N O TE S A N D PER SO N ALS Grangers Observe Washington County Mister Merchant: Mothers’ Day Prohibition Convention Before you place your order for 1917 Calendars, see our line of samples; we may save you some money. Dr. J. H. Stewart, had huMÍrimt in Portland hud Thursday. I^ist Saturday, after the morn Dear Friends: Hancock & Wile» have $25,(KM) ing business wssion and the usual The Oregon Prohibition state to loan on Turma. 1-i.f lunch at noon, the members of committee has set the date of the A son wuh Inirn Monday to Mr. Gale grange held Moth«*rs’ Day state convention for May 19th. and Mrs. Roan Munker. exercises, with an excellent pro It is the desire of the state com The Express prints butter wrap- gram. mittee that every county be rep | mth with non-|x>ÍHonouH ink. Before the program opened, two resented. We will inHurt* your auto against little girls p a s s e d bouquets of Some counties in the state have fire, theft and collision. Hancock lx*autiful flow«*rs around the hall, already held c o n v e n t i o n s and [>ink flowers for those whose nominated full county tickets and & Wiles. 9-tf For State Representative of 1914.” L. A. FERNSWOKTH Mrs Ella Olson and son, Archie, mothers are still alive and white delegate» to the state convention. The friends of Theodore Burton We, your executives of Wa>h-! of Ohio believe he js the man best To the members o f the Republican spent Sunday with friends at flowers for those whose mothers Party in Washington County: have passed away. ington county, wishing to do our fitted to lead our nation in the Farmington. I beg respectfully to solicit your con E. W. Haines was on the pro part in this great cause of Prohi Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hoffman midst of this world-wide war. sideration at the Republican Primariea gram for a tribute to mothers, bition, have decided to hold the visited their daughter, Mrs. Fred Theodore E. Burton is an uncle May 19, for the office o f state Repre sentative. I favor uncompromising hut he was called »>ut of the city county Prohibition convention in Watrous, and family at McMinn to Rev. Burton Jones of this city. economy, clean-cut, fewer laws, and I and Rev. O H. Holmes took the Forest Grove, May 16th, at the ville Sunday. * • • I shall place the public interests ahead o f politics. I shall work against un part, handling the subject in a Congregational church, commenc _______________ necessary, frivolous a n d conflicting Mrs. Leslie Crosley return«*! masterly way. Th«* keynote of We have Arsenate of Lead in laws, and I shall give my best efforts ing at 1 o ’clock p. m. Sunday to her home at Salem, af his address was that it required Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh, Ore both forms, Paste or Dry. Lit- to lightening the ever-increasing bur den o f taxation created by expenditures ter a visit with her parents, Mr. j more brains an<! judgment to I k * a gon Advisor of the Woman’s tler’s Pharmacy. out of proportion to increase in wealth an«l Mrs A. J. Cook. and actual needs. good mother than to run a hank National Prohibition Fedaration, i L. A. Femsworth. The members of the Washing or other business enterprise. He auxiliary to the Prohibition p arty,, Political Announcements ton County Medical Society will expressed the opinion that no will be present; also the State Ex For Sheriff (Paid Advertisement») To the Voters o f Washington county: meet at the office of Dr. KaulD great man ever ha«i a fool for a ecutive Secretary, J. Sanger F ox .! I am a candidate for the Republican man this city this evening. mother; the son of a fool father An evening session will also be nomination for the office o f sheriff at John Stribich att<-nded a meet might become great, but only held at which addresses will be the Primary Election to be held May ing of the Neutrality league of when hi* had a sensible mother. given by Mrs. Unruh and Mr. Applegate Has Not Withdrawn 19th, 1916. If nominated and elected, I will give Candidacy A. T. Buxton read another trib Fox. America in Portland last Sunday. the protection o f my office to all per It having come to my attention He reports a good attendance fr«jin ute to mother that brought tears Every man and w o m a n in sons and all classes alike ; I will con to the eyes of many. Washington county. Washington county who believes that reports have been circulated duct my office in an economical way, as Mrs. H J. Rice gave a reading in the principle of Prohibition is throughout the c o u n t y that I near as possible ; with fair and court William VanAntwerp is now eous treatment to the public. sole owner, chief cook and bottle that was very appropriate to the entitled to participate in this con have withdrawn from the contest Geo. G. Hancock. for the Republican nomination washer of the Oregon Land com occasion, Mrs. Clark’s stringe«! vention. For Sheriff for sheriff, I wi h to state that Sincerely yours, pany, having bought out his part «juartet play«*d several numliers To the Republican voters: I am a i such ri ports are false and without that were highly appreciated and D aniel S taver , ner, Ed. Davis. candidate for sheriff o f Washington foundation aud evidently circulat W. A. Williams o ' Portland, a for County Chairman. Miss Mrytle Roswurm from ed to mislead my friends. If Connty, and if nominated and elected, mer resident of this city, delivered Miss Anna Tayhir, nominated I will accept and will pledge an economical administration of near Banks, and niece of Walter a very eloquent eulogy to “ Ore Secretary. use every «-ffort to secure election the office in all departments, and will Roswurm, is now making tier endeavor at all times to give the posi gon Beautiful." in November. home with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. tion attention in the interests o f the Concerning Theodore E. Burton When the question box was J. C. APPLEGATE, Fletcher, north of town. taxpayers. Theodore E. Burton is Ohio’s Republican Candidate for Sheriff. ojK*n«*d a lively discussion ensued D. M. Mclnnis. The music pupils of Miss Dee on the best way to clean house choice for president of the United (Paid Adv.) | To the Voters o f the Republican Party Darling will give their spring re and how to rid certain plants of States. Ohio is the battle ground For Circuit Judge o f the Nineteenth for Washington County cital at the I. O. O. F. hall Wed- parasites for political supremacy and ever Judicial District I am a candidate for the nomination nesday evening, May 17th. All | On Saturday, May 20th, at 2:30 has been. It was the native state W. H. HOLLIS for County Clerk, for the Primary Rebekahs and friends are cor p. m., Prof. Shaw of the Great of Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Har- j I am a candidate for nomination to Election to be held May 19th, 1916; the office of Circuit Judge o f the Nine have been chief deputy Couuty Clerk dially invited. Northern Railway will deliver a rison, McKinley, and Taft. teenth Judicial District, composed of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fletch«*r lecture before the members of . “ Mr. Burton is a staunch re the Counties o f Tillamook and Wash for the past two terms, was bom in ington, subject to the Republican Pri- j Washington County, am familiar with and Miss Myrtle Roswurm of this Gale Grange. publican. He entered public life mary election to be held May 19th, the work o f the office, and if nominated city and Mrs. Walter Sargent and Saturday, June 3d, will be ob in 1888, when he was elected to 1916. and elected will during my term o f o f If nominated and elected I will ad fice attend to the duties thereof, exer daughter. Elizabeth, of Gales City, served as “ Children’s Day,” at Congress in a district near to minister the business o f the courts of economy, and courtesy to the enjoyed a very pleasant picnic at which time E. W. Haines will de Wm. McKinley’s, a n d served this district justly, promptly and with ; cising public. liver a lecture on ‘The Hope of the least possible expense to the tax Soda Springs, on Clear Creek, last ' H enry A. K uratli . the Nation— the Children of T o shoulder to shoulder with that payers. Thursday. M rs. S a r g e n t is a day.” great advocate of protection in Less litigation; less expense; less de For Sheriff daughter o f M r. a n d Mr s . | ¡the framing of t h e McKinley lay and more justice shall be my aim. To the Voters o f Washington County, Band Dance Made Money Your support is respectfully solicited. !• letcher. Oregon : Taiifr Act of 1890. With the W. H. H ollis . | I hereby announce myself as a candi The ladies who gave a dance at interruption of but two terms Mr. date for the nomination on the Repub I. O. O. F. hall Saturday night for For Circuit Judge i Burton served continuously in the lican ticket for sheriff in the primaries the benefit of the Forest Grove To the Republican Voters o f Washing o f May 19th, 1916. If I am nominated house of representatives from that ton County; and elected I will, during my term of band cleared $88.10 from the af time until 1909 and then went to 1 am a candidate for the Republican office, conduct the said office honestly, fair, wh ch was one of the mo-t efficiently ajid economically the senate to serve until 1915, de nomination for Circuit Judge o f the • impartially, and for the best interests o f the tax enjoyable dancing parties given in Nineteenth Judicial District, compris clining to be a candidate for re- payers o f the county. this city in many days. The at ing Washington and Tillamook Counties, [ Dated at Hillsboro, Ore., this 28th election. So strong was he in his day o f February, 1916. •t the May 19th, 1916, primaries. tendance w a s g o o d and many own district that several times no J. W. C onnell . G eo . R. B agley . j purchased tickets who did not at- candidate was nominated against t■•?)«!. Quite a numlM*r of H1IN- him. During his service in the boro p«*ople were among the at House he was for ten years chair tendants, as were people from man of the powerful committee) Present Deputy Sheriff Announces several other near-by towns. on Rivers and Harbors. Presi his Candidacy for The members of the band have dent Roosevelt appointed h i m; County Sheriff asked the Express to extend their chairman of the Inland Water Before the electors at the Republican public thanks t«> the ladies who Primaries to be held Kay 19, 1916 Ways Commission and later he promoted the dance, to the busi- If nominated a n d elected h e was chairman of the National ness men and others who pur material pledges a strict observance o f his chased tickets, t<* the members of Water Ways Commission. duties and an economical admini Especially desirable in the Walker’s orchestra and all others Mr. Burton has extraordinary stration. country or where there is who contributed to the huge suc powers of physical endurance anu rrm acra 1» wy «na ■ » ■■■'unpm ■ ■ ■ i w no water system, because cess of the affair. This duty the enjoys the splendid v i g o r of Prof. Thomas Shaw o f St. Paul, Express cheerfully pc rforms. health, which comes from temper Minn., agricultural expert, under A G R O W IN G D A N G E R Washington County Transfers ate habits and a clean life. auspices o f farm ers’ organiza is our high taxes and a step to The following real estate trans First of all he has been loyal to tions and Commercial clubs, will reduce them is to vote for the fers were recorded with the regis republican principles. Next, he address farmers and others in man who will pay his own way, ter of de< ds at Hillsboro during has dart’d to challenge powerful terested in Agriculture, Dairying IS PRACTICALLY the past week: | influences even in his own party, and Stock Raising F. M. (iritfith to I. R. Erwin, 7 acres if they stood in the way of ra for republican nomination in sec 5, 2 S 2, $300. I t 1« g o o d r o o f i n g a n d g iv e s s p le n tional progress toward wider op-' FOR SH E R IF F did satisfaction because it is made right Frank A. Jackson et ux to Thomas Free samples and literatura Horace White, SO acres in sec 14, 2 S portunities for all the people, or (The Taxpayers’ Candidate) a sane conservatism where the i Lyda School House, 3. $10. GET IT OF YOUR DEALER OR W RITE 12 o ’clock noon US DIRECT Fred L. Butterleld to A. J. Wilks et honest business interests of the — MY PLEDGE— ( Farmei s’ Commercial Club. ux, lot 98, Hailey's add to Groveland i country were imperriled; and he If nominated and elected, I will acres, $10. Gale Grange, Forest Grove has dared to oppose selfish poli devote my entire time and at Ruth Realty Company to A. M. Mc ^ ffg . CO* Portland, O re. 2:?0 P.#M. ticians in both parties when they tention to the duties o f the office, Manus et ux, 9.39 acres sec 3, l N 2, Gale City, 7:30 P. M. For sal* by planned unconscionable raids up $2300. conducting the same with Strici Forest Grove Planing Mill, Laurelwood Orchards Company to on the public treasury. The last Prof. Shaw is one o f the highest Economy. Josie A. O’ Brien, undivided 1-2 in. W conspicuous act of Mr. Burton in authorities in the United States on Phone 0232 I will, during my term, pay all agricultural topics. He will answer all 1-2 tract 8, Laurelwood Orchards, $1. the U. S. senate will long be re questions and help farmers solve their the traveling expenses and liver} J N . HOFFMAN Have a good second-hand cam membered as an instance of cour- j problems. hire o f the office, within the era that will take 8x10 or 5x7 ageous statesmanship, when he Everybody Welcome. county. pictures. What have you to offer Attorney At Idiw Admission Free. led the filibusters that saved many Your support a n d influence as a trade? Value of complete Patent Office Business Solicited Oregon Electric Railway will be much appreciated. outfit is $25. Reply to B. W. millions of dollars of wasteful ex penditure in the appropriation bill | Spokane, Portland & Seattle R y , ForestGrove, - Oregon box 643, City. (Advertisement) The Forest Grove Express FALSE RUMOR DENIED I FARMERS’ MEETING J. C. Applegate The quick, safe and reliable roofing Durable Roofing F IR E PRO OF D u ra b le R o o fin g Prof. SHAW COMING GRANT M A N N SATURDAY, MAY 20