The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, May 11, 1916, Image 10

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    Supplement to Forest Grove Express
no longer safe outside the gar­ Teacher’s association. Dr. Todd s|K>ke
at the High School Friday evening on
the “Care of the T eeth.” The m eet­
Johnny Potwin is down from Orders were sent to General ing
was well attended and appreciated
John J. Pershing at Namiquipa
Buxton for a visit.
as it was of much educational value to
A son was born Tuesday to his base from Namiquipa back to all.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Peterson.
Colonia Dublan.a Mormon colony At the regulur election, held on Mon­
Miss Hon, a teacher at C'.ales near Casas Grandes and 150 milt's day, May 8th, the following officers
were elected for next year-
City, was operated on for appen­ south of the border.
Oliver Buxton, President.
dicitis a t a Portland hospital
Steamer Roanoke Lost
Camilla Mills, Secretary.
S an L uis O bispo , Cal., May Francis Taylor, Treasurer.
The Intermediate Christian Kn- 10.—The
steamer Roanoke, which Evert Hurnworth, Football Manager.
deavor will give a play, ‘’Hicks at left San Francisco
at midnight, Lester Hughes, Basketball Manager.
College,'' at the Christian church May 8, for Valpariso,
Lulu Holmes, Debate Manager.
Friday evening. May 19. Admis­ at sea about 100 miles foundered
south o f1 Mabel Patton, First Vice President.
sion 15c.
the Halbert Holmes, Second Vice Presi­
Miss Clara Donaldson, instruct­ story told by three survivors, to who,
or in domestic art at the Portland in a lifeboat with the dead bodies
Y. W. C. A., was the guest of five of their shipmates, drifted
M rs. H. R. Kauffman Sunday. of
W. Mrs. C. K. T. B. Penfleld.
ashore here today.
Gardeners report that the heavy
frost of last night did some dam­ delirious, were unable at first to j It isn’t the crank who is putting the
age to strawberry and potato vines give their names or any informa-; saloon out of business. It’s the busi­
tion of tie rest of the crew beyond ness man, the railroad man, the bank­
on low-lying lands.
fact that four other boats had er, the lawyer, the merchant, the men
Chas. VanDoren went to Port­ the
land yesterday and brought Mr-. sank. launched when the steamer who have to de|iend upon someone else
VanDoren from the Good Samar­ The following of the Roanoke’s for efficiency in the various depart­
itan hospital. She is recovering officers
of the im|M>rtant work and who
among the missing: ments
nicely from her recent operation. Captain are
effect of
Richard Dickson and his booze on the men the who killing
Next Wednesday and Thursday wife; Charles
Greene, fir.-t of­ H|N>nsible for important work. to be rc-
the Star Theater offers Dus’in ficer; John G. J Dennis,
second of­ The saloon is up against the modern
Farnum in “The Iron Strain,” a ficer; Chas. Peterson, third
I business age. It is up Hgainst an en­
six-reel Triangle feature; also a I). Mclnnes, first engineer; officer;
that it cannot throttle or buy or
two-reel Keystone feature.
C. Salter, first assistant engineer. emy
browbeat or bluff, and it might as well
The piano pupils of Miss Liola
save what it can and go out of busi­
House will give a recital in the
parlors of th e Congregational The McMinnville High boys came to ness.— Wichita Beacon.
church Monday, May 15th, at 8 Forest Grove on Wednesday and played At the present time it is not so much
p. m. You are cordially invited baseball with Forest Grove High. The a question of what woman suffrage has
to attend.
score was 13 to 0 in favor of McMinn­ done for California in the way of m ak­
ing and repealing laws as what woman
Will Martin of Haines Station, ville.
has done for the women them ­
who was injured in a ball game at ball team went to Vancouver, but when suffrage
selves, according to the testimony of a
Banks a week ago Sunday is re­ they got there it began raining so hard California
woman. Mrs. Rose Berry,
covering nicely, according to in­ the game had to be put off. This seems speaking before
Leisure Hour Club
formation from the Good Samari­ to be rather hard luck for our boys of Carson City, the
said that the
tan hospital.
with Vancouver, for when they went head of a fashionable G>* Angeles
Expecting Trouble
E l PASO, Tex., May 10—United
States Consuls in Mexico are or­
dering their Nationals to leave the
country at once, and they are ar­
ranging to withdraw from North­
ern Mexico themsi Ives
Consul Edwards, of .Jaur</.. re­
ceived an urgent code mes-age
from the State Department today
instructing him to send runners
into the hills and notify all Amer­
icans to leave the republic wit fl­
out d'lay as loving bands have
become so numerous that life is
there to play basketball there was a manicure parlor was asked what she
silver thaw and so the game had to be knew of the workings of woman suf­
frage in th at city. She said that it
called off.
Friday afternoon Dr. Nixon spoke at used to be th at after a visit from three
the High School on “ The Care and or four of her patrons she knew all the
Health of the T eeth.” A series of gossip of their social set, of their
slides were shown and he lectured ac­ neighborhoods and homes, the parties
cording to the slides shown. The grade they had attended, what this one
children from the Central school were wore; what th at one said, etc. Now,
when these same women visit her
Miss Edna Her has returned to school ! parlors, they discuss civic and State
affairs — sanitary conditions, better
again, after several days’ illness.
The Optimist will be on sale from streets and roads, pure food laws, or
May 9th. Everybody should buy one; speculate as to how certain candidates
for political office will stand on this or
you will get your money’s worth.
Under the auspices of the Parent- that reform measure.
The Express Prints for some of the most Particular People in Forest Grove