REVOLT IN IRELAND KNOWN IN AMERICA PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE IOSES M P W in BY LARGE MAIOKIIV IN HOUSE Ï T F 1 V iif vv Q o 11 fid K Of Central Interest NG MARKET REPORTS; jN h ^ iy mm 0f fR0N1 NORTHWEST GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS g uns a g a in in ac tio n Waahington, I). C.—The adm inistra­ London The Turkish garrison Wed­ tion'« fight for the senate Philippine nesday, revolted and slew all its Her- bill will) Its C larke am endm ent au | man officers E>efore the Russians cap- thorlslng Independence for the Islands ] tured Trebizond, says the Daily M ail’s within four yours waa lost In the house 1 Odessa correspondent. Three Governors to Visit. Tueaduy. ■■ ■ — After voting 213 to 165 to strike out Salem Governor Alexander, of Ida­ Ix/ndon — A rtillery bombardments the Clarke am endm ent the hou«o by ho, hHx notified Governor Withycombe a vote of 251 to 17 puased us a substi­ th a t be will be present a t the Oregon alone are tak in g place on the French and Belgian fronts, th e scene of the tute for the entire m easure the Jones bill, providing for a g reater m easure S tate F air Septem ber 29, Governors’ g reatest activ ity being the region of l as Mort Homme, and in the Arognne of aclf governm ent In the Philippines Day. Governor l.ister, of W ashington, forest, with th e Germ ans the aggress­ and carrying u pream ble declaring the of the United S tates to grant also has accepted Governor Withy- ors in the form er and the French in SIR ROGER PLACED IN LONDON LOWER Intention Independence ultim ately but without combe’s invitation to be a guest at the la tte r sector. fixing a date. the S tate F air. In return Governor The fighting between the Russians Over the heated protest of adtninls W ithycombe will visit the W ashington and the Germ ans and A ustrians along tratton leaders, the house, by a vote S tate F air at North Yakima. the eastern front continues at various Casement's Activities Partly Financed of 203 to 154, Instructed Its conferees Commenting on Governor Withy- points, but no im portant changes in not to agree to any declaration setting The same is In United States— Prominent a definite tim e for granting to the combe’s plan for an interchange of position are reported. lalandH th eir Independence. Speaker visits between executives of the three true of the A u stro-ltalian zone. Irish and Germans Aid. (’lark nam ed R epresentatives Jones, N orthw estern states with a view of Vienna reports an attack E aster of Virginia, and (larrett, of Tennessee, stim ulating in terest in th e state fairs, Sunday by seven Italian aeroplanes on dem ocrats, and Towner, of Iowa, re­ Governor Alexander w rote: the city of T riest, in which nine civil­ publican, as conferees. " T h is interchange of visits of the ians, five children, were killed and five !- by a m onster parade of union workers, Aid society by C ircuit Judge Kelly The B ritish also have been success­ tain Franz von Pa|>en, w ithdraw n Her­ also was m arked by the beginning of here next week. ful in an operation near Deudiar, Through condemnation proceedings man m ilitary attache, according to a new labor disorders, as well as the s e t- ! Egypt, repulsing w ith heavy casualties Element of several strik es in the m et­ the state acquired the hospital proper­ a Turkish attack . An engagem ent atatem cn t made Thursday night by ropolitan district. ty which adjoins th e sta te asylum, near Q uatia village, however, resulted The paraders, carrying banners and high governm ent officials. turning over $25,000 appropriated by in the B ritish being forced to re tre a t placards, passed up Fifth avenue for the legislature in paym ent. The mon­ W hether the governm ent will under­ several miles and returned to W ash-: afte r an engagem ent with a Turkish take an inveatigation rent« with the 1 ■■ k ton square, the startin g point, by ey, now in possession of th e county column superior in numbers. clerk, is claimed by th e hospital au­ departm ent of Ju a tlre at Waahington, way of Madison avenue. The garm ent- thorities and also th e Children’s Aid workers later held a m ass m eeting which haa the question under udvise- preparatory to the calling off of the society. The la tte r claim s the money nient, it waa aaid. strike following the lockout put Into by reason of the term s of the deed in Some of the lettcra and other docu- effect by the m anufacturers last week. which it conveyed the property to the The day began with a strike of e n ­ hospital association. The deed speci­ menta, it waa aaaerte<], bcHr the aigna- and firem en on tugboats and fies th at the hospital il m aintain a turea of men who have iieen leadera in gineers lighters In New York harbor ami ad ­ the home rule propaganda in thia jacent w aterw ays, but by n ig h tfa ll, children’s ward and not dispose of the Many Killed in Uprising in Dublin. country. Method« of raiaing funda for many of the ow ners had acceded to property. Now by condemnation the Widespread Plot Believed Nipped. th e equipm ent of Iriah revolutioniata tlie dem ands for Increased wages, and Aid society claims it is entitled to the were diacuaaed freely and In aome of the w ater traffic situation, which was money. the lettcra appeala were made for fi­ threatened with an alm ost com plete London — W ith 12 persons killed tie-up, was much Improved. Many Early Irrigation Started. nancial aid. and 19 wounded as the result of an up­ U nited Statea A ttorney Marahall re- freight vessels were unalile to dock on K lam ath Falls— W ater was turned fuaod to comment on the atatua of the account of the scarcity of tuglxiats, into the Griffith canal Saturday by the rising in Dublin Tuesday, all Ireland but there was little delay in the dock-1 controveray over the arreat of Wolfe Ing of passenger vessels. Reclamation service. This is a week is a sm ouldering volcano. Although th e capital was almost von I gel, ex-aecrctary to von Papen. Negotiations between the engineers earlier than the w ater will be used completely isolated by the cutting of He doubted, however, w hether A tto r­ and firem en and th eir em ployers con­ generally over the project, but it was ney John It. Stanchfield would carry tinued and a satisfactory settlem ent necessary to supply th e sandy lands in telegraph lines when th e rebels seized out hia announced intention of having w b h expected. the Sand Hollow and Malin districts, the postoffice, th e governm ent pro­ About 1000 dock laborers w ent on von Igel identify from among the pa­ as they are blown badly by the strong fesses to be in control of the situation. The most sanguine, however, will not lter« Heized in von Pa|>en’B form er otlice, strike In Brooklyn for an Increase In ! April winds. wages, ham pering the m ovem ent of i thoae which have been character­ The w ater was turned in from Lost predict w hat even the next hour will by one largo docking concern. ized by the Harm an ambaanador aa freight river, and would otherw ise have w ast­ 1 bring forth. It was announced th at the strike of A ugustine B irrell, chief secretary “ otl i ci a l . ” 2000 Jewelry w orkers which had been ed away through th e diversion canal to It waa learned from a reaponaible In progress for three months, had been K lam ath river. H eretofore the Malin for Ireland, who made th e first an­ aource th at the Federal grand jury in- settled. T he w orkers received an ranchers have suffered considerably be­ nouncement of the trouble in the house veatigating the ’‘Welland Canal p lo t” eight-hour day, tim e and a half for cause w ater couid not reach them ex­ of commons Wednesday, could give will return, before the end of the overtim e and the abolition of the home | cept through the main canal, but the few details. The government knew, he said, th a t atx>ut a dozen sol­ week, au|>eraeding indictment« baaed work system . enlarging and extension of the Griffith T he term s of the agreem ent between cHnal last sum m er has brought groat diers had been killed, th a t arrests on inform ation obtained In von Ig el’a had been made, and th a t troops were ofllee. The new Indictment«, it ia the 175.000 coal m iners of the a n ­ relief. on the way from The C urragh to Dub­ understood, will atrengthen the gov­ th racite field and the operators were announced. lin. I t did not know the num ber of ern m en t’« caae. Total May Be 2 2 5 ,0 0 0 . Efforts of a band of anarchists to rioters killed, or the parts of th e city T hat the activitiea of S ir Roger hold a m eeting in M anhattan gave the Salem —O regon’s registration for the Caaement were partly financed by police th eir only work of the day. The prim aries th is year will total approxi­ th a t were still in th eir possession. So fa r as known, the trouble started Iriah-Am ericana, who contributed more anarchists w ere arrested and the m eet­ m ately 225,000, or 5000 less than two than $100,000 to the cauae, waa the ing wns dispersed. years ago, according to the estim ates at noon on Monday in th e center of Dublin. A mob, composed m ainly of aaaertion made here by Jerem iah A. ! Benjam in Schlealnger. president of of the secretary of s ta te ’s office. O 'L eary, director of the United Iriah 1 the International Ladies' Garm ent Reports so fa r give a total re g is tra ­ members of th e Sinn Fein society, Societies of th is city and president of W orkers' Union, announced th a t a tion of 217,779, of whom 146,000 are seized Stephens Green, a large park general strik e of the 60.000 Cloak near the Royal university; the post- th e Am erican T ruth society. w orkers will be called W ednesday Republicans and 54,251 Democrats. office on Sackville stre e t and several Progressives num ber 1169; Prohibi­ morning. tionists, 5134; Socialists, 4900, and houses im m ediately adjoining. 50,000 Telegrams Against Break Troops, hastily summoned, and loyal miscellaneous registrations, 6325. The volunteers sought to expel the rebels, German Crisis Again Passed. reg istratio n shows 67.04 per cent Re­ With Germany Deluge Congress who meanwhile had cut all the com­ publicans and 24.91 Democrats. munication lines. In the fighting th at Berlin, via London.—F uture G er­ W ashington, I). C .—The organized ensued two policemen and two citizens Lockw ood Quits Race, man American relations probably can propaganda of telegraphic proteHta be looked forw ard to with less appre- Salem — C harles E. Lockwood, of were killed, together w ith several sol­ ag ain st a break with Germany contin­ | heusion. Portland, has withdrawn as a candi­ diers. ued to pour into the capitol Thursday It is the connection between th e re­ The Associated P ress Is perm itted date for th e Republican nom ination and the telegraph companies were to make this statem ent, although dis­ for P resident of the United States, volt and the attem pted landing of Sir overwhelm ed. Senators and represen­ patches bearing on the n atu re of the and requested Secretary of S tate 01- Roger Casem ent w ith German arm s on tative«, particularly from the Middle Germ an reply to the Am erican note cott not to certify his name for p rin t­ the Irish coast th a t makes the si ua- W estern atatea, had ex tra forces of | respecting subm arine w arfare have ing on the ballot at the prim ary elec­ tion ominous. I t is believed now th at been stopped by the censorship. clerkB at work sorting the message«. afoot tion May 19. Reason for his w ith­ th ere is a vast conspiracy The deliberations a t general head­ One senator received a printed sheet quarters ! through all Ireland and th a t th e a rri­ have been concluded and Am­ drawal is given in the fact th a t the on which were printed the various bassador G erard left for Berlin. Oregon Suprem e court has decided th at val of S ir Roger had been set as the form s of messages being received. The Germ an reply Is expected with the name of Charles E. Hughes E>e signal for a general uprising. At th e top was printed a note urg­ little delay, but it is considered un­ placed on the Republican ballot for The official statem ent, however, as­ ing the recipient of the circular to desirable th a t prelim inary Indications President. serts th a t the disturbances were local­ pick out any one or all of the form of the n atu re of the note should be ized in Dublin. Reports received from m essages and telegraph them to mem­ published abroad. Cork, Lim erick, Ennie, T ralee and Bar View to Get Road. bers of congress. B ar.V iew —The much talked of road both ridings of Tipperary, where the It is estim ated th a t more than 50,- through this place is about to tie real­ Sinn Feiners have been especially Ship-Raising Is Projected. 000 telegram s have come in so far. New York.—The Inter-Ocean Sub­ ized. The county commissioners have strong, show th a t if any revolts were Senator H asting announced th at he decided to go ahead with the construc­ planned they failed to m aterialize. The prom pt seizure of Casement and would discuaa the propaganda in the m arine Engineering company has been tion as qiuckly as prelim inary work Incorporated with a paid-up capital of sen ate and was considering proposing $125,000, it was learned Monday, to can be done, and it is expected th at th e sinking of the German auxiliary an investigation either by congress or raise ships from the ocean bed, or sa l­ the la tte r p a rt of th is week will see w ith her cargo of arm s are believed to by the departm ent of Justice. vage th e ir contents. The company the thing in full swing. Since the have disorganized the plans of the The senator made public a le tte r he will begin work on ships sunk along high tides last fall Bar View has been leaders. had received from E. von Mach, execu­ the A tlantic seaboard. If successful cut off from the outside world as fa r None of th e Irish leaders here are believed im plicated in the plots. Both tiv e chairm an of a com m ittee in New In Its first undertaking it will en­ as road connection is concerned. Sir Edward Carson, who is one of the York City, w arning him th a t in advis­ deavor. it was said, to float or salvage strongest m embers of coalition govern­ ing German sym pathizers to address the contents of some of the $300,- Pulp Mill Machinery Bought. worth of m erchantm en sunk th eir telegram s to the German am­ 000,000 Marshfield—One of the paper mills ment, and John Redmond, the Nation­ by Germ an subm arines. bassador he had made him self crim in­ a t Oregon City has purchaseid the ma­ alists chief, unite in condemning the ally liable. chinery in the C. A. Smith pulp mill, acts of rel)ellion. M ethodists Approve Peace Policy. S aratoga Springs, N. Y.—A ssurance near this city, and will remove it soon M iners' S trike P redicted. Wilson U rges Patience. th at M ethodists of the U nited States to Oregon C ity . The Smith pulp mill New York— Efforts to harmonize the San F rancisco— President Wilson, were In sym pathy with P resident W il­ had been closed for 15 months. This under date of April 17, w rote a letter, son’s efforts to keep the United S tates indicates th a t there will t>e renew al of demands of the an th racite m iners and the concessions offered by the opera­ made public here, to Sidney M. Van from becoming Involved In the Euro­ activ ities for the present. to rs w ere broken off Wednesday, afte r Dyck, chairm an of the executive com­ pean w ar was voiced here by Bishop Merrill Has Rabies S care. more than eight weeks of alm ost con­ m ittee of the California 1 Democratic Cranston, of W ashington, D. C. tinuous discussion here by a jo in t sub­ K lam tah Falls—The town of M errill S ta te C entral committee, in which he Indian Lands for Settlem ent. is much excited over a rabies scare. com m ittee representing both employers said : "T h e country a t this juncture The Colville Indian R eservation will requires but patient thought and stead­ open July 6, 1916. A territo ry as large A coyote th a t bit a dog was killed and and employes. Predictions were made fa st purpose on the part of the people as the state of Delaware. Fifty miles its head sent to the Oregon A gricul­ by members of the m iners’ general to serve its highest interest, and I am from tlio city of Spokane, W ash. R efer tural College for analysis, the report board th a t the tri-d istric t convention, glad to have your assurances of the to Oregon H om eseekers’ Inform ation being th at unm istakable signs of ra ­ to be held a t Pottsville, Pa., on May 2, would vote in favor of a strike. bies were apparent. Bureau ad, on another page. loyal support of C alifornians.” About Oregon Damaging [vidente Is Found In Von Papen’s Office. IRISH IN REBELLION Portland— W heat— Blues tern, $1.03; fortyfold, 91c; club, 90c; red fife, 90c; red Russian, 90c. Hay — E astern Oregon tim othy, $23.50 per ton; alfalfa, old crop, $19.50<«,21. M illfeed—Spot prices: Bran, $23 per ton; shorts, $26; rolled barley, $31.505$32.50. Corn— Whole, $36 per ton; cracked, $37. Vegetables — Artichokes, 75c per dozen; tom ateos, $3.5057,4 per crate; cabbage, $2.255$3.50 hundred; garlic, 10c pound; peppers, 17j5/,20c; egg­ plant, 205$25c; horseradish, 8Jc; cau­ liflower, 7 5 c 5 7 ,$ 1 .2 5 dozen; spinach, 4 5$6c per pound; asparagus, $1.25out 8000 bales are held by the asso­ ciation and the rem ainder by independ­ ent growers. About 2000 bales, it is understood, are held in th is state for account of E astern dealers. Grain Trade Awaits Developments. G rain business in th e N orthw est is of small volume these days. As else­ w here in the country, the trad e is aw aiting a settlem ent of th e German question before em barking upon new com m itm ents. W ith th e subm arine issue out of th e way, th ere is likely to be a fa ir revival of buying in the N orthw est. There is some inquiry from the East, but the bids are not in line w ith sellers’ ideas. Coast demand is small. B radstreets estim ates the visible w heat decrease at 5,500,000 bushels. The Canadian visible w heat supply is 34,538,000 bushels, ag ain st 12,322,- 000 bushels a year ago. The oats visible is 13,761,000 bushels, against 5,445,000 bushels last year. R ecord Fruit C ro p P redicted. Olympia—T. C. Morrison, assistant commissioner of agriculture, returned recently from an extended inspection tour of the eastern p art of th e state. Mr. Morrison says th a t unless unex­ pected frosts appear, the fru it crop of the sta te will be a record one. “ The crops of th e W enatchee fru it d istrict look especially healthy and if they pass through th e blossoming season w ithout trouble, th e crop will be an exceptionally large and healthy one, ” he said. Big S heep Deal. A half section of range land situated on S hafer and H arris creeks near Em m ett, Idaho, has been purchased by McConnell Bros., of Em m ett. The 4000 ewes and bucks bought by them a short tim e ago will be placed on this range. The McConnells have seven sections of land leased, and the half section ju st purchased by them con­ nects up all th eir land in a solid body. — Portland Live Stock Reporter.