LOVE IN Hy liuylnic ilir»<-t from ua at wholraal* p tlc N ai.ii u v a ill« plunih«r‘a prtolta. W rit« ua to. your iimm I i . W# will plva you ou rrork- Iwtttmi "dlrart to-you" prloaa. f o. ti. rail or lami l*v ai iually aava you from 10 to S& par eonl. A ll piaala poarantMil. Northwvat liaa<*<|iiartora for lan of diariMMi w I u t p oilier nm II ii »U faltad. I f you nr® nick or Mtlinir. h av« a IrouM* (>f Io n i aUimilhv, 1 will I«* i-U n w tl to roruMilt »m l irivr* you » apiiuj attaiyaia. which m t i you nothin». DR. II. L. CHANDLER 502-.T-4 Rru.ulw.iy Hid».. Cortland, Ore. Thia Trade Mark Meant Th*» flit not Violin*. Mandolin«, tin i»nr»*. Banjo* noil lU n jo Mimlollnii. ihut can I/*» mad». M ad« in Orriron o f Or®irhn Wood. which I« th® fin®nt In th® world. Dad violina mail® Into ifotjd on®n Writ® for illuMtrat* • n J circular« and d®tall» to THF. C O U L T F K CO.. z n 1 i »A e k ^ i« M . fw tu j. Ore T>tii Double Tread, Puncture Proof Tires for junk. Ma»l® from your old on®a, I.aat Ion» L -• '*• w I l f W|. AlatU) HI V |‘ l 1» IIHFH. W® pay an high aa |0S f | - MB I MIn D TftMworth m M th** Ugkiil m rkfl Hhlp your Tima at one*« or w rit» ua. ot icon vuuanuinc co . s ^ o v »*®*« r.sw. o» HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK W e want all you hare W rite fnr prime ami ahlppma la y . IMt M. f . NO M fON ( O. 5 1 North *ruot St.. Portland. Ora. The Closed Circle. Young Girl— Yes. 1 feel an Intense longing to