The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, May 04, 1916, Image 6

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The Red M irage
A Story of the French Lesion in Algiers
B y I. A . R. W Y L I E
iAU rights rsssrvcd. Ths Uobbs-Ustull Co.)
“ They war» offered m s ” ha said.
“ I.I«Ut«nant Farquhar offered them to
me. I dlstlkad It; but I am a good
Frenchman, and the temptatloa wa#
too great. I bought them. 1 can oaly
add that I regret—“ Me stammored
and broke off with a real helplessness
Farquhar turned from hliu to Sower.
The latter’a features had assumed a
mask of Ironical acceptance.
“ In that case there la no more to be
«aid,” he observed coolly. “ W e can
now credit Mr. Farquhur’a statement.”
Farquhar bowed.
"Thank you,” he »aid »Imply.
Preston eroa*ed the room and flung
open Ihe door with n cool itclll»orattou.
"Good by, Farquhar. I hope you have
decency enough left to know what to
do •’
For n abort «pace which aoemed an
Farquhnr hesitated.
»corn and bitterness In the Imy’s eye a
had stung him. An hour ago he had
been half a hero, and now was noth­
ing. beneath even contempt Theu be,
too. bowed.
“ I resigned uiy commission thta
“ Cod bo thanked for Hint."
He went down the narrow stntre Into
the street. Someone touched him on
(he arm. He turnetl and saw Arnaud
- a new Arnaud. grown culm, almost
Indifferent. He waa smoking, and the
fa 1 itt reflection from hla cigar lighted
Up the white composure o f Ills feature«.
“ I want to apeuk to you for a mo­
ment." he said. “ I want to aek you—
why you did that?" Farquhar mail#
no answer, ami he went on deliber­
ately: "You are not mad. You do not
love me. You buve good reusou to bate
"You are to be Mlsa Omney’e btie-
band. My feel Inga toward her have not
changed, I considered It my huslneei
to defend you. The sacrifice waa eot
ao great as It may teem. I bad lost
practically everything l*eforu.
remained I chose to lose In uiy own
way "
“ It wasn’t all for myself. I waa
pretty dr»i*erate and not ao cool when
Lowe came with Ills second offer Yon
can gue»s what that wae. Compared
to betraying one’s own country It
seemed clean business. Aud I let you
bear the brunt, llow does that strike
“ Panic— the Instinct o f aHf preser­
vation. I counted on I t The future
will t># different."
“ How do you mean?”
Farquhnr turned round and faced
him with deliberate significance.
“ It must be,” be said. “ As for me.
I am done for. Though no one will
spenk o f what has happened, the fart
remain». Mlsa Omiiey trelleves III you
and eo do I — to aotuc extent. I am
eufficlently In sympathy with you to
credit the sincerity of your fowling».
Am I Justified?”
Arnaud met hie eyes full.
“ You are."
“ Well, that la what I believe. 1 hold
you In pawn. Captain Arnaud. for yoor
wife's happiness. If you full her. If
you risk her fulth In you n second time.
I shall not hcaltnto to act.”
He lifted Ida hat ceremoniously ami
passed along the nnrrow street to the
great thoroughfare beyond.
features like some Inward fire, chang «henf o f transparent paper and laid
lng all physical dissimilarity to a con­ It on the table.
W h en S y lv ia Om nfjr, a beautiful Kng- vincing likeness.
“ Le volln!” he »aid.
Ilah girl. retu rn » from a searvh In A lp te r»
“ Yes. You don’t understand. Rich
For a full inliiuts no one s|»>ks a
for her m issing brother, her lover. R ic h ­
ard Far.juhar, finds »h e has fallen In love ard—you are too young.
But It Is worth Each man’s attention was cen­
w ith C e rta in Arnaud o f ih e F oreign
L egio n
in Captain S o w e r'» room F a r­ women like myself who drive men to tered on the silent, deadly witness
quhar p et* d eliberately drunk, but when such things. We are educated to be against the honor of one among thetu.
oun* Preaton lose» all hU m oney to professional vampires, and the more
Then Furquhar looked up slid met Ar-
ow e. a »hady character. Farquhar fo rc e »
Sower to have P re s to n '» 1. O. U's re ­ brains we have the more deadly w* uaud’s eyes. Me read there more than
turned to him. F arqu h ar 1» helped to his are.” She gave a short. Ironical laugh.
mere bravado—« nerveless, hideous
rooms by G abrielle Smith. Sower demands
an apology Refused, he forces Farquhar “ Don't you want to curse me?"
fear, the paule-strlcken appeal of a
to reaign his com mission In return fo r
"N o,” he answered simply. **| don’t man who ha» trembled for days on ths
possession o f F a rq u h a r'» fath er's w r it­
curse you any more than I believe my brink of ruin and feels the ground
ten confession that he had murdered Sow
er's father. Gabrtello saves Farquhar father does I f be Is alive. I f he 1» slipping beneath him. And this was
from sulci da
alive I aru going to find him. and II1 Sylvia’s Oiuney’s future!
I find him. I shall tell him that I honor turned Involuntarily to I.owo.
and love him. There was a wrong to fa in t Ironical smile played around the
There are type* of women who
t>e righted, and he did his best." He man’s hard mouth. It was ths merest
drive men to wild deeds— good
went to the door, and there turned shadow, hut It bespoke a purpose tri­
women, too. But there Is about
and looked at her. “ I f I find my fa­ umphantly accent Ulied.
them that quality which Area
ther. Is there any message that I may
men's minds. We don't know
“ Captain Arnnmt has saved a great
give blm— from you?” he asked.
much about the laws of heredity,
deal of trouble,” he observed brutally.
but It seems certain that ths
me." she said with defiance. “Tell him
child of such s woman, whose
that In the brief Interludes when I dare
to think I know that I love him. Tell
would be a sort of smoldering
him that."
Richard Farquhar bowed and went
out H alf an hour later he reached bla
club. Captain Sower, he was Informed,
bad Just left with Mr. I’ reston and a
strange gentleman. Whereupon Far­
Mrs. Farquhar Explains.
Mrs. Farquhar ran down the stairs quhar turned In bis tracks and drove
to her son's library. It was a neglect­ straight to Preston’s lodging».
ed room, which he only used on rare purpose was now twofold, and fired
occasions. The old weapons hanging by a white-hot fury o f Indignation. In
on the walls had belonged to his fa­ the "strange gentleman” he bad rec­
ther. and the whole atmosphere seemed ognized Lowe, and Preston was a fool
Impregnated with the spirit o f a dead. with a following of other fools. For
In that moment Farquhar had ceased
If powerful, personality.
Mrs. Farquhar closed the door with to be a man overshadowed by bla own
black destiny. He was once more and
a chuckle of triumphant malice.
for the last time the officer upon whose
"They’re gone at la s t" she said. “ 1
shoulders rested the honor of a regi­
assure you there Isn’t a more surprised I
ment the great unity which he served.
woman In England than dear Sylvia.
It wns a curious group of men that
She came expecting to And me with
confronted him as he hesitated on the
ashes on my head instead o f a wig. threshold. That which he had expect­
and I laughed la her face.” Richard
ed was not there. Evidently a card
Farquhar turned from the window game bad been I d full swing hut bad
where he had been standlug, and her been violently interrupted. The cards
eyes grew suddenly grave. “ My dear, lay scattered on the square, greeu table
you’re not breaking your heart over beneath the electric light, and there
her, are you?”
was a pile of untouched, apparently
"S o .” He came slowly Into the room. forgotten money.
Both Sower and
“ I might have done so, but fate bus Lowe were present, together with
given me something else to come to Preston and one other man, whom
“ He Cams Here On« Night and 6ald
grief over. I’ ve had a quarrel with Farquhnr did not recognize.
He Had Kilted a Man.”
stood far apart from one another, as
She said nothing, and he went on though divided by some hidden antag­
Still Arnaud did not move. Ills
gently: “ He was dangerous. I have onism— Sower by the fireside, where
white bands lay paralyzed In front of
resigned my commission. That was he maintained an attitude of easy good­
him, and bla eyes bad become blank
his price for my father's name.”
nature, touched Indefinably with re­ and stupid looking, like those of an
Still Mrs. Farquhar did not speak. gret; Lowe and the stranger kept to animal which is being done to death.
She sat down In the great leather the shadow on opposite sides of the Hbhard Farquhar took a step nearer,
chair by the fireplace, and the wild, room. Preston was standing next the and, picking up the papers, held them
childish horror In her eyes touched him table, hla hands resting clenched oo
aa though weighing them.
to an amazed pity. "Mother, I don't the polished edge, his boyish face grny
“ Walt a minute. I>on’t be In such
want to hurt you, but you must. I and drawn-looking. As Farquhar »aw
Will Farquhar’» Influence over
a hurry. I take the responsibility for
have a right now to know.”
him the spirit of tension became defi­ this business.”
Arnaud be strong enough to hold
‘‘Yes, yes.” She put her hands to nite. an almost visible occupant o f the
the Frenchman In the straight
They stared at him. lie waa still
her white-powdered cheeks. “ Yes, yes. quiet room. And yet It was Arnaud’s
and narrow path and cause him
weighing the papers and smiling rather
o f course. There Isn’t much. It was face which Farquhar saw first and
to be a good husband to Sylvia?
wryly. He was thinking of Sylvia at
In this room, Richard, n e came home last Here was Sylvia Omney’s fu­
that moment, and Preston’s stricken
one night and said be bad killed a ture— n white-lipped man. whom some
(T O U K C O N T IN U K D .)
man. I—it was awful!—he had no violent emotion had made tempora­ cry of horror sounded dull and far off.
What do you mean, Far­
And No Insurance.
blood on him, Richard, but one felt he rily old and haggard. lie had been
Tomdlx— Hear about the conflagra­
had blood all over: It was In bis eyes, seated by the card-table, but now quhar? I won’t believe I t It’s Intol­
and— He said It was all right— no looked up. and for an Instant they erable— Impossible. Say you didn’t— tion ?
Hojax— No; where was It?
one could touch him, but he bad to watched each other In open hatred and didn’t sell them, Farquhar!”
“ Captain Arnaud will explnln,” was
Tomdlx— At tho department store
go— for always. And then he cursed distrust
where I was employed.
me— and then he fell on his knees—
Farquhar came forward, and his the answer.
Hojax— Much of a loss?
here— by this chair—and buried his eyes passed swiftly from one silent
Arnaud rose slowly to his feet. I I »
Tomdlx About nine dollars a week.
face lu my lap—and cried. It was figure to the other. And ngaln It was was staring across the table Into Fnr-
awful, Richard—a man like that— to Arnaud’s face which fascinated him.
Hojax—About nine dollars a week!
quhar’s face, stupidly. Incredulously,
cry.” Her voice cracked, and became
and when he spoke It was In the mono­ Why. how do you flguro that out?
“ What has happened?” he asked.
thin and broken like an old, worn-out
Tomdlx Oh, IF b not a difficult prob­
No one answered for a moment. tone of a man under a hypnotic com­
instrument. “ Then be went away— Preston drew himself up.
lem. The boss fired me.
and one day a man came to me and
“ We were having a qu id game,” he
told me he was dead— but I never said, as though each word were torn
I always believed I should from him by force— "Arnaud, Lowe
and I— when this gentleman and Cap­
He knelt beside her. and, taking her tain Sower arrived. It seems there’s
hands between his own, soothed them been a leakage somewhere. 1 can't 8he Says Americans Show Exquisite with white. The Idee Is Italian. In
like a child’s. There was something explain. I hardly understand myself.
summer the tiles are cool, and In win­
Taste In Clothing, Home«, Art
In the action curiously at variance Mr, Forth, perhaps you’ ll be good
ter. with thick rugs put down, the red
and Can Sing Divinely.
with his expression, which was hard enough—”
color at least looks warm."
and reckless.
The man addressed bowed.
An Engllxh woman writes: " If you
“ But Sower—”
She turned her clean-shaven face was expressionless want to see things that are new and
Dleaeter at Once.
faded, frightened eyes to him. “ I never
"The duplicate plans of Captain unusual you must come to America.
She was an old lady. It was her
understood that, Richard; I never un­ Sower’s new aerogun have been sto­ The women dress as beautifully as the first holiday excursion, and ah* en
derstood why he shielded us. It fright­ len,” he said tersely. “ They were In Parisians, paint their furniture like ao tered the compartment of a railway
ened me. Only once he spoke o f It. Captain Sower's possesHlon, and he many Angelica Kauffmanns, sing—at carriage with much trepidation, and
He said he would never make use of was Instructed to give full Information any rate, a good number of them—di­ sat down rather gingerly In one of the
the power— unless we made him. But to the younger officers under his com­ vinely, dance like ancient Greeks and corner seats
Just as the train waa
It was his father who had been— mur­ mand. Various Incidents led him to furnish their bouses with a taste that getting Into motion the engine gave a
dered. It wasn’t natural, Richard, It believe that the secret had not t>een I can only describe aa exquisite. You shrill scream, or whistle.
wasn’t natural that he^should forgive.” properly kept. He put the matter Info will think I exaggerate. All I can say
Thereupon up Jumped the old lady,
“ No,” he agreed sternly; and then my hands, and I’ ve followed the clue is, come and see! The majority of the and. with a startled ejaculation, ex­
after a moment’s silence: “ And my he gave me— here.” Ho paused, sto­ country houses here now are adapta­ claimed:
father— was there no reason—had he ically unconscious of the almost the tions of Italian houses, long and low,
“ There they are noo, o w w a pig at
no explanation?”
atrlcal tension which hit silence with two side wings jutting slightly the very start!”
With a sudden vigorous movement '■anted. Farquhar glanced about him. forward. The one at which I am stay­
she freed herself and stood up, her Ills own pulses were beating faster.
ing is of hollow tile finished with warm
The Secret of It.
“ Well?”
It was Lowe who had stucco. There are blue-green blind*
"Some of our statesmen deliver
ngalnst her breast, her eyes grown broken the Intolerable silence.
He and the roof la brownish red. 1 can­ themselves of trivial platitudes with
suddenly electric.
had never for an Instant lifted his eyes not tell you how pretty! Tho Interior an air of tho utmost profundity."
“ 1 was the excuse,” she said from the face o f the man seated be­ hall Is paved with white and green.
“ My friend,” answered the student
fiercely. “ And I was excuse enough." neath the light, and now lie took a Tho woodwork Is white and the walls of human nature, “ were It not for the
“ You?" He also had risen, and as step forward as though to meet the gray. Big lounges are here with love­ air of utmost profundity these states­
they stood there facing each other, answer.
Arnaud looked up with a ly cedar pillows, bringing a smell re­ men assume before an interviewor
(he subtle resemblance o f tempera­ twitching smile. He put his hand to dolent of the forest
In many rooms their trivial platitudes would never
ment seemed to blaze through their hla breast pocket and drew out a thin they have floors of red tile Intervened got Into print,”
TilKc ii ^liiss uf Slltfi to flush
Kidneys if hlnddcr hotliers
Fating meat regularly eventually
produces kidney trouble In some form
or other, suyn a well known authority,
became the uric add In meat excites
the kidneys, they become overworked;
get altigglsh; clog up and cause all
aorta of dlstrcNH, particularly back-
acini uud misery In the kidney region;
rheumatic twlngea, severe hoadachm.
torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and
urinary Irritation.
The moment your hack hurts or kid­
neys aren't acting right, or If bladder
bothers you. get about four ounces of
Ja*l Kails from any good pharmacy;
lake a tnblcNpoonful In a glass o f
wutcr before breakfast for a few days
ami your kidneys will then act fine.
Tills famous sails Is made from tho
add of grapes amt lemon juice, com­
bined with Hilda, mu! I iuh been used
for generations to flush clogged kid­
neys and stimulate them to normal
activity; also to neutralize tin- acids
In (lie urine so It no longer Irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Halls cannot Injure anyone;
makes a delightful effervescent llthla-
water drink which millions of men and
women take now and then to keep tho
kidneys and urinary organs dean,
thus avoiding feertoua kidney disease.
Unobaervlng Fate.
Full many a flower Is boru to blush
And waste lia sweetness on the des­
ert air;
Or else to nisi above the gasoline
Within the auto of aotuc lady fair.
IU f*
fttrn n f, | t«A u tlf«it K f « «
Ot’ u il ft l* » A i l l ' » r « i u x i t « u o r l M u r t u e £ / •
l U A i e . l j r at * 11 / y * m r * bo f o r « It w a * o i T r r r d a « A
Docuffttic Kjri* M v d l r l A « . M t t r l u « 1« Miill Com *
po u t u lr d by O u r P h j r « i c t » u « a h < 1 g t i » r » u l r r . l
by t h e m a * a K e i l t t b l r K o i l t f f f o r K y m l i t * ! hie r4
1 « r e T r y I I lu f o u r l v # i a u 4 I a l i s b y m K y « i -
Nu H iU Arittig - d u a l K j o ( ' « » f u r l
liny M u r in «
o f y o u r D r u t f t f t « ! —• A* « c p t o o H u b «l l t u u > , a i *< 1 I f
. n ( r r r « t f f d w r l l « fo r U*o«< o f thu
All With Him.
“ Don't any of your friends come to
to-*- you OB visiting days?" asked the
kindly olii lady.
"No'm .”
responded No. 777.444 ;
“ they're all here w ll' me.”
Wash the poisons and toxins from
system before putting more
food Into stomach.
Say» ln»ld»-bathlng make» any­
one look and feel clean,
swcot and refreshed.
Wash yourself on the Inside before
breakfast like you do on the outside.
This Is vastly more Important because
the skin pores do not absorb Impuri­
ties Into the blood, causing Illness,
while the bowel pores do.
For every ounee of food and drink
taken Into the stomach, nearly an
ounce of waste material must be car­
ried out of the body. If this waste
material Is not eliminated day by \lay
It qulekly ferments and generates
poisons, gases and toxins which are
absorbed or sucked Into the blood
stream, through the lymph ducts,
which should suck only nourishment
to sustain the body.
A splendid hcaith measure Is to
drink, before breakfast each day, a
glass of real hot water with a tea-
spoonful of limestone phosphate In It,
which Is a harmless way to wash these
poisons, gases and toxins from tho
stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels;
thus cleansing, sweetening and fresh­
ening the entire alimentary canal be­
fore putting more food Into the stom­
A quarter pound of limestone phos­
phate costH hut very little at the drug
»tore but Is sufficient to make anyone
an enthusiast on Inside bathing. Men
and women who are accustomed to
wake.up with a dull, aching head or
have furred tongue, had taste, nasty
breath, sallow complexion, others who
have bilious attacks, acid stomach or
constipation are assured of pro­
nounced Improvement In both health
and appearance shortly.
The Essentials.
“ Is be a typical American?”
"Y e s; he likes baseball, has a motor
car, owes a mortgage, pays alimony,
and thinks the motion pictures have
g®and opera beaten a mile.’’— Life.
The Old andReliable
Dr. Isaac Thompson's
1» both • remedy far wash. InO.mod
rye» snd an Ideal err wash. Keep
raw *r*t mil m i for «III help keep you.
7 C - ai all Dranrs* « m hr
Matt wm re»W rf ,n
143 Hirer St.. Troy. N. Y.