done wrong—and
my father Is a stern man he rnu
away— and we were afraid. We fo l­
lowed him to Algiers, and then we lost
W e never found bini." The
tears had gathered In tier dark eyes.
"Colonel Destimi— I do uot know why
tag over the low uneven mound
straightened 'himself and II deried, bis
face turned westward to the red ball
of the sun. Beyond the crumbled cein
etery wall* n Hue of Arabs stood fac­
ing the eastern desert, their hnnda
crossed upon their breasts, silent and
motionless I I I the awed suspense of
their worship.
U ‘ h (¡rum i m other's Recipe to
The man who called himself Richard
iiriitK thick < olor anti
Nameless i el tinted to Ills task. Gently
I,unire lo Hair.
and reverently he drew aside tho cling
lug overgrowth and freed a bent uud
You can turn gray, failed hair boun­
iimlderlng cross from Its burden.
“ What Is our faith compared to tifully dark and lustrous almost over
night If you'll get a 10cent bottle of
theirs?" he said with bitter scorn. “ We j "W yeth's Hag« and Hulphiir Com
plant the symbol of our belief over the pound" at any drug store.
bodies o f men we called brothers, slid of bottlea of this old famous Hugo ’ITu
then leave both to r o t ”
Recipe, Improved by the addition of
Corporal Goets’ lean, white hand ! other Ingredients, are sold uiiuiiullv,
dropped ou to Ills kite«*, lie wns star says n well known druggist here, tie
lug thoughtfully at the cross In front 1 cause It darken* the hair so tiutnrully
of him. In the fading light the let I and evenly that no one can tell It has
tern stood out wltti a new distinctness ' been applied.
Those wliosi* hair la turning gray or
"Philip Grey -No. S ill! f oreign Le
becoming failed have n surprise await­
ing thorn, because after one or two
"I have seen ten men ‘done to death.’ applications the gruy hair vanishes
as you call It." he said quietly. “ One | and your locks become luxuriantly
of them lies here, lie was n young ! dark und bountiful.
Englishman, and 1 hud taken n fancy ( This Is the age of youth.
to ti I in heaven knows why, for our ) haired, unattractive folks aren't want
race* do not love each other nowadays od around, so get busy with Wyeth's
There was a forced march a freak of Mage and Sulphur Compound to-night
ami you'll he delighted with your dark,
our good colonel's and he collapsed
handsome hair and your youthful ap­
out 111 the desert. We left him then* pearance within a few days
without food or nnimunltlnii
You tin
This preparation I* a toilet requisite
derstnnd— I was his friend.
Three and la not Intended for the cure, m iti­
days later I got permission to look for gation or prevention of disease.
hts hones. I found them and a few
Old But Worth Repeating.
rags o f Ids uniform. There nre hyenas
on the desert, you know, and they
An uneducated Scotsman made a
make short work o f things. Well, I fortune. Oue day he aud an acquaint­
ance were tulklug, when the Inlter
brought what was left here.”
It lehr. *d Nameless l o o k a step nearer, said to old Duncan:
"Say, Duncan, you don't know
as though to look closer luto the Gvr enough to go tu when tt rains. Why,
man's erarm i features.
| you can’t even spell 'bird.” '
“ Who arc you?” he naked algnltl
"B-u r-d," said Iiunran.
"I tell you you don't know anything.
“ My name Is Goetz von Berllctien , Why, If you had to spell to make a
gen." wns the mock pompous answer 1 living you'd have been dead years age.
“ I f you knew anything about Goethe, I'll tx-t you a hundred you cau't spell
which, being an Englishman, yon don't bird ' v
"I II take ye," quickly replied Dun­
you would know that Goctx von Iter
llchlngeii was a robber knight I led
After the money was put up Dun­
men. It was my birthright. Then one can said " Il l-r-d.”
day I killed—Justly, ns I believe, but
"Thut ain’t the wey you spelled It
neither according to the law of my 1 the first time.”
country nor my caste.
And then I
"I wasn't beltin' then."
lost my birthright— forever." Richard
Nameless drew a step nearer. The tine
Mr Popp Here's a county out in
features turned to the fading light III
stem, Implacable self Judgment, hud Kansns where every ninth man has an
awakened awe and pity und a vague,
Johnny Popp- Oh. dad. Is that what
shapeless recollection.
they mean by the submerged tenth?—
He passed on. Instinctively Richard
Nameless drew himself up to n salute.
“ How old do you think Kato la?"
It was answered with grave courtesy.
“ Oh. 24 Is n safe guess."
For a moment Do* mantle of ruin had
What do you mean by a safe
slipped from their shoulders, uud man
faced limn In hom ruble recognition of
"In case she heard of my saying It."
what had hocu. Then the alight, sol — Boston Transcript
dlcrty figure lost Itself among the
shadowy crosses.
,,* ,,* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
F. FH trh er Ifalls/enr**. the leading Dancing E x ­
Sornione tapped at Colonel Destimi'*
” I f you please, my colonel, yester­
When Sylvia Oranejr, a beautiful Kng-
llsh girl, returns from a search In Algiers day's batch from Oran.”
fo r her missing brother, her lover. Rich­
Colonel Destinn lifted his head.
ard Farquhar, finds she has fallen In love
with Captain Arnaud of the V oreign
“ It Is well.
You will nccouipuny
Legion. In Captain Sower's room bur-
How many?”
quhar gets deliberately drunk, but when me. corporal.
young Preston loses all his money to
“ F ifty ."
Lowe, a shady character. Karquhar forces
“ W e shall need them."
Sower to have Preston's I. O. U S re­
turned to him. Karquhar Is helped to hts
He picket! up his kept and led the
rooms by Gabrlelle Smith. Sower demands
an apology. Refused, he forces Farquhar way down the passage, the corporal
to resign his commission In return for following close beside him, his features
possession o f Farquhar's father's w rit­
ten confession that he had murdered sow ­ composed In military Indifference.
er's father. Gabrlelle saves Furquhur
In the center o f the yard a Hue of
from suicide. Farquhar tells his mother men had been drawn up. Neither the
that he Is going to find his father If the
latter Is alive. To shield Arnaud. Sylvia s violent abuse of the sergeant nor the
fiance, he professes to have stolen war comments o f a pale-faced lieutenant,
plans and tells the real culprit why he
did so. As Richard Nameless he Joins the much less the uniforms, had been able
Foreign le g io n and sees
! ' la. now to transform the n Into soldiers. Only
Mine. Arnaud. meet Colonel lVstinn.
one thing was common to them all—
» misfortune. It was written in every
A military officer commit* a < haggard face In every language o f dt~
serious offense in his own coun­ « »pair, from reckless defiance to sullen
try and flees to Africa, where » resentment
and stoic
he joins the French Foreign Le-
Colonel Ivstinn read the language with
« gion.
His ability eventually
I the rapidity o f custom. Before each
« puts him In high position.
| recruit he stopped an Instant, his hard
« There he distinguishes himself
I eyes picking out the broken refinement
by cruelty to his men. How will
o f the prodigal from the brutality of
the lives of Colonel Destinn and
fugitive crime. And at each he Jerked
out an imperative question.
Richard Nameless cross one an-
> other?
“ Your uame?”
“ Johann Harding, my colonel."
“ Profession?”
“ Doctor.”
“ Sergeant, keep an eye on him. He
Colonel Destini. of the Legion.
sham like the devil, or poison you.
A thin-voiced chime from some
tower in Sidi-bei-Abbes announced the And this man?" There wns a slight,
scarcely perceptible change In the In­
hour— four o’clock.
flection o f his voice, a note of some­
Colonel Destinn looked up. From
thing that might have been surprise
where he sat he could see the barrack-
or even more than that— uneasiness.
yard, and, beyond, the great stretch of
The man whom he confronted held
ocher plain rolling to the horizon. A
himself with a cool, undisturbed dig­
little to the right an Arab mosque lift­
ed Its white minarets against the sky.
which hung oppressively over the pant­
“ Have you no surname?"
ing. lifeless country.
“ No.”
In the narrow, meanly furnished
L>estlnn glanced at the lieutenant
room the atmosphere was stifling. who, after a hurried glance to his note­
Colonel Destinn’s guest drew back Into book. shrugged his shoulders.
the thin patch of shadow. Colonel
“ No. 4006— calls himself Richard
Destinn himself smiled, and the thin Nameless, my colonel.”
lips under the iron-gray mustache be­
“ A nom de guerre, I presume. Your
came indescribably ruthless.
last profession?”
“ Yes, you are quite right, Mr. Lowe,”
pert an*l liu tn jr'u r In N ew Ynrb í'itjr. w rit re: ''|
“ Traitor.”
nave u**iI A U . K N ‘8 FOOT-KAJIK, th « antlarptlx
The paths of Corporal Goets
he was saying in his suave French. “ I
“ You are English?"
jM.e-i.-r U) be ahqksn Iole the altera. f.»r tell yeara.
have something to sell— something
recommend it to sii my puuita." It r u m ami
“ I am notiiing.”
v soon, perhnps.
Oo you think ]> [.reventa f«wt. Sold by all Ifrug ami Dr|.arl*
quite valuable, in fact. But I do not
There was a troubled pause. The
meni S tore. ,28c. Ram pi« r I l h L . Addraaa. Allen
J they will quarrel over a woman
choose to sell it to you. that Is all.”
8. Olma tod, L * Roy. N. Y,
man had answered fluently In French, j
i or that they will help a woman
Stephen Lowe glanced up. His de­ without hesitation and without Inso­
In Doubt.
? to keep a guilty eecret which
formity was very obvious at that mo­ lence. And yet his easy self-confidence
“ Sometimes,'’ confided Mrs. l*ong
? they hsve discovered by sccl-
ment. He looked old, and physical ex­ Jarred In that atmosphere of cowed
wed. to her Intimate friend, "I think
? dent?
haustion had stamped out the last and broken humanity, and was by con- :
my husband Is the patlentest. gentlest,
trace of beauty from his thin features. trast almost a challenge. The mornen- I
best nnturetl soul that ever lived, ami
“ Why not?” he asked.
tary Interest died out of Colonel De-
iT u UK C O N T IN U E D .)
sometimes I think It's Just laziness."
“ Is not that my affair?”
—Christian Register.
stlnn's eyes, leaving a cold anger.
“ Traitor."
“That fellow is dangerous.” he “ Your Last Profession?"
Colonel Destinn brushed a speck of
New Style.
dust from his dolman. Uls slate-gray Jerked back over his shoulder, aud I tell you this. It Is silly o f me. 1 j
"So your son's In college, eh? Burn
eyes flashed. He rose, and Lowe had passed on.
loved him more than anything else In ! Procedure of Justice Probably Not Ing the midnight oli, I suppose?”
no choice but to rise also.
Corporal Goetz hesitated an Instant the world. You won't understand—”
Found In Blackstone, But It Was
"W e ll— er— yes; but I've an Idea—
“ I have made you an Indefinite offer. before the man thus summarized. He
He laughed roughly.
•r that It's gasoline.” — St. Patrick's
Decidedly Efficacious.
Colonel Destinn,” he said. “ One day measured him, and the recruit an­
•oh, mudume. even I understand
swered the keen, deliberate gaze with loss.”
It was the early days of boat travel
the same steadfastness. A mutual rec- j
I thought—“
She stopped on the Ohio river when even passen­
ognltlon had l>een acknowledged; steel with her eyes ou his blanched face. ger steamers stopped at landings on
had rung against steel. Then sudden- j "Oh. colonel, I am so sorry. Somehow Islands and mainlands for freight. We j
ly the recruit’s fiery blue eyes focused ! I didn’t think o f you like that— "
had made un Island landing and a
themselves on something beyond, and ! Ills curt gesture Interrupted tier.
wealthy passenger had left tho boat j
their expression—that of n man start­
“ Madame, we have grown too seri­ to buy cigars at the Island s tiny store.
ed into an instant's self-betrayal— ous. A poet o f yours said that loss Is !
He hought $!» worth, and presented a
caused the corporal to turn sharply.
common to the race. I can only hop# 1100 bill In payment, whereupon tho
W o m a n M a d e W e ll b y L y d ia
A rare vision had appeared in the that your loss may be mended."
storekeeper offered him $5 In change,
dull, colorless square. The Iron gntes
“ And yours, colonel,” she said soft­ asserting that he hud received only j
E. Pinkham ’s V e g e ta b le
had been opened, and against the back­ ly-
|I0. The customer returned to the
Com pound.
ground o f the green avenue beyond
"Mine can never Is* mended, nind- boat and related hln tale of woe to !
there stood a woman—n slender, i>t*nu- j nme. I am too old. Permit me.” Me
Columbus,Ohio. — " I had n lm ostgivrn
the captnln, who at once went ashore
tiful woman, such as hut few of the j passed through the gate with her and
and Informed the storekeeper thnt un- i up. 1 bod been sick fo r six years with
lost, degraded Inhabitants of those helped her Into the waiting carriage.
femala troubles and
less the chnnge was at once forthcom­
white walls had ever seen. She came “ Do you know It Is twenty y ea jf since
nervousness. 1 had
ing he would hlfrh a cable around thu |
slowly toward them, the lace sunshade I last spoke to an Englishwoman?”
s pain in my right
store and drag It Into the river.
framing the lovely golden bead, her
sido and could not
nd was she— as idee us I inn?"
The storeke. |)i-r . till refused nnd
soft muslin dress revealing ench
"She was a little like you—and very
ea t anything with*
the captain started for his bont. A
movement ns something exquisitely Iwn u tiful."
out h u r t i n g m y
balanced, absolutely free and confident
"You could tiavp expressed yourself j
1 could
little building, hitched to the vessel. !
In its youthful grace and health.
more prettily. Never mind. By the j
not drink cold w ater
and full steam ordered.
When tho
“ Colonel Destinn,” she said, "1 hope way. you do not speak English,
at all nor eat any
shack tottered upon Its foundation, I
you are not angry with me. I have colonel ?”
kind o f raw fruit,
come to find my husband.”
“ No,” he nnswered absently, “ I do
nor fresh m eat nor
the missing hills fluttering In his hand. |
He lifted Ills hand reluctantly hut not speak English.”
chicken. From 178
instinctively to his kepi.
pounds I w en t to
“ I must give you lessons. Conob-
“ I heard that Captain Arnnud's w ife man— home. An revolr, colonel!”
118 and would ge t so wo*k at times that
had arrived,” he said roughly. “ Per­
I fell over. I Ivegan to take Lydia E.
"An revolr. mndame.”
So scarce have supplies of ordinai/
mit me to inform you that Captain
He stood at the salute until tie had
Pinkham’ s V egetable Compound, and
Arnaud left the barracks half an hour lost sight o f the small, sweet face un
ten days later I could eat and it did not
ago, also that you have no business der the parasol. A couple o f Chasseurs have been made to find an effective hurt my stomach.
I have taken tho
here and are Interfering with my busi­ d Afrique gave him the careless mill substitute, and an engineering firm, medicimi evsr since and I feel like a
ness. The sentry should not have let tary greeting of French soldiers ns after n number of experiments, has I new woman. I now weigh 127 jx>undit
started the manufacture of string i
you pass.”
so you can see what it has done for mo
they swaggered past, but lie did not innde from paper.
"H e did not want to.” she explained, see them. A young Arab with a sprig
My husband says ho knows
“ but I told him that I knew you and o f Jasmine tucked gracefully behind
your mndicin* has saved my life .” —
Is suitable for the lying up of parcels I
“ I Have Something to Sell, bi t Not that you would be furious If he re­ Ids ear drew Ills burnoose closer of fair size, | h exactly similar to the j Mrs. J. S. B a r l o w , 1024 South 4th St.,
Columbus, Ohio.
nround Idm with the aristocratic con­
to You.”
"Whereby, mndame, you overstepped tempt of Ids race. Colonel Destinn genuine article, and It Is difficult to | Lydia E Pinkham’ s V egetab le Com­
I may come with something different the limits of truth.”
remained sightless and Indifferent.
ness has so fur been produced, but pound contains just the virtues o f roots
“ Pardon me, I do know you. Rut
and perhnps then you w ill reconsider
further varieties will no doubt bo and herbs needed to reetorn health and
what you have said. No life can be since I Intrude, I will make good my
strength to th# weakened organs o f the
bound up definitely anywhere, not even retreat Good evening, my colonel.”
T h at is w hy Mrs. Rnrlew, a
in a desert. Colonel Destinn.”
She turned her hack on him and be­
chronic invalid,recovered an completely.
Richard Nameless.
Frequently Is That Way.
The officer did not answer, appeared gan to tvnlk«tvi*h untroubled dignity
It pays fo r women suffering from any
“ There Is no gisl but one God. Ttie
When a man gets what ho wanted
even to have forgotten his guest's ex­ toward the gnte. For an instant he Lord Is great. I extol the sanctity of
he's lucky If t:o doesn't put In n lot of fem ale ailments to insist ii|xm having
istence. Stephen Lowe went out, clos­ hesltateif then overtook her.
time wondering what ho wanted with Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com­
ing the door softly behind hin>.
“ I have a word to say to the sen-
There was silence. The man bend is.
— 5—