WORLD’S DOINGS OF CURRENT WEEK PRESIDEN1 WILSON ACCEPIS BERLIN’S REPLY TO SUBMARINE ULTIMATUM An Irish President for Five Days. MEXICAN BANDITS RAID U. S. BORDER W ashington, 1). C. A note cabled by S ecretary Lansing to Ambassador G erard Tuesday for delivery to the Berlin foreign office inform s the G er man governm eni th at the United S tates accepts its “ declaration of abandonm ent" of its form er subm arine policy and now relics upon a scrupu lous execution of the altered policy to remove the principal danger of an in terru p tio n of the good relations e x ist ing between the two countries. W ith this acceptance is coupled formal notice to Germany thut the U nited S tates cannot for a moment en tertain , much less discuss, a sugges tion th a t respect by German naval au Three Settlements in Texas County Live News Iterm of All Nations and th o ritie s of the rig h ts of citizens of Attacked at Night — Troops In the U nited S tates on the high seas Pacific Northwest Condensed should in the slightest degree be made Pursuit May Cross Line. for Our Busy Readers. contingent upon the conduct of any o th er governm ent affecting the rights of neutrals and noncom batants. T his is in reply to the concluding El Paso Three Am erican soldiers C hief Ju stice Charles E. Hughes has statem en t in the last German note to and a 10-year-old ls>y have lost their been invited to deliver a Fourth of the effect th at while subm arine com Ju ly oration at Salem. Ore. m anders had been ordered not to sink I lives and two Am erican citizens have The m unitions liner Cym ric is re peaceful freig h t or passenger-carrying been kidnap|M*d and carried south of ported torpedoed off the west coast of ships w ithout w arning or w ithout the intenationa! boundary to alm ost Ireland, and is in a sinking condition. suftcy for passengers and crew, the l certain death in another raid of 200 Germ an governm ent would reserve to Four more Irish revolutionary lead i Mexican bnndits th at takes rank with itself com plete lib erty of decision un e rs are shot. N ineteen others sen less the United S tates was successful Francisco V illa's famous attack on tenced to death are given prison sen in its efforts to break the B ritish Columbus, N. M. T hree soldiers were tences. blockade. wounded and two soldiers and tw o c it A R otterdam dispatch declares Ger izens are missing. m any is form ulating term s upon which The bandits’ foray, carrying them to offer peace, which include relin through the southern lim its of Brew quishm ent of Belgium and all territo ry ster county, in the Pig Bend d istriet in France. of Texas, and taking in th ree little T hat England is building airships of settlem ents near the border Glenn W ashington, D. C .- A dm inistration Springs, Boquilln* and Deem ers took the Zeppelin type was disclosed in the , officials are still ho|>cful th at effective place on Friday night and Saturday house of commons. How much such co-operation between American and morning, but news of it did not reach a irc ra ft G reat B ritain possessed was Mexican troops to ex term in ate the here until Sunday. not revealed. Patrick J. H. Pearse. band o f Mexican outlaws, which raided W ithin an hour preparations had The house rejects the senate amend P atrick J. H. Pearse was “ provisional president of th e Irish republic” Glenn Springs, Tex., last Friday night been made for adequate action. Major m ent to the army bill wherein it was for five days. The Sinn Feiner9 called him th at when they began their “ revo will result from the conference at El voted to increase the standing arm y to lution” in Dublin. He was executed by th e B ritish a fte r he had issued a Paso betw een Generals Scott and Obre- General Funston ordered th at in all four troo|>s of cavalry should proceed 250,000 men. The m easure was re proclam ation calling on all those who followed him to lay down th eir arms. gon. In the m eantim e both at the to the raided section to reinforce small turned to conference. , W ar and S tate departm ents, it was detachm ents already on the scene from Two men were killed in a fend battle pressed by only a hint in the document, stated officially th a t General Funston Presidio ami other convenient |>oints. a t the Jualin m ining camp, Juneau, but was presum ably amplified in verbal has full authority to send his troops These troo[ia got under way at once. Alaska, on B erner’s Bay, recently. com m unications w ith the American across the bonier on any hot trail. It was said here th at if the exigency S ecretary Baker conferred with of the rase demands such action they F orty men took part in the fight, am bassador. Germ any now is at the w hich resulted from card games. top of her m ilitary achievement. If President Wilson Tuesday evening, but will cross the border in order to run he said later there had been no devel- down and disfiersti the bandits. W ashington, D. C. — Study of the she can make peace now it would be on Americans who have enlisted at | opem ents in the situation. He declined term s more favorable than later. If In a little adobe house nine cavalry- ' German subm arine note is convincing Toronto for army service to Europe to discusH what steps had been taken a re denied the use of the name “ Am er President W ilson’s advisers th at an she can strongly enlist American pub by General Funston of what recom men made th eir fight for life against the 70 or more V illista bandits at ican Legion,” under instructions from other reply m ust be made in order to lic opinion th a t is a g reat step toward m endations he had made. Glenn Springs. A hail of shot poured answ er certain charges against the the accom plishm ent of th is object. the Dominion authorities at Ottaw a. Officials would not comment on bor for more than two hours into the “ In such a situation the allies’ cause U nited S tates made in th a t document. der advices saying General Funston single window of the mud aiioLc, but F ire destroys the Chicago Grain needs a plain declaration by the allied These charges are: had repeatedly urged th at his force» be company elevator and 60,000 bushels of F irst—T hat the U nited S tates had statem en t th a t no peace negotiations strengthened. The question of calling the Am ericans refused to give up. grain, causing a $200,000 loss. C lar discrim inated against Germ any and in are adm issible a t th e present stage. The cavalrym en kept up a steady rifle ence E. Fox, president of the com favor of G reat B ritain in its demands Public opinion In th e allied and neutral I out a portion of the National guard is fire in defiant nnswer. Then the Mex not under im m ediate consideration, pany, intim ated th at the fire m ight be th a t international law be obeyed. countries needs to be clearly reminded ican leader ordered fire balls to be however, and as the only means of a ttrib u ta b le to a war plot. Second — T hat the U nited S tates of the essential issues underlying the adding m aterially to the border guard thrown on the roof, thickly thatched with Candelaria. President W ilson’s approval of the would have brought freedom of the present s tru g g le .” would be to employ coaHt artillery The blazing weed tortured the sol nom ination of Louis Brandeis for the seas had it insisted on its rig h ts troops as in fan try for th at pur|x>so, Suprem e Court bench, in a letter to against G reat B ritain. $ 2 7 ,5 9 3 a Year to Support Him. there is nothing to indicate th a t Gen diers below and burnt th eir heads and IxxJies. Then, sm ashing the door, the th e senate,- declares the charges Third—That he United S tates has eral F u nston’» force is to be increased. troopers broke for the open, firing as ag ain st Mr. Brandeis are “ in trin si aided G erm any’s enemies by supply Senator Borah issued a statem ent they ran. Two were shot and killed cally incredible to anyone who knows ing them w ith all kinds of w ar m ater urging th a t additional troops be or as they fled. One is m issing and it is ials. him . ” dered to the border, and th a t any man believed he is dead. Another was The President and his advisers de or p arty in Mexico which sought to killed as he tried to clim b through a The B ritish ship Galgate, from P ort clare there has been no discrim ination em barrass the task of protecting window. land, Or., January 4, for ports in the Am erican in terests lie treated as an U nited Kindgdom, was sunk Saturday, for or against any belligerent since the According to the story brought here, enem y of the country. according to Lloyds. The G algate was w ar began. r, •; i the Mexican banditH first attacked a To bring about the adoption of a la st reported as having arrived at St. store and one or two houses in Bo- Michaels April 24. She was 2356 subm arine policy based on the recog 1 V quillaH, where they made Deem er and nized basis of international law, it was tons gross. Compton prisoners, and then s|>ed 15 necessary for the United S tates to con miles northw ard to make th eir attack Two large buildings of the plant of duct negotiations w ith Germany which on Glenn Springs, which is fringed by th e Cadillac Chemical company at have extended over a period of 13 Cadillac, Mich., were destroyed by fire months. For 15 months the U nited New York Carl A. Luderitz, Ger rugged hills. At Glenn Springs they Tuesday, w ith a loss estim ated at S tates has been negotiating w ith G reat man consul at Baltim ore, Md., was in wrecked a wax factory belonging to $150,000. The company is under con B ritain and her allies to put a stop to dicted by the Federal grand ju ry here W illaim Ellis, his store and residence, tra c t to furnish an ingredient for violations of international law leveled Tuesday, charged w ith procuring a besides one or two other small build smokeless powder to the B ritish gov against neutral commerce. false passport for H orst von der Golz, ings. ernm ent. confessed spy. Another indictm ent Mr. Wilson holds, his advisers de was handed down charging Wolfe von Dr. Ben L. Reitman is sentenced to . clare, th a t it was fa r more im portant Igel, form er secretary of Captain 60 days in the New York workhouse to obtain protection for human life Franz von Pajien, recalled German for distributing literature, alleged to than it was to arrange for protection m ilitary attac h e; Dr. W alter I). be improper, relating to birth control. for dollars, and it was for th is reason — Schelle, already indicted in the alleged th a t he proceeded w ith such vigor Dr. Reitman was arrested at a m eet El Paso, Tex. — General P ersh in g ’s “ fire bom b” plot, and Gustave S tein ■ - * ing held recently to protest against the gainst Germany. A ttention is called official rep o rt of the defeat of a band berg, alleged aide of Franz von Rinte- to the representations and protests conviction of Emma Goldman on a len, Germ an agent, w ith conspiring to of V illa’s men a t Ojo-Azules Thursday which have been made to G reat B ri sim ilar charge. falsify a sh ip ’s m anifest in sending a ; by Major Howze, received here S atu r tain and France as proof of the effort day, discribed the action as a cavalry Mrs. C arrie Chapman Catt, presi of the adm inistration to prevent the cargo of lubricating oil to Germany. d ent of the National American Woman seizure of innocent goods by ships of The indictm ent ag ain st Luder ! charge with pistols, the first to occur The Suffrage association, in an address be the allied powers. itz charges th a t he obtained a passjiort since operations were begun. fore the Mississippi Valley Suffrage for Von der Goltz in the name of men had ridden 30 miles from San If Germany will give the government conference at Minneapolis, declares here a chance, it is declared, Germany Bridgem an W. Taylor from the Secre Antonio to Ojo-Azules, 17 m iles south- th a t the form ation of a woman’s po will have no reason to complain of the tary of S tate at W ashington on Au ! west of Cusihuiriachic. John Jacob Astor, Jr. litical party would not be necessary lack of vigor of the President. The pursuit of the scattered Mexi gust 24, 1914, and th a t on October 2 th is year to obtain national enfran Mrs. John Jacob Astor, last widow of th e sam e year the passport was cans ia being continued. Inform ation chisem ent. of the m ulti-m illionaire land owner, vised by the Italian consul general | th at the band was near Ojo-Azules had been secured by General Pershing two who w ent down on the T itanic, insists here. _________________ A robber enters the National bank days before. It was said to have a t it costs $27,593 a year to support her a t Francis, Okla., covers the cashier tacked Bnd defeated a Carranza force a four-year-old son, John Jacob Astor, $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 Is Given Yale. w ith a revolver and fled with about J r. There was allowed from the es New Y ork—A $500,000 bequest to few days before th at. The commanders $4000. A fter an exchange of shots London—The London m orning news ta te of his fa th e r $20,000 a year for Yale university and two bequests to were Cruz Dominguez, Antonio Ange w ith a pursuing posse, the robber forced the driver of one of the posse’s papers Monday laid great em phasis on his support. T hat is not enough says the New York P resbyterian hospital les and Julio Acosta. General Pershing rcjiortcd th a t the Mrs. Astor, in her last report to the am ounting to $350,000 are contained autom obiles to take him in and, with a G erm any’s alleged desire for peace. counted dead was 42. Seventy-five surrog ate of New York county. She “ If President Wilson accepts the in the will of the late Charles W. revolver held at the d riv er’s head, dis German note as a basis for fu rth er dis spent over $7000 additional. The As Harkness, Standard Oil company di horses and mules were taken from the appeared in the hills. cussion,” says the Daily Chronicle, to r e sta te was worth between $80,- rector, which was adm itted to probate Meixcans and six C arranza prisoners W ith the m elting snows no longer “ his motive m ust be sought, not in the 000,000 and $ 100,000,000 a t th e death here Tuesday. The document gave no they had been holding for execution. delaying the descent of the Russian term s which Germany offers, but in of John Jacob. The m ajor portion indication as to th e total value of the Many wounded are reported, but the C aucasian army from the high Armen the wider suggestion which was ex- w ent to his eldest son Vincent Astor. estate. The Am eri The chief beneficiaries are num ber was not given. ian plateau into the plateaus of Asia the widow, Mrs. Mary W arden H ark cans had no casualites. Minor, where the Turks, having gath Bryanite T hreatens Bolt. ness, and other relatives. 25,000-M ile Flight Plan. ered all available reinforcem ents, are D ru g sto re Is Despoiled. Boston — Form ation of a political A tlan tic City, N. J . — P o rter Atwell ready at last to make a determined S h o t T aken From Brain. S eattle—The [tolice Saturday raided party to uphold peace principles was Adams, a Boston m illionaire, is going stand, the campaign in Asia Minor has Sacram ento. C al.—Chris Evans, fa the drugstore of Jam es J . Kelley who advocated by George Fred Williams, to circum navigate the globe in a spe reached a most interesting and pos mous C alifornia ex-hitfhwayman, Tues form erly conducted a saloon in the ex-m inister to Greece, in an address at cially built aeroplane, w ith a crew of sibly a decisive stand. a mass m eeting in the interests of six men to help him. The young man day subm itted to the surgeon’s knife same place. They demolished the fix An uncensored letter from Mexico peace here Monday night. “ I am expects to fly from San Francisco w est a t the Sacram ento county hospital and tu res and a large q u antity of liquor. declares C arranza is the chief obstacle ready to return to politics to fight the ward to San Francisco. Kelley estim ates the value of the a r Mr. Adams, a buckshot was removed from the In the way of capturing Villa. fight for peace and leave my party if who is a descendant of John Quincy rig h t side of his brain where it had ticles destroyed at $10,000. One m ir The drug The sinking of a French fishing ves necessary to do i t , ” said Mr. Williams, Adams, is staying at the Hotel Tray- been imbedded during the last 23 ror shattered cost $1000. sel 150 miles from land by a subm arine who for many years was prom inent in more here, m aking out his itin erary . years. D espite th e seriousness of the store has been repeatedly In trouble is reported in an official com m unica tne Democratic party and an ardent His prelim inary plans call for 13 stops operation and his advanced age, Evans w ith th e police for alleged violations tion issued in London. of th e state liquor law. ia exf>ected to recover. supporter of W illiam J. Bryan. in his 25,000-mile air journey. Brief Resume of General News from All Around the Earth. Three American Soldiers and 10- Year Old Boy Are Slain. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHEU (WO CITIZENS CARRIED Off PRISONIRS funston to Send Troops on Hot Trail of Mexican Border Outlaws BERLIN’S CHARGE OE DISCRIMINATION TO BE DENIED BY PRESIDENT WILSON German Consul Indicted for Procuring false Passport V W London Rejects All Peace Talk; Allies Willing to Wait Better Time Mexicans Routed in U. S. Cavalry Charge and forty-two Are Killed